camp WARM TOUCH // joining the elders den


Dec 16, 2023

It was time he guess, everyone at some point would end up here unless of course they died in battle or some other tragedy. Just the idea of him ending up dying some horrible death was worth to keep him awake at night. If he did end up dying like that he hoped it would be painless...But the elders den for sure was a nice end goal to work towards, right?. " Perchberry dear, are you even listening?" Huh?. Perchberry blinked his eyes as his cheeks heated up a slight bit in embarassment for having spaced out in Wavepool's company. " Ah, uhm, so-sorry, what were you saying?" Perchberry shyed away from their gaze. Wavepool would just chuckle warmly at them, thier old features soft and tender. " I was asking if you could keep an eye out for a mouse the next time you're out hunting?. This old molly is gonna have to rely on you to feed me from now on." Wavepool would purr fondly before she returned to organize her new nest in the elders den.

That was right. Today Wavepool had officially retired as a warrior and was going to join the elders. Perchberry had offered to help her out to make sure she got settled comfortable. Tht included to help out to build her new nest. For some reason Wavepool had always liked it more when he was making her nests. Maybe it was an excuse for them to spend time together. Not that he was complaining. He didn't mind it the slightest.

He remember when he first had become her apprentice, all shy and nervous unable to even get one word out from his mouth. Wavepool had noticed this and instead of taking him out like most did with their apprentices back then she had instead helped to build his very own nest in the apprentice den. It was a fond memory to look back on since it had helped with his anxiety and to relax. It had been an excellent way for the two to bond so the anxious Perchpaw had felt more comfortable with their training later on. Wavepool had always been very considerate of him and always been gentle and kind with him through their training. Perchberry would always feel grateful towards them for that. He didn't think he could have made it without her.

Even now she was thoughtful of him, knowing very well he couldn't fish thanks to his phobia for water. In truth Perchberry was sure she much rather would have ate fish but she never had refused to eat any land prey he had brought to her. She always told him his prey always tasted the best. She was truly kind. Perchberry smiled at her. " Yeah, i will make sure to do that." In fact he was gonna make sure he caught a big mouse to her. At least try to...

" I will make sure to get you some more reeds too next time i'm out and...pick some lilies for you." Perchberry said as he contunied to help with making her nest, wanting to make sure she had the most comfortable nest in the den. " Oh, you're such a sweetheart." Wavepool purred with delight. Anything for you. Perchberry thought. He didn't know what he would do without her...honestly.

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-ˋˏ ༻ ❀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Mistybirds own arrival to the elders den hadn’t been without a fight, if she remembered correctly- she may still owe a few poor souls an apology, the ones who had dared suggest she was slowing down, at least.
Alas, it was only a fact of life, aging. Thankfully, it hadn’t taken long for Mistybird to recognize the privilege in her retirement. Now, they gained a new member amongst their golden-aged ranks, and Wavepool would be welcomed with enough warmth to set the forest into an early green-leaf.
When the former warrior came in, Mistybird would have sauntered over, feigning relief ”Thank goodness your here! I’ve been drowning in wrinkles, all by my lonesome~” Her light jab towards her other denmates was all in good fun, many of them still retained their youthful beauty in one way or another, Mistybird always found something to appreciate in one’s appearance.
Perchberry’s promise to bring back lilies is as endearing as it could get, and a sentimental ribboned paw lifts to Mistybirds heart.
”Now you come by anytime you’d like, sugar! We’ll take good care of ‘er, don’t you worry now.”

  • MISTYBIRD she/her, Elder of Riverclan, 125 moons.
    elderly but ethereal-seeming lilac tabby chimera laperm mix with vivid yellow eyes.
    mate to n/a
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

*+:。.。 Retirement was an honorable thing for a warrior. Although Asphodelpaw sometimes liked to think he'd die nobly in the line of duty, he didn't mind the thought of serving his clan until his bones withered, and then serving Riverclan even longer as a wise and honored member. He wondered what sorts of stories he'd tell, what lessons he'll have learned between now and then. He hoped he'd be a respectable member of the clan by then - preferably one of a former high rank.
For now, though, the man stood in his youth and watched with a sympathetic heartache as Perchberry helped his old mentor into her new den. Asphodelpaw had done the same with his old mentor, Addercloud, so he knew the odd mix of relief to see your mentor finally taking it easy as well odd pang of sadness. It had been nice, going on patrols and sparring with his mentor. He wondered if Perchberry missed for the same.

"Thank you for your service, Wavepool" he says, padding up to bow politely.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently


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  • "Lonesome?" She'd only wandered this direction at the sight of others gathering around and already was preparing to rapidly escape.The elders, for all their wisdom, had a habit of making Lichentail extremely uncomfortable with one scrutinizing glare... and she was sure this newest addition would be no exception. "Forgotten your den-mates... already...? You really... are old," she says with a note of concern, poking her head just around her clan-mates to try and get a glimpse of the other elders that very much did live in that den with Mistybird...

    Maybe it was worth mentioning to Moonpaw... unless... was the old molly joking? Struggling to tell, the striped deputy opted not to dig herself further into trouble by insisting the spitfire of an elder needed help. She'd already been keen enough to rip ears off just to be ushered into retirement at all.

    "Better hope... they don't share... ticks," she warns Asphodelpaw with a small lilt that suggests it said in good-humor rather than threat.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
NO MAN COULD TEST ME ✧°.☀ ————————————
Wavepool has taken her journey to the elders den much more gracefully than the once-pretty molly. While the old molly herself was flickering in and out of her days she stubbornly fought the idea of being an elder still. Ignoring the aches and stings to her joints and accompanying walks with her denmates at any chance. Tactfully she did keep to herself about any attempts on hunting, as even a single pounce sent her limping these days.

"What is with you lot talking about us like we're a breeding ground for ticks?" Dappleleaf grumbled under her breath, falling beside Mistybird. Sandpaw had joked about the same thing one Snakeblink's patrol, now their own deputy tried to humor the idea herself. Dappleleaf's glower towards Lichentail only lasted a brief moment before tearing away, other reasons than the mollys words a source for her ire.

"I would suggest rose instead of lilies. Paleroot won't stop sneezing the moment a lily is around." Dappleleaf's tone turned more kind, and she looked around for the brindle-patched molly as she's mentioned. She must still be snoozing away in her nest.

[penned by beatae - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ IMPRESS ME

Retirement is an honor, it's true. So many cats do not make it to the age in which they can peacefully resign from their duties and live out the rest of their days in relaxation and warmth. Bubblepaw often finds herself enamored with the elders of RiverClan in the same way she is with queens and kits. Her favorite chore is to spruce up their dens and nests. And she's doing just that when she pokes her way into the elder's den to find several of her clanmates inside. 'They must be helping Perchberry help Wavepool move in,' she thinks to herself as she puts down her mouthful of fresh moss.

She catches the tail end of Dappleleaf's grumbling. "I'm sure Lichentail didn't mean it like that!" Bubblepaw glances encouragingly at Dappleleaf. The apprentice rarely feels out of place; her gregarious nature and outgoing personality help her relate to almost everyone. However, there is something around the air of elders that makes Bubblepaw feel a bit more stiff than usual. She doesn't completely avoid looking at them, but she finds herself unable to maintain their gaze when she speaks to them. Her eyes wander, as if she thinks she owes them an honor other than eye contact.

However, she still glances at each of them- Wavepool, Mistybird, and returning to Dappleleaf again in kind- with a polite smile on her face. Dappleleaf's comment about the sorts of flowers to bring sticks out in her mind, and she directs a question to the elder: "Do you have any sorts of flowers you would like, Dappleleaf? I think your area of the den would look lovely with some fresh reeds and daffodils!"
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