tonight, it's a hunter's moon — pebbletail

Foxtail cannot remember, when was the last time he tagged along in a herb patrol? He isn't used to a patrol so small— only him and Pebbletail accompany Robinheart. The patrol came to a pause not that long ago; as they came across a small patch of foliage that isn't covered in snow. He knows better than to disturb their medicine cat apprentice as she rummages through the foliage, and his gaze turns onto his fellow lead warrior. Fellow lead warrior.... it's been a moon since Pebbletail joined Lichenstar's council, yet the older tom is still getting used to it.

Pebbletail being his former apprentice always comes first in his mind. He practically watched this young lead warrior, grow up into the cat he is today.... He is no longer just your former apprentice, He silently thinks, feeling guilt at having to remind himself this. Guilt that only him probably feels.... has anyone else struggled with this before? "S-So... It's a-already been a moon s-since your promotion, huh?" Foxtail breaks the silence, and shoves down his guilt. "...How a-are you liking it so f-far?" His tail swishes back and forth, and another thought comes to mind.

"I've n-noticed you speaking to Splashdance a-again..." And now that he thinks of it, Midnightash and Splashdance have seemed to be.... avoiding each other. Those two seemed to attached to each other for the last few moons, and Foxtail would be lying if he didn't notice Pebbletail seeming more down than usual. It was like Splashdance and Pebbletail's friendship vanished during those moons.... and he feels guilt for not talking to Pebbletail sooner. "Is e-everything o-okay between.... the two of y-you?"

  • @pebbletail
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    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    27 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

() he enjoys tagging along on herb patrols. robinheart shuffles about in the snow-free area, her mottled nose sniffing for herbs. pebbletail watches from further away, sunspark eyes curious but not so interested as to bother her in her endeavors. perched beside his former mentor, the blue spotted man shuffles his paws. foxtail speaks, and pebbletail's head jerks up to meet his verdant gaze, a soft smile on his lips. "it's... weird," he admits, ears flattening slightly. "it's cool, i suppose, and i feel, ehm, important? i guess?" lips twist, brow furrowing as he tries to communicate his emotion. "i'm a little worried that she just promoted me 'cause i'm her son, though." this is a thought he's housed to himself for the full moon since his promotion, and he speaks it now a little embarrassedly, tail tucking low behind his legs. "i know i'm a good warrior, but i was only one for what... two or three moons before i became a lead," a breath exhales from his lungs, and the white dashed tom meets his friend's gaze again. "i'm a little worried the whole clan thinks i'm a fraud."

he's let these thoughts escape so easily, comfort around foxtail always doing this to him. he supposes if there is any cat besides his mothers he would talk to about these worries, it'd be his former mentor. the tom had also been promoted young, although not as young as peb. as foxtail continues the conversation, pebbletail worries suddenly that perhaps he is simply trying to make small talk, and dumping this heavy worry on the other will weird him out. the conversation turns to splashdance, and unconsciously a small smile grows on the younger warrior's face. "ah yeah," he agrees to the first observation, eyes shifting suddenly, as if hiding something. "everything is good. more than good even," pressing his lips together, pebbletail swallows, wondering if he's allowed to tell. "you, ah, heard her and midnightash broke up?"

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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebbletail's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.