with the return of warmth to their meadowlands so do the birds ; sparse for now, but soon to return in flocks, she’s heard. in great, big swarms of color to fly overhead. she wonders what they look like, how many there were — bird was rare in leafbare, after all. she mulls it over as alabaster paws weave a pale, eggshell feather into fogshore’s sleek fur, dove - soft paws working close and personal to tangle his fur into plumey ribbons. it was a new accessory for her to try — an assortment smattering the ground before her in little piles, from gleaming scales to the petals of a water bloom that she’d dazzled around the warrior’s face as much as she could.

the lily - lunged child wasn’t entirely sure how well this would hold, but still, she would argue it to be her best work. shellkit takes a single step back, tilts her little skull and angled velveteen ears back, tongue blepping from her baby pink maw in concentration. eyebrow whiskers furrow over half - mast eyes, amber hues gleaming with thought before suddenly, they shoot open. a single paw shoots out, patting around to find a scale while her gaze fixes on juuust the right spot under fogshore’s eye,” okay okay hold veeery still, you look soo pretty. like, a ton pretty. “ her voice is a willowy thing, but moreso now, breathy with wonder and childlike confidence.

gently, gently, she presses a sheening scale to the apple of the tom’s face. another scale, really — there was a smattering of them, freshly pulled from she and the babies meals. strung along his face and neck in patches, lining like constellations along his face and ruff of his neck, weaving between just - blooming petals and.. feathers. lots and lots of feathers. it was a burst of color, loud and flashy, messy in the way kithood often was.. but the girl bounds back, winces lightly at the ebbing pain in her paws, before perking her tail high. pride sheens her eyes ever brighter, bouncing on the pink of her toes in excitement. perfect, ” aaaand.. ta-daaa! “ she sings, twirling a small circle before him. it winds her, but only slightly — she gasps only once when she comes to a stop, papping eagerly at a nearby puddle, ” you can look now! it’s so good, buttt.. i want more feathers soon. you’d look sooo good with more feathers. and, um — they’re good luck, you know. “ her grin widens, “ ‘specially when they match your eyes.“

she just.. really liked the feathers.

  • i. please wait for @FOGSHORE

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes..
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

It was a surprise really, he's been lounging around in shaded areas these past days. Feeling calm waves wash over him as he relaxed his form. The warrior was snapped out of his dreamy gaze, as he felt tiny kitten paws weave something in his fur. Opening his eyelids to show amber pools with a dash of yellow in one of them. He glances down, spotting the culprit of the weaving of his blue coat. Seeing little piles of glimmering scales and petals scattered around the alabaster kitten, he decides to let the little one go wild. Long willowy tail curled half-heartly over his hind legs, as he relaxed.

He hasn't interacted with kittens in Riverclan much, he lets half-lidded eyes watch the kittens movements. The feline lets out gentle hums escape his maw, as he looks at the keeps watch over the child. He angles his ears towards the kit calling him pretty.. well it isn't false claim, he is pretty in a sense. Blue smokey pelt and all he suppose. He keeps his body still, as he lets the child give him a wonderful makeover. Feeling his face, get decorated by shiny scales the kit picked from her pile. The ruff of his neck and sleek coat get ribboned and weaved with petals and feathers, brought joy from inside the tom. She's enjoying herself. Fogshore lets out a soft laugh escape his maw, as he heard Shellkit exclaim that she was finished decorating him. "My, thank you for the makeover Shellkit." He coos, as he lifts himself up onto his paws to gently pad toward the puddle the kit papped at. He is careful not to dislodge any of the decorations that adored his fur, he stops as he made it to the puddle settling down near it. He cranes his neck over the puddle to look into the water. His eyes shone with amusement as he looked at his new appearance. It was quite a look, colorful, loud, dazzling, and messy, which was often the case with kithood. "You did a wonderful job with my new look." He curls a smile upon his face, twisting his head to let his amber eyed gaze settled down to look at Shellkit. He hums as he listens to the kit, saying she would like more feathers. "How about we go find stray feathers around camp, Shellkit?" He meows, toward the kitten with a sweep of his plumed tail.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( well, that was.. interesting ) FOGSHORE : warrior of riverclan
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM ; currently 32 moons
    𓇼 bisexual / single / sort of looking / open to crushes
    𓇼 LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 action , thoughts , "Speech, 9EB8D9"
    𓇼 smells of freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    ic notes: has light sensitive eyes.
    squints in the sunlight.

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone


"If its feathers you are after might I suggest asking the apprentices? I've seen several lining nests, surely they could spare a few."
His own tail rose in a black flick of fur upward, lined with red and burnt orange feathers tucked within the appendage in a way that made him look as though he'd grown spikes; thorns. Several were gifts from the first gathering he had stood before the clans are RiverClan's leader, others had just been picked up along the way. He remembers a time when he thought the tradition nonsense and scowled at his clanmates preening and pruning about like peafowl; but now he wholey embraced it for what it truly was - a sense of connection. Most other clans did not adorn themselves in such a manner, RiverClan excusively embraced the idea of lining their nests and pelts with color and textures to make a mosaic of eyecatching patterns; a pleasing aesthetic for their humble little island camp.
The dark tom regards Fogshore with a polite nod but his attention dips to Shellkit and he lowers his head to give a gentle nudge to the side of her face, "Little whorl, I see you are feeling yourself again. I'm glad." She had been somewhat quiet since the rogues had been cast from their territory and herself rescued from their clutches but her enthusiasm was thankfully not dampened for long.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


In the sunlight, the masterful placement of scales peeking out of Fogshore's plumy pelt was doubtless a beautiful sight- and awe glimmered in Ferngill's verdant eye when he saw the culprit. The artist. Little Shellkit bouncing on her paws, Fogshore as kindly congratulatory as always- Ferngill shot the feathery tom a grin. A prickle of warmth danced beneath his skin as Smokestar adressed his kin, his warmth billowing from him like the smog he was named for, and yet kind and cosy, an enveloping, embracing sort of fire. Thoughts of his father surged forward, but Ferngill tried to swallow them down, padding forward and doing his best to don his typical cheeriness.

"You've got a great eye, Shellkit," Ferngill chirped, his grin sunshine-bright. He meant it, sincerity shining clear in his emerald gaze- he was not secretive about his appreciation for the beautiful, and it seemed he had a kindred spirit. "You'll have to give me some advice." That, too, was sincere- he gave a little wink of his bloodied eye. For... yes, there was someone he had in mind to get better at weaving for...
penned by pin

It's a kindness that so much of the Clan would sooner humor and entertain her kittens than not. It's not always easy as one might expect, she understood that much. Patrolling and hunting was it's own kind of special strain on the mind, separate from parenthood. Some days she didn't want to bat a mossball around for the umpteenth time just as a warrior would want to be placed on a different border than the last.

But as their duties demand, they follow. Or maybe it's because she has such a hard time telling any of them no, that she would really rather take a nap and have Iciclefang or Lilybloom watch them instead. She doesn't think about it for very long.

"Where do you think she gets it from?" Hazecloud hummed as she brought more scales she carefully carved for Shellkit, and a few fuzzy leaves for some added taste. "The eyes are a reflection of the heart, which is why it's so special to find a match. Like Smokestar's red feathers. Hmm.. I think duck feathers would suit you! The one's that shine green in the sunlight." Hazecloud took a step back to look over the lead's fiery pelt and nodded her head confidently.

"Mhmm, looks like a good spot right here." A gentle paw poked right between Ferngill's shoulders where he couldn't easily see.