tori's dumpster - a random storage thread u may commentate on

Jul 9, 2022
this is a thread where i will...

-throw random writing thingies
-throw random concepts
-post random doodles
-chat with ppl

or something like that.

you MAY post here. here is ur pass.

(click on it for a surprise. it genuinely isnt a rick roll its just a silly 2 second clip)
post number 1 - bad character concepts
  1. ship dynamic of person a who never shuts up and constantly rambles and person b who hardly speaks and if they do its usually short phrases but despite this they both are able to communicate with and love each other very much. inspired by a rhythm heaven meme its real now
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post number 2 - character name concepts
  • Shoal-
  • -pool
  • -Shoalshine
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post number 3- sims challenge planning part 1
if only this was number 3 (posted by Sims4Disliker42069) HELL YEAH BY MERGING THE NAME POSTS... IT IS NOW NUMBER 3!!!!!
on a previous site, i posted something entitled 'sail the seas of hope' - the full length will be included in this here spoiler yeehaw
For the longest time, warriors lived alone, with no bond with the land they lived on. But strange things happened, things that not even StarClan could have predicted. Winged twolegs, calling themselves 'fairies', or the fae, presented themselves to the cats and communicated with them. The first clan that was truly known to find the fae was what now is considered a myth- SunnyClan.

The cats tolerated the fae on their land at first, as they gave them warnings of storms and disasters. They let the fae collect gems and grow their strange rocky flowers, until one day, Heathershine, a young SunnyClan warrior, formed a storng bond with Lumi, a fairy who called herself the Spirit of Light.

She was able to communicate with the land through a dropped gem of Lumi's and was able to accurately predict an incoming storm, and explained the significance of the crystal flowers to her clan. The leader, Bloomstar, was curious and asked her medicine cat, Gullwing, to ask StarClan about this.

StarClan told Gullwing that fae should be welcomed into the clans as their spirits. Those who bonded with the spirit would be called the spirit cats. Young fairies could train under the spirits as their apprentices, and the cats could train an apprentice too. When the crystals came up, StarClan decided that an assessment or approval wasn't the only requirement to earn a full name. Crystals were special to the fae, and in turn, they should be special to the cats.

With Gullwing relaying what information he knew to StarClan, the starry cats decided each new warrior, spirit cat, or medicine cat would be given a crystal that corresponds to their actions. The spirit, the leader, the apprentice's mentor, and the spirit cats would discuss the apprentice together in private, and the spirit would harvest the corresponding crystal. Then, the spirit cats and the fairy would take the apprentice to find at least one herb and one gem. At the ceremony, the spirit or, in the case of a medicine cat apprentice, the medicine cat would present the crystal once the apprentice received their full name. The newly named cat would give their herb to the medicine cats and the gem to the spirit cats as soon as possible.

Gullwing agreed, and StarClan spread the news to other clans. SunnyClan had fully settled in, but some cats weren't as accepting to the fae. They insulted them and the spirit cats and their crystals. Those that did not comply often were exiled or ran off by themselves.

- - - - - - -



"The Tree of Life still gives me no response. This is not good... It grew from a seedling just fine. Is it still not mature? To revitalize the land and repopulate it with a Clan, I'll need the help of the Tree of Life. Perhaps this task was too ambitious to assign to a newly trained spirit..."

Nymph Seasong had only just recently passed the Trial of Spirits and received her title of Spirit of the Seas. From there, the Souls of the Earth had tasked her with going to Greenmeadow Grove, a place mostly abandoned due to the deteriorating quality of the world around it, and returning the land to its former glory. She was gifted a seedling to grow a Tree of Life, a plant that helps the fae connect to the world around them and heal it, as well as letting them communicate with other spirits and even the Souls of the Earth, spirits who had ascended to Greater Earth. It had grown, but it did not respond to her.

She was perplexed. How was she supposed to save Greenmeadow Grove when she couldn't even communicate with the Souls or other spirits? At least the crystal flowers were growing and the gemstones let her send her pleas and wishes to the earth.


Her prayers, however, would soon be answered.

"What is this place? Why did I dream of it?"


Nymph turned her attention to a brown tabby cat. She knelt down and smiled. "Greenmeadow Grove. I think you're the answer to my prayers. My name is Nymph Seasong, Spirit of the Seas. I'm here to heal the land and form a Clan."

Nymph took the time to explain her problems to the she-cat, before presenting a solution. "Maybe, just maybe, the land will heal as we build a bigger Clan and the Tree of Life will respond. You, what is your name?"

"My name is Brook, descendant of the warriors of SunnyClan, according to my parents, that is. I don't know how true it is... I lived in a Clan for a while, but my parents decided to continue journeying. I was going to stay until I had a dream about this place. It must be my destiny to help you."

Nymph smiled. She had just taken the first steps on her journey to complete her goal.

Brook practiced fishing, but didn't catch anything.


Nymph practiced the piano, playing a song that embodied her current feelings of hope.


After her failures with fishing, Brook tired hunting on land. She only managed to catch a lizard to feed herself.




After that, the two went to sleep, dreaming of days to come...

Inspired by Seri Pixel Biologist on YouTube, using the world Meadow Glen by My Sim Reality

to be completely honest - i have no recollection of this project at all. i dont even know if i have the save anymore.

anyways, i started an expansion pack legacy on my simblr (aka 'sims tumblr') and i posted a poll for my (one or two) followers to vote on - would they be interested in a sims 3 warrior cats challenge? the final result was 0 votes for no... and 0 votes for yes. well nobody voted now... so. i'll do it anyways!

but also. brain empty. no ideas.

but what if... i were to take that existing story, and rewrite it (including using the same introduction that i use Every Single Time i write about these non-traditional au warrior cats and their fairies and crystals.)


(it's not plagiarism if i wrote it, right?)

so... welcome to the planning portion! yay!

first step - what world will we use?
the requirements are simple
- unpopulated
- empty
- big
- cool

my original thought was aurora skies but i uh. don't thinks theres an emptied version of it online so. let's try a custom world. we got meadow glen form my sims reality, so i tried there but. didn't vibe with anything.
i go to modthesims and look there - i find some ea worlds that have been emptied and consider my options.
bridgeport is a no because it's a city. isla paradiso is a no because it's... isla paradiso. that leaves moonlight falls and appaloosa plains, but i could've sworn i used an emptied twinbrook before...

upon looking into it, it seems that the maps only section has the twinbrook, but the rest are mostly just... create a world files and im not dealing with that. i decide on moonlight falls. we'll need a cool new name for it eventually but we can figure that out at a later time.

so let's make our spirit. i'm feeling fire for her, so she'll be a spirit of flames! hooray. i decide to name her helia, which means sun in greek. her last name will be flamedancer.

i decide to work on traits first - i choose loves the outdoors, loves the heat, cat lover, loner, and daredevil (and i'll cheat in the pyromaniac hidden trait later - i'm so sorry to these cats). the first four are mostly for gameplays sake, but the final one will be more for her actually personality.

...except the game froze while i was choosing a hair color. thats. lovely. im too tired and i have a headache so. i'll deal with her tomorrow.
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post number 4 - conceptualizing
sims 3 warrior cats challenge is canceled for now anyways follow me on simblr (sims tumblr) to look at my totally consistently updated sims 3 expansion pack legacy its um. guess what it is.

cat concepting

guess who is redoing this again LMAOOOO. for now just stealing old litter app personalities + personality related plots i still wanna (re)make into characters

Humble | Reliable | Emotional | Impulsive | Reactive
In their younger years, they are very emotional, and that stays a constant through their entire life. Even something simple can cause an extreme reaction - positive or negative. They also aren't sure how to deal with others very well, and as a result tends to keep to themselves. They are, however, quite impulsive, acting with their heart and instincts rather than thinking it through. They can be very humble and generally downplay things they do, believing them to be rather unremarkable. They are pessimistic at heart though, but despite this they remain reliable, and, if able, always finish what is asked of them.
> Starts out as a crybaby when young, easily startled and skittish, but matures to a more grumpy personality. Still a bit of a crybaby when upset though.
> Potentially is bullied as a kit.
> Struggles a bit as an apprentice, pushes others away
> Is small. Remains small. Isn't happy about it.
> May add more - brain empty and tired right now

Optimistic | Kind | Silly | Childish | Naive
[Name] is a fairly kind cat, if not a bit airheaded. They're a bit silly and maybe a bit too trusting. They tends not to pick up on things easily, and is a daydreamer. They go at their own tempo, and don't quite understand boundaries. Even when they get older, they remain a child at heart and are very playful. Overall, they're a bubbly goofball who tries to see the best in everyone.
> I didn't have any plot ideas for this one :(

Selfless | Kind | Emotional | Naive | Pushover
[Name] is kind and generous, always looking to help others. They are selfless, always willing to put themselves into danger or take the fall for others, and generous, willing to give away things to others if they think they need or want it more. They can be a bit of a pushover, however, as well as naïve - allowing their kind nature to be exploited by others. They can be very emotional at times, and they wear their feelings on their sleeve - they struggle to hide them.
> Takes the fall for a littermate after they do something bad.
> Their trusting and naïve nature is taken advantage of, resulting in them getting injured, making them reevaluate themselves.
> An arc of trying to become more assertive
> Struggles a bit after putting their foot down for the first time, seeks comfort in their parents and/or siblings.
> Potential suffixes: -berry, -briar, -leaf, -cloud, -fall, -fern, -flower, -blossom, -bloom, -heart, -poppy, -shine, -song, -wish, -willow, -rain, -dream

Confident | Intelligent | Quiet | Blunt | Judgmental
A soft-spoken type, [Name] may appear to be the shyer type at first glance. However, they have no trouble talking to others when they so desire - they can be quiet talkative when they're around those they care about. They're observant and intelligent, and go at their own pace. They are not afraid to speak their mind - going from light teasing to outright antagonizing or mocking those that they don't view as close to them. They are confident, and believe that as long as they and those they care about believe in them, than others' opinions don't matter.
[Name] also has a tendency to be a bit stealthy - only making their presence known when they feel like it. She enjoy gossip and hearing secrets, so they use this to her advantage. They can also be a bit judgmental at times, and they're willing to point out their criticisms. While they may come off as rude, it doesn't bother them - they go at their own pace and if others don't like it, that's their problem.
> Despite their blunt nature, they are very good at keeping secrets, provided that the one confiding in them is someone they care about. If a littermate ends up having a secret they need to keep and confides in them, they'll protect it with their life.
> Using their stealth, they surprise those they care about by rubbing against them affectionately.
> They're a quick learner, and if a littermate is struggling with something that they excel in, it may cause conflict because they don't understand how they can struggle with it since it's easy for them.

Imaginative | Kind | Calm | Childish | Airheaded
[Name] is a daydreamer, always having their head in the clouds. They're generally nice, but are bad at picking up social cues. Oftentimes, they will be off in their own world, finding themselves in a fantasy. They have a tendency to ignore others unintentionally. They are a slow learner, and sometimes has issues remembering things.
They are calm in the face of danger, and general doesn't fear much. They also are non-confrontational and will likely just deal with any transgressions against them. What they lack in smarts and wisdom, they make up for with their imagination.
> If they get bullied, they likely won't realize it or stand up for themselves and it may have to be explained to them that what the other kit is doing is wrong.
> Encountering a dangerous situation, they don't quite understand the severity of it - resulting in a potential injury.
> Very faithful to StarClan, looks to them for guidance. Sometimes their daydreams involve them imagining StarClan cats that have come to play or help them with their problems.
> Potential suffixes: -dream, -cloud, -brook, -skip, -shine, -snow, -stream, -wish

> Daydreamer, a little spacey. Always has their head in the clouds. Struggles with picking up skills at first. Generally nice, but bad with social cues. May accidentally ignore someone because of the daydreaming.
> High energy, always going at their pace - which is often quite fast. Can be a bit selfish and self absorbed. A bit ambitious, can be a bit mean at times and may overstep boundaries at time. Passionate about what she believes in and can be very affectionate.

> Oriolewing, Orioleflight, Orioleblaze, Oriolefire, Oriolebreeze, Orioleflame, Orioleheart, Oriolesong, Oriolestorm,

(now that i know there's an image limit i might have to make this a separate post. and then maybe make multiple posts. oh well also any clangen sprites were made using the full genetics mod for by chinch bug in the clangen discord, and their modified version of catmaker by key, also in the clangen discord)
> Shorthaired black broken braided torbie molly with low white and pale gold eyes (Carrying solid, cinnamon, long-haired, dilute, and non-bengal modifier)
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post number 5 - workstation
anxiety brain is very unhappy about working on applications and stuff and worries about accidentally posting them incomplete and ugly and horrible.
this is the workstation. i'll work on them here because nobody looks here. that way nobody will see any weird errors :D
the previous post is for standalone characters. this is for application-based characters :D


Name Meaning: A familial name | Alternative Names: Emeraldkit, Lotuskit, Earthkit, Coastkit
Parents: Willowroot x Poppysplash | Siblings: Antlerpaw, Poolpaw, Hazepaw, Mosspaw, TBD
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided
Appearance + Genetics: Long-furred blue silver tabby with amber eyes. 50% Oriental longhair. Carrying solid + non-silver.

Adaptable | Calm | Intelligent | Nosy | Blunt
Blurb: Tidekit is quite calm, easily keeping her cool no matter what is thrown at her. She's adaptable and easily excels at whatever is thrown at her without blinking an eye. She's intelligent, an observer, and tends to keep to the sidelines. She isn't shy, however, and is quite comfortable talking to people, offering advice when able. However, she's quite blunt and doesn't sugarcoat her words, giving it to others how it is. While she doesn't emote much, she is a bit nosy, always listening out for rumors and gossip. Her desire for knowledge and secrets may be her biggest weakness, and that plus her bluntness may make it hard for her to form positive relationships with others.

> Theme color is Aqua Island #A1DAD7
> Not the most intelligent when it comes to others' emotions - rejects someone that has a crush on her without really realizing it, doesn't understand why they're upset.
> Potentially hurts a littermate's feelings if they're struggling with something she's excelling in and doesn't quite understand why they're upset with her.
> Definitely a lot of accidental misunderstandings and just. Not getting why they're angry with her.
> May add more - brain empty and tired right now


Name Meaning: Named after Halfshade | Alternative Names: Icekit, Gladioluskit, Iriskit, Mountainkit, Glowkit
Parents: Frostbite x NPC | Siblings: TBA
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her [When Born, See Plots], Demi-Boy or Trans-Male, He/They or He/Him [In the Future] | Sexuality: Undecided
Appearance + Genetics: Long-haired cream and white marbled tabby with light green eyes (at least, I hope that's what the hypokit I chose is...) Masking chocolate tabby and carrying solid.

Humble | Reliable | Emotional | Impulsive | Reactive
Blurb: Gracekit's name would make others assume she is graceful, kind, and calm, but in reality, she is anything but. In her younger years, she's very emotional, and that stays a constant through her entire life. Even something simple can cause an extreme reaction - positive or negative. She also isn't sure how to deal with others very well, and as a result tends to keep to herself. She is, however, quite impulsive, acting with her heart and instincts rather than thinking it through. She is, however, very humble and generally downplays things she does, believing them to be rather unremarkable. She is pessimistic at heart though, but despite this she remains reliable, and, if able, always finishes what is asked of her.

> Theme color is Harvest Gold #E0B974
> Starts out as a crybaby when young, easily startled and skittish, but matures to a more grumpy personality. Still a bit of a crybaby when upset though.
> Potentially is bullied as a kit.
> Comes out as a demi-boy or trans in the future, using he/they or he/him pronouns
> Struggles a bit as an apprentice, pushes others away
> Is small. Remains small. Isn't happy about it.
> May add more - brain empty and tired right now


Name Meaning: A subtle nod to some family members, but also because it is a pretty flower name. | Alternative Names: Spook-kit, Violetkit, Chamomilekit, Daisykit
Parents: Nightingalecry x Ebonylight, Gen 3 | Siblings: TBD
Gender and Pronouns: She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided
Appearance + Genetics Short-haired seal point with blue eyes (carrying longhaired, masking a lynx point/tabby pattern[??? genetics hard]
may add image here if i ever color a base

Optimistic | Kind | Silly | Childish | Naive
Blurb: Daffodilkit is a fairly kind cat, if not a bit airheaded. She's a bit silly and maybe a bit too trusting. She tends not to pick up on things easily, and is a daydreamer. She goes at her own tempo, and doesn't quite understand boundaries. even when she gets older, she remains a child at heart and is very playful. Overall, she's a bubbly goofball who tries to see the best in everyone.

> Theme color is Primrose #EDEA99
> my brain is empty right now i don't know what else to add.


Name Meaning: Named after ThunderClan | Alternative Names: Morningkit, Ivykit, Seedkit, Glowkit, Flarekit
Parents: Roeflame x Burnstorm, Gen 4 | Siblings: Littlekit, TBD
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided, Too Young
Appearance + Genetics Longhaired chocolate silver ticked tabby she-cat with eyes (25% ragdoll, carrying cinnamon, non-silver, and solid)

(Sprite was made using the Full Genetics mod by Chinch Bug in the Clangen discord, and their modified version of Catmaker by Key, also in the Clangen discord. May add a colored base ref later, but no promises - coloring is hard...)

Selfless | Kind | Emotional | Naive | Pushover
Blurb: Forestkit is kind and generous, always looking to help others. She is selfless, always willing to put herself into danger or take the fall for others, and generous, willing to give away things to others if she thinks they need or want it more. She can be a bit of a pushover, however, as well as naive - allowing her kind nature to be exploited by others. She can be very emotional at times, and she wears her feelings on her sleeve - she struggles to hide them.

> Theme Color is Eucalyptus #50C878
> Takes the fall for a littermate after they do something bad.
> Her trusting and naive nature is taken advantage of, resulting in her getting injured, making her reevalute herself.
> An arc of trying to become more assertive
> Struggles a bit after putting her foot down for the first time, seeks comfort in her parents and/or siblings.
> Feel free to choose one of the alternative names for me if you choose another Forestkit!
> Potential warrior names: Forestberry, Forestbriar, Forestleaf, Forestcloud, Forestfall, Forestfern, Forestflower, Forestblossom, Forestbloom, Forestheart, Forestpoppy, Forestshine, Forestsong, Forestwish, Forestwillow, Forestrain, Forestdream


Name Meaning: Named after her grandmother | Alternative Names: Peonykit, Mintkit, Iriskit, Rainkit, Reedkit, Lotuskit, Mudkit, Branchkit
Parents: Lakemoon x Lilybloom, Gen 4 | Siblings: TBD
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided
Appearance + Genetics Shorthaired black tabby with low white and blue eyes

Imaginative | Kind | Calm | Childish | Airheaded
Blurb: Tempestkit is a daydreamer, always having her head in the clouds. She's generally nice, but she is bad at picking up social cues. Oftentimes, she will be off in her own world, finding herself in a fantasy. She has a tendency to ignore others unintentionally. She is a slow learner, and sometimes has issues remembering things.
She is calm in the face of danger, and general doesn't fear much. She also is non-confrontational and will likely just deal with any transgressions against her. What lacks in smarts and wisdom, she makes up for with her imagination.

> Theme Color is Teal #008080
> If she gets bullied, she likely won't realize it or stand up for herself and it may have to be explained to her that what the other kit is doing is wrong.
> Encountering a dangerous situation, she doesn't quite understand the severity of it - resulting in a potential injury.
> Feel free to choose one of the alternative names for me if you choose another Tempestkit!
> Potential warrior names: Tempestdream, Tempestcloud, Tempestbrook, Tempestskip, Tempestshine, Tempestsnow, Tempeststream, Tempestwish
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post number 6 - posting templates
what if i want to mobile post? i dunno how to do the postbit thingy... so... why not shove all my templates here? yay!!!! now i can just copy and paste them whenever.

border-bottom: 2px solid #81422C;
height: 300px;
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padding: 5px;][justify]Text goes here.[/justify][/box]
[tabs][slide_header][glow=#81422C][color=#FDE295]IN THE RAIN[/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][justify][b][font=Verdana][color=#FDE295]OOC:[/color][/b] Here

[slide_header] [glow=#81422C][color=#FDE295] ✹ [/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][/slide]
[slide_header][glow=#81422C][color=#FDE295]DO LIGHT AND DARKNESS FADE[/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][justify][fright][img height=200px][/img][/fright][center][img][/img][/center][font=verdana]He/Him [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] 12 Moons [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] Warrior of ShadowClan [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] Ages on the 1st

Short haired cinnamon / black chimera with gold/green heterochromia.

Son of [b][color=#FDE295][abbr=NPC]Mudfern[/abbr][/color][/b] x [b][color=#FDE295][abbr=NPC]Shadenight[/abbr][/color][/b] [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] Littermate to [url=''][b][color=#FDE295]Stonestrike[/color][/b][/url], [url=''][b][color=#FDE295]Plumwhisker[/color][/b][/url]

Crushing on [url=''][b][color=#FDE295]Talonstrike[/color][/b][/url] [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] Mentoring no one [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] Mentored by [url=''][b][color=#FDE295]Swansong[/color][/b][/url], [b][color=#FDE295][abbr=NPC]Puddledusk[/abbr][/color][/b]

Penned by [url=''][b][color=#FDE295]AnemoVictorious[/color][/b][/url] [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] [url=''][b][color=#FDE295]Biography[/color][/b][/url] [b][color=#FDE295]|[/color][/b] [url=''][b][color=#FDE295][abbr=Hit Point Co for Neko Atsume, coloring by AnemoVictorious, base by micamone]Image Credit[/abbr][/color][/b][/url][/font][/slide][/tabs][/box]

border-bottom: 2px solid #CD5C5C;
height: 300px;
font-size: 13px;
font-family: verdana;
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scrollbar-color: #CD5C5C transparent;
padding: 5px;][justify]Post Contents Go Here[/justify][/box]
[tabs][slide_header][glow=#CD5C5C][color=#FE4C40]MY VOICE IS TRANSMITTING TO [/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][justify][b][font=Verdana][color=#FE4C40]OOC:[/color][/b] Here

[slide_header] [glow=#CD5C5C][color=#FE4C40] ✹ [/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][/slide]
[slide_header][glow=#CD5C5C][color=#FE4C40]THIS DIGITAL LOVE WITH YOU.[/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][justify][fright][img height=200px]X[/img][/fright][center][img][/img][/center][font=verdana]She/Her[b] [color=#FE4C40]|[/color][/b] 2 Moons [b][color=#FE4C40]|[/color][/b] Kit of ThunderClan [b][color=#FE4C40]|[/color][/b] Ages on the 25th

Long-haired chocolate tabby with low white and blue and gold heterochromia.

Child of [url=''][b][color=#FE4C40]Lightflower[/color][/b][/url] x [url=''][b][color=#FE4C40]Lovelight[/color][/b][/url] [b][color=#FE4C40]|[/color][/b] Littermate to [url=''][b][color=#FE4C40]Gigglekit[/color][/b][/url] and [url=''][b][color=#FE4C40]Mirthkit[/color][/b][/url]

Mates with N/A [b][color=#FE4C40]|[/color][/b] Mentored/Mentoring N/A [b][color=#FE4C40]|[/color][/b] Mentored by N/A

Penned by [url=''][b][color=#FE4C40]AnemoVictorious[/color][/b][/url] [b][color=#FE4C40]|[/color][/b] [url=''][b][color=#FE4C40]Biography[/color][/b][/url][/font][/slide][/tabs][/box]

border-bottom: 2px solid #DA5B38;
height: 300px;
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font-family: verdana;
scrollbar-width: thin;
scrollbar-color: #DA5B38 transparent;
padding: 5px;][justify]Text goes here.[/justify][/box]
[tabs][slide_header][glow=#DA5B38][color=#80B3C4]I'VE SPENT SO MUCH TIME JUST[/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][justify][b][font=Verdana][color=#80B3C4]OOC:[/color][/b] Here

[slide_header] [glow=#DA5B38][color=#80B3C4] ✹ [/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][/slide]
[slide_header][glow=#DA5B38][color=#80B3C4]MAKING MY WAY INTO THE FUTURE[/color][/glow][/slide_header][slide][justify][fright][img height=200px][/img][/fright][center][img][/img][/center][font=verdana]He/Him [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] 18 Moons [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] Warrior of RiverClan [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] Ages on the 1st

Long haired tortoiseshell tom with high white and icy blue eyes

Son of [b][color=#80B3C4][abbr=NPC][s]Softwhisper[/s][/abbr][/color][/b] x [b][color=#80B3C4][abbr=NPC][s]Clawscratch[/s][/abbr][/color][/b] [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] Littermate to TBD

Former mate to [b][color=#80B3C4][abbr=NPC][[s]Bloomheart[/s][/abbr] [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] Mentoring no one [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] Mentored by [b][color=#80B3C4][abbr=NPC]Marigoldglow[/abbr][/color][/b]

Penned by [url=''][b][color=#80B3C4]AnemoVictorious[/color][/b][/url] [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] [url=''][b][color=#80B3C4]Biography[/color][/b][/url] [b][color=#80B3C4]|[/color][/b] [url=''][b][color=#80B3C4][abbr=Hit Point Co for Neko Atsume, coloring by AnemoVictorious, base by micamone]Image Credit[/abbr][/color][/b][/url][/font][/slide][/tabs][/box]

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font-size: 14px;][font=Verdana][size=8][b][u]WORK IN PROGRESS[/u][/b][/size]
Only the divines know when it'll be finished, so be patient![/font][/box][/box]

[box=100%; float: left; width: 250px; height: 250px; background-image: url(; background-size: cover; border-top: 3px solid #002D08; border-left: 3px solid #002D08; border-right: 3px solid #002D08;][color=TRANSPARENT]img[/color][/box][box=100%; height: 100px; margin:auto; overflow: auto; scrollbar-width: none; ms-overflow-style: none; padding: 10px; border: 3px solid #002D08; background: #3F824B; height: 300px; color: white;][center][font=Verdana][size=30px][color=#002D08][b][u]#. TITLE[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center][font=Verdana][/font]
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post number 7 - plot ideas
i had a plot idea for a couple, and i've been considering another characters... this workstation was made for that thread.
if you're intrigued by said plot... you can leave a like or shoot me a dm onsite or @AnemoVictorious on discord (wow who could have guessed. im soooo original) this will be crossed out if the plot is closed, and not crossed out if it is open.


  • Rgd2IMd.png

    Do you want to have a slowburn (childhood) friends to enemies to friends to lovers ship, but you don't have anyone to do it with?
    ...Me too.
    That's why this adoption thread exists!
    This also allows for you to throw your hat into the ring of any Clan you want, as I don't have any preference as to what Clan they are in!
    Here's basic rundown of the plot idea I have so far:
    Two cats, born in the same moon, become friends as soon as they figure out what a friend is. They're attached at the hip throughout kithood, always playing together and seeming to be so happy.
    Then they become apprentices and, for whatever reason, have a huge argument that results in a falling out. They tend to avoid each other, and things are very, very awkward. whether it be they're too prideful to apologize, too afraid, or whatever other reason, their friendship seems to be completely over, despite both parties secretly wanting to reconcile.
    When they become warriors, they do finally make up, but their relationship is strained, especially when more romantic feelings start to bloom. but having just repaired their friendship, why would they risk it all again with that? even if seeing the other party with someone around their age range and being happy makes them feel jealous...

    The second spoiler in this post contains a WIP bio of the character I plan to use for this plot.​

  • mRexi0h.png

    - This isn't first come first serve!
    - I'd prefer for this to be a new character, and for them to start as kits, but I'm also completely open for them starting as apprentices and it being a pre-established character.
    - If you have any ideas, you're free to include them in your application or shoot me a DM onsite or @AnemoVictorious on Discord
    - Please at least have casual activity with your character.​

  • UjYq3oY.png

    Since this is just a plot adopt, the genetics are free-for-all, as long as they are legal!​

  • zetYNVv.png

    Names are free-for-all, as long as they are legal!​

  • Xsp29Di.png

    Only one slot!​

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post number 8 - super ultra secret workstation dont look

this means you! i'm warning you!!!!! this is an ultra secret super special workstation you are not allowed to look!

nothing here for now :D
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post number 9 - theme color ideas
i like to give my cats theme colors. here are some ideas.

Spicy Mix #885342
Zest #E5841B
Azure #315BA1
Shamrock #33CC99
Royal Purple #6B3FA0
Emerald #50C878
Eucalyptus #50C878
Cold Purple #ABA0D9
Medium Purple #9370DB
Algae Green #93DFB8
Aquamarine #7FFFD4
Breaker Bay #5DA19F
Bermuda #7DD8C6
Blue Chill #0C8990
Blue Lagoon #017987
Blue Stone #016162
Caribbean Green #00CC99
Casal #2F6168
Deep Sea #01826B
Downy #6FD0C5
Elm #1C7C7D
Faded Jade #427977
Genoa #15736B
Gossamer #069B81
Gulf Stream #80B3AE
Jungle Green #29AB87
Keppel #3AB09E
Lochinvar #2C8C84
Ming #36747D
Monte Carlo #83D0C6
Neptune #7CB7BB
Niagara #06A189
Observatory #02866F
Oracle #377475
Paradiso #317D82
Patina #639A8F
Persian Green #00A693
Puerto Rico #3FC1AA
Riptide #8BE6D8
Surfie Green #0C7A79
Teal #008080
Tradewind #5FB3AC
Turquoise #30D5C8
Water Leaf #A1E9DE
William #3A686C

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post number 10 - old character storage

storage for characters that got deleted... </3


  • Name: Shoalpaw
    > Previous Names: Shoalkit​
    Shoal-: an area of shallow water, especially as a navigational hazard. / Named after her pelt reminding her parents of where the water meets the shore. | -paw: Standard suffix for an apprentice
    Age: 9 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st.​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
    Rank: Apprentice of RiverClan
  • Short Description: Long haired blue tortoiseshell with high white, and gold and blue heterochromia. (Carrying chocolate)
    > Long Description: With a feathery, blue-tipped tail followed by cream, Shoalpaw's pelt is white with patches of blue and cream decorating it. Her ears are cream, and her multicolored gold and yellow eyes are adorned by slight blue stripes. Her muzzle has a few blue freckles on it as well. Her left front paw is blue with a little bit of cream, and her right front paw is mostly cream at the same height, with a little bit of blue at the base. Her hind legs, however, are identical, mostly blue with a little cream around the joints.​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (Base by supurrnovae on deviantArt)
  • Reserved | Compassionate | Sensitive | Sarcastic | Insecure
    Personality: On the surface level, Shoalpaw has a bitter, sarcastic shell that was formed as a defense mechanism. For everything rude she says, she apologizes in her head - it's because she isn't good enough to be associated with others, doens't want them to see all her insecurities. Even if she wants to pull someone close, to hold and be held in the arms of friendship, she needs to prove her worth so that she can break free of her shell like a butterfly emerging from it's cocoon, instead of it shattering and leaving the mess of her emotions in it's wake.

    ...Unfortunately that shell is can be fragile. There are times she breaks down when she thinks she's alone, and if one were to compliment or flirt with her, she would simply deny it softly with things like that's not true,', 'you shouldn't lie like that', 'this isn't funny', and 'go say it to someone who deserves that', among other things.

    On the inside, she's shy and anxious, easily startled and self-conscious. She has little to no confidence in herself, believing herself to be unworthy of friendship and love, despite desperately wanting those things. She can also be innocent, especially when it comes to human relations. But there's one thing for certain: she wishes she was able to smile more.

    When she does let herself open up, Shoalpaw has a warm heart and cares deeply for others, and will do her best to make sure those she keeps close are happy as she tries to navigate learning how to truly interact with and bond with others.
    Mental Ailments: Anxiety
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Vision: Cryo
    Path: The Preservation
    Pokemon Type: Water/Ice
  • Parents: NPC x NPC, Gen 1
    Siblings: NPCs
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Not Looking​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Turquoise #30D5C8, gradient also uses Astronaut #283A77
    > Her human AU name would be Shannon [Last Name]
    > Her partner pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be Shellder or Cloyster
    > Potential warrior names: Shoalfrost, Shoalthistle, Shoalwhisper, Shoalstream, Shoalstone, Shoalsplash, Shoalsnow, Shoalshade, Shoalshine, Shoalpuddle, Shoalsong, Shoalpool, Shoalmist, Shoalcreek, Shoalbrook, Shoalbreeze, Shoalmoon, Shoalgleam, Shoalglimmer, Shoalstep, Shoalstorm, Shoaltuft, Shoalwish, Shoalwing, Shoalrain, Shoalnight, Shoalripple, Shoaldusk
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post number 1 - bad character concepts
  1. ship dynamic of person a who never shuts up and constantly rambles and person b who hardly speaks and if they do its usually short phrases but despite this they both are able to communicate with and love each other very much. inspired by a rhythm heaven meme its real now
I have a person that never shuts up in thunderclan
Heavily scarred
Super positive and protective and loyal
Ummmmm 18 moons I think
I have a person that never shuts up in thunderclan
Heavily scarred
Super positive and protective and loyal
Ummmmm 18 moons I think
jdfjfhdjh thats an oooold plot... tragically gonna focus only on the aggie 4 now and maybe a worm in thunderclan... maybe one day...
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