n o s t a l g i a ༄
Jun 14, 2024
Every night, without failure, the nursery goes to bed; no amount of protesting or begging or promising would earn any kit the special privilege of staying up past their designated bedtime. Just as the silvered moon would shepherd the molten - red sun towards its nest on the distant horizon, so too did the nursery queens herd ThunderClan's hefty gaggle of kits towards their nests. Coltkit was always swept up in the herd despite his lack of a designated queen; a couple of attempts had been made to integrate him with one of them, but the tabby tomkit himself had rejected such notions, preferring to drift about the nursery without much care as to who washed his fur or dragged him home to the bramble - shielded den.

He even got his own little nest with the help of one of the apprentices he'd harangued into it, a tiny moss thing lined with fluffy down - feathers to keep the ferociously independent kit warm even in the temperate greenleaf nights. It was fortunate for him he'd joined in greenleaf, for he doubtless would've been forced to cozy up with someone who wasn't his mother to keep alive in the colder months . . . but lucky for Coltkit, the humid nights mean he can hang out in his own little nest when the nursery beds down each evening.

Until tonight, because it seems one of those " pranks " he heard the warriors talk about has struck him. Why else would his nest suddenly seem not - big - enough . . . okay, maybe it's been a little cramped for a while, but tonight it reaches a new level. When the tabby clambers into his miniature nest, as he's used to doing, only his small but broad torso wedges into it, overlong limbs and tail sprawling every which way and his head poking over the edge of the moss. He moves, and moves, and moves again, but no matter what, at least half of him is hanging over the side.

" Who . . . shrinked my nest? " he mrrows loudly in complaint, his fluffy tail flicking as floppy ears twitch, tiny maw setting in a grim line . . . ever - expectant of further retaliation from the scary warriors who liked to call Coltkit mean things. Unaware of the concept of growth, Coltkit has yet to notice the way he's shot up over only a moon and a half or so, standing a head above many of his denmates and always tripping over his own outsize paws. The tomkit pouts, protesting, " 'S not funny. "


Stormywing bounds over to the nursery with a mouse in her jaws, her pelt tousled from the day’s patrols. She’d been wanting to have a quick catch-up with Roeflame before the nursery settled down, but it seems she’s a bit late as she pokes her head in to see the den’s inhabitants winding down for the night, kits tucking themselves into bed. She sweeps her gaze across the den in search of the lead warrior when she spots Coltkit, who seems to be struggling with his nest. The tabby can’t resist a smirk of amusement as she watches the sturdy tom-kit for a moment before approaching. “Hey there, Coltkit! What’s all the ruckus with your nest?” He asks who shrunk it and she chuckles. “No one did, kid. Looks like you’re just growing faster than your nest can keep up with.” At this rate, he’ll be a big shot by the time he’s an apprentice! Those gangly legs and broad shoulders promise a strongly built warrior, after all. Not even thinking to offer to help him make it bigger, the she-cat is content watching him with a glimmer of lighthearted laughter in golden eyes, her tail swishing back and forth.

She wished to bid the queens goodnight before she left to gaze at the sars- to ensure everything was well with them, as a dutiful warrior did, before the day began anew. The moon rolled into the sky already, and Thundergleam felt the relief of cool night air- she was not long behind Stormywing, however, as she paced through the mouth of the den. Coltkit's protest did not go unnoticed- by Thundergleam or her former mentor. Fascination found glimmering place in blushing eyes; ah, a growth spurt! She had indeed heard whisperings of such a thing, but to see it ... because yes, Coltkit surely looked a little ganglier.

Her gaze crescented at Stormywing's honour, and the pale warrior found some of her own. "I forsee you are going to be bigger than all your Clanmates when you are a warrior." A prediction made in jest did not often leave Thundergleam's maw, but today ... well, she would give in. It would be entertaining, mystifying even, to the kits who overheard it- but any warrior would hear the twist of humour in her voice.
penned by pin ☾

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Ever since the young tom’s incident, Roeflame had been trying to keep a spare eye on Coltkit. Still not fully convinced the kitten would not attempt another escape, a child’s decision making skills were hardly reliable, and it was clear how deeply Redflowers words had struck Coltkit.
As her kits grew, nearly surpassing herself in height, Roeflame knew that meant their apprentice ceremony was on the horizon. It was exciting and terrifying all at once.
Who…shrinked my nest?
The grumble distracts Roeflame from getting her own brood settled, and the sight has a grin stretching across the queens maw. Stormywing enters the den, and her friends answer has the lead warrior singing a soft hum of laughter, flicking her tail to catch her friends attention. Thundergleams own songbird chime makes Roeflame regard the other with a small tip of her head. “Stormywings right, Coltkit. You’re nearly ready to join the apprentices den.” While it was impossible to keep track of all the kits ages, Coltkit’s growth spurt was a visible tell-tale sign of impending apprenticeship.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.