Oct 11, 2022
It had only been a few days since he had thrown bones in the air and made a guess on the fates surrounding Flickerfire. It had been a spot of fun at the time, but now he found himself itching to do it again. In fact it was broaching on becoming an obsession! Perhaps StarClan had given him a gift and were using their power to speak through him? It was a thought of grandeur, of course. He'd simply gotten lucky once.

It was for this reason that the tom had worked hard that morning to gather up any and all the bones he could find. He had a neat little collection by the time sun-high rolled in, and with that he set himself up in his usual shadowy corner of the camp. His icy blue gaze seemed to almost glow from the level of excitement that he was feeling during that moment. "Come one, come all! I will predict your futures through the use of these sacred bones!"


well, curiosity was getting the better of him. He didn't see what connection there was to bones and telling the future, but he figured he could investigate.

From his own dark corner he strode over to Hemlocksight, thankful that he was also in a dark corner. He looked down at the bones and then to Hemlocksight.

"Not sure I understand, but I'm curious." He says.

What would these bones say about him?

While there was no question that Hemlocksight's methods were absurd, and that the young warrior would have been better off doing something productive with his day, genuine interest lay behind Smogmaw's gaze. "What makes them so special?" he asks half-heartedly, drawing near shortly after Frostbite spoke his piece.

After giving the pile a brief look-over from where he sat, he came to the inevitable conclusion that the bones possessed no supernatural qualities. The only compelling thing about them was that they probably belonged to somebody else a week ago. But, he was eager to hear what Hemlocksight had in store regarding his future, no matter how heretical the process may be. "I better have a full stomach in the days ahead of me," he mused, fully knowing that such would not be the case.


Two victims- volunteers! Yes, volunteers, each about to be bestowed with his blessed predictions. He would grin in an eerily sinister manner as he gathered up the bones in order to begin, tossing them into the air and letting them fall before him. He gazed down at them, studying the patterns and which bones sat together. "Oh Frostbite, you best be careful. I predict a danger from the sky, a shroud of death awaits the unwary victim. Keep your eyes high and you should be fine."

Now his attention shifted to that of Smogmaw. "That's the mystery, is it the bones that are special or I?" He hummed in a smug manner, clearly believing that he was the special one. Once again he tossed the bones and kicked off into his next great reading. "Smogmaw, I foresee no full stomach but rather that you will make a discovery of interest. In the unassuming you will bring about a big change for the clan." Whether that change would be for better or worse remained to be seen, only time would tell.


"Death from above huh....." Frostbite repeated, furrowing his brow. Was it true? Would there be a bird ballsy enough to come for him? He would find out, apparently. "Ominous."

He was going to think about this all night.

"Well. If a bird comes for me, we'll be eating well that night." He said with a small, confident smile.

He looked to Smogmaw. "At least yours sounds less deadly!" He said to the tom beside him lightheartedly.

Smogmaw's expression shifted from boredom to that of intrigue. He gave the heap of bones another look-over, trying to see if he could understand where his rather dramatic fortune had come from. Either Hemlocksight saw things which weren't there, or he was in the midst of pulling some sort of prank. Whichever the case, it would be a lie to say that he disliked this notion of great importance placed upon him.

"You're special, alright," ribbed the older tom, "but evidently that makes two of us." Hemlocksight did not divulge whether this supposed change would be honorable or disreputable in nature, yet Smogmaw would be satisfied so long as his name went down in history. "Do the bones say anything else, perhaps?" he pressed further, "Do I save the day and get the girl?"

He then turned his gaze to Frostbite, whose fortune didn't turn out to be as fortunate. "No kidding," he mewed in return, amused by this entire situation. "I'm happy that I won't have to duck my head everywhere I go."


❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
the clattering sounds of bones hitting the ground would catch the attention of the lead warrior who swiveled her head towards the direction of it all and close by were smogmaw and frostbite who were circled around hemlocksight. the scrawny white tom was investigating the scattered remains with eager interest before babbling off predictions of what's to come in his fellow clanmates lives and it all but baffled her.

geckoscreech allowed herself to investigate, an ear flicking as smogmaw and frostbite chattered amongst one another about their respective fortune telling. "how exactly do you know a cat's future from a bunch of measely bones? it sounds farfetched." she'd ask, tail whisking behind her in idle wait for an answer.
She remembers seeing Hemlocksight attempt to read Flickerfire's future using a kit's playthings. She'd remarked then that it seemed to be a lot of hocus pocus, yet here he was again, attempting to read more futures. She muses silently in the comfort of the shadows she'd chosen to spend the afternoon in before she set out on patrol again, listening as he gives Frostbite and Smogmaw their fortunes. When Geckoscreech approaches, so does she, ears flicking in agreement with the lead warrior's words.

"This one told him that," she mews, ears flicking. "Suppose there is nothing wrong with some harmless fortune telling." If bone-reading was as farfetched as she thought it was, then no one would have to worry about their unfortunate findings. In fact, she's inclined to see what he thinks of her future. "She would like to be next," she says, offering herself up for a fortune.

  • SHADEPAW —— she/her, 6 moons, shadowclan apprentice.
    —— a small black she-cat with amber eyes.
    —— link to bio, toyhouse. penned by regina.

Superstition had always somewhat confused Scorchfrost. He believed in Starclan well enough, whatever wasn't physical about you went there after you croaked, but even with that belief, he found it hard to accept future telling. There was no way you could rattle a few old bones and reveal the world's secrets. It just couldn't be done. He wouldn't even think about prophecies right now.

. " So.. " He began, staring at the bones that had been tossed around in front of Hemlocksight. " Read my fortune after hers, I suppose. "
"I suppose, so the warning could become a blessing. Keep your senses sharp and you will be fine, Frostbite." Hemlock affirmed with a nod of his head. There seemed to a prompt from Smogmaw for anything further so he spared the bones another glance to see if anything stood out. "Hrm, let's see... no, the fates are blurred at this time. Perhaps they will have further news the next time I consult them."

More approached at that point so he used a paw to scoop the paws up again so he could begin on the next round. Though Geckoscreech questioned the process and it made his fur ruffle in annoyance. "I don't expect you to understand, but StarClan guides me and helps me to read the way in which the bones lie." Utter drivel, of course. Though he wasn't about to concede or give those who looked down on his talents any ground. "I'll give you a free reading. If you believe then so be it, if not, then may it come as a surprise when I am proved right." The bones were tossed and the tom patiently waited for them to return to the ground, settling in a new pattern before him. "A gain awaits you in your near future. It will bring forth new opportunities to your life, but you must be bold enough to seize it even if someone else must lose it all for you do so."

He pressed on and tossed the bones as he decided to give Shadepaw her predictions next, now even more keen to make them all believe in his talents. "Shadepaw, I foretell a difficult challenge ahead of you that will make the final journey to earn your warrior name a true trial. But the name you will earn will reflect all that you are, provided that you survive. Stand strong when the hurdle comes."

Once more he tossed the bones and he looked to Scorchfrost with pupils now razor thin, nearly lost in the blue of his eyes. "The night hides a secret from you. A figure from your past will come, a haunting visage of something once forgotten soon to be rediscovered. Keep your senses sharp or you'll miss it."

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The familiar clatter of bones leads dark eyes to a familiar face. Specifically, the familiar face that had made the sound the last time he'd heard it - Hemlocksight.

More future telling?

Eeriekit glances back at his nest, making sure his bird friend is still nestled within it. He supposed Hemlocksight could use the bones as a means to tell the rest of ShadowClan their futures, so long as his precious bird skull - or, really, any other skull - was left out of it.

And, though he didn't quite understand how or what Hemlocksight was reading for - death seemed like the only option in reading bones; how did he find love in Flickerfire's future from them? - everyone else was getting their futures told to them. The kit didn't want to be left out!

Spindly limbs pad forward, investigating the scene before him.

"Me," he urges, looking up at the warrior with wide eyes.
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She listens to the foreboding prophecy regarding her future, a soft hum leaving her lips as she considers it. She hoped her trials proved somewhat of a challenge - what fun was a simple, easy pass into warriorhood? "This one prepares every day for her trials," she assures him, though there was only so much she could do without a mentor. She usually tagged along with other pairs, but a lot of her training had been left to her lonesome, wiggling her way into patrols, slipping out of camp when she had someone to keep an eye on her.

So perhaps her challenge would be that. While her siblings trained with their mentors, she had to find other means. Perhaps it would set her a little behind. Then again... this was assuming Hemlocksight's readings were real which she highly doubted. Though she supposed, whether the bones told him or not, that she should be ready for what was to come when she had to pass the trials to earn her name.

  • SHADEPAW —— she/her, 6 moons, shadowclan apprentice.
    —— a small black she-cat with amber eyes.
    —— link to bio, toyhouse. penned by regina.
So even Eeriekit desired a glimpse into the fates that lay ahead. Hemlock was happy to oblige. The bones were thrown and he waited for them to land. With keenness he then began to examine the layout before a smirk found its way to his lips. "Ah! I see... There is a discovery to be made in your future. It will be your gain, but you must protect it once you lay paws upon it, for all will want it. Some will fear it, some will crave its worth. But you must defend it when it comes to be. Never let it go."

The tom looked back towards Shadepaw when she responded and he offered up a nod of his head. "Good. Then keep it up and do more, and all will be fine."