  • 38ekP6T.png
    foxkit foxpaw; Foxtail
    named for his cinnamon tail
    — riverclan lead warrior
    — cisgender male, he/him; gay aroace, monogamist
    — created 11.25.2023 at 14 moons / born on September 25th 2022 / ages once a moon on the 25th / 23 moons
    ↳ penned by @vvinsoli
  • long-furred cinnamon/chocolate tabby with olive green eyes / TOYHOUSE
    Foxtail is a cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera that stands at 12 inches at the shoulder, with a body length of 16 inches, and approximately weighs 16 pounds. Foxtail has long fur, which might make him appear slightly larger than other clan cats when he matches in size with them. The majority of his body is covered in white fur- besides his face, ears, rump, tail and front right paw. His face is a mixture of two colors- cinnamon and chocolate. The bridge of his nose is cinnamon, almost coming off as red like a fox- hence his name. His forehead and ears are a nice shade of chocolate, giving him that torbie look. His tail and rump are cinnamon, bushy like a fox's tail. His front right paw is cinnamon as well, and finally he has olive green eyes.
    ↳ cinnamon tabby/chocolate tabby chimera w/ high white. gen 1​
  • lawful good / hufflepuff / sanguine
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●●○○
    Humor ●●●●●●○○○○

    (+) understanding, warmhearted, caring (/) loyal, calculating (-) timid, nervous
    ↳ mannerisms Foxtail is an individual who comes off as a warrior who isn't nearly as brave as his peers. The tom can be a little more timid and shy than most, but that does not mean Foxtail is not brave, and won't jump into action. He has a good heart- he cares about his clanmates, friends and family, and is loyal to RiverClan. Despite a rough apprenticeship, he is always there for one to vent to, and provides for his clan.
  • DAWNFLOWER x REDFUR | littermate to hawkcloud and tigersplash | mentoring pebblepaw and sunpaw, formerly mentored eelpaw, mentored by ashpelt
    Mate to no one | Parent to no one
    — Admires lichenstar, smokestar
    — Close friends with feathergaze, hawkcloud, tigersplash
    — Friends with fogshore, robinheart, blackwater
    — Likes rookfang, hazecloud, pebblepaw, gladefrost
    — Neutral of midnightash
    — Wary of WindClan, ThunderClan
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes ashpelt
  • strength ●●●●●●○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●●●○○
    swimming ●●●●●●○○○○
    climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●○○
    single; aroace homosexual, monogamous / crushing on no one, not looking
    he treats other clans with respect, but knows when to set aside friendships from other clans when it comes to battle. He is easy to befriend, and easy to gain his trust.
    — in the battlefield, he is medium-hard level difficulty | underline & mention Foxtail if attacking
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — might attack if provoked | might flee | will show mercy
    excels at hunting, tracking
    okay at swimming
    poor at climbing
    sounds like milo from atlantis the lost empire (specifically michael j fox) / voice claim
    smells like algae and petrichor
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is "#d17a38"
    — thoughts are italicized
  • if you want >:)
  • Backstory / simplified history
    September, 25th 2022: Foxkit is born to RiverClan parents, Dawnflower and Redfur.
    December 25th, 2022: Foxkit is apprenticed, and is assigned under Ashpelt.
    January 1st, 2023: Foxpaw is dared to stand on the frozen river by a couple other apprentices. He goes through with the dare, without proper swimming lessons from Ashpelt, and the ice breaks beneath his weight. He panics, and nearly drowns in the ice cold water.
    January 2023 apprenticeship onwards

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development

    ( ☆ ) something don't feel right Foxtail's intro.
    ( ★ ) don't mistake my threats for bluff Foxtail is assigned to mentor Eelpaw.
    ( ☆ ) i think it might be fear Foxtail is advised, by Lichentail, to keep Eelpaw in camp during the red water rogue situation.
    ( ★ ) i've been so gracious foxtail fights in battle against a red water rogue known as osprey.
    ( ★ ) meet him inside brief Smokestar reassigns Foxtail's apprentice, Eelpaw to a more experienced warrior.
    ( ★ ) perfect by nature Foxtail is assigned a new apprentice, Pebblepaw- nephew of Smokestar.
    ( ☆ ) and i see fire Foxtail leads WindClan's vulnerable to the beech copse as the moors burn from a fire.
    ( ★ ) and if i can return the favor Foxtail volunteers to search for Smokestar, whom had fallen into the gorge to save Lichentail.
    ( ★ ) no time for caution Foxtail confronts his fears and goes for a night swim.
    ( ☆ ) walk the gauntlet Foxtail barely escapes a twoleg trap, that was broken unbeknownst to the twoleg.
    ( ☆ ) death divine Hazecloud gets trapped by twolegs while on a walk with Foxtail. Foxtail tries to break her free, but fails.
    ( ★ ) cry for absolution foxtail reports hazecloud's disappearance, and begs for Lichenstar's forgiveness.
    ( ☆ ) i am all eyes Foxtail begins Pebblepaw's swimming lessons, while feeling guilt about Hazecloud.
    ( ☆ ) and maybe times a movie Lichenstar checks in on Foxtail after the trapped clanmates made a safe return to RiverClan.
    ( ★ ) with double vision Lichenstar offers Foxtail to join her council as a lead warrior. Foxtail accepts with honor.
    Thread Name brief description.
  • Naming list
    (depending on active characters/names on census)
    — after riverclan: stonekit, reedkit, fishkit, mistykit, stormkit, mudkit, bluekit
    — after tigersplash: bramblekit, puddlekit, ripplekit, rainkit, leopardkit, lionkit, cougarkit (other big cats)
    — after hawkcloud: cloudkit, featherkit, hazelkit, sorrelkit, sparrowkit, eaglekit, talonkit
    — after robinheart: firekit, maplekit, tawnykit, russetkit, darkkit, blackkit
    — fish names: minnowkit, perchkit, eelkit, pikekit?
    — no go's: ashkit (his mentor, ashpelt), any direct renamings (ie: robinkit, tigerkit)

    — link here

    Theme Weeks
    — Cover week: Infestissumam by Ghost
    — Canon warriors week: ravenpaw
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Detailed Backstory


Foxtail was born to parents Dawnflower and Redfur, named Foxkit for his cinnamon, bushy tail. He was born alongside littermates Hawkkit and Tigerkit, both whom are older than him. The youngest sibling in the litter, Foxkit grew up alongside his littermates. He also befriended a kit named Featherkit, whom wasn't apart of their litter but was born days apart. She would become one of Foxtail's closest friends later. His kit life in RiverClan was rather uneventful, and it did not last long. At three moons, he became an apprentice of RiverClan.


Now named Foxpaw, he is apprenticed to an older, strict warrior known as Ashpelt. Nearing the age of a senior warrior, the gray warrior was a grouchy, bitter old tom whom was entrusted to shape Foxpaw into a fine warrior. Even as a kit Foxpaw was a skiddish one, and his leader believed a strict mentor would do Foxpaw some good. It would've done good if Ashpelt showed any support or understanding, but his mentor had little room for empathy.

Only a few mere days of being an apprentice, Foxpaw was out in RiverClan territory with his friend Featherpaw, and some older apprentices. The river was iced over, and he watched as the older apprentices stood on the ice. One older apprentice looked his way, and challenged Foxpaw to stand on the frozen river. Flustered and feeling pressure from all the older apprentices watching him, Foxpaw nervously accepted the challenge; and walked onto the ice. The ice didn't break under any of the older's apprentices, but it had been weakening with each other. Foxpaw's weight was what broke the camel's back, and the ice shattered beneath him. He plunged into the frigid water, and immediately began to panic due to his lack of swimming & from how cold the water was. The older apprentices seemed to be frozen in shock, and right when Foxpaw began to sink beneath the surface, he was pulled to safety by Featherpaw.

That fateful day was the catalyst to his fear of water. If his clanmates thought Foxpaw was skiddish, he was even more so now. Ashpelt had no patience for this, and pushed the apprentice hard, giving the apprentice no time to breathe. In battle sessions, Ashpelt would fight with his claws out, even though that was not common practice; and was mostly frowned down upon. Foxpaw struggled to fight back against the experience warrior. He was called weak, useless, and Ashpelt even dared to say Cicadastar would never give him his warrior name. Ashpelt's harsh training didn't stop at that; as Ashpelt refused to have an apprentice who would refuse to swim. After the incident, Foxpaw quickly became a dry-paw and seemingly refused to get into the water. Foxpaw would refuse to enter the river during swim lessons, but one fateful day the older warrior had enough. He grabbed Foxpaw by the scruff and threw him into the river. This is how the rest of their swimming lessons would go down until Foxpaw mastered the skill, relcutantly.


His warrior ceremony arrives on time, to Ashpelt's dismay. If it were up to his mentor, Foxpaw would have never recieved his name. Despite the harsh training sessions, Foxpaw passed his warrior assessment—just barely according to Ashpelt—and was approved to earn his warrior name. He was named Foxtail by Cicadastar, named after his bushy red tail. Admittedly, Foxtail saw his warrior name coming from a mile away— besides being a talented fisher and tracker, he didn't think he had any redeeming qualities to be named after. He received his name alongside his littermate Tigerpaw (named Tigersplash) and friend Featherpaw (named Feathergaze), but he wished his other littermate could've been alongside him too. Her warrior ceremony was delayed, due to an injury she endured that required intensive healing.

At fifteen moons, Foxtail was entrusted with an apprentice by RiverClan's new leader— Smokestar. He was given young Eelpaw to train, whom was also three moons old... just like he was all those moons ago. Foxtail was surprised Smokestar picked him out of all cats. Foxtail still struggles with the water (but refuses to be a dry-paw), and he isn't the best fighter in the clan. That very month, he brings Eelpaw to her first gathering, and the excitement he feels for her is short lived. Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, tells the clans how SkyClan apprentices were attacked by rogues while out on patrol. Those apprentices were too injured to attend their first gathering, and the SkyClan leader proposes a new code: kits must wait until they are six moons old before they can become apprentices. Foxtail, who was horrified by the story told, looked upon his young apprentice. That could've happened to her. While Smokestar agreed to this code, and stated Eelpaw would be the last apprentice to be three moons old, Foxtail felt uneasiness.

At first, Foxtail tried to continue her apprenticeship like normal. Apprentices were not bound to camp, and he began taking her out on patrols and hunting sessions. But as the world they live in is nothing but cruel, a new foe began to make it's presence in RiverClan. Rogues, known as the Red Water Rogues, began to infilrate RiverClan territory during the incredibly leaf-bare. It started out with petty thievery, but it turned into something much worse. Rogues began to ambush patrols, as their desperation for food grew more and more severe. They were out for blood, and killed numerous warriors and apprentices. Foxtail began to get more and more nervous as the conflict deepened, and one fateful night he ran across Lichentail— their deputy. Her patrol had been one of the ones to be ambushed. Her wounds were deep, but at the time he ran across her; her wounds were wrapped up in cobwebs... she was supposed to be resting in the medicine cat den. "Eelpaw... Apprentices will die." Her voice sounded so desperate. He vowed to her that nothing bad would happen to Eelpaw— he won't expose her to any danger.

After his brief talk with Lichentail, Foxtail began to keep Eelpaw in camp. He would send her to do apprentice duties— like replacing moss in the elder's den, or picking out fleas from the elders. At first, this probably seemed normal to do with the rogue problem... some apprentices died from ambushes, and Foxtail was just trying to keep her safe. But even when the rogues were finally expelled, Foxtail continued to keep her in camp. There was no more danger out in the territory, he should've began to bring her out for training sessions again. But he didn't. She was still so so small, and he feared that there were other dangers out there that could hurt her. He... he was only trying to protect her.

His avoidance to train Eelpaw did not go unnoticed. One morning when he sent Eelpaw to groom the elder's pelts, he was about to go out hunting when he was stopped by an older warrior. He was told to go to Smokestar's den, and the young warrior nervously obliged. Upon entering Smokestar's den, he was informed that he'd no longer be training Eelpaw. He felt shame in his chest, but the young warrior didn't fight the ruling. To his relief, Smokestar said he'd be entrusted with an apprentice later, once there's an apprentice whom is six moons. With a heavy head, he agrees— hoping he can prove himself later on.

  • ooc notes here
  • 74203346_wyqQOkxcDfS3IQ1.png

    credit to raphaelion for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    positive trait
    negative trait
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: torbie
    fur length: medium
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    14 moons

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