The kit who speaks up first doesn't seem to sure of his response, but Hazelswirl doesn't fault him for that. Bumblekit's theory of a protector and their charge is touching, everyone loves a knight in shining armor. But the idea of the protector also being loved enough to be protected as well—it's enough to bring a smile to the she-cat's face. "They both protect one another. I like that one a lot."
Hyacinthbreath proposes a similar idea, one that centers around love and separation. The sun and moon must have a strong bond, if they're able to be apart for so long and still feel love for each other. "I know I'd surely miss someone I love if I had to be away from them for that long," she murmurs. She's decidedly not thinking of Meadow—in fact, she drives all thoughts of her sister from her mind. She only misses Meadow because she's never known life without her. There's no use dwelling on it.
She still wonders why, if the sun loves the moon and the moon loves the sun, why they must be apart for so long. Dandelionpaw's idea unravels that question, though, as the apprentice mentions a MoonClan and a SunClan. For a moment, the tricolored molly feels a bolt of dread. What if her mother isn't in StarClan after all, but some other clan up in the sky? What if all this time that Hazelswirl has been talking to her, she hasn't even been in the right place to listen?
The pull of Sootstar's voice soothes her suddenly frazzled nerves, declaring that she only speaks with StarClan. If Sootstar, closest to the cats of the stars, says she will only recognize one clan, then surely she knows best. "The sky is strange, that's for sure. I've never given it much thought. But it may as well be a whole other world," she muses, with a contemplative nod of her head to the leader.
Mallowlark's concept—that the two being together hurts them—makes her think of Meadow again, but the she-cat is trying so hard not to dwell on it. She really doesn't know how to respond to the other warrior, but she swallows around the lump in her throat to speak. "Y'all certainly have some interesting theories." And devastating ones, courtesy of Mallowlark. She suppresses the shiver that runs down her spine, and instead politely curls her tail around her paws.
She tips her head up, olive eyes slipping closed. "There's just something so romantic about it, the way they're so similar but so different. But they can't be together, for reasons neither of them can control." And she really doesn't know what she's talking about, they're both just balls of light in the sky, but to think that the sun could love the moon… it brings a smile to her face.