COSMOSBLOOM, Warrior of SkyClan

Cosmos, for his red and white fur.
Bloom, for his courage and loyalty.
‣ Created 06.07.2022 at five moons.
‣ Ages on the first of each month.

  • A WHITE TOM WITH GINGER EARS AND BLUE EYES. A small tom, Cosmosbloom would appear as a fluffy cloud, if it weren't for his fire-hued ears standing out against snowy fur. His eyes are a light shade of blue, matching the hue of the sky. [ TOYHOUSE ]
  • PERSONALITY: Once a scared, timid kit who looked up to his older half-brother, Finchcatcher, Cosmosbloom now begins to grow into his own and come out of his shell. He once wished to one day be as brave as his brother is, but after the Great Battle, Cosmosbloom wished to never be like Finchcatcher. He often has nightmares of the night the two left home, among other things - such as the Great Battle. Cosmosbloom has a tendency to forget others' names, but he tries his best.
    ‣ Half-sibling to Finchcatcher
    ‣ Mentored by Vermilionsun, Blazestar (trained alongside Butterflytuft)
  • COSMOS, Resident of the Pine Group — [JUNE 2022]
    INTO THE RISING SUN ╱ Cosmos asks where Finch is.
    IT'S BETTER YOU'RE NOT MINE ╱ Cosmos reacts to Basil eating rocks.
    SOME SUNNY DAY ╱ Cosmos befriends Leaping Toad and Frog's Ribbit, two marsh cats.

    COSMOS, The Great Battle — [JULY 2022]
    REDRUM ╱ Cosmos witnesses the death of Leaping Toad.
    GIVE ME A DAY OR TWO ╱ Cosmos runs back home from the Great Battle.
    THE FIVE GIANTS ╱ Cosmos attends the first gathering after the Great Battle.

    COSMOS, Resident of SkyClan — [JULY 2022]
    MAKE ME LOVE MYSELF SO THAT I MIGHT LOVE YOU ╱ Cosmos gets upset at Centipede.

    COSMOSPAW, Apprentice of SkyClan — [AUGUST 2022 - JANUARY 2023]
    TIME ISN'T ENOUGH ╱ Cosmos becomes Cosmospaw, as named by Blazestar.
    ESSENCE OF THE FOREST ╱ Cosmospaw asks if Basilpaw is okay after he's attacked by birds.
    TRAGIC MELODY ╱ Cosmospaw reacts to Vermilionsun's reappearance.
    PRETENDING THIS IS HOME ╱ Cosmospaw reacts to Blazestar becoming his new mentor.
    HOUSE OF THE UNDYING ╱ Cosmospaw helps chase off a fox.
    THEY'LL BUST YOUR KNEECAPS ╱ Cosmospaw reacts to Centipedepaw's murder.
    PRICES AND VICES ╱ Cosmospaw reacts to Pantherpelt's return.
    NO ESCAPE ╱ Cosmospaw finds out about Vermilionsun's capture.
    I JUST SPEAK IN FUTURE TENSE ╱ Cosmospaw hangs out with some other apprentices.
    DIDN'T HAVE TO SEARCH ╱ Cosmospaw speaks with Vermilionsun.
    SCARED OF GOING UNDER ╱ Cosmospaw sees Finchcatcher on ThunderClan's patrol.
    EMBARK ╱ Cosmospaw trains with Butterflypaw at the Tall Pine.
    SHOW ME THE WAY, BROTHER ╱ Cosmospaw takes part in the battle against WindClan.

    COSMOSBLOOM, Warrior of SkyClan — [JANUARY 2023 - PRESENT]
    ANTHEM ╱ Cosmospaw becomes Cosmosbloom, as named by Blazestar.
    STARS ALIGNED ╱ Cosmosbloom reacts to Butterflytuft's graduation.
    ALWAYS SOMETHING HAPPENING ╱ Cosmosbloom is assigned to lead his first patrol.
    ON THE LOOSE ╱ Cosmosbloom leads his first hunting patrol.
    IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE ╱ Cosmosbloom introduces himself to Sparrowpaw.
    BIG STAGE ╱ Cosmosbloom is assigned to lead his first border patrol.
    FOLLOW YOU TO THE RIVER ╱ Cosmosbloom leads his first border patrol to RiverClan.

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    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Morbi posuere ligula blandit ex rutrum, sed dictum tortor pulvinar. Mauris risus leo, vulputate tincidunt tristique ac, facilisis a eros. Morbi rhoncus diam at lacus iaculis vestibulum. Praesent sed velit id lorem suscipit laoreet. Aenean condimentum turpis ac suscipit molestie. Vivamus elit ipsum, ornare at rutrum vitae, volutpat sit amet turpis. Donec sollicitudin id velit vel cursus.

    Maecenas at egestas augue, at tempor enim. Nullam sit amet sem tellus. In cursus, lacus quis suscipit varius, est diam viverra enim, sed molestie metus odio nec elit. Suspendisse eu dolor diam. Curabitur ullamcorper elit commodo eros congue gravida. Suspendisse potenti. ​

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