we’ll name our children, Jackie and Wilson [☀] Burnstorm

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

As deep indigo began its transition into a milky grey, Roeflame’s eyes would be as wide as they were when she had settled down for the night, curled up in her mates embrace.
She cannot put a claw to it, cannot pinpoint exactly when she realized, all the lead warrior could really understand was that she knew, and an impending visit to the medicine den would banish any lingering doubts.
Yet, she could not bring herself to even glance in its direction, not when grief still had a tight reign over her heart.
Murky verdant hues flicker from the holes in the roof towards the entrance itself, where only the alabaster soil is visible from her point of view.
Yes, the pain was there, the longing to confide in Berryheart once more, to thank him in a proper way… yet, there was something new blossoming in her chest cavity.
Excitement, fear, dread… rejoice?
Or perhaps those butterflies were simply her unborn kittens.
There is a stir against her spine, and Roeflame turns to press her muzzle into Burnstorms cheek.
He is still half-asleep, but the tabby couldn’t keep this to herself for any longer than she already had, not when her closest friend was the other half of this biological equation.
She smiles to herself, a silent act of encouragement to whisper softly;
"Take a walk with me?"


In his dreams, Burnstorm is the great leader of LionClan. And just like in the stories his mother used to tell him he has a mane of sun and a golden colored pelt with muscles he can feel in every great and powerful step. Roeflame is there too, or at least he thinks that she is. Who else could the lioness at his side be other than her? Together, they make a great team, driving the darkness away from the forest that they were sworn to protect. With her by his side, he feels like he can defeat any evil, overcome any obstacle. He can be the hero of the stories his mother always told brought to life only in the light of her eyes and in the soft lull of her voice when she speaks to him in the wee hours of the morning.

When he wakes from this dream, the details are hazy, but the feelings it evoked from him are still there. It is gentle and soft and everything good he has ever imagined this world to be when he was young. A nose pressing against his cheek is what finally stirs him all the way, and when he blinks golden eyes open and is greeted by the sight of his mate, illuminated by the early morning light, a smile graces his lips, softened by the wake of his uncles death but made brighter by her. Everything would be alright if only he had her.

They have both barely woken when she murmurs softly "Take a walk with me?". How could he ever say no or deny her such a request? "I would love to" he says, already stretching his legs out in front of him and fluffing his coat in preparation for the cold he would no doubt be greeted with once they left the warm embrace of the warriors den.

The forest is alive today, despite the snow that still blankets the ground like a pelt. Birds sing as they emerge from the barrier of camp and take a familiar path into the woods that were his birth place. If ever, StarClan forbid, he were to loose his sight he is certain he could walk this forest without it. There is comfort in the familiar, the way he can see the sky clearly through all the branches. Soon, the leaves would come back and obstruct the view once again but for now, he tips his head upwards and watches as a flock of birds wing through the air far above.

When he looks back at his mate he studies her face and notes the thoughtful expression she holds there "Something on your mind?" he asks, slowing to a stop so that he could give her his full undivided attention.


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Her mates acceptance earns him a grin, concealing Roeflames true nerves that sparked like fire as the duo made their way from their nest and out into the forest.
With each pawstep, the tabby feels her heartbeat quicken, anticipation burning at her cheekbones as she watches Burnstorm take in leaf-bares withdrawal, still as present as ever but with change singing in its breeze.
When golden pools flicker back to her, Roeflame cannot hide the hitch in her breath.
Something on your mind? He prompts, sending the doorway flying wide open as he slows to a stop.
Roeflame looks around, was this the right spot to tell him? Was this a spot they could remember forever?
"Burnstorm…" Roeflame begins before her thoughts have properly caught up, turning celadon hues back into his honey.
Against her better judgement, the lead warrior sits. There was no going back now, she just needed to piece the news together in the way she wanted to, the way she had thought about all night.
"I-I know the timing may not be the best, there’s still so much that… so much we need to figure out, but…"
tears prickle at her waterline, laced with the intensity of her excitement and fear as they cast their gleam over her optics.
"We’re going to be parents, my love." There’s almost a sort of incredulous laughter at the end of her announcement, a ghost of a smile as she brings a forepaw to wipe the tears away before they can trickle.


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Whatever she has to tell him is important. It must be if they needed to come all the way out here to in order for her to tell him it. Sunlight filters through the trees above their heads, soft early morning light that makes his mate glow in a soft, ephemeral, light. Like she was sent by StarClan themselves. "Burnstorm.." her voice sounds so soft, like a sigh and he can almost feel the weight that she puts behind his name. For a moment, he worries that he has done something wrong and his eyebrows knit together in worry, in confusion. Whatever it was they would work through it they would...

His mind is racing, desperate to come up with what she could possibly have to tell him before her mouth even opens to speak the words. So busy are his thoughts that he almost misses it. Almost. "Parents?" he echoes, his voice just barely above a whisper and an awe struck look on his face. As if he cannot believe it. "Roeflame that..." the timing isn't great she had said before and they still needed to figure some things out but... "That's amazing news!" he lets out a small, barking laugh. Nervousness and excitement taking him over in equal measure. "Im going to be a dad!" he says, laughter still escaping past his maws. He turns to the forest for a moment, titlts his head up to the sky. Was his mother watching over him right now? Was she proud? His own father had not been great if you were to ask him. In this moment he vows to be better, to always do right by his kits. By his family.

"And you" he says, turning back to his mate, his golden eyes shining with tears of joy "You'll be a great mother, I just know it" and here he laughs again "Kits!" he says, as if trying to convince himself that it was really TRULY happening "I wonder what they'll look like." would they look more like him or like Roeflame? He would be happy if they are just healthy, he decides. "And names. They'll need names of course" another laugh "Do you have any in mind already?" He himself had a few. Names for ThunderClan of course, names after Roeflame. Deerkit, Maplekit... Littlekit.

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    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
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-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
As much as Roeflame wanted to give Burnstorm all the time in the world to process, she cannot hide her anxious gaze as his maw begins to part, words slowly forming.
Parents? He echoes, and it sounds surreal, it is surreal.
Could he hear her heartbeat? It rang in Roeflame’s ears.
Roeflame that… that’s amazing news!
Just like that, her heart calms, her eyes swell once more with joyful tears as he exclaims his new title, head thrown back. When Roeflame laughs this time it is airy, but genuine, her chest set ablaze with newfound adoration.
She reaches a forepaw out to him, bringing her beloved back down to earth when honey-gold eyes are turned onto her once more, widened with racing thoughts.
You’ll be a great mother, I just know it.
Her breath hitches, her smile threatening to tremble.
Yet, even her most deep-rooted fears cannot dim this moment, not when she is immersed within the sun at is him.
Names. Names.
”My stars! Breathe!” She is a hypocrite though when as she speaks, another breath of incredulous laughter escapes her. Her smile all too wide, her mates ecstatic reaction contagious. ”I love you, and you’re going to be a dad. The best dad.” There’s too many thoughts crammed into her mind, so Roeflame only chooses the ones she wanted to be spilled the most. ”With us as parents?They’ll be the cutest the forest has ever seen. I have too many names in mind to count, I suppose we’ll have to meet them first.” There is a purr under her words as she tries to organize them in a coherent manner.
Though she has to reach up, Roeflame aims to embrace Burnstorm with both of her forepaws, in what could almost be a tackle if they were more similar in size.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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