camp USED TO BE MINE ✿ nursery visit [intro]




Truth be told, Lambpaw was a little too sheltered to have much of an opinion on current events, her focus was always on lighter things in such an optimistic manner it was almost bordering ignorance. Her attention drifted to trivial things rather than the important ones, what she would eat today, what games she would have time to play, how was Sheepkit doing in the nursery while she did boring patrols and chased birds through the moorlands. Sometimes she longed to be a kitten again, curled up and napping most her day away and only worrying over whether she would have anyone to play with when she woke; pestering the other denizens of the den for entertainment. She made a habit to be the first to bring the queens prey to check on her younger brother, but also because of the nostalgia of inhaling the warm milk-scented nests again and basking in the memories of her more joyful days untethered by work and duties. Lambpaw was a good apprentice, at least, her misgivings aside but she did find the tedium a bit too much and she wished desperately for excitement that was not drenched in blood as the civil war and subsequent battles had been; her participation had been minimal, a claw swipe here and there and primarily aiding others in chasing off their own opponents over tackling her own but she had always preferred to act as a supporting role anyways so it the glory and roar of victory was not a song that needed to sing through her blood to fill her with accomplishment. She was content, as she always was, with just being there - history was made and the black and white molly's large fluffy form loomed in the background as a drifting cloud on the scenery while the sun rose in the sky to take its place. Oh, she had opinions about Sunstar more than she did Sootstar. She had ignored the former matriarch and her scary demeanor but he was handsome and he was kind in his sternness; it was such a welcome relief to walk around lost in her daydreams and not fear her ears being shredded. A small scolding, perhaps, but no more cuffs with claws, no more risk of abuse. As she trotted to the nursery, mouth full of cotton fluff she'd gathered by the two-leg barn fence, Lambpaw was happy knowing Sheepkit would not be apprenticed under such a rule - he would be treated far better than her or her peers thankfully.
"Heya Sheepy! I got some fun stuff for you and your friends to play with!" With a toss of her head she scattered the white down, shed from the namesakes of her and her brother - it was soft like dandelion but not so fine as to stick and line a mouth with annoying fuzz.

  • -Looking for @sheepkit !

  • 78142794_85iovlzxM9oXEqK.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Black w/high white & cyan eyes.

Sheepkit was tucked in the nest, he and his mama shared in the nursery. Stomach facing the den's walls, and tail sweeping the comfy nest as he snoozed away. He flicks a large dark ear hearing pawsteps come and pause at the nursery entrance, he cracks open a blue eye flicking it up and around. The messy furred black smoke, lifts his head up groggily with a yawn. He lifts himself up on his paws, shaking his coat out before looking up at the someone who came into the nursery. Perked up ears, he spots his older sister's fluffy form at the den's entrance. "Lambpaw!" Voice squealing out, as he jumped up on his paws.

Sheepkit tottered over with a bounce in his step, excited on what Lambpaw has brought him today! The kitten makes it to his older sister, craning his head up with wide eyes sparkling with delight. Ooooo! Dark tail wagging behind him, he winds around his sister's legs before plopping down to sit between her front paws. Looking up at Lambpaw, with a tilt of his head chirping up at her. "Whatcha got?" He cozied himself between Lambpaw's feet, staring at the white stuff in his sisters mouth. He watches as she throws the fluffy white stuff on the nursery floor, looking at the scattered stuff. He stretches a charcoaled paw out, and bats at the fluffy stuff. "What's this stuff?" He crouches down, moving forward on wobbly paws. He wiggles his hunches before pouncing on the fluffy stuff, squeaking on how soft it felt on his pawpads. Soft! Fluffy! Sheepkit flops onto his back, playing with the new cotton-y stuff while currently being covered in dust from his movement. The tiny tom pauses his playing, meowing out with a curious tilt of his voice. "Soooo, what's this Lamb lamb?" He looks up from his upside down place on the ground blinking at Lambpaw.

  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — Lambpaw was a face in the crowd that Rattleheart was distantly aware of on the whole, though he'd never intentionally pulled her aside and tried to get to know her. Not out of any sort of dislike for the apprentice with whom he shared a pelt of monochrome - she just always seemed content wherever she was. Closed off to the rest of the world, as if she was way up in the clouds rather than down with her paws on the ground. Such a thing seemed appropriate, considering her pelt of thick white fluff would probably fit right in. A stark contrast to his own swathes of white that were often spiked out and stained a light brown with the dirt of the tunnels. The lead warrior wished he could keep himself so meticulously groomed, though he supposed it was probably easier when you were a moor runner.

In a way, Lambpaw did actually remind him a fair amount of his past self. Content to just linger in the background, existing but not causing any huge fuss that would drag them forcibly into the spotlight. Though his hiding away had been born out of fear, while he was fairly sure that Lambpaw's had been the result of sheer laziness. Not as an insult to the apprentice - it was actually kind of a relief, seeing an apprentice that was allowed to act childish and slothful on occasion instead of being forced into the perfect soldier. That was a stereotype of Windclan he often worried about with Featherpaw, though it seemed Pinkpaw had gradually been trying to rip him from that all work and no play type of mindset. He could only hope he'd be able to do the same with Downypaw, even as their mentor instead of merely their friend.

Besides, it's not as if she never does her work.

Far from it, actually, Rattleheart's curious green gaze drawn over by the mass of black and white bouncing towards the nursery. Lambpaw's voice was light and cheerful, only slightly muffled by the presence of something in her maw. Initially he had assumed prey, only to pad closer just in time to see her scattering cotton fluff all over the nursery. He had no doubts that the veritable mob of kits they had now would love the new plaything, though he winced when he thought of the reactions of the queens. Hopefully they wouldn't end up cuffing Lambpaw around the ears when the cotton was inevitably decorating their pelts. "That's quite the gift... we used it pretty often to line our nests when we were back in the barn." Lambpaw would know that, of course, but the comment was meant more for Sheepkit, knowing how curious the kit could be about a time before he was truly aware of his surroundings. "I hope the sheep didn't end up giving you too much trouble in collecting it." Those words were directed towards Lambpaw, though he doubted they really would have. They never had when he was collecting the fallen fluff, beyond snorting and huffing at him for padding on their meals as he passed by.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    48 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
The nursery is growing more and more crowded as time goes by, and it is becoming less and less comfortable a space for Blizzardkit to sleep in. They enjoy the company, of course; the more kits in the nursery, the more friends they have to play with. But with the newest litter joining them, the albino kit finds themself wishing that they were back at the horseplace. It had been cold and uncomfortable, but at least they could go sleep on a warrior’s tail whenever they wanted. Now they can only attempt to sneak into the nest of someone else when they want to cuddle.

Still, the kit is among the first to greet Lambpaw as she enters the den with her gift. Sheepkit seems pleased by it, and pale pink eyes widen as the kit trots over to inspect the stuff that Sheepkit is happily pawing at. "Sheep… fur?" They remember seeing this stuff back at the horseplace, but they cannot think of what it is called. Their big ear flicks, and they turn to smile at their fellow kit. "Looks comfortable. Good for your nest, Sheepkit." As they speak, Blizzardkit wonders whether their denmate will share, maybe.