camp WATCH ME FLY // making nest

The sun bathes the moor in a golden glow as Silkpaw surveys the apprentice den. Or rather, the lack of one. She stands at the edge of the open area where her fellow apprentices have made their nests, simple, practical arrangements of grass and heather tucked into dips in the earth. A breeze ruffles her neatly groomed fur and she lifts her chin, a flicker of determination sparking in her sapphire eyes.

This simply will not do.

The brand new apprentice pads a few steps away, ears swiveling as she searches for the perfect spot. It needs to be sheltered from the wind, but not so hidden that she'll miss the first rays of dawn. She finds it: a small hollow nestled against a gentle slope, framed by a cluster of dead wildflowers. In newleaf, they'll be gorgeous. With a pleased hum, she sets down the bundle of soft moss and feathers she's brought from the nursery. Carefully, Silkpaw begins arranging her nest. Each feather is placed with precision, and the moss is spread evenly for maximum comfort. She pulls in a sprig of lavender she'd spotted earlier, tucking it into the edge of her nest for a touch of elegance. As she works, her fluffy tail flicks behind her, the tips of her fur still immaculate despite the effort.

"Perfect," She murmurs to herself, stepping back to admire her creation. Her nest is snug, tidy, and far more refined than the rough-and-tumble patches of grass her peers have thrown together. Sitting down beside it, Silkpaw lifts a paw to smooth a stray tuft of moss, her gaze flicking toward the horizon as the wind carries the scent of heather. She can already imagine her denmates' reactions; would they appreciate her effort or find it excessive? Silkpaw gives a delicate shrug, a small smile curving her lips. Regardless of what they think, this is her nest, her space, and it will reflect nothing less than the best version of herself.

Nightpaw had just arried back from a training session with Pinkshine so had some time for a brief break of relaxation before he had been assign to finish some chores in camp. It was a luxury he rarely gave to himself as he had to make sure to perform well. With some time to spare though it couldn't hurt to take a nap. On the way over there the apprentice came across the newly made apprentice, Silkpaw who had done a rather...impressive work on her nest. Tidy, and neatly done with a scent that was strong of heathers and other scent that was pleasantly for the nose. It was almost up to debate if Silkpaw's nest was more neatly organized then his sisters nest was. Perhaps, Heatherpaw had some competition now.

He studied under silence as he approached a bit closer before making the final judgement and ended up behind Silkpaw to get a better look at her work. " That's a well organized nest." It indeed was. A final observation. It would be a lie to call it anything else. Nightpaw cast a side eye over at the young mostly white molly's direction, wondering why she put so much time and work on something she was only going to sleep in to begin with. Heatherpaw was the same, this trait seemed to mostly get passed down to the mollies, not entierly but the majority seemed to care about thier apperance and to have it clean around them. They always seemed to have an eye for details.

The tom looked back at the nest as thoughts brought up something else to discover. Admittedly it did look comfy far more than his nest did. In comparison his nest was unsightly...even.

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Silkpaw had finished smoothing a stubborn tuft of moss just as pawsteps approach. She lifts her head and perks her ears as Nightpaw comes into view. Flicking her tail lightly, the girl straightens her posture and watches him with polite curiosity as he stops nearby, his sharp gaze already appraising her work. When he finally speaks, a soft purr escapes her chest. "Why, thank you," She replies with a gracious dip of her head, sapphire-blue eyes alight with pride. She's glad someone around here appreciates her work! "I believe a nest should be more than just a place to sleep. It's an extension of oneself, don't you think?" Her gaze flicks back to her creation and her whiskers twitch with satisfaction. "Besides, if I'm going to spend moons sleeping here, it might as well be the coziest spot in the camp!"

Her eyes return to Nightpaw and she quickly looks him over. "Did you just get back from training? You look like you've been…busy," She notes curiously, spotting the faint scuff of dirt clinging to his fur. She fights the urge to clean up her denmate right here and now, but the sight of the mess goes against everything the tidy she-cat believed in!

༄༄ Sleeping in an actual den is strange, the calico has decided. When her niblings grow to warriors—or simply grow too large to continue fitting themselves all into the leader's den alongside her—she will most certainly be moving back into her little dead-end tunnel each night. The rest of her clan sleeps under the stars, but she cannot relax without the shelter of walls around her or the pitch-black nothingness. As a result of the setting she sleeps in, her nest would likely be quite the eyesore if viewed in the light. When she had shared a nest with Bluepool, her mate had done the bulk of the decorating, from flowers to sheep's wool; Scorchstar sees no need for pretty things pressed into the moss, but she appreciates the sight of a well-made nest anyway. "Of course your nest will be the best-decorated," the calico states with a slow blink as her gaze flickers across Silkpaw's nest. WindClan hosts a number of creative souls, but Silkpaw is among the best of them.

Even now, Scorchstar eyes the girl lounging proudly in what looks to be a newly-formed nest, exactly as the leader had expected from her. Various feathers, soft and beautiful, line the neat moss, not unlike the decorations that end up tucked into some other apprentices and warriors' nests. But these seem to be placed with purpose, and Nightpaw takes notice as well. "A comfortable nest... is the key to a good night's sleep. Apprentices require a lot of sleep, in order to fuel your training." The sudden exertion required by apprentice duties can be a shock for many young apprentices, not to mention the growth spurts many of them go through as well.

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  • SCORCHSTAR ⋆⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺⋆ she/they, leader of windclan, tunneler
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stern and serious, ferociously protective of her clanmates.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to bilberrypaw & splinterpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

It's kind of a drag to get used to sleeping out in the open when you're a new apprentice. Most bear it out of sheer determination—over-eager to prove their newfound maturity and freedom by curling up under the stars and pretending not to shiver, sometimes silently wishing that they hadn't left the cozy nursery den in the first place. At least that was his experience—and he was apprenticed in Newleaf! He can't imagine the kind of shock that comes with being apprenticed in Leafbare.

It'd only taken him a couple days to get used to sleeping out in the open. Now, his memories of the nursery and its overhead warmth are distant and strange. He relishes feeling close to StarClan every night, even if it is cold.

"A couple moons from now you'll be able to move your nest away from the edge, too. You'll be way more comfortable then!" he cheers after Scorchstar. Unless Silkpaw prefers to have her nest on the fringes. He knows some cats do.

His compliment had landed well received by the looks of it as Silkpaw looked satisfied with his small praise even if it had meant nothing special. At least to him. It did not take long before his denmate contunied to ramble on about the nest true value. " That's not something that has crossed my mind before." He admitted but it was an interesting point of view his denmate stated. An Extension of oneself.... Maybe it was something to think further about.

Nightpaw glanced at Silkpaw as she looked at her nest with pride while declaring how importand it was to have a cozy nest. " Cozy...." That word was left hanging in the air like a daydream as he once more got reminded of his own nest and how not cozy it was. To know how neglected his own nest were being keept.

Scorchstar gave her own compliment to Silkpaw's nest before inputting on how much better sleep would be if having a proper well organized nest. If the leader herself said that then perhaps he should reconsider his opinion on the nests value. A good night's sleep could never hurt. Sedgepounch had something entierly different to point out when it came to the nests location. Only Silkpaw could decide if a such thing mattered.

Suddenly, attention was back on him again as Silkpaw looked him over. " Yes?, i just returned back from the tunnels." He spoke while observing her features, wondering why she was looking at him like that for. "Is something the matter?." Had he done something to upset her?, or was this a typical behavior of hers?.