Warmer days meant he had more time to search for a mating stone, but... There is one thing the eludes him. How do I find the perfect stone for a mating stone? How do I even pick one? I know we can decorate them too... It's a tradition within the clan to present the mating stone with someone who you wish to love and remain with eternally. He's unsure if other clans have their traditions similar to the mating stone, namely Shadowclan. Shadowclan where his love and kits are. He had told her he would give her a mating stone and that he was prepared to do. While the pair of them were mates, and there was no need in presenting her this, he wanted to leave her with something physical. Something that reminded her that he loved her no matter the distance.

It was risky business to ask because no one just asks about mating stones without considering it. Meaning, Pikesplash had someone in mind to ask. This would do him no good considering he's gotten into a fair bit of trouble with romance not too long ago. Namely the whole ordeal with Snakeblink and Coyotecreek. He's since spoken to Coyotecreek about it and they agreed to start over. Of course, that conversation was in private and thus, most of the clan wouldn't know that the pair had worked it out more or less.

Chatter and laughter surround him. The group he decided to hang out with is talking about something. Something he has no clue about, he wasn't paying attention sadly. Oh... They're looking at me. Sheepishly he brings a paw to the back of his neck and rubs the fur there to soothe himself. "S-s-sorry, I wasn't, uhm... Paying at-tention. I have a question. That's, uh, b-been on my mind." All eyes are on him and it's enough to make him feel as if he is going to be swallowed whole in the next few seconds. With a shaky exhale, he adds, "S-so! Mating stones. How, errr, do y-you figure out them? Like, uhh, y'know, pick out a g-good one?" This is going swimmingly. They're not looking at me like some fish-brain for sure.
  • Pike is talking to a group of cats, so he very well could be talking to your character or your character has been listening and decided to join!
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 50 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
  • Haha
Reactions: coyotecreek

( ) these drowsy new-leaf conversations remind coyotecreek why he moved to the river in the first place. the small group of cats lounge in a sun-warmed patch of sand, reeds and moss beneath their limbs to keep the silty ground out of their fur. the ginger tomcat finds his dual-hued eyes closing gently as soft talk lulls him. there's a brief moment of silence and coyo opens his eyes with a small sheepish smile, noting any cat who'd noticed his dozing off. pikesplash is fidgeting with his paws, a telltale sign of anxiety from the blue tom, and coyotecreek will flick his tail against the man's flank in a soothing gesture.

since they'd decided to start over as friends, the two have had a good rapport, even if there's been a bit of teasing regarding specific situations they've found themselves in. (today, coyotecreek had jumped at the chance to lounge about with the striped man, but this is a fact he pushes to the back of his mind.) crystal and honey eyes focus on the other's maw as it opens, stuttering, before flicking to his own eyes as he tips his head in curiosity. mating stones! what a topic of conversation for this specific pair.

a grin growing on his face, pearly teeth shining in the sun, coyotecreek narrows his eyes. "why'd you ask, pike?" he prompts, teasing. "interested in someone?" orange and white fur ruffles in a cooling breeze as he throws his head back to emphasize his point. payback for callin' me cute. mischief glimmers in his gaze as he quickly interjects- "joking, joking!" no need for more rumors to spread.

"i think ya just find one ya like. one that reminds ya of yer partner, ya know?" coyotecreek hasn't had the experience of receiving a mating stone, but he likes the idea of them. wolf's howl and himself had exchanged little tokens of their affection oh so many moons ago, and he has both trinkets tucked in his nest still.

  • // " speak "

  • coyotefull.png

    an orange tabby tom with white patches, and one gold eye, one blue eye. short silky fur reminisces flame and rye, darker ginger tabby stripes slicing through the lighter tone. splashes of white are strewn across his face and body, a snowbank covering the flaming base of his coat. his eyes are odd- one crystal blue, the other sunshine golden, peering with a slightly lopsided look.

I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICKMating stones were not a tradition that Swiftfire had lingered on for particularly long past when she had initially heard of them, moons ago when she and her fellow colonists had been welcomed into Riverclan proper. The apprentices at the time had been more than happy to babble on and on about various Riverclan traditions that they all needed to know about, with mating stones being one of the ones that had unintentionally gone in one ear and out the other. At the time she had had no reason to dwell on it, her bright green gaze having not been forcibly yanked towards one clanmate or another. That wasn't to say she had been disinterested in everyone, but her mind at the time had certainly been dwelling on much bigger things, like getting adjusted to her new home.

Now though, she didn't find the subject quite as tedious to think about, Pikesplash's questioning making her heartrate pick up slightly. Wouldn't it be so great for her to bring a mating stone to a cat that she cared for? One whose side she never wanted to leave, yet was forced to part from when the time came? Unbeknownst to her, she and Pikesplash had more in common than she had thought, not that she intended on him or anyone else finding such a thing out - now, or ever.

He probably wouldn't even care for a mating stone, all things considered.

Coyotecreek's voice enticed her from the thoughtful stupor she had found herself in, once again made aware of why the subject had come up in the first place. Swiftfire couldn't help but chuckle along with his teasing, the grin on her face accompanied by a feeling of warmth in her chest. Being able to laugh along made her feel almost like the true Riverclanner she yearned to be. "Be nice! If he is, I think it's very nice that he wants to provide them with a token of his affections." An artifact that was both solid and tangible, carrying even more weight than the words of I love you did, if that was even possible. "I do think he's right though, Pikesplash. Find a stone that reminds you of them! Maybe one that's close to the color of their fur, or the sparkle of their eyes... or just reminds you of their personality." Though that could be a double-edged blade depending on the kind of stone that one picked out. How flattered would your mate really feel, if you picked out a jagged and sharp stone because it reminded you of them?

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
On one paw he is happy that both he and Coyotecreek have patched things up, but on the other paw he wants to strangle the tom for his teasing. Not in annoyed way, but it was out of confusion because was he flirting with him or? It doesn't help in the slightest that currently the red and white warrior had flicked their tail against his flank to soothe his worries. Of course it helped him, but it felt as if worms were wiggling in his stomach. Oh, how he wants to tackle Coyotecreek in this moment to wipe that smug grin off his face. Despite his looks, he can very much dish it out and take it. His conversations with Petalnose was mostly comprised of teasing after all. I guess this is my payback for calling you cute, but don't think I will forget this! Green eyes roll in playful annoyance. Only to shake his head when Coyotecreek quickly adds that he is simply joking.

Swiftfire comes to his defense and he is grateful for her. Despite the knowledge of her origins he bears no ill will towards her. She is a riverclanner to him much like the other former ripple colony members through and through. There is no need to be mean to her. Chuffs leave his throat from her words, his nerves are at ease. Guess there wasn't any reason to think they'd look at me like I said something stupid. "Don't worry Swiftfire, Coyotecreek is trying to fluster me. It's not working though, sorry Coyote. He doesn't mean any harm." The question of whether or not he wants to give someone a mating stone is left unsaid for now.

Both of them give great suggestions. Well, both tell him that he should find one that reminds him of his partner. It is Swiftfire who elaborates and tells him to find one close to the color of his fur, the sparkle of their eyes, or their personality. Pikesplash remains quiet, but his thoughts wander to Ferndance. Of her reddish brown fur. Of her green eyes. Of her singular white paw. Her peculiar and questionable comments that threw him off, but they were just so her he couldn't help but be charmed.

There is a fond expression on his face. It doesn't take a genius to guess he is thinking of his beloved. His beloved causing havoc to Shadowclan with their kits. It's then that he realizes that he hasn't said anything to the pair about their suggestions. Ah, how long was I silent for. He gives the pair a sheepish smile and finally answers the question he's hadn't answered, "I am interested in someone." It is strange to admit it aloud. He hasn't said who and he's sure it'll bite him back in the end. They're going to ask aren't they.

As if sensing the possible inquiry he quickly adds, "Interested in giving someone a mating stone in the future. After all, the longer you have it in your nest, the better." Ugh, was that a lame excuse, wasn't it? What he says is not completely out of the blue. Snakeblink can confirm and him up, considering the both voiced wanting to have a mate and kits. Then again, that's just one cat. He's never said any of this towards Lichentail or Petalnose. As for Smokestar? There is absolutely no way he would tell the leader this information.

He turns his attention to Swiftfire with a gentle smile, "Thank you. For giving me some ideas on how to go about it Swiftfire. I have better idea what kind of stone to get. As for staining it, I'll figure it out. I think..." And of course, how could he miss Coyotecreek? Although, instead of the gentle smile he offers a smug one, "And thank you Coyote." I bet you wish you didn't tease me now. Coyotecreek isn't given a chance to interject as Pikesplash continues, "Since you're awfully interested in me I'll let you in a little secret. The someone I give this to, is someone I want to be a family with." I'm sure you know what that means.
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 50 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / taken / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Settled near the group of his chattering clanmates, he really wasn't paying to much attention to what they were talking about. Swiveling an ear to listen to his fellow warriors talk about whatever was on their minds, he perks up at what Pikesplash said about mating stones. Hm. Mating stones? He listens to the conversation lull on around him, Coyotecreek jumping in the mix and Swiftfire too. He cracks open an eye, showing a striking amber, glancing at the other Riverclanners. He agrees.. somewhat to the suggestions of reminding you of your partner, or other stuff. Why would you want a berry juice coated stone to justify loving you're mate? He doesn't get it. And frankly he never will. The chimera listens to Pikesplash meow about "the longer you have it in your nest, the better" He opens his eyes fully, turning his gaze to the sliver furred warrior.

"If you only want children, out of a mate. I think you don't deserve one in the first place. But this is my opinion, I don't care for these.. mating stones to justify my love for my mate." He lifts himself up onto his haunches, looking around at the group with a blank stare settledon his face. He frowns a little in thought before speaking again. "I rather just take my mate, on a stroll and tell them straight out that I would love them and protect them. Instead of a.. stone. Again this is my opinion no one needs to agree with me." He lets out a sigh escape his maw, as he finished speaking.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( well, that was.. interesting ) FOGSHORE : warrior of riverclan
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM ; currently 32 moons
    𓇼 bisexual / single / sort of looking / open to crushes
    𓇼 LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 action , thoughts , "Speech, 9EB8D9"
    𓇼 smells of freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    ic notes: has light sensitive eyes.
    squints in the sunlight.

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
What a fortunate moment then for the dark-pointed molly to eavesdrop on this conversation. Much to Fogshore's suggestion, she'd confessed her love in a moment of quiet, private intimacy but the ritual of a mating stone had not been forgotten either. It had been so lovingly attended to that not even a flood of rogues barging into camp had prevented her from securing her prized stone in a well-hidden corner of the medicine cat's den and for all her intentions, Hazecloud had thrown a wrench into it by expressing her affections when the stone wasn't in tow with her heart's desire.

Quirking a brow, the... harshness of the shimmering swimmer is not lost on her, a bristling of hackles to be smoothed in careful, feigned movements of a quick grooming as defensiveness settled tightly in her belly. Pikesplash did not mean it like that. He was too good-natured and cloud-headed to be so selfish.

"It's tradition... for a reason," she chides in a breathy sigh.

"I did both." It wasn't exactly something she loved to talk about... and it was made more difficult by her tedious recovery marked in pink, fleshy scars at her neck. "Your... ratty son... tried to steal it," she explains with a roll of azure eyes. Iciclefang had been particularly irate on the lynx point's behalf and she is pretty sure it was only thanks to her intervention that Otterpaw gave the damnable thing back. "Stone doesn't have.. to be pretty. Just... helps."

Ferngill actually might be the resident expert on pretty rocks actually... or Darkwhisker. "Just a token. A reminder."

Mating stone. She’d always scoffed at the idea, just as Fogshore does now to Pikesplash, Swiftfire, and Coyotecreek, but even as she had, some part of her had wanted to present one to fire-furred Ashpaw one day. And she’d scoured the rocky riverbed for hours trying to find the perfect one to give to Stormywing. The ThunderClanner had even returned the gesture.

She gives a small nod of agreement as Lichentail reminds them it’s a tradition for a reason. “You’re giving something of yourself, when you gift one,” she murmurs, leaning forward to join the conversation. Her belly precedes her now, but she tries to make herself comfortable. “It’s more than just a pretty rock, like Lichentail said. It’s a piece of you.” She closes her eyes briefly, thinking of the stone with its glassy-blue tint, hidden and tucked away in the softness of her nest. She still touches her nose to its smooth surface every night before she drifts into dreams.

It's a poor replacement for Stormywing, but it’s all she’ll ever have of her.

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


There is a black, gray and white stone worn smooth by the river and picked carefully amongst several others in his den. He'd found it after searching for an embarrassingly long time and it rests now in a corner of the willow tree untouched; a reminder he can't bare the idea of getting rid of even if every time it catches the light and glints it as though he is pierced by shards of ice into his heart.
He repeats idly what is already said but in his own way, in a tone that is wistful like a spring breeze. "It's a token of devotion." The black and white tom says as he approaches, his voice eerily quiet and calm, betraying the turmoil bubbling under the surface at the discussion at hand. "It's something to look upon fondly, a reminder that you are-" Were. "-loved." Fogshore was right, in a sense, that it was unecessary, but from the first days of the clan's founding when cats began to idly collect them and then gift them it had been cemented as a gesture of affection that words could not convey. He was sure it seemed off to outsiders, cats who were not alive nor present when the tradition formed, but it lingered in a way some of their clanmates didn't; something of permenance, something to keep them alive. Cicadastar was dead, but the rock still rested in his den. He wants to get rid of it, he wants to keep it forever, he hates looking at it, he gazes upon it in quiet moments of heartache. Maybe a time will come when he forgets what it even is and discards it without a thought, but for now it is everything. Despite being just a rock.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


The multicolored molly was not anticipating a conversation surrounding mating stones to arise when she quietly joined the group, hoping only to make friends with the older warriors since she had very few RiverClanners to officially call 'friend'. As soon as Pikesplash mentions them she feels the tips of her ears burn. She hasn't forgotten how she spilled the beans with her own relationship with Brookstorm recently - keeping her gaze averted from Iciclefang on purpose. Robinheart should leave. She should excuse herself but she thinks that would also be much too awkward. Those who don't know of her and Brookstorm may feel compelled to tease her over fleeing the conversation. And that brings the embarrassment back around full circle. Her mental gymnastics are too much so she remains seated with her gaze primarily glued to her paws.

Despite the tumultuous emotions swirling around her mind, the mottled molly cannot help but be curious about the conversation itself. Brookstorm had done as Fogshore mentioned, and even Lichentail to a degree, though Lichentail still bequeathed a mating stone to Hazecloud. Should Robinheart find a mating stone for Brookstorm? Was it bad luck to break tradition and not provide a mating stone to the one you love? The stone was more than a stone after all - it was devotion, a piece of your love to be tangible to your mate, and it seemed those who respected the tradition found great solace in their tokens. Perhaps Robinheart would take the advice given to Pikesplash for herself and find a mating stone for Brookstorm when she had the chance. Yes, that sounded like an ideal plan to keep guarded in her heart.
( penned by kerms )