WALKING PARADOX &. [ 6/4/23 ] meeting


please note that this takes place after the windclan border skirmish!! due to tl of events, there will be a mini announcement done after the skirmish thread finishes but it will also be before this meeting. if you have any questions, please ask me !! //

the wind makes this meeting more challenging than it should be. with greenleaf finally making its appearance for the year, they shouldn't be surprised at the weather change. it isn't as if starclan has been nice to them in any regard, really. their nose twitched as they paced back in forth in their den. their thoughts are all over the place, and they just can't seem to gather them properly. their ears perked at the whistle of the rough gusts, only for them to roughly hiss back on response. tch. their camp offers them the most shelter they could get. little did they know... other creatures wanted shelter too.

with a single lash of their tail, frustration lingers upon them. they make their way out of their den, climbing upon the rock in which they held their meetings. it was dangerous to even be up here, the wind pushing through their long fur, making then close their eyes with a huff. get this over with. the sooner im out of this wind, the fucking better.

"shadowclan! i apologize for taking you from the covers of the dens but it is time for a meeting! let's make this quick, shall we?"

they're in such a bad mood that if anyone said anything to them, or even made a face at them they didn't like, they were surely to snap. they did their best to allow the faces within the gathering crowd to blur, as if they did not see it, there was not reason to be more upset than they'd already been.

"we are gonna keep this short. so, ceremonies. a few kits are ready to become apprentices it seems. comfreykit, yarrowkit, jitterkit. please step forward– and try not to get knocked by the winds."

they snort at their own words before continuing.

"do you all promise to uphold your training, and follow your mentors into the line of becoming an excellent shadowclan warrior?"

they pause, allowing for response, and then proceed once more.

"very well. from this day onward, until the day you become warriors, you shall be known as comfreypaw, yarrowpaw, and jitterpaw. comfreypaw, your mentor shall be rosemire. yarrowpaw, your mentor will be leafjaw(npc). and jitterpaw, your mentor shall be coldbelly(npc). learn well from them. and mentors, teach well. remember. I do not tolerate you returning your apprentice from training as if they've lost a fight with a dog. train them as you wish, but remember my rules."

they grit their teeth, thinking of the recent events before just shaking their head. their ears momentarily twitched before their gaze moves beyond the crowd, the sound of rustling nearby making their stomach twist with some anxiety. perhaps it had just been a bird...

clearing their throat, they straighten their body to continue the rest of the meeting, even if they do feel as if they're in a wind tunnel.

"sabletuft, if you would. i have noticed your initiative when it comes to being a shadowclan warrior, and i would like to offer you a spot as a lead warrior. if you so please."

there is a beat, and once again rustling can be heard from outside of camp. this time, however, it's louder. closer. and there is more than one source. they geek a bit nauseous as the wind picks up once more, an unfamiliar and unfriendly scent carrying to their nose. they squinted their eyes before suddenly, black fur is pushing through the camp's entrance. low bellows of curiosity and hunger can be heard, and chilledstar's gaze shrinks back. what the fuck was that!?

a small young bear cub stands close to the fresh kill pile, it's attention being focused upon the kill before it looks around. it must have realized that it was not where it usually is, and suddenly begins to cry, and said cry it only interrupted by a loud roar, a bigger black bear coming forward and standing protectively in front of her cub. it shines its teeth, making threatening noises, as it's claws dig into the ground.


they manage to choke out before they call out to their clan, once more.

"shadowclan, run!"

//HELLO. WELCOME TO SHADOWCLAN'S OVER-BEAR-ING ISSUE!! the mysterious animal is black bears! that's right, you've heard it correctly! black bears have moved in and will be taking over camp! please note that there will be one more post from chilledstar where they give an official evacuation order!!! i will also link on that post the official on site tl as well as link the google docs tl upon discord!! remember, this is a bear! choose what you do carefully as it may be deadly !!



Stumpyspots pads out of the warriors den and settles herself a couple fox-lengths from the foot of Chilledstar's rock. Ignoring a hefty breeze, she looks up at the dark pelted feline with a smile, pleased to see another set of kits turned into apprentices. "Comfreypaw! Jitterpaw! Yarrowpaw!" Her nasally voice chants the names as she gazes upon them, eyes beaming with a look of congratulations. Half-expectantly the calico suspects the meeting is at an end, but Chilledstar surprises them with yet another thrilling announcement, Sabletuft is called forward to serve ShadowClan as a lead warrior.

Stumpyspots thinks this is a fair offer, one that Sabletuft, in her opinion, most certainly had earned. She watches the tom expectantly to agree, his name on the tip of her tongue, prepared to chant it- until...

Gasps cause her head to turn and face the fresh-kill pile, a large, pawed beast stood curiously at its edge. It's ebony pelt ruffled by the wind, yet not even the strong breezes come close to toppling it over. Stumpyspots lets out a defensive hiss, when to her terror, a beast double- no... tripling it's size rises over it. A deafening roar bellows from its maw. Chilledstar yells, run!

The kits! are immediately Stumpyspots first thought, she pushes through panicking cats and avoids the bears by several fox-lengths to get to the den.
Most of them she expects are Halfshade's kits, far to big to carry... but still she'd help corrale them to safety should any of the queens accept. "I'm here to help and get you out of camp safely!" Should the large beasts charge, she'd die to protect the mothers and their youth.

//TLDR; Stumpyspots is at the nursery offering help to the queens to get their kits (and any orphans/queenless kits) to safety.
maggotpaw | 07 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Well fuck. There are a lot of things maggotpaw is confident in - her fighting skills, her hunting skills, her desire for revenge. But all of that confidence simply flies out the window as what should have been a typical boring meeting turns into an invasion - and by hulking, towering creatures. They're like monsters from the thunderpath, she thinks idly, only... furrier. She doesn't get much chance to think past that before her instincts take over - fur fluffing and puffing up until she's nearly doubled in size. She lives to think of herself as a surivavlist, and so really, there's only one thing to do - she listens, and she runs.

There is nothing cowardly about running from a fight - surviving is all that matters, and she is certain even the biggest and strongest of warriors would not survive such a confrontation. And though maggie is big, she is not strong - cobwebs litter her frame still, wounds still healing from the fight against windclan. She doesn't even stick around long enough to hear any orders shouted past that point - with her only exit blocked by the bears, she's already diving into the nearest den.

// hiding in the medicine den because the bears are at the entrance lmao

  • Wow
Garlickit watches everyone gather for a meeting. She is a capable warrior in her professional opinion, so she bounces over to sit with all the adults. The wind pushes her a little, but she takes shelter beside a bigger warrior, using them as a shield.

Betonyfrosts kits have become apprentices, and she cheers for them as loudly as she can. The nursery will be emptier, but at least her denmates are going to learn cool stuff!

Sabletuft is asked to be a lead warrior. But before he can answer the call.....

A bear cub is in the camp. And soon, it's mother. Garlickit doesn't know what they are, but the claws on them are scary and the mother even scarier.

She flattens her ears. Chilledstar says to run, but she can't, not without her family!

"MAMA!!" She cries out, following Stumpyspots to the nursery. "MAMA THERE'S A MONSTER OUTSIDE!!!"

((@Halfshade ur child is stating the obvious))​
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Lambkit is mostly immersed in their thoughts while the meeting goes on; the wind is tossing about their scruffy fur in a very irritating way, but they wanted to see some of their denmates become apprentices, since their own ceremony (while it feels far away) will eventually arrive. Sitting in the nursery's entrance, leaning against Addercoil for shelter, they're absentmindedly considering all the new treasure options that will become available to them once she has her own apprenticeship ceremony and is allowed out of camp (although she doubts her foster queen would notice even if she did sneak out); she could even go to Carrionplace, which she's heard has lots of weird Twoleg treasures.

These absently pursued thoughts are quite abruptly cleaved away by the arrival of a pair of creatures so large they seem to blot out of the sky. Is the world finally ending? The bear's roar seems to shake the very earth, and suddenly Lambkit looks up and Addercoil and her not-siblings are gone. Their already-big eyes widen as the sky-shattering sounds continue, creeping backwards into the nursery on gangly legs. A shadow fills the doorway and Lambkit shudders, looking up; oh. It's just Stumpyspots, the stubby warrior having arrived.

"Stumpyspots!" Lambkit wails, some of their usual creepiness cleared by instinctive fright, "I don't know where to go. I don't know where Addercoil went!" Unbeknownst to Lambkit, their foster queen and her kits are long gone, having left the minute the bears appeared.
  • Crying
Reactions: AVA

Sneakily, the black kit slunk out of the nursery, the wind instantly buffeting his feathered fur. He had heard a thing or two that kits didn't attend the meetings like the one Chilledstar called for now, but he didn't care to listen to all that. Crowkit looked at Chilledstar, their bad mood was easy to see. Crowkit wasn't exactly thrilled to be out in the gusts either, but the newcomer's excitement to see what a "meeting" was quelled any discomfort the winds could cause.

Differing - hued eyes flit to - and - fro as Chilledstar speaks the name of three of his denmates, and then suddenly their names changed. Pluming ears swivel as the new names are shouted, and an uncharacteristically quiet, cawing voice joins the chanting. He didn't even know what he was doing really, or why.

The collective crooning jolts to an end with a deafening roar. The commotion sends him to his paws, sheening black fur spiked. Silvery green and dark brown orbs lay on ... he didn't even know what it was, except that it was big. And if that thing hadn't made the noise, he didn't intend to stick around and find out what did.

Chilledstar's call to run is enough for him and looking about wildly, the familiar smooshed face of Stumpyspots, Garlickit, and Lambkit are all he sees. He had never known fear like this before, and it appeared to him the swamp monsters were invading. Crowkit bounded to Stumpyspots' side, "Where's the others?" His cawing voice reverberates through the nursery, though he was certain the beast's roar was warning enough for them. A moment of hesitation holds him, and Crowkit looks over his shoulder at the chaos. Barreling into the nursery, his black maw plucks the blue wrapper that had accompanied him here before looking around for his other denmates. It wasn't that he was particularly fond of any of them, but no one deserved to be devoured by a swamp creature.

Little black paws carry him close again to Stumpyspots' side alongside the other kits, though he had half a mind to flee into the marsh far, far away from the terrible creatures.

  • ooc:
  • shiny, feathery pitch black fur with one silvery green eye and one nearly black one. eyes have an unsettling gleam to them. looks terribly suspicious in his body language and facial expressions.
  • crowkit named at the Carrionplace for stealing tendencies and ability to eat almost anything; and for his black and shiny pelt

    —— he / him; 3 moons, kit of shadowclan

    —— prone to thievery and gluttony, he's building a stockpile of trinkets

    —— current inventory + location

    - 1 blue twoleg wrapper

    - in his nest in the nursery
  • "speech"
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Halfshade does not attend the meeting, she is in the nursery with her kits, Lambkit and Crowkit and had no interest in hearing the discussion she could just get the gossip from later when Smogmaw popped his head in to visit; as such she is lounging in her nest and watching her little furballs roam about and play, wondering when she would take them outside again to get a little bit of sunbathing in alongside allowing them to run. It is the initial crash that rouses her to sit upright in alarm, the sound of Chilledstar shouting is not what she'd call an uncommon occurence but rather than being a forceful demand for silence it is now a cry of panic. Something had happened and she swiftly rises to stand the second Garlickit calls back to her that a 'monster' is in camp, mismatched eyes peer out the den as she sweeps the kitten back with her long tail and a startled, strangled gasp escapes her at the sight of whatever this great behemoth of a creature was. It was bigger than a badger and not as low to the ground, she had no clue what to even begin to call it and as she reels with fear and uncertainty Stumpyspot's is suddenly before her. The kits, that's right, the kits, they had to get out of here. The torbie queen blinks rapidly, grateful for the help in coralling all of these little ones, her own as well as the few stragglers they had brought in.
Crowkit stumbles forward to the old molly and she turns to nudge Lambkit closer as well, "Stay with Stumpyspots, stay at her side and do not roam off; both of you. I'm right behind you as well."
The queen pivots about, rushes back into the den to begin nudging awake kits who were not already aware of what was happening; her teeth clamp down on Swankit's scruff to try and gently shake him awake; help him orient quicker as he was so prone to dozing she worried he might not get up at all.
"Valeriankit, Applekit, Swankit, Garlickit, we have to go-! Stay close please, stay together, stay with me-"
Her tail is a great wall of fur, a plumed cage she keeps curled and hovering around her litter as they slowly make their way out.
Meetings weren't meant for kits, and perhaps the only reason Applekit wasn't complaining is because she didn't want to be out in the stupid wind anyways. She doesn't bother stifling her sigh when she near immediately goes from sitting next to Garlickit than watching her bound into the windy clearing, clearly hardly able to keep herself afloat. Applekit continues to watch from the guarded nursery walls, eyes squinted against the wind. Lambkit is hardly acknowledged beside her, and Crowkit goes to join Garlickit too.

Applekit can't hear anything from the nursery. Not until she hears a loud roar. Confusion glazes across her eyes in a second, and she tilts her head toward the sound. Applekit just barely glimpses the black mass by the fresh - kill before Stumpyspots comes hurtling toward them, rare urgency in her voice. Applekit blinks bewilderedly. " Where are we going? "

A shadow slips out of the den the same moment that Stumpyspots, Crowkit and Garlickit slip in, the latter screaming her head off as usual. Applekit bristles instinctively. What was going on? " What? What's in camp? " she frets, normally self - assured mew beginning to slip into kittish crying. Dutifully still, she would follow her mother's orders, following barely a whisker away from Halfshade's legs.
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Needledrift is not smart, she's never been coy or clever or conniving. She's not even particularly strong. She is, under all circumstances, a less than substantial cat on the best of days. Still, when any creature turns their fangs on the clan, it is a warrior's duty to protect their clanmates with their life.

This moral compass would be easier to square if the warrior in question wasn't a year out of practice as far as battle-training went... Still, instead of skittering towards the nebulous crevices of safety, Needledrift turned to face the bear, her little tail poofed up as much as possible. She made herself a target, a distraction, with her eyes wide and mouth twisted into a facsimile of a snarl. Come and get me, come and-

Large black claws - claws as big as her face! - glimmered as they moved forward, faster than the she-cat could imagine. She dove out of the way, her jaw clicking painfully as she ducked and rolled... right into the path of another ebony-furred, furious swipe .....
she smells like lemongrass and sleep

the bear is making a valiant effort not to fight, but there is far too many things happening for them to care. first of all, this thing is in their camp. if there is more than one here... then surely there will be more. they couldn't risk more of these things showing up. secondly, they didn't know what the hell it was or what it could do. they didn't want to find out, that was for sure. everyone is running away, and making an effort to hide by something tells them this will not be enough. they find their way down the rock, watching with wide eyes before they get closer to the beast, wincing as claws swipe the air. the bear clearly doesn't want to actually fight but is willing, nonetheless. anything to protect her baby. chilledstar hisses, pinning their ears back, as fur along their spine rises. no. they will not risk the life of their clan for the sake of the camp.

"retreat, shadowclan! help the kits and elders, and escape! run! head towards the thunderpath!"

they snap loudly, before they lowered their body to the ground. their claws dug into the dirt, teeth bared as they watched the bear with unmoving intensity. something moves past and the bear is frightened enough to try and make yet another move but chilled goes first, snapping their jaws with a hiss, enough to keep it cornered, and it's attention upon them. starclan, please let them escape.

they have to make a move. a drastic one. a stupidly insane one– but one that will get the rest of them out. they move to swipe their paw at the beast, moving slowly away from the entrance, gaze squinting as they walked, being sure that the bear was taking steps backwards. it was trying to protect its baby without having to fight, but chilledstar was going to leave it with no choice. once it was far enough away from the entrance, they hissed again, hoping they could hold them back long enough. they needed to. everyone had to escape.

they don't expect anyone to fight, let alone needledrift. but she does, and within a flash, the bear is trying to fight back, it's large paw moving rather quickly towards the warrior.

"needledrift, move it!"

they order worriedly, knocking her out of the way, only to met with the ragged ones of the bear, digging deep into their throat. they barely can react, or see if everyone got out, but it matters not. the leader's body collapses to the ground, breath becoming more and more labored as blood seeped from their wound– staining their fur and the ground beneath them. their eyes gloss over and before they can even truly register what's happening, their body stops moving completely, and they become limp. a corpse.

//tldr: chilled has just ordered an evacuation to the thunderpath, and in an attempt to keep the bear's attention ( and saving needle's life ) so everyone can escape, they have lost a life!!
The camp erupts into chaos and Frostbite lays eyes on an animal he had marked off his list of suspects. A bear.

It was different than the ones he had seen in the mountains. The ones he had seen were huge and brown, these ones were small and black.

He fumes inside. He blames his ignorance for this. He bristles and bares his teeth, springing into action just in time to see Chilledstar take a blow for Needledrift.

With a furious, frightened growl, he rushes forward.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!" He screeches at the bear, also aimed at Needledrift.

He quickly grips Chilledstar by the scruff and tries to drag them away from the bear, and hopefully further harm.​
Placing himself at the back of the crowd, he brings himself to a poised sit as Chilledstar's voice rings across the clearing. He listens with intent, ever silent as they speak and bring three kits forward. Lynxjaw smiles, blackened lips pulling and pinching his cheeks as he glimmers with pride. No, these kits are not his own—but they are the future of ShadowClan and it's all the same. The large tom nods his head, flicking tufted ears as his clan mates chant their names into the air. Chilledstar continues now, calling Sabletuft to the front and invites them to be apart of their concil. The looming tom nods in agreement, Sabletuft was a more than worthy candidate of the position. They were always on the ready, and he would make sure to congratulate them later.
It is then that a large ruckus is sounded from behind him. He turns and his heart seemed to stop immediately. His blood runs cold and coagulates in his veins, muscles taut but flash frozen as fear crawls out from the depths of his mind. There isn't many things that Lynxjaw is scared of, but seeing what their intruder was, actually taking in the sight if the behemoth cloaked in shadow—he was completely shell-shocked. A bear? The beast was massive, larger than anything he'd ever seen and made his towering stature miniscule in comparison. Thick, obsidian claws tapped against the barren floor of their camp, their very steps quaking the earth and the rumbles it made had his ear pinning close against the slope of his helm. We're going to die.
Chilledstar's voice rings and chaos ensues, he's up on his feet and moving swiftly. Though he felt like a petrified kit on the outside, his face revealed nothing. He was the epitome of level-headedness and even now he would not betray that, even if worry clawed at his throat for his clan. He's running on his leader's order, molten eyes flitting to make sure all kits had been accompanied and none left behind. Needledrift turns to the bear, small as she is, brave as any LionClan warrior like in the stories and faces the looming beast. "Needledrift! Now isn't the time to prove yourself! We must run, we must—" Too late. A heavy paw swings for her and he shoots for it, but Chilledstar is faster. They intercept the blow as the young warrior falls and the sickening scent if blood filters the air. Crescent like pupils dilate as he watches them fall to the ground, open and bleeding profusely. Dead. "NO!" He roars, powerful muscles springing his large frame forth. He leaps towards the beast as Frostbite grabs the corpse of their leader, landing squarely between them and the beast. He lets out the hardest snarl he can muster, baring large incisors and spitting fiercely towards it. "LEAVE THIS PLACE!" He booms, lashing out with a paw in effort to scare it away. He will provide the distraction, just enough for Frostbite and Needledrift to get away. He casts a glance back, broadened muzzle twisted in fury. "Head for the Thunderpath as Chilledstar said! Go!"

can we leave it behind? The gusts that flung scent lines crossways and prey back into their holes had thoroughly left Sabletuft in a sour mood. Camp was commonly regarded to him as a shelter to sleep in and protect, not a place to hide like the vermin they chased. He had prepared for greenleaf to be less whirl-winding and more like a pot of humidity. At least they could still hunt in the ghastly heat.

He withdrew from the brambles at Chilledstar's call, kicking away an old piece of moss that had stubbornly clung to the back of his hind leg. He didn't go very far, keeping himself close to the bramble bush as its leaves were the only way he could hear Chilledstar enough to know what they were saying. Betonyfrost's kits rise to the challenge of apprenticeship, and he couldn't help but take note how this was another meeting Loampaw wouldn't be ascending in. The impossible apprentice...

His eyes blink up at Chilledstar as they spoke his name. Their icy sights rest on him, and he met them with the highest respect. The proposition, the recognition, he would be a fool to decline.

Do you deserve it? A thought prodded. Yes. He reassured. Rye deserved to see this moment with him, and he would not disappoint her.

His jaws part to accept until a more brazen sound disturbed his attention. His eyes break away from the leaders and focus on where the grumbling had come from, mouth agape at the sight of black masses crashing into the center. Sabletuft couldn't even place a name to the creature, not by scent nor sight. His fur bristles like spines down his back and through his tail, parted lips now peeling back more into a defensive hiss.

It all happened in great succession, one after the other. Paws on both ends swing, shouts and roars from all sides. The camp is a swirling pool of colors and blood, and Sabletuft can't help but feel this is only fitting. Chilledstar wished for him to succeed beside them, was this another one of StarClan's messages? If it were, they could kick dirt. He knew what he deserved, what he had earned.

Frostbite is drawing back with Chilledstar's body, and Lynxjaw is rallying what warriors stand to fight. The tattered warrior would break off the join the queens ushering their kittens out. "I'll draw them back if they get close." His words are a promise to Halfshade and Stumpyspots, his steps sideways as keeps in tandem with the little pack while facing the bears. Making sure their focus is anywhere but on them.— tags
Specter is drawn forth by Chilled's announcements. Comfrey, Jitter and Yarrow are all called to be apprentices. He throws his voice in to the air as everyone else does. And then Sabletuft is promoted to a lead warrior, Specter's nose wrinkles. Unlucky, he thinks, Shadowclan has had misfortune after misfortune, being shunned by the stars, and surely this puts Sable in to Starclans vision now. He does not envy the other, but he squints his eyes as Chilled looks beyond the gathered cats. What are they looking at...?

They speak in a choked call. Run, Shadowclan, run! And run is what he'll do as he follows their eyes. A cub stands at the kill pile and all of the sudden an angry looking mama bear stands in front of it. Specter is spurred in to motion as he rushes to Eerie, his body protectively curling around his void. Theres a foolish cat that tries to fight, that has him rolling his eyes as he attempts to nudge Eerie forwards. "Come on, kid, we can't stay. Don't try to be a hero today." he slightly hisses, not at Eerie, but at the situation the Clan has found themselves in. He should have known Chilled would defend them, because a black and white body moves faster than he can comprehend. Eyes widen, because theres a paw thats brought down and-

And then they go limp. They slump in to the ground, their eyes lose their spark. Theres blood, too. So, so much of it. Nightmare upon Earth, their body isn't moving, Chilled, Chilled- "Chilled!" his voice finally rises in a frenzied screech, no, no, no! He can't lose them, if he loses them, who is he? He's nothing without them, if they don't get up then what does he have? Days, moons spent with them, being by their side, is this a cruel joke? It's a punishment, he convinces himself, but a punishment they didn't deserve. "No, no!" he repeats and tears break the dam that has held them back for moons, finally does he cry, waterworks stream down his cheeks. He swears that he has died, himself, a part of him lost to the winds whenever brutish claws struck them. Specter leaves Eerie's side, his mind immediately going blank.

Fuck, he's moving, but he's so slow as he finally finds himself next to Frostbite. "Chilled? Please, please wake up, please! Get up, get up!" a choked sob leaves his lips and it takes everything not to shake, not to show weakness in front of the clan. You can't die, you can't. "Let me help, we'll get them-" he takes a gasp for air between his silent shudders. "We'll get them out faster, if we work together." he lowers his head to aim to help drag Chilled alongside Frostbite. His legs feel weak, but he has to stay strong, he has to. And if whatever clan resides in the sky doesn't bring them back, then he'd walk through fire to get them to the plane of the living again. "I'll, i'll distract them if it comes to it, just please, lets get them out." because he'd take a thousand of those claws to see Chilled alive again. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, Lynx snarls a declaration. Specter doesn’t want to stay to see what happens.

// was getting eerie out, now trying to help get chilled out
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❪ TAGS ❫ — A fond smile dawns upon his features as Betonyfrost's kits finally take on the suffixes of -paws, solidifying their apprenticeship and journey into warriorhood. Gosh, they were growing up so fast, weren't they? They'd be warriors in the blink of an eye. Roosterstrut cast a glance over his shoulder, searching for Betonyfrost's face among the crowd, wondering how she was feeling about this important moment. "Comfreypaw! Yarrowpaw! Needlepaw!" Roosterstrut chanted, gladly showing his support for the kits that, sometimes, he wished were his own. Even if they weren't related by blood, he'd do his best to be there for them and ensure that they felt loved.

Though it's almost hard to hear over the fierce winds, Roosterstrut perks his ears and receives Chilledstar's other announcement — Sabletuft, a new lead warrior. He was an older warrior, one who Roosterstrut respected and found to be loyal. That promotion was well-deserved in his opinion.

Then, things had all progressed so fast. A small, beastly scrap of black fur barged into camp which was soon followed by a bigger version, parting its slicked jaws to bellow loudly at the clan. "ShadowClan, run!" Chilledstar shouts. He cannot help but think of the past. The fear, the chaos... He had not been present at the time of his father's killing, but he had imagined the very scene in his head for as far back as he could remember.

His heart thundered in his chest, pupils stretching wide as he grew slack-jawed and froze in utter fear. What was that thing? Don't just stand there. Move! An inner voice screamed, and only then did Roosterstrut snap to his senses and exclaim in the direction of the crowd, "GO!" His eyes frantically searched for the three new apprentices in particular, knowing that he'd never be able to forgive himself if anything happened to them on his watch.

Bolder cats, surely braver than he, had deliberately leaped into harm's way in order to deter the bear. Roosterstrut worked quickly, helping to clear the elder's den and usher the older cats toward the camp entrance. He dared to look back, only to see a limp and bloodied Chilledstar being drug away by Frostbite and Spectermask. No... Roosterstrut gritted his teeth. The black and white leader was not gone for good, thank StarClan, but that thing had taken one of their lives. What if it permanently took the life of another?

Coming up behind Lynxjaw, Roosterstrut shouted,
"I'm not leaving this camp until we all go!" He would do everything in his power to prevent a repeat of the past. He couldn't lose a clanmate to a bloodthirsty beast again, not if he could help it. As long as he could breathe and move his four limbs, Roosterstrut would try he didn't want to face down this large beast to be a hero, but because he couldn't let any more lives be lost. Roosterstrut didn't want to run, to freeze in fear and do nothing as he had done before.
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Young and reckless, Ember had been scampering about the camp, batting at leaves and imaginary foes hurled at her by the breeze. Her sparkling gaze lifted toward Chilledstar at one point, watching curiously as they meowed at the quickly gathered clan. Ember wanted to listen, she really did, but her focus was not easily kept. She snatched a twirling butterfly from the air, gently trapping it beneath her paws. It’s so pretty! she thought, her admiration for the elegant creature overflowing. Her admiration lingered as an oversized bundle of shadows tumbled its way through the camp entrance, straight toward the prey pile.

Ember stared at the thing, confused but not yet frightened. It was bulky but young, and made strange noises like a deep-throated cry. It’s… It’s cute, I think! A sudden ice-like paralysis fell over the child, freezing her insides as she became aware of just how quiet the camp had gotten. What… What’s happening? Whats wrong? A massive creature unlike anything the kit had seen suddenly shouldered its way into the clearing, a towering replica of the young cub. Ember’s ears flattened on instinct, and immediately her gaze was drawn to Chilledstar. Their sky-blue eyes were locked on the creature, and all of a sudden Ember knew this was no laughing matter. Chilled managed one word, and it set her heart beating at a woodpecker’s pace. ‘Run.

While Ember wanted nothing more than to sprint to Chilledstar’s side, she was afraid. They were so far away, and the giant creature loomed over them all. The nursery. Yes, that’s where she would go, that’s where Chilledstar would want her to go. She stumbled her way over, passing frantic warriors and joining the throng of stammering kits. One of the molly’s, one with patched fur and a squished face was taking charge, reassuring the children that she would get them to safety. Ember wanted to believe her, and so she did. She stuck close to her side, keeping her head down as she was jostled about in the chaos. But another sound from outside froze her in her tracks.

Ember whipped around, eyes wide as Chilledstar’s snarl permeated the air. They had thrown themselves right between the massive creature and another warrior, daring the beast to harm one of their own. Quicker than an adder, the monstrosity accepted the challenge. It was over so fast Ember didn’t fully understand what had happened. All she saw now was Chilledstar’s body, limp as fresh kill with blood oozing into the soil.
CHILLEDSTAR!” With a ghastly wail Ember sprinted forward, joining the warriors who howled in shock and grief. She threw herself at their leg, tugging with all the might in her small body. “Get up, Chilledstar! Everyone’s leaving, we gotta go!” Try as she might, they would not move, and soon the warriors around her sunk teeth into their stilled scruff and began to move them themselves. More of a nuisance than a help, the terrified kitten followed after them, mewling and sobbing. If she wasn’t herded away she would refuse to leave their side.

/was with Stumpyspots, now following the warriors taking Chilled away!
  • Wow
It happened too fast. One moment, she was ready to be flattened, the next moment she was a foot away and her leader... Needledrift feels their blood splatter her leg and her eyes grow wide as Chilledstar falls. Other warriors swarm them - Frostbite and Specternask have Chilledstar's body; Lynxjaw and Sabletuft have their backs. Needledrift gets up woozily, eyes darting between her friends and -

- oh no.

A kitten enters her vision, clinging to the corpse that she had caused. Before she can swallow and think, she moves. Her jaw clicks open, moving painfully around its socket, and she aims to secure her mouth around the kit's scruff and whisk them away from the encroaching beasts. She distantly registers the searing pain of her relocated jaw, but she refuses to wait. They need to get to safer ground - now. @Emberkit
she smells like lemongrass and sleep
  • Crying
Reactions: Emberpaw
Valeriankit had been in the nursery beside her brother, watching as Garlickit ran to attend the meeting. The young torbie was lost in thoughts when a loud horrific sound reached her ears, followed by her sister screaming as those who were out of the den returned in a panic. Standing up, the girl nudged her brother. "Swan. Up." She was quick to attempt awakening her slumbering brother, only for her mother to swoop in and wake him further. She followed close to her mother's paws, scanning the camp. Her gaze focused on the giant creature before looking around for a familiar blue pelt, with it nowhere in sight. "Mama? Where's Papa?" She asked with a soft whine as she followed on small legs to remain close to her mother. To head where ever it was they were going.
[sweet like honey]
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Reactions: willie and Swansong
only seconds after her mate had departed from the den did geckoscreech follow suit, ears quickly swiveling back when she was greeted by the keening cries of the turbulant winds once more. this was starting to get ridiculous and she was honestly considering turning back around to hunker down inside the den again and miss the meeting entirely but being the punctual feline she was, not attending would just bother her even more.

geckoscreech joins the rest of the clan by the base of the rock, listening as chilledstar's makes their usual announcements and this time around there was not much to be shared aside from betonyfrost's kits being apprenticed and sabletuft getting appointed lead warrior. the smothered cheers that rippled throughout the clan are quickly silenced when an unfamiliar cry rings out above the howling gales, soon all heads are turning to face the source of the noise only for them to be met with a lumbering beast unlike any other forcing its way through camp to stand protectively over the wailing cub.


chilledstar's screech breaks through the frozen second of silence before all hell breaks loose. cats are suddenly scrambling to escape and while some flee with no second thoughts, others stay behind to provide some sort of distraction to give those aiding queens, kits and elders more time to make it out of here. geckoscreech forces herself to move, aquamarine eyes wide and wild with fear as she searches for her son among the crowd. did he make it out already? "ribbitleap!" she calls out franticly, movements slowing down a little as she tries to pick him out from the fleeing crowd.

suddenly the bear lets out this deafning roar causing her spine to arch up, fur bristling along every knob of her spine as she whips her focus towards the direction of the angry ursine only to be a witness to something that causes her heart to plummet to the pits of her stomach. frostbite and spectermask carrying chilledstar who lay motionless in their hold, ribbons of ruby red staining the clearing grounds following their path. geckoscreech wanted to scream but it stayed trapped in her throat, leaving her trembling and breathless.

she knows leaders have nine lives for a reason and that they'll get back up eventually but it doesn't erase the heartbreak and anguish that comes with it. the lead warrior can barely choke out a pitiful cry, eyes growing glossy with tears as she felt a tug to run over and force her nose into their fur but it needed to wait. they all needed to get to safety first. geckoscreech tears her gaze away and keeps moving, she still needs to find ribbitleap.
————— ☾ —————

First to draw him to wakefulness is a loud and unsettling cry, sound of a creature which he's never imagined, much less encountered. Second is the nudge from his sister, her soft voice speaking simply: Swan. Up. "Mh... Val...?" It's a normal saying from one like Applekit, but cause for concern from his sleepy sister's mouth. She wouldn't wake him without good reason, he knows.

And the wailing does not stop as he wakes, not like the half-nonsense words he hears as he falls asleep, slipping into dreams before they begin. No, this is different. This is real. Halfshade comes to gather them, drawing the kits away, and Valeriankit asks after their father. The fear does not fully settle, but there is a prickling beneath his pelt and a worry swirling in his gut as half-sleeping paws follow silently trails after his mother.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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