we all still die [ VENOMTHROAT ] what will you leave behind?


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022
the friends I've had to bury they keep me up at night

venomthroat | formerly known as venom
named 'venom' for their inky black fur; 'throat' for the scars they received in the great battle

31 months | ages realtime on the 1rst

nonbinary [amab] | they/them

single | romantic orientation | sexual orientation | polyamorous
crushing on: n/a
in a relationship with: n/a

windclan | warrior
mentoring: n/a

solid black shorthair with dark green eyes | ref.
scars & injuries: deep bitemark across throat
accessories: n/a

cold | selfish | lazy | logical | cunning
the embodiment of work smarter not harder, venomthroat is a rather lazy, lackadaisical, and apathetic feline - watching coldly and calmly from the sidelines as though a bystander to the world around them. brutal, efficient, and hard working, it is impossible to deny their skill set - a fierce warrior and asset for windclan, following orders they are given like a loyal dog. lacking social skills, they often miss the subtleties and intricacies of polite conversation, or come across as abrasive and rude. they view anyone younger than them as a child unless they have proven their skills without a doubt, and they dislike kits due to not knowing how to deal with them - often resulting in scolding's by queens for making their little ones cry. despite their oddities, they are a very social creature - disliking being left to their own devices, even if it means putting up with idle conversation or children.

npc x npc | gen 01
sibling to: tigerfrost, sparrowfang

physically medium | mentally hard
strengths: fighting, hunting, following orders, stealth, ambush
weaknesses: lacks stamina, swimming, climbing
will: start/end fights, attack kits/elders
wont: run
might: kill, maim

attack in bold black
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said I couldn't love someone 'cause I might break

intro | link
venomthroat lazes about, musing on their life
hawk | link
a hawk attack leaves venomthroat startled, especially by how worried they were about cottonpaws saftey
training | link
cottonpaw buys venomthroats forgiveness with prey, and they offer to teach her a bit about fighting - just in case
taking sides | link
when an argument breaks out within camp between milkpaw and his mentor, venomthroat takes the apprentices side - disagreeing with sootstars ruling on the matter
death of a brother | link
tigerfrosts sudden death catches everyone off guard, none more so than venomthroat, who mourns their brothers passing
acting strange | link
venomthroats grief begins to impact their actions and life
death | link
after an encounter with a rabid fox, venomthroat succumbs to their wounds, though they manage to take the fox down with them when they fall into the gorge
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if you're gonna die, not by mistake

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there was no sound there was only me and my disgrace
ilomilo by billie eilish | link
where did you go? I should know, but it's cold and I don't wanna be lonely so show me the way home
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am I satisfactory? today, I'm thinkin' about the things that are deadly
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we are not the same with or without, don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
everything black by unlike pluto | link
you and me do bad things in the night time
everything moves by bronze radio return | link
I, wonder why, we rely, on the sure thing - it's too damn comforting
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stifled the choice and the air in my lungs, better not to breathe than to breathe a lie
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alone in the wind and the rain you left me, it's getting dark darling, too dark to see and I'm on my knees
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we all still die - what will you leave behind?
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venomthroat| 31 months | nonbinary | they/them | starclan warrior
Text goes here and then some "Speech here," and don't forget to emphasize a few words like this.

[box=50%][font=georgia][center][size=20px][glow=#222222][color=#000000]SO MANY WAYS TO SEE THE SUNRISE[/color][/glow][/size]
[size=14px]venomthroat| [abbr=died to a rabid fox at 25 posts]31 months[/abbr] | nonbinary | they/them | starclan warrior [/size][hr][/hr][justify][color=white][size=12px] Text goes here and then some [b]"Speech here,"[/b] and don't [i]forget[/i] to [i]emphasize[/i] a few words like this.
