Jul 6, 2022
To help bring in the new season, the WindClan HP team has decided to refresh our mass adopts! If any of you are searching for relations or plot points for your characters, this would be a wonderful place to put them so that other roleplayers might find a fun place in the clan. Anyone is welcome to add their relations to the mass adopts with the form below.

Please be sure to check the following:
  • All characters must be a part of or join WindClan!
  • Adopts will be accepted on a first come first served basis by the HP team, not by the person providing the relations. If it's something you want more control over, we suggest making a thread separate from our mass adopts.
  • Genetics must be realistic. Please be sure to check with a geneticist in our main discord server!

If the above points work for you, please fill out this form below! Please try not to remove the extra [ code ] tag! That's there to make it easier for us to move these to the actual mass adopt when that time comes.

[code][b]Slots:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Parents:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Relations:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Genetics:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Rules:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Other:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Slots:[/b] one
[b]Parents:[/b] NPC x NPC
[b]Relations:[/b] Plot Character! backwritten friend to @Periwinklebreeze. 
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] between 16-22 moons; aging realtime starting the date of adoption
[b]Genetics:[/b] anything except purebred or kittypet heritage traits; cannot break site rules on realistic genetics/designs 
- this character is clanborn and would not know any life other than windclan
- excluding ic consequences (exile) this character must remain in windclan until [b]february 2025[/b] 
- if inactive [b]icly[/b] for more than a month this slot will be put back ufa
- this character cannot be killed off until [b]February 2025[/b] unless allowed by @Kitty-Kat- 
- after adoption the player is free to write or adopt out any blood relations as they see fit 
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] any, as long as you can keep them on the census
[b]Other:[/b] This character comes with a preset backstory, one future plot, and the possibility for more future plots to be created/discussed! Plot is non angst-ridden and won't require anything ST. More information can/will be DM'd once adopted and is open to change/discussion. 
[quote]One of many apprentices who didn't quite fit in with windclans image under sootstars rule, Y/C and periwinklebreeze originally bonded over youthful rebellion and how unfair they felt their clanmates judgements to be. Periwinklebreeze at the time was under suspicion due to his bloodline, as well as looked down upon by many of windclan for his refusal to fight and his speech impediment. Y/C would've been one of many who weren't "normal" in the clans eyes - for one reason or another (players choice; excluding kittypet heritage). Moons pass and now the two are both warriors - Peri redeeming himself in his clanmates eyes and even becoming a lead after going on the journey as well as no longer choosing to stand by in silence. These two are just as close as ever, but Peri's dramatic change's in morality and personality have certainly rocked their once stable relationship.[/quote]
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[b]Slots:[/b] one
[b]Parents:[/b] npc x npc
[b]Relations:[/b] older brother to @HEATHERPAW , grandson to mistcrawl, nephew to @SCABIOUSKIT , gen 3
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 19-24 months, ages every month 
[quote] Sire: SH chocolate tabby (carrying longhair, dilute, solid)
Dam: LH lilac tortoiseshell w/ low white

Toms can be chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, chocolate tortoiseshell, chocolate torbie, lilac tortoiseshell, or lilac torbie
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask chocolate or chocolate tabby
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabbies will carry solid[/quote]
- no naming theme
- must be amab
- must have been a loyalist
- clanborn
- must stay in windclan for at least 2 months
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] casual or more
[b]Other:[/b] n/a
[b]Slots:[/b] 3
[b]Parents:[/b] [S]Alderpath[/S] x [S]NPC[/S]
[b]Relations:[/b] paternal half-siblings to Whitedawn
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 16± moons, ages every month
Sire: LH white (masking chocolate rosette tabby; carrying dilute, albino)
Dam: LH blue rosette tabby w/ low white (carrying chocolate)

• Kits can be black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, or white masking any of those 
• kits will be longhaired
• non-white kits will have no white or low white; white kits will mask no white or low white
• kits with white can have any realistic eye color; kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; white kits with one or two blue eyes will have a higher risk of deafness on side(s) with blue eye
• kits will display the rosette tabby pattern
• non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black-based kits will carry chocolate; kits may or may not carry albino
[b]Rules:[/b] • no naming theme
• gender ffa
• They would've been born at minimum a moon before Gin's rogues joined Windclan
• conceptually, they would be joining now for whatever reason suits them
• ideally stay in windclan for a long while
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] low-activity, as White is a low-activity character as long as you can keep them on the census & i see them on the board idr have an activity preference
[b]Other:[/b] nope!
[b]Slots:[/b] 1
[b]Parents:[/b] NPC x NPC
[b]Relations:[/b] Ex partner to [abbr=played by rae]Mistcrawl[/abbr], parent to [abbr=played by worm]Scabiouskit[/abbr], grandparent to [abbr=played by bodhi]Heatherpaw[/abbr] (played characters listed, some NPCs implied below.)
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 70-100 moons, ages realistically once every month (birthday up to you!)
[b]Genetics:[/b] SH seal point w/ low white (carrying chocolate)
- Name must be a flower of some sort!
- Must be AFAB but can use any pronouns!
- Would have been a kitty-pet in their youth but is now a dedicated WindClanner!
- Must keep alive until Scabiouskit is at least an apprentice, free reign after that!
- Must've been a rebel
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] Casual+ activity is fine :3
[b]Other:[/b] There is a little lore with this family! Mistcrawl and this character were lovers from young adulthood until now. They've had two litters, one whilst younger and one surprise one now. Mistcrawl doted on their eldest son (Heatherpaw's father) but firmly distanced himself after their son began a relationship with a loyalist she-cat. Unfortunately their eldest son died in the battle and his death has caused the break up between these two - though this character recently gave birth to Scabiouskit, and so they are awkwardly coparenting. They can reconnect if you would like! Additionally the slots for their other litter is also being adopted out!

[b]Slots:[/b] 2
[b]Parents:[/b] Mistcrawl x [abbr=another adopt]Current NPC[/abbr]
[b]Relations:[/b] Children to [abbr=played by rae]Mistcrawl[/abbr], older siblings to [abbr=played by worm]Scabiouskit[/abbr], uncles/aunts to [abbr=played by bodhi]Heatherpaw[/abbr] (played characters listed, some NPCs implied below.)
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 30 moons, ages on the 15th of every month
[b]Genetics:[/b] [quote]Sire: SH chocolate tabby (carrying point, solid)
Dam: SH seal point w/ low white (carrying chocolate)

Kits can be black, chocolate, black tabby, chocolate tabby, seal point, chocolate point, lynx point, or chocolate lynx point
kits will be shorthaired
kits can have no white or low white
points will have blue eyes; non-point kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; non-point kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabbies will carry solid; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-point kits will carry point
- Naming theme includes weather conditions or flowers!
- They would've been kitty-pets with their first year or so of life but otherwise grown up in WindClan!
- At least 2 months of IC activity please, but otherwise go wild with them!
- Could've been a loyalist or a rebel, but must've stayed behind in WindClan regardless.
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] Casual+ activity is fine :3
[b]Other:[/b] There is a little lore with this family! They were born as kitty-pets but followed their parents to the formation of the Clans and joined WindClan. They are the middle and youngest of their parents first litter and watched their brother, Heatherpaw's father, fall in love with a loyalist she-cat and settle with her (they may have any opinion on that!) Unfortunately their eldest brother died in the battle to take back WindClan, and now these two are watching as their parents split up and raise a surprise kitten between them.