- Jun 7, 2022
- 421
- 151
- 43
clay; clayfur clay for his deep brown fur color. fur for its simplicity.
— warrior of riverclan
— male, he/him, amab
— 35 moons / ages every 28th
↳ penned by @foxlore -
tall, lean chocolate tabby with a white underside and hazel eyes / toyhouse
clay is tall and long-legged, lean and powerful in appearance. his fur is scruffy, with tufts sticking out everywhere, no matter how well he grooms it. his pelt is the color of his namesake, mostly a rich brown, with darker stripes on his face and legs that fade into near-invisibility along his back. his underside is splashed in white, and more white covers his chest and paws. his eyes are hazel, flecked with the smallest bits of gold.
↳ sh chocolate mack tabby with low white / carrying solid, dilute, longhair -
chaotic good, silverquill bard
intelligence ●●○○○○○○○○
confidence ●●●●●○○○○○
charisma ●●●●●●●●●○
creativity ●●●●●●●○○○
wisdom ●●●●●○○○○○
humor ●●●●●●●●●○
(+) dependable, friendly, ambitious, hardworking (/) confident, trusting (-) reckless, irresponsible, dumb, anxious
seemingly lacking the ability to stay focused for more than a short while, clayfur can be a difficult man to hold a conversation with. he is friendly toward his clanmates, giving each of them the benefit of the doubt in any situation. he is very honest and, by extension, trustworthy; he is an open book with nothing to hide, and he enjoys sharing conversations with others about every single thought that crosses his mind. his observational skills leave much to be desired; he frequently misses the nonverbal cues of others, and must be told things specifically in order to catch on. despite this, he is especially good at telling others what they want—or need—to hear, and he is good at talking himself out of situations.
clayfur is well aware of his own goals in life, but he is often disappointed due to how lofty his ambitions are. he feels that he has no way to reach his goals on his own, and can become depressed when thinking about them. he wants to be seen as a hero, one who helps others, but it can cause him to become self sacrificial, throwing away any concern for his own safety or health. he is generally dimwitted, but occasionally shows a more perceptive side of himself to those he knows well.
due to recent tensions with windclan, clayfur has become more restless, reckless, and more guarded. strangers are met with distrust and, occasionally, hostility. he believes that talking things through is always the best way to settle disputes, but often has to fight his more violent impulses. he is more anxious than ever as of late, always on edge and prepared for an ambush of some sort.
↳ mannerisms friendly and positive toward clanmates, begins every interaction with an open mind. gives his friends nicknames. tips his head fully sideways to express interest or confusion. always seeks out eye contact, but holds it for an uncomfortably long time. hardly ever stops moving, fidgeting, flicking his tail, etc. has pica and frequently eats things that are not considered food. has hip dysplasia (currently mild, but worse on the right side) that causes him to sit down with splayed legs. -
maya xx
reedsibling to beetlesong, icesparkle | family tree
— mate toclearsight| parent to no one
— uncle to lilybloom, darkpaw, fernpaw, steeppaw, iciclepaw
— mentor to antlerpaw | previously mentored no one
↳ admires willowroot, buckgait,clearsight, badgerfang
↳ close friends withclearsight
↳ friends with willowroot, redpath, buckgait, houndstride, cindershade
↳ likes dogteeth, gillpaw, boneripple, snakeblink, skyclan, antlerpaw
↳ conflicted about hyacinthbreath
↳ dislikesemberstar, thunderclan, howlingstar
↳ loathes weaselclaw, sootstar, tigerfrost,pitchstar, shadowclan, windclan -
strength ●●●●●●●●○○
stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
agility ●●●○○○○○○○
hunting ●●●●●●●○○○
swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
climbing ●●●○○○○○○○
constitution ●●●●●●●●●○
bisexual; widowed, not in a good place to think about romance
— physical health [ 90% ] | mental health [ 60% ]
— will start fights | may flee | will not show mercy | will maim or kill
— excels at persuasion, insight, hunting, fishing (sometimes)
— poor at running, swimming, strategy, fishing (sometimes)
— sounds like a polite young man / robbie daymond as dorian storm
— smells like black cohosh (just smells kinda like a barn)
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is #C4CEA1 -
backstory / simplified history
clay began life in a barn alongside his siblings and their parents, as well as many other cats. the triplets wanted to explore, though, so they ventured out into the world to see what wonders it held. and what wonders did it hold! they came across an entire group of cats inhabiting the pine forest, led by a cat named rain, and when his sister ice met a nice tom named mud, well, you can see how that went. mud and ice had a kit, lily, and the siblings lived in the pine group for almost a full year.
after a lot of tension and eventually a bloody final battle, the pine and marsh groups split into five different clans. ice announced that she would be traveling to the river territory—soon to be riverclan—with mud and lily, so clay followed, desperate not to be abandoned. he didn't know how to swim, but he couldn't just let his family leave him behind! so he touched it out and joined riverclan with them, eventually being renamed clayfur by their leader, cicadastar.
clayfur thrived in riverclan despite his failures at first, eventually learning to swim and becoming great at fishing. he settled in, was assigned an apprentice, and even found love in a warrior named clearsight. they were mates long before clay became aware of it—enamored with clearsight, pining from a distance but unaware that clearsight already considered them mates. finally, the two had a conversation that cleared up their confusion, and they loved each other as mates for one month.
when windclan attacked riverclan's camp in retaliation for their warrior's death, clearsight was killed. clay fell into despair, characteristic cheer falling away to leave him hollow and nigh unresponsive for days. -
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