For the most part, the apprentices seem to have accepted his punishment. However, it seemed he had gotten it wrong on Cloudypaw's involvement. Basilpaw also quickly added his voice to the cats present, suggesting that he should be punished too. "No, you will not be punished Basilpaw," Flycatcher told him calmly. "Whilst I don't agree with your opinions, they are yours to have. They may have contributed to Lichenpaw's own opinions and what happened today but you did not raise a paw here therefore I have nothing to punish you for." Despite his words, he gave Basilpaw a look as if to notify him that he would be keeping an eye on him now in case should decide to lash out against his clanmates.

He then turned to Cloudypaw, shooting her an apologetic glance. "Cloudypaw you are relieved from tick duty," He revealed.
A simple twitch of his ear is all he gives in regards to Stormypaw, as if a silent dare for the she-cat to actually try and fight with him. Basilpaw was hardly difficult to fight against with any opponent, but the presence of several warriors reassured him even if she had, it wouldn't last long at all. He kept his sights on Flycatcher instead, expecting to be placed alongside them for his 'confession'. He is ultimately fended off by his own mentor and brother, though. Dewfang's defense wasn't a surprise and he assumed the warrior would try to avoid him getting into any trouble as much as possible. The... description of his actions led Basilpaw a sheer second to break eye contact with Flycatcher to meet Lichenpaw's knowingly.

Honor. To lie? That was hardly the most he would do for Lichenpaw, but there was no honor among it. Swindlers and alley rats the two of them, but he doesn't say anything against Dewfang's words. With the added reassurance from Lichenpaw he receded back to Dewfang's side without protest. His little brother was quickly outgrowing the need for his protection now, ready to face consequences alone. He surmised their life, as different as it was from before, was safer here. Even if some of the cats didn't always get along there was an overall power to make sure nothing went too far. And if his brother was willing to face the punishment alone he wouldn't push any further.

Basilpaw broke eye contact with Flycatcher fully after retreating back to Dewfang's side, settling next to his mentor wordlessly. He was curious to see where this little lie he slipped would lead him.