vivid faces | skyclan patrol

Dawn comes silver-shaded, with pale orange fingers making streaks across the distant horizon. There’s a promise of heat to come in the way the air stands so still despite the cloud cover, but for now the patrol enjoys the relative cool of morning. Cherryblossom’s fire-crowned head remains high as they approach the unclaimed border, a stately white figure in the midst of the thinning pines.

Her mouth parts, scenting the calm air where she stands. With any hope, this patrol will be uneventful. Cherrypaw once prayed for an event in every patrol: a skirmish, or a badger sighting, or a glimpse of a real life kittypet. SkyClan territory was once so vast and unknown. She knows better now. Trouble will find them soon enough; she rarely has to go looking herself.

Still, she can’t help the itch for adventure as they hover on the edge of the scrubland. ”No foxes? No rogues?” she prompts, turning to the rest of the patrol.

@DROWSYNOSE @Florabreeze

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
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There was an uncomfortable itch underneath Florabreeze’s pelt, somewhere underneath the flesh. Could it be anticipation? Prepared for the worst since that seems to be the easiest thing to do on these patrols? While she liked to play the role of the optimist she had come to realise that being positive over everything wasn’t the right way to go about it, it had burned her before and that was an important lesson to learn. If it wasn’t anticipation maybe it lingered further into anxiety, had Cherryblossom really forgiven her? This invitation felt like an olive branch so who was she to say no to it?

There’s hope that they could be given an uneventful patrol, the rare decently cool morning air was a sign of good things to come. She had to at least hope for that, still she couldn’t seem to shake the tension from her shoulders as she carried herself closer towards the unmarked border. Olive eyes scan around her, they fall on her patrol mates. Florabreeze couldn’t say that she has spoken with Drowsynose before, he seemed like pleasant yet diligent company to keep. Though she couldn’t say that she knew the SkyClan deputy well either, still she had found herself on more patrols with the calico then she could count.

The maine coon pauses at her prompting, scenting the air around them. She frowned as she picked up the scent of fox, it seemed stale though and she made a non committal hum. “There’s a stale fox scent, nothing fresh” could it just be a leftover scent from a passing group of foxes? Her whiskers twitch as she scrunches her face in thought, maybe Drowsynose would pick up something concrete.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}