- Jun 21, 2023
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- 87
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At the beginning of his life within the loner lands brought forth by his mother alongside a littermate, Crimsonkit's charcoal hued fur is similar to that of his father's and he's taken the same fiery patches from his mother. The placement of those red tabby patches on his dark fur are similar to that of Skyclaw with his own chocolate tabby patches presenting him as a phantom of someone that once was. The only thing making him different from his sire is that at the end of his bottlebrush tail is dipped with ivory, a two snowy dipped paws with a streak going up his arm, his chin, and the fur within his ears.
He's blessed by the plush fur of his parents and takes more of a likeness to Skyclaw. He starts off life with a fever coat due to the stressful events of the war between his father's followers & those of Thunderclan, the life of a rogue proving difficult on his mother thus resulting in sooty/gray-patches look on his chimera fur. Whereas kittens are rotund or plump, the loner lands oftentimes doesn't provide thus resulting in a more thin frame but his ribs don't protrude by much and it's hidden by his plush fur. He starts off rather small for his age due to the lack of nourishment and looks like some unkempt thing, his baby blues shift into the colors of the leaves that have already began to fall and are a molten amber hue akin to that of his sire.
When he and his littermate finally end up joining Thunderclan where there's more food for them to eat, he isn't fat by any means but he becomes more lean and muscular. His fever coat finally being cast aside for a glossy coat that keeps him warm during leaf-bare, it's always well groomed to the best of his abilities not enjoying the way that matted fur feels. Within this time, Crimson begins to grow larger than a few of the other apprentices having inherited the size of his father and his ragdoll blood (this likely won't actually kick in until 8-9 moons old, late bloomer/growth sprout).
Once he reaches adulthood, he towers over a few of the warriors due to his sheer size and he has a sturdy/muscular build with large paws and a thick bottlebrush tail that sweeps behind him whenever he feels irritated. On top of his ears sit tufts of fur that are the same color as his red tabby patches and shine like fire beneath the sunlight.
At the beginning, Crimsonkit comes off as too-trusting and gullible as he believes every word spoken by his mother the moment that he's able to hear, he takes it all in much like a sponge, and information that's most important locked away in the back of his mind so that he may remember. He becomes bitter, harsher, and more judgemental than a kitten should be at his age but given everyting that he comes to find out about the clan that once housed both of his parents, he can't help but feel betrayal from both Thunderclan and Skyclaw's kin. Why hadn't they done more or defended his late father when he had only been trying to do good for his birth-clan then cast away like nothing after his efforts? Crimsonkit grows into an individual that's rather hotheaded, spiteful, grudge holding, and stubborn as fuck. His tolerance for anyone outside of his family (mother & littermate) is slim, and he's quick to snap/lash out at others if they continue to bother/pester him, and quite unforgiving if anyone wrongs him in any manner.
As he grows older and accepted into Thunderclan, Crimson has his guard up not wishing for anyone to get too close to him in fears of them throwing off his true mission of seeking revenge on those that had forsaken him and his family. He comes off as horribly stiff or standoffish to those around him and even uncomfortable during his stay within the apprentice's den those first few weeks/first moon, he likely keeps his nest in the farthest part of the den or near the entrance. Whenever he's out training with his mentor there's at least a few times where he seems to express enthusiam in learning new things that even his mother likely hasn't taught him, he'll be bright-eyed for a few heartbeats before being quick to hide it behind a scowl or unimpressed roll of his eyes. Crimson's devoted to the task set upon him by Redflower knowing the heavy responsibility that comes with it, he's patient and careful of his actions as he calculates his next move or the next words that slip from his throat despite what he thinks in his mind.
When he's an adult, he becomes slightly reckless/careless and gains a sharp tongue that would likely get him in trouble but he tries weighing out the negatives by pretending to be charismatic, caring, and mindful of the clanmates that are around him. He tries to remind himself that one wrong move or word would likely get him the same treatment as Skyclaw but it likely proves difficult when he hears the whispers or murmurings of his fathers name from the tongues of those around him, he finds himself having several conflicted feelings over what he hears what they say about the tomcat that he has idolized from a young age and what his mother has told him. He has to bite down on his tongue to refrain from snapping at any of them and outing himself as the son of a "traitor" but it will weigh on his mind as he fights over what's true or what's false, perhaps, it causes his paws to drag whenever he meets with his mother (with prey that he has caught her to sustain her/keep her alive as a form of gratitude for her raising/taking care of him... she could have left him for dead, he thinks).
This will plague him for the upcoming moons as his personality gradually shifts and grows different from when he had been living within the loner lands. He doesn't know how to feel about it but he feels conflicted and confused on who he is or who he should be, especially considering with how his mother raised him but the environment that Thunderclan provides him causes the small tomcat to second guess himself and that itself he feels guilty for having... that it's sinful to think such a way when these cats had ruined his mother and had killed his father...
- personality is being kept relatively short since he will expand and grow through actual roleplay, it's easiest for me to get a feel for a character that way && these plots are just small ideas, they don't have to happen immediately or at all, if the roleplayers don't wish for it + depends on Crimson's development within the clans/etc...
- perhaps due to the stress of trying to live in the loner lands & feeding more than just herself (redflower), crimsonkit starts out with a fever coat
- idolizes the father that he never met, he truly believes Skyclaw to have been Thunderclan's savior before meeting his untimely demise
- holds his mother up on a pedestal, she's wise, truthful, and everything an honorable thunderclanner should be. her words creating a thick veil around him that drowns out the words of those outside his family & any attempt in trying to better/change him will cause him to violently lash out
- will most likely break the warrior code but try being discreet about it (ie: the one where elders, queens, and kits must be fed first. the reason for this being the lack of food in the loner lands and wanting to gorge himself even momentarily to ensure his own strength/survival)
- he has a vast hatred for Thunderclan and kittypets (+ those w/kittypet blood) ; especially for Flamestar & Raccoonstripe
- will take the large size of his father's and grandfather's ragdoll heritage once he's a full adult, at the start, he'll be rather small due to his harsh life in the loner lands at first
- if his littermate ends up staying in thunderclan/becoming one of them (like truly realizes their mother is wrong), he will deem them brainwashed/a traitor and attempt to kill/maim them altogether or abandon/disown them entirely
- perhaps has an arc where he feels too comfortable within thunderclan and ends up befriending someone, they become best friends and when it gets to the point where he's outcast from the same clan that tossed out his mother, he feels a sense of betrayal from that individual & causes feelings of denial/conflicting feelings against what he was taught by his mother vs thunderclan & what he's learned. it'll eat away at him for several moons before he pushes and bottles up the feeling altogether, he becomes more ruthless and more closed off
- small plot idea where crimson is an apprentice and during training/hunting with his mentor at the time, they end up coming face to face with an adder and crimson shoves his mentor forward (ultimately causing their death) and he covers it up as an accident & fakes his sorrow/fear/panic in that scenario (small throwback to skyclaw's first mentor that had died from an adder bite)
- following that small plot point, perhaps, after the passing of his mentor, he ends up getting assigned to either member of the council to oversee the final moons of his apprenticeship (bonus points: if either flamestar or raccoonstripe but his kin too since they betrayed skyclaw)
- after this, he will remain low and continue his training, of course, he will report back to his mother (&& potentially provide her prey that he caught himself)
- perhaps another small plot point where him remaining low on the radar for too long/getting distracted by his main objective of vengeance causes redflower to lash out and gets his chest/eye (eye would be intact but blood would flow into it causing the pupil to turn red & his vision impaired)
- this causes him to get put into the medicine den for a small amount of time and while he's stuck there, he begins to plot out how to get rid of those that had forsaken him and his family
- the day where he becomes a warrior arrives and he recieves his name (up to flamestar/icey), he will then attempt another murder attempt on someone and potentially succeed or fail (it draws the attention of others) and they're ready to kill him & he's ultimately exiled. here, he rejects the name given to him by flamestar and calls himself Crimsonsky in honor of Skyclaw
- note all these plots will be coordinated with those within thunderclan & hps so that it's realistic for him to be outed/etc...
- his voiceclaim as an adult will be Brian Tyree Henry/D16/Megatron from TF1
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