⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the last place she wanted to tow her apprentices was to the very landmark their peer had been all but flattened on days ago. nightbird looks to the thunderpath with disdain, tail flicking as she flanks the brittle bark of a tree. despite the tension coiling her muscles, the patrol is rather easy feeling. lovelight and laughblossom had a blithe sense about them. as the patrol crossed to the area of land shadowclan stole, she assumed they'd be more likely to trade pleasantries than join her in spilling insults.

no matter how ill it made her feel to mark the border foxlengths away from where it actually lay, she did so efficiently, sending twilightpaw and honeypaw off in separate directions to make the most of their time. the wind switched and the undeniable scent of shadowclan wafted over the border. nightbird's eyes flick up to rake over the patrol for a moment before she returns to her task. the gathering was only a few days away, justice would be served soon enough if flamestar's words held true. that was enough to keep her tongue between her teeth. for the moment, at least.
  • ooc ↛ patrol tags ; @LAUGHBLOSSOM @lovelight @TWILIGHTPAW @Honeypaw
    a small, feathery black smoke molly with one white paw and pale silver eyes. she is mates with RACCOONSTRIPE and has recently left the nursery after raising their five kits; BAYINGPAW, TWILIGHTPAW, TIGERPAW, STORMPAW, and BERRYPAW. nightbird is currently mentoring HONEYPAW and TWILIGHTPAW. her former apprentices include LIGHTSTRIKE †, DUSKBIRD †, and PALEFIRE.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Seeing a thunderclan patrol made Snowlark moved out of the brush making sure @FROZENPAW was at his side, yellow eyes sharp while he stared at Nightbird who did not share words this time around but was quick to work on refreshing where their border now laid. His bobbed tail twitched before focusing his attention on his apprentice. "Take a deep breath in and tell me what you notice and smell, okay? Ignore the Thunderclanners" he expressed lowly, there was no reason to create any more tension but interacting with the patrol would fare no better in such things.

He kept one ear curved in the direction of Thunderclan as an attentive to make sure they didn't say anything that would count towards taunting yet, as far as he was aware Nightbird was not one to do such things. "Tell me what you know about Thunderclan as well" he kept his tone soft so he wasn't heard by the patrol across ways, he might as well see what Frozenpaw had remembered so far.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 17 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

⚛︎₊˚‧ Amberhaze emerged from the dense pineland foliage shortly after Snowlark and Frozenpaw, his own apprentice in tow a little ways behind him. His gangly frame tore itself away from the shadows as if he himself were a part of it come to life, harvest-moon orbs glowing unnaturally beneath the strengthening moonlight. The tip of his curled tail flicked back and forth with apprehension, a nervous glance being cast hurriedly over their neighbor's patrol as they set to marking it quite a ways away from where it normally would be. A stark reminder of what had been unfairly stolen from them by means of deceitful battle tactics. It seemed like a mockery for Amberhaze to want to extend pleasantries and well wishes even despite the ordeal, his pacifist nature remaining stuck to him from his days living peacefully as a mouser like a stubborn burr.

As he decided the best course of action for him to take, Snowlark's hushed voice would drift softly towards him on the light breeze to meet his drooping ears. "Take a deep breath in and tell me what you notice and smell, okay? Ignore the Thunderclanners." Amberhaze's intact ear twitched as he cast a furrowed glance in his fellow lead warrior's direction. "Tell me what you know about Thunderclan as well." Amberhaze's expression would twist into one that read dumbfounded, and perhaps even mildly embarrassed. Is he serious?

Perhaps Snowlark thought himself sneaky, his voice clearly not intended to be heard by anyone other than his apprentice- but these Thunderclanner's were hardly even a full foot away from their own patrol. If he thought lowering his voice and mumbling about the very cats they were facing would be enough to ensure secrecy, he was just as much of a fool now as he had been when he was initially promoted. It seemed that similar to the color of his pelt against the cataclysmic evergreen forest they took refuge in, there was little for him to hide. Clearing his throat, he would take a few hesitant steps towards the thunderpath, looking both ways across it almost instinctively before offering the Thunderclan patrol a dip of his head- more like a jerk, really- his pink-rimmed maw twitched before allowing itself to curl upwards in only the beginnings of a smile. He didn't want to risk showing off a harrowed grimace that was so common of him, and so he made an effort to keep his expression minimalistic. "Um- G-Good evening, Thunderclan. I-I hope your outing has been- uh..." He chose his words carefully. "...Facile."
° . ⚠︎ . °
  • ooc: Apprentice tag @talonpaw. !!
  • 92958548_fAE0o6Vsf8fZ9nl.gif
    black oriental shorthair. a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation.
Thunderclan. It was odd given the last time they ran into the other clan she was here with Snowlark. That time she had called him an idiot in front of the Thunderclan patrol. He had pulled her aside to talk about it, and they've more or less reconciled. He had explained his reasoning for doing and saying what he had done, but even now she couldn't agree with his actions. In the end, they agreed to disagree. Although... He was a little bit less of a moron in her eyes.

Stormy blue watches the blue lynx as he began teaching Frozenpaw. Why are you whispering? They are right there. Vulturesong remains silent, not wanting to interrupt (or having another earful) Frozenpaw's training. It's best not to get in the way with that. She's certain if she had an apprentice she would have hissed or been annoyed by another warrior being a nuisance.

Ears tilt at the voice of Amberhaze's voice. I should mark the border. And that is precisely what she does. She strays from Snowlark to their territories borders and marks them again. Whatever Amberhaze or Snowlark do is none of her business. Now, if Thunderclan decided to fight that would be another story. She highly doubts the other clan would throw themselves into battle, so she resigned herself to border marking in complete silence. Such a shame. She wouldn't be giving Thunderclan another show.
𓇢𓇢 Just looking at the stretch of territory stolen by ShadowClan is enough to make Laughblossom's lip lift in disgust. He tries to be amicable when interacting with the other clans, but ShadowClan has done nothing to earn the tom's friendliness. He will not smile and laugh with their neighbors, will not forgive them their treachery, and Snowlark gives him no reason to even speak now. The lead warrior begins to speak to his apprentice, telling the younger cat to ignore ThunderClan, and it earns him a withering hazel glare. Does Snowlark think they cannot hear him? Does he think his clan morally superior, for attacking in tandem with RiverClan? How he can believe that his clan is anything but spineless cowards is nearly laughable.

The chocolate tabby tom looks to his littermate, shooting Lovelight an expression that says What is up with this guy? His attention is drawn once again by the appearance of a new pair of ShadowClanners, these two seeming significantly less hostile. The first one, all black, finally speaks to them, and offers what might be a friendly greeting. "Facile?" Laughblossom blurts out, unable to stop himself or hold his tongue. "What in StarClan's name does that mean?" Surely it's not something bad, but he can only guess.

  • ooc:
  • 48119206_GNnfgzwRa1HHppG.png
  • LAUGHBLOSSOM ❯❯ he/him, warrior of thunderclan
    𓇢 silky-furred chocolate tabby with white spotting and hazel eyes. joyous and loud, but deeply protective of his clan.
    𓇢 brother to lovelight, joywing, wrathpaw, pridepaw, merrypaw
    𓇢 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇢 penned by foxlore
  • Haha
Reactions: Amberhaze

A run in with ThunderClan isn't much of a surprise. Screechstorm expected to see at least a few of them at some point when he'd been assigned this patrol. He supposes now is as good a time as ever, as they near the stretch of land that once belonged to the oak-dwellers, and a few of them pop out from between the trees.

He watches as Snowlark moves to pull his apprentice aside for a lesson, and he can't help but to snort at the instruction to ignore ThunderClan follows suit. Though the plea wasn't for him, though he doesn't plan on speaking to the ThunderClanners, how can they ignore them when they're right there?

A mismatched gaze moves from one lead warrior to the next, nerves ever-evident in the dark-furred tom. Stars above.

In an effort to speed things up, Screechstorm moves forward to mark ShadowClan's side of the amended border, idly listening to the lead warrior's greeting. Even he doesn't know what Amberhaze is talking about, and as someone across the way expresses confusion, the scarred warrior can't help look up, to put more attention towards the oak cats than he wanted to.

" Pretty sure he just makes words up, " Screechstorm offers to the brown tabby, eyes alight as he moves along the border. " I just go along with it, really. You should too — it makes things easier. "


Named after his birth-given warning cry, Screechstorm appears in shadowed tones — save for splotches of orange that litter his left side. His mismatched green gaze almost always carries a mischievous glint, a crooked grin in tandem. Scars wrack his sides, a harsh reminder of his near-reckless nature.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Warrior of ShadowClan
Forestshade x ???
Brother to Briarthorn, Sweetpaw †
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Chilledstar
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
Last edited:

Frozenpaw tries to keep his gaze focused on Snowlark as his mentor speaks, but the tension in the air between the ShadowClan and ThunderClan patrols makes it difficult. He draws a breath in through his nose as instructed, trying to concentrate on the scents around him. Beneath the usual smells of pine and damp earth, he catches the unmistakable mingling of ThunderClan and the sharp tang of the thunderpath. Pitching his voice low enough that only Snowlark can hear, he murmurs, "I smell…oak trees. And leaf mold. ThunderClan is…agitated." He casts a brief glance at the ThunderClan cats, his gold eyes flicking toward Nightbird before quickly returning to Snowlark with a question in them. That's the same she-cat they met before, isn't it? The one who looked like she was sizing him up. "As for what I know about them," He continues, his tail-tip flicking thoughtfully, "ThunderClan thinks they're the moral center of the forest. They prefer claws to strategy, but they can't stand losing." His voice remains calm, though he's careful not to let it carry beyond his mentor.

Black ears twitch as Amberhaze speaks up, his stammered greeting catching him off guard. He glances toward the other ShadowClan warrior, briefly distracted by the strange word, facile. A ThunderClan tom's loud question breaks his focus, and Frozenpaw presses his claws lightly into the soil as he swings his gaze around to look at him in surprise. Screechstorm's response pulls an almost-smile from him, but he smothers it, keeping his expression neutral. "Should I add 'easily confused' to the list?" Frozenpaw asks dryly, looking up at Snowlark again, his tone bordering on teasing. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, he feels a spark of pride in keeping his composure amidst the tension.