Warrior Aged ShadowClanner Adopts [CLOSED]


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022


  • Before the clans there was the Marsh Colony and Skunktail was named simply 'Skunk'.
    Around the great battle he was notorious for his flirtatious attitude, tossing compliments like no tomorrow and most cats dismissed him with a laugh and little interest until he met her and she met his suave demeanor with a more assertive and confident one. To say he was smitten was an understatement but his fear of committing to a life of settling down and raising a family had him keep her at arms length. When the clans began to form she decided such a life was not for her and prepared to leave for twoleg place, bidding he join her, but Skunk's loyalty has always remained with his family and his family alone.
    They part terms amicably, wishing the other well on their new paths in life.

    He often thought of Piney in his idle time, wondering how she was doing, if she was well, curious if he'd ever see his friend again. The answer comes in resounding no, a small group of cats arrive at the border asking for him...

    They know his name, they know her name, she's dead and they - they are his kits.

    His family had not had the best luck as of late, a lot of trials and tribulations, the loss of several members, the pain of betrayal. He sees these kits and he thinks not that they are here to cause them more grief, but that they can help rebuild the shakey foundation of what their family stands upon and he pleads they be permitted to join to Chilledstar who allows it under the condition they are taught their ways and watched carefully for their first few moons.

  • These cats will be part of the Briarstar family tree, one of the oldest existing families on the site and related to several extremely notable characters!

    @BRIARSTAR - The Marsh Colony Leader & ShadowClans Founder is their grandmother. (Deceased)

    @Skunktail - their father. Listing him here so you can find his tags for reference!
    @PITCHSTAR - is their Uncle, Skunktail's littermate and second leader of ShadowClan. (Deceased)
    @NIGHTSWARM - is their other uncle and Skunktail's last living littermate.

    @STARLINGHEART - is their aunt from Briarstar's second litter/Skunktail's younger sister. She is ShadowClan's Medicine Cat.
    @lilacfur - is Starlingheart's Littermate.

    @GRANITEPELT - is Starlingheart's former mate and a former leader warrior of ShadowClan, Half siblings to Sootstar's first litter and exiled for his crimes.
    He is father to their cousins: @GHOSTPAW. & @NETTLEPAW & @FLINTPAW !

  • Sire "Skunktail" : SH black w/low white (carrying longhaired, chocolate)
    Dam "Porcupine/Piney" : SH black smoke w/high white (carrying longhair, chocolate, non-silver)

    Kits can be black, black smoke, chocolate, or chocolate smoke
    Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    kits can have low white or high white
    Kits may have any realistic eye color
    Black-based kits may or may not carry chocolate; shorthaired kits may or may not carry longhaired; silver kits will carry non-silver

    Porcupine, or Piney as she was affectionately called by friends, will have named these kits after animals she is familiar with.
    Swamp reptiles/amphibians, large mammals, birds of prey, birds that ARE prey, insects etc...

    Their name should be single word loner names and easily translated into full warrior names upon joining by adding a suffix.

    Please avoid duplicate suffixes if at all possible, names listed on any clans census are discouraged!

  • Not FCFS / Free-For-All Apps!
    Activity requirements are remaining on the sentence, this is at least one post a week.
    Please follow the genetics and naming rules!
    These cats are 12 moons old (will age the 1st of each month), were sired right when the clans formed and their mother chose not to join. She will have told them of the clans, but not their father and only revealed who he was upon her deathbed when she faded from illness shortly after.
    She tells them to go to ShadowClan as she's learned that loner life is sad and lonely and not a path she wishes for them. She wants them to have a community to rely on. She wants them to have stability. (The timing could not be more hilarious, I know.)
    Skunktail has never had kits, but he will accept them wholeheartedly. He's awkward and unsure, but will do his best to get to know them and introduce them to the rest of his family.
    These cats will be expected to adapt to clan life quickly and be loyal ShadowClanners.

DEADLINE - 12/12
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  • ( name )
    PIPIT, alternatives
    CLAW, alternatives
    ➢ also known as pip, pipsqueak

    ( age )
    12 moons

    ( gender )
    ➢ prefers he/him pronouns
    ➢ accepts they/them pronouns

    ( sexuality )

    ( work )
  • ( basic )
    ➢ shorthair chocolate smoke / black chimera with amber eyes
    ➢ decorated in scars
    ➢ known for having twigs stuck in his fur


    for your pleasure; this sketch page from when i was concepting him: clicky!

    Though mostly a midnight black in hue, Pipit is named more so for the chocolate cape down his back, wrapping around his shoulders in almost wing-like tufts. More startlingly, is the muck-colored mask that draws up his nose, across his eyes like fanning flames and the smoky swirl at the heart of his chest. Not particularly tall, he makes up for it in his muscled physique; a body honed by countless reckless battles and decorated in countless scars to prove it. He is not one for caring after his appearance, made evident by the wild flares of stood-up furs and generally disheveled appearance. This is matched, in part, by his always-wide eyes, a gleaming yellow-amber as if embers linger there to show the stubborn, burning nature of his heart. It is common to find the litter of the forest floor stuck in his tangles, snapped branches and leaves, clumps of moss from his bedding... paws caked in mud from his travels. At the very least, he is made to be less intimidating when greeted by an ever-present grin!

  • ( positive )
    ➢ loyal, empathetic, inspirational

    ( neutral )
    ➢ directionless, chatter-box, high-spirited

    ( negative )
    ➢ confrontational, impulsive, self-destructive

    ( motivations )
    ➢ pipit has ideas of being the hero of his family. believing he is only useful as a vessel for fulfilling their dreams, he struggles to recognize any of his own and instead, wanders through life at the whims of others.
    ➢ he prioritizes his loyalty to fulfilling the wishes of others so that no one might live in regret.
    ➢ cooperation and collaboration is new so his morality is skewed to that of his own personal code. he believes his idea of morality is superior that of others.

    Pipit currently sets his sights on fulfilling the dying wish of his mother. He does not yet have a loyalty for ShadowClan but chooses not to blame his father for his absence as part of his yearning to honor the departed. He does not fear interacting with Skunktail but hopes he does not over-assert himself as an authority to a full-grown cat who has survived this long without him. He is protective of his siblings, caring more for seeing their futures fulfilled regardless of what he has to do to ensure it. He doesn't mind that he has to put his life on pause for them, as he struggles to identify his new role in this clan and what sort of path might leave him satisfied. Opting to be the punching bag, he has a terrible habit of throwing himself head-first into trouble, ignoring that he is not invincible-- the proof of his success littered in every scar that mars his coat encourages this reckless behavior; if he was going to die, surely he would've already. The world is full of hostility, anger, and cruelty... he has no issue rising to confrontation but seeks to uplift others whenever possible. His speeches can be long-winded but he is earnest and seems to genuinely believe his dramatics. He is an act-first, ask-questions-later kind of cat.. life is too short to sit around and watch it pass you by.

    He is agitated easily by those that might diminish him as foolish, weak, or small. His siblings jabbed at this in his nickname 'pipsqueak' but has since accepted their jeering as loving. Others using this nickname will find themself at the other end of a blazing temper.

    SIBLING TO (tba) , (tba) , (tba)

    ( friendship )
    He is easy enough to befriend at a surface level but does not seek deep openness with most, despite that lack of depth he has no problem identifying others as 'friend.' It's easy for him to fall into the habit of treating his youngers like... well.. younger siblings. He does not have any of his own to speak but his eagerness to uplift others suggests him something of a 'mentor' figure.

    ( romance )
    Pipit doesn't take notice of romantic interests easily, assuming flirting to be friendly flattery rather than a more sincere suggestion. He does not seek it openly, has no motivation to start a new generation when he has his own litter-mates to worry about still. It is not an impossible dream for those that might recognize him a potentially loving father... but he is far too young to settle down now!

    ( clan )
    The concept of a clan is foreign but not uninteresting! He is interested in the way they collaborate, the structure and order of their groups... it seems like a perfect place to find like-minded protectors but he will soon find it to be bureaucratic and ineffective... Change is the only option and he will foster a kinder tomorrow himself if he has to.

  • ( unlikely mentor )
    Pipit has never considered himself a teacher... he only ever accidentally stumbles into the role through enlightening speeches and confident boost pip pep talks. When he is assigned an apprentice, he will be overjoyed! The relationship difference between student and teacher is a line he is not familiar with and instead, opts to treat them like his personal little friend... a shadow to show off to. He forgets he is meant to be fostering their own growth and spends too long flexing before realizing his apprentice is now ages behind their peers. Mortified, he becomes quickly hands-off and thrusts them into self-sufficiency, creating the opposite problem. This struggle with a perfect balance will prove to frustrate him and may drive him to his father for some reluctant advice... He's been here awhile, surely he'd have some insight?

    ( change of culture )
    It's not secret ShadowClan has struggled with its interpersonal relationships; messages of hate run rampant through all generations and being a shining smile amongst so much dark, he is insistent on seeing that changed. He goes out of his way to compliment his clan-mates, to encourage those who are more timid in nature. Though many might assume him sarcastic, his genuine nature will soon be understood as exactly that... and he will absolutely take credit for the better vibes.

    ( dream keeper )
    Taking it as a personal duty, Pipit pushes to the front of the crowd to confront the dying- he urges them to share their last wishes with him, promising to be the bearer of their torch that someone might yet fulfill them. Some of these are bound to be impossible... but it won't stop him from running himself ragged to try. The emotional toll will grow more intense the more promises he must keep, making him harder to get close to for fear of crumbling under the pressure.

    ( beloved babysitter )
    He is no small man... and that makes him the perfect playground. His fur is almost always littered in twigs, which prove to be a fun game to untangle them from his fur or worse, hide more stuff in there as a test of stealth for the youngest amongst them! He is boisterous, loud, and friendly to the kittens of his clan, eager to offer the queens a break from their over-active paws and excitable minds.

    ( medicine cat meddler )
    Reckless to a fault, it'll be fairly common for Pip to cause his poor aunt no small amount of trouble constantly. In and out of the medicine cat den as if he lives there, Pip doesn't mind getting tended to and knows himself to be a magnet for injury. It'll be uncommon for his clan to see him free of bruises or scratches, most being from his own relentless training regimen to better protect his loved ones.

  • ( pinterest )
    ( character archetype )
    ( playlist )

if you saw me trans his gender. mind your business :)
all art is mine and belongs to me (yes, even the banner)
final edit: this is now as complete as i can commit to at this time. forgive my exhausted brain. and good luck to the others <33
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I totally didn't stay up till 3am making this ;-; (nope, not me) I'll doodle a ref tmrw

  • tadpole | tadpolesplash
    → 'tadpole' for the way she wriggled around at birth; 'splash' for her bright personality
    → may respond to 'tad'

    12 moons | ages realtime on the 1st
    → created on 12/05/23
    → born 00/00/00 (i'll do mental math l8r im tired)

    demi-girl [amab] | uses primarily feminine pronouns [she/her] | will not object to other pronouns

    heteroromantic | heterosexual | monogamous
    → single; looking [open to plotting]

    shadowclan | warior
    → born in twolegplace as a loner
    → no previous ranks
    → loyal to family above all, cautious of shadowclan as a whole
    → starclan non-believer (for now)
  • longhaired chocolate solid w low white + heterochromia | reference
    ↳​ tadpole displays a ather deceptive appearance - with a muscular figure wrapped in a soft, fluffy coat of warm sunlit brown reminiscent of oak and pine, at first glance she doesn't seem to resemble either of her supposed parents. however, the tell-tale traits linger - surely, skunktail's bloodline is a powerful one, as a white streaks down her spine, painting the spitting image of both her newfound father and the great-aunt she's never known. however, that not the only area where white has left its mark - her neck ruff and all four paws bear the sme snow-white sheen, and a strangely shaped smudge marks the corner of her right eye. her eyes are rather striking, the left taking on a deep forest green hue, the other a pale blue reminiscent of sunlit ice.
    → distinctive skunk-like stripe down back; mismatched eyes
    → no current scars/injuries
    → it's not uncommon for tadpole to adorn herself with colorful plantlife, such as leaves or flowers

    → though she rarely speaks, when tadpole does so it is in a soft manner, her speech often eloquent and drawn out. rarely uses slang, colloquialisms, or contractions unless it is clan-specific terminology (fox-dung, mousebrain, etc.) can sometimes come across as prissy or arrogant without meaning to due to her strangely formal way of speaking.
    → holds herself with pride, tends to move in small, dainty motions. extremely graceful and light-footed despite her figure, seems to try and make up for what femininity she lacks biologically in her mannerisms. consistently well groomed, her hygiene is nothing short of impeccable even within the marshlands. notably focuses on maintaining eye contact during conversation, lacks visible nervous habits or tics.

    designed by kitty-kat- | toyhouse
    → faceclaim tbd
    → voiceclaim tbd
    → aesthetic
    → theme weeks (n/a)
  • affectionate | gentle | mild-mannered | tenacious | trait
    ↳​ contrary to first-glance appearances, tadpole is truly to good for this world. doe-eyed and shockingly clumsy when it comes to interacting with others, though she puts forth a good attempt at maturity she's clearly still a child at heart. kind, compassionate, and often too naive for her own good, though she takes things in stride she's easily out of her depth in this new-found clan life. polite, well mannered, dutiful, and good with kits, it's in smaller aspects like den building, kitsitting, and nest making that she seems to thrive.
    bumbling | quiet | loyal | withdrawn | skeptic
    ↳​ though she meets her challenges head on with a tenacity most would envy, tadpole is far from what one would consider the brightest of the bunch. she struggles with understanding things unless led by example, trusting what she can see with her own two eyes above all else. she often makes small mistakes, be it misjudging the distance in a hunt, or leaving herself open to attack during a spar; but refuses to let instances like this bring down her mood or intrude on her peace. she is not the most social of creatures, skittish and shy - like a wild animal, timid and afraid of anything new. though she's not narrow minded persay, she's quite skeptical of many things, including things clan cats take as fact such as starclan, the existence of nine lives for leaders, and other things that are foreign to her as a loner-born cat.
    prideful | delicate | hidebound | stiff | insecure
    ↳​ by far, tadpoles biggest failing is her own preconceived notions - everything in her life must fit the idea of a "proper life" fit for the she-cat she wants to be. having struggled with her identity as a kit, it has left it's mark on her in her stiff and cordial manner, hiding her insecurities beneath. as gentle and delicate a persona she puts on, she's twice as sensitive inside - her image of both herself and others easily swayed by the opinions of others. her focus on maintaining outward appearances also, unfortunately, rears it's head quite often when she makes mistakes - instead of seeking help to correct mistakes, or explanations for thing's she doesn't understand, she often finds it easier to either act as though nothing is wrong, or convince herself it's an impossible task so she shouldn't even try.

    → likes: birdsong, bright colors, watching snowfall, flowers
    → dislikes: thunderstorms, small spaces, being corrected by others
    → fears: being worthless, failing her family
  • extroverted — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — introverted
    reckless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cautious
    competitive — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cooperative
    emotional — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — composed
    lazy — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — diligent
    energetic — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — calm
    playful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — serious
    ↳​ likes to go for long walks through the territory simply to enjoy listening to birdsong or foraging for pretty flowers
    ↳​ though not the most expressive of cats, with stiff posture and often neutral body language, tadpole is easily flustered by any sort of romantic interaction. most notably, flirting or close contact results in wide-eyes and red ears, leaving the she-cat tongue tied and silent in response, though she will try o play off her nerves as disdain instead.
    favorite food: turkey - she was once fed some by a twoleg and longs for the day she finds what kind of animal the meat came from and can hunt it herself
    favorite activity: taking long walks
    favorite time of day: early morning before sunrise
    favorite weather: a warm sunny day right after it's rained
    favorite season: newleaf

    → goals: to assimilate into shadowclan seamlessly, get to know her father, to start a family of her own
    → achievements: n/a

  • health: level | 90/100
    ★★★★★★★★★☆ ​
    hunting: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
    fighting: level | 50/100
    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ ​
    attack: level | 70/100
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ​
    defense: level | 50/100
    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] stealth: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] climb: level | 70/100
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ​
' pull you up just like a daffodil uprooted from its garden '
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I'm a dingus and forgot the deadline, it's a week! It's now on the first post!
  • Like
Reactions: tieirlys

BEAR: she/her; afab, demiromantic – a small long-haired chocolate she-cat with a splash of white on her chest. One of the many juxtapositions to her name, Bear is a slender, almost petite-built cat. From paws to tail tip, she contains none of the bulky or large build one would expect one to embody given her ferocious namesake. She has soft blue eyes suited to a gentle face, along with silky chocolate fur that flows off her body in a gentle yet also unruly manner, hardly distressed by the leaves and sticks that often find themselves tangled in her coat, none of which diminishes her natural pretty appearance.

─ 12 moons: SKUNKTAIL xx PORCUPINE; briarfam: former loner

✦ benevolent, charming, gentle, soft, delicate, shy, gullible, similar to her dainty build, a following juxtaposition in regards to the beast behind her namesake is her personality. Despite her name, bear has developed to be a very soft-hearted feline, lacking any real abrasiveness or aggression in her personality. She's very friendly and considerate, often anxiously overthinking her next words before speaking, not wanting to offend her siblings or mother even if she may disagree with opinions. She's soft and affectionate and has never seen a need to filter her doting affection or sweetness around her family. She is a delicate soul, one who has never stifled her emotions or her sensitivities, if a situation had upset her, she wouldn't hide her tears or hurt. In a way, she has a dependent bond with her family, often going to them in regards to comfort. In return, she is often a feline with open ears, treasuring secrets and rants from her family and keeping them close to her heart. She is a confidant and maintains any trust that is truly given to her. She is also fairly gullible and trusts her family's guidance to a T. After all, she's never been given a reason to believe otherwise.
─ soft baby sister energy while also the family therapist™
─ because of her natural and ever-constant love for her family, she'll likely be the most welcoming and actively try to mend the awkward relationship between her father and herself, and especially excited by her even larger shadowclan family.
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Stork . Storkbloom

Stork for his black and white fur; bloom for his parental instincts
— Warrior of ShadowClan; prior loner
— Cismale, he/him; homosexual
Skunktail x Porcupine, sibling to ???
— "speech" is #89CFF0

LH black smoke with low white, blue eyes Stork is a long-haired black tom with a small splattering of white that creeps up from his paws to about halfway around his legs. He has very soft blue eyes that are soothing to look into.
↳ carrying / masking / etc?


caring, kind, patient, nervous, overzealous, daydreamer Having heard of the Clans since he was born, Stork has developed a certain fascination with them and the concept of them. He's caught glimpses of warriors over the moons, always from a distance, but always watched what he could see of them with enthusiasm. Being instructed to find refuge in ShadowClan once his mother passes, Stork couldn't be more excited to fulfill her final wishes.
Once he gets to ShadowClan, Stork will be overwhelmed but determined to fit in with his father's Clan. There are definitely times where he will come across as over-eager, but he is extremely earnest. One of the first things that Stork finds himself fitting into is a role as a mentor and helper to the nursery's inhabitants - he can easily be found bringing the nursery residents their share of prey during mealtimes.
His parental instincts have been with Stork ever since he was young and took on the role of taking care of his siblings when Porcupine wasn't able to, or when they were playing kits' games by themselves. As he grew older, Stork's fraternal nature took on that of a paternal one, and upon joining the Clans he's absolutely enamored with the idea of one day being a father to kits of his own now that he has a solid future to look forward to.
mannerisms: very kind and soft-spoken, which can come across as condescending
— will not start fights | will end fights (peacefully) | will flee | will show mercy
excels at mentoring, interacting with kits and young apprentices


— Warriors fanboy!! He'll be looking forward to joining ShadowClan and becoming part of the society he's romanticized for so long, and he'll get a rather rude awakening when Clan life isn't what he expects.
— Very much would be a permanent caregiver in the nursery if he were able. Stork loves younger cats, whether it be playing with kittens or instructing apprentices.
— On that same note, I would want Stork to have a cute romance develop somewhere along the line. I can imagine him being the most invested a father can be in his kits' lives.
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viper, for the squeaking-hiss noise she made at birth.
suffix, to be chosen by chilledstar

✭ she/her, lesbian
✭ 12/1 birthday, 1 yr old

✭ black w/low white, piercing blue eyes
viper is simple in her sleekness - her pelt, though nearly as shiny as a riverclanners, boasts the telltale shades of her new home. dark, shadowless fur lends her to easily hide amongst the muck and foliage, and as such she is quicker to acclimate to the swamplands than any other newcomer. the only bit that breaks up her monotonous pelt - is her mittens. each paw appears to have been stolen by the clouds, dipped into their fluffy mystery and not coming out unscathed. whilst living in shadowclan, viper's paws grow noticeably more muddy, however she always makes a point to clean them before being seen by new cats.

✭ carefree & careless, sharp tongued, jack of all trades, loyal & dedicated, determined, quick learner, thick skinned
viper is her father's daughter. even with a year apart and not knowing any true detail of skunktail's existence, she, too, boasts a carefree, laid back lifestyle. her sharp tongue is saved for those who truly deserve it, however rarely that may be. a jack of all trades leads her to be exceptionally skilled at some busy work, as well as lends her the ability to catch on quick to new tasks - all the same, her abilities are nothing to write home about. youth is becoming to her however growing up is not something she's interested in. viper wants to live fast, live free. she joins shadowclan to be with her siblings, and loyalty to her family and clan are easy for her to grasp - however it is to a detrimental point.

✭ background
viper never really cared to know who her sire might've been. perhaps as a kitten, when her mother would look between her and her siblings and sigh wistfully about a love lost, she was curious. but moons of knowing nothing wore that down to even less, and prior to her mother's death she was entirely okay with never knowing. porcupine revealing skunktail's name and whereabouts hardly summoned acknowledgement of the she-cat - with her mother passing, all she wanted to do was grieve and mourn. it will have been another sibling's initiative to find shadowclan, to find skunktail, and she would've followed obediently. as without her family, she's alone. and she doesn't want that.

✭ would lean into border skirmishes a little too much - loves the thrill of inconsequential battle.
✭ touch is her love language. if there's someone she can lean against, she's taking advantage of it. joining in leafbare, she will not make her own nest and instead will join someone else in theirs.
✭ the drama of the clan before her arrival will be beyond her, however if explained she will understand that lines were crossed and that loyalty is a big thing for these cats - which will further cement her being in shadowclan.

✭ other
full transparency if viper is not chosen for this litter i will still likely bring her in as a casual character!​
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  • SNIPE ; the name of a tom with wandering paws
    short blurb about the character. I like to copy and paste the basic description from their tags onto here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo.
    SNIPE; after the wading bird commonly hunted in the marshland. SUFFIX; to be decided by Chilledstar.
    — Tom, he/him
    — Warrior of ShadowClan, uncertain and weary of clan-life ; former loner
    — created 12.05.2023 at 12 moons / ages on the 1st of every month
    — penned by ava; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST

    A large tom-cat with sleek chocolate fur and blazing yellow eyes. He bears a round frame but typically becomes thinner in the leaf-bare moons. Scars from scuffles with opposing loners plaster his body, though despite not appearing the healthiest his youth and boundless energy shows through.
    A youthful tom-cat who beams with confidence and pride. Paired with his high-energy it serves him well in difficult situations and often allows him to slip out of danger without much thought. However, as much as it benefits him it’s often his downfall, leading him to make rash choices such as go in claws-blazing and intentionally picking fights.

    Since birth, family has been all he’s had and all he’s lived for. Family-oriented, he is always looking out for his kin and always willing to engage in conversation and play with them. The natural desire to start and build his own family burns within him, but until he finds a suitable mate he is content with labeling himself as a protector of his litter-mates and will do whatever he can to ensure they’re well taken care of. Though this can cause him to be over-bearing or far too in their buisness, he ultimately means well even if it does cause him to be a tick in their side.

    Criticsm and blame often does not mix well with Snipe, and when dealing with it upon himself he is quick to become defensive, whether guilty or innocent. He seems to always have a rhyme or reason for his actions and struggles to admit when he is wrong. When he at last comes around to his faults he is likely to not say anything or apologize with subtle gestures and gifts than outright confessing his wrong-doings. That being said, on the other paw when he’s slighted, Snipe has a tendency to be petty. Until he feels a cat has earned his forgiveness they can expect to be met with snarky comments and passive-aggressive gestures from the chocolate tom. It can come off like a challenge to return to his good graces, but in reality a fat, juicy toad will typically do the trick.
    SOUNDS LIKE: tbd
    SMELLS LIKE: stagnant water with the musky odor of the marsh
    speech is #FC471C

    SKUNKTAIL xx PORCUPINE sibling to TBD | mentoring N/A
    Mate to N/A | Parent to N/A
  • IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
    ★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
  • posting template

- Was very close with Porcupine, likely a complete mama’s boy. However, when she passed he takes it upon himself to remain sound and strong for his litter-mates. It’d be fair for anyone to assume Snipe had taken Porcupine’s passing the easiest

- Though close with Porcupine his bond with his litter-mates is unbreakable. He’d do anything for them. He’s awkward however in showing his affection and is unlikely to share-tongues or say the words ‘I love you’. Much more of a show over telling type of guy.

- Is hesitant and doubtful about Porcupine’s dying wish. He has no qualms with the life of a loner, but he’d be lying if the idea of kin lurking in the swamplands didn’t intrigue him. Blood is blood afterall, maybe the clan is where he and his litter-mates belong?

- Will lack faith in StarClan at first and will likely struggle with other clan cultures for awhile. He will eventually come around and grow to be very faithful and loving of ShadowClan and it’s customs. A strict upholder of them even?

- That being said he’ll be at first cautious of Skunktail, but ultimately super curious about him and what type of tom his father is like. I’d love for them to be close and have a positive relationship of some sorts :D

- (OOCLY) I think with ShadowClan’s recent ic plot/discussions of unity, Snipe would work really well to help stride ShadowClan torward that change. I want him to become a proud and caring warrior of ShadowClan who will do whatever he can to uplift the cats within it. I had more ideas on this but ofc i forgot to write them down quick enough and they’ve fleeted from me, but I know for sure I want him to help bring on the ic change :)
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TRACKING with my ideas:
— dog
lh black smoke / chocolate [smoke?] chimera and intense amber eyes. kind of lanky beneath his thick fur. briarfam's unruly nape fur. his father's dense tail. overall average size.
— shadowclan is big and strange but he likes the trees and squishy ground. starclan is mystifying but not bad.
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Hawk (named for his intense gaze and the white speckles that dot his face)
— suffix will most likely be: nose (for the unusual markings on his muzzle)
— cisgender male / masculine pronouns (he / him)
— 12 moons / ages real time on the 1st of every month
— new warrior of shadowclan / former loner

lh black smoke w/ high white and moss green eyes / reference
— hawk is a long-haired domestic feline with thick, fluffy black smoke fur. his pelt ranges from a shade of cool silver at his head, to a deep ebony at his tail. He carries large portions of white on his chest, stomach, and paws, as well as a patch of white at the tip of his tail. his most unique feature is the interesting spatter of white speckles across the bridge of his nose and a splash of white just at the end of his muzzle. his skin is a deep, almost pinkish shade of gray, and his eyes are a faded moss green color. his physique is nothing altogether unusual, his size average for his gender and his agile body built for speed but not lacking in a reasonable amount of muscle and strength.

stoic, blunt, observant, overprotective, distrustful, cynical, cautious, reserved, insecure
— hawk's personality is a sharp contrast to that of the majority of those around him. where his siblings and father may be thrilled at the prospect of them joining the clans, hawk tends to be more cynical and less trusting of the world outside of what he's grown up knowing. he is normally level-headed and stoic, largely preferring to stick to himself or his littermates and observe those around him. he's known for taking the time to assess a situation or individual before passing final judgement, rather than rushing headlong to a conclusion.

however, these traits should not be mistaken for a lack of care or determination. to those who don't know him well he may appear cold and aloof, however he cares very deeply for his family and always puts their wellbeing above all else. he is staunchly loyal but does not trust or understand the ways of the clans yet and reserves that loyalty for those who have earned it, until it has been proven that it is safe for him to act otherwise. despite his usual cool and collected facade, he has taken it upon himself to be the stalwart defender of his family; even more so after his mother's death. he will suffer no insult or threat towards his beloved siblings and finds no measure too drastic in the name of their protection. if not hawk, who would defend them now?

he shows his feelings more through actions than words, and won't ever hold back when giving his honest opinion, and every word uttered from his mouth is said with careful thought and purpose. underneath his outward appearance of quiet confidence, hawk tends to be rather insecure and always very hard on himself. even the slightest failure is, in his eyes, completely unacceptable, and he takes his self-imposed responsibilities to his family incredibly seriously. there is no room for weakness or mistakes. in spite of the fact that porcupine's death had nothing to do with him, part of him still feels like he failed her, and he now shoulders the weight of his sibling's futures as if it were his life's purpose.

hawk had an average, happy childhood as a loner with his mother and siblings. he loved the freedom and simplicity of living alone with only his family to worry about. it made them feel closer, in his mind. they only had each other and that was enough. frankly, hawk would've been happy to continue his solitary existence in the loner lands, were it not for his mother's ominous final wish. in truth, he had no desire to seek out this supposed father of theirs. Where had he been all this time? they hadn't needed him when they were kits, and they didn't seem to need him now. but he would follow where his siblings lead, and their hearts seemed to lead them to shadowclan. adjusting to clan life and the idea of putting the needs of the many above the needs of himself or his siblings proves to be a challenge for the tom. he is hesitant to adjust to their traditions at first, however despite how difficult the transition to clan life will prove to be for hawk, he knows what this opportunity means to his littermates and what it meant to his mother; and so he will try his very best to make it work. he will not ruin this chance at a new home for them.

skunktail x porcupine
— littermate to tbd
— heterosexual heteroromantic / single / crushing on no one / open to relationships
— friends with his littermates / trusts no one outside his family
— enemies with no one / distrusts everyone at first
— platonic relationships can be difficult to form with hawk. he is distrustful of everyone he meets at first, and requires both time and proof of trust in order to open up. however, once his affections are earned, he is as loyal and steadfast a companion as you'll ever find. romantic relationships are very difficult to form with hawk, as he is not easily impressed and would not allow himself to be distracted by love for anyone less than truly special to him.​

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