border we are the warriors || thunderclan leader

Snow dipped paws carry the red tabby swiftly through the forest, until the trio arrived along the Skyclan border. She could still detect traces of twoleg clinging to their pelts, and her nose briefly wrinkled in disgust. How anyone could stand to be around those things was beyond her, but there was one clan that had connections to the twolegplace. She hadn't really understood the reasoning behind having daylight warriors, until now. If Thunderclan were to send search parties into the twolegplace, they wouldn't know where to begin. She had passed through the twolegplace once before on her way to the clans, but the only way she made it through was from the help of a loner. Thankfully they didn't have to wait long, she could already smell Skyclan's scent growing stronger. "Hello," the leader began, dipping her head respectfully in greeting to the cat who appeared first. "I need to speak with Orangestar or Twitchbolt."

// this takes place before the gathering, she does not know about Twitchstar now being the leader, and I would prefer if she didn't find out so it would be a surprise at the gathering :)
@ROARINGSUN @bayingpaw

afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, widowed, formerly taken by flycatcher
41 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 20th of the month
leader of thunderclan since september 2024
lily x storm ㅤ/ㅤ mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, ravenblaze, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
ㅤmentoring bayingpawㅤ / ㅤmentored: cloudyfur, acornwish, merlinpath
will start fights, will end fights, will kill

longhaired red classic tabby with green eyes, and low white. she has a shredded right ear, and has many scars that are visible in windy conditions.
If Flamestar had picked a worse day, Edenberry might've taken some offense to the wrinkling of her nose at their approach... However, today they are complacent, collected... and largely just tired. Scar-marked eyes trail over the small group of ThunderClanners with a healthy level of wariness, certain they're bound to be upset by Figfeather's repeated and blatant trespassing with the help of several others. Would it do much to reassure the fiery leader that they were staunchly opposed to such antics? That they hadn't participated? Probably not...

The request to speak to Orangestar is enough to make their whiskers twitch skeptically... uncertain how much information they should be giving away. Orangestar wasn't... Orangestar anymore... but was that really for them to specify right now? Looking towards their son for a brief moment, they hope he can tell from their tactful choice of words that he knows better than to reveal anything further. "This is Flamestar... ThunderClan's leader. I'm going to go see if I can find one of them really quick, you'll be safe here with them while I'm gone."

A show of good will... and maybe to encourage their apprentice to have some faith in the other clans to be more than just opponents at times. New-leaf greens settle on Flamestar for just a second, a hesitation to actually abandon their child in her care even if for the slightest of moments to find Twitchstar. "This is Mizzlepaw... my son," they know she has her own kits... and hopes by reminding her that SkyClanners have family's too she won't be cruel to him in their absence. "He'll keep you company until I'm back."

They dip their head, turning only to press their nose against the boy's ear before rushing off back into the pines in search of their leader.

-- fetching @TWITCHSTAR , apprentice tag for @Mizzlepaw
  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 22 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69

Figfeather is murmuring something about the weather to @Blizzard as she arrives. She stops talking abruptly to watch a flash of white disappear into the pines, blending in perfectly with the snowy surroundings.

She looks at the young Mizzlepaw whose pelt was extrodinarily similar. His presence tells him that was Edenberry whom had just darted off… and the blazing pelt of Flamestar tells her why they left. She thinks about calling for them and saying "I'm here! I got it!" but resigns, maybe it'd be best for Twitchstar to be here anyways.

She hums a greeting to Mizzlepaw as Figfeather moves to stand a paw-step or so away from their side. "Flamestar." Figfeather meows with a small dip of her head. She might not be of ThunderClan, but Figfeather held a good bit of respect for all the leaders of the five Clans… Even if ThunderClan has been a on and off pain in their tails this season, she couldn't really blame them. "…What can SkyClan help you with?" She speaks as though her new and shiny role should be presumed.


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
deputy of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.

bayingpaw does not like the scent of skyclan. they reek unnaturally — flamestar has said this is twoleg odor, and bayingpaw could only assume it so . . it grows more pungent along the border, marred by kittypet markers. her nose twists as they near, casting a glance up at her mentor that reads an frustrated really? the further they travel along. it is similar to what was left behind, in leafhusk's wake . . she couldn't imagine anyone leavin' to live a life of a stinking twoleg pet, let alone a lead warrior. some cats were just born soft, she s'pposed. she thinks of bigfang and flicks her tail, annoyance beginning to prick at hardening pawpads as flamestar finally comes to a stop.

their wait is brief, thankfully. a scrawny black and white warrior approaches first, their mimic in tow. sitting down, the apprentice lifts a large hind paw, scratching lazily at a crooked ear, " mizzlepaw? " she snorts derisively, throwing the boy in question a wicked - smug grin when she lifts and give her thick coat a precursory shake. she figures that was his momma's idea, and good thing they already ran off to fetch someone important. in her stead, a golden tabby peels herself from the fern undergrowth, catching the sun like a ray of blistering light. she doesn't recognize her . . not yet, anyway. a part of her wonders if this molly was a kittypet, too, what with that curled up leg at her hind end.

what can skyclan help you with? an ear flicks. didn't she see the other one run off? her paws flex, crooked smile revealing a mouth of thistle teeth . . her father's ragged ghost when she repeats a slow, pointed, " we're waiting for orangestar or twitchbolt. " before she can stop it — as if talking to an excitable kit, or maybe one of their daylight warriors. bayingpaw's ears pin and her proud, haughty stance shrinks slightly, suddenly, cutting a sideways glance at her mentor for the inevitable heat - ray glare she obviously expects to come. a clearly repeated occurrence.

  • i.

  • 85639607_5td51SGC04Qn0fA.png

  • " speech "
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, more hound than cat ; standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingpaw would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, ambitious and foolishly untempered. a constant, incessant need to make herself small in kithood has shifted into a desperate bid to make herself bigger, most noticeable — an ego boosted upon apprenticeship to her leader. despite it, bayingpaw still tends to hold herself with a trembling livewire of feral volatility, whale - eyed aggression never too far in the past.
    highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness — it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary actions.

  • Like

Fetched by Edenberry, he wasn't early enough to hear the mumbled haughtiness flung sharp from the Thunderclanners' maws— even so, none of it would have surprised him. In his first addressing toward SkyClan, he had made his feelings on all of it extremely clear; that he was tired, but not eager to retaliate with teeth. Twitchbolt, they wanted. Though he jittered as ever, the sentiment might have made him smile, had ThunderClan's business been less vague... but without any path to walk, any gaps in stone-face to claw, he dared not let anything real tremble. Just- just the stasis he was used to, at this point. That being, hardly stasis at all ...

"Orangestar won't be joining us," he stated plainly in his approach, wide eyes rapidly examining the faces of each Thunderclanner. He could only put a name to Flamestar... though he stood relatively straight-faced to see an apprentice standing just as tall as a leader. Stuttering blinks overtook him, before he cast a look over the gathered Skyclanners, willing none of them to let anything slip. If possible... he wanted to keep ThunderClan guessing. Or... unaware that they had to guess at all. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, nor would it SkyClan. In fact, obscuring the truth... really, it would only aid them when they were at odds in the cold months.

"I'm- I'm afraid I'll have to do," offered with the slope of a half-smile. Civility, at the very least... they hadn't bared their teeth yet. "Hope- hope that's alright." Between themselved, Figfeather and himself had enough rank to throw around... and he would trust Edenberry near more than anyone to consolidate his word.

The clans are something that Mizzlepaw struggles to grasp, he has pre-conceived ideas about them and it's a difficult task to try and unlearn them. ThunderClan to him is a nice clan, one that allowed him and his sibling to pass through their territory when they really didn't have to at all. The scent of DuskClan has long washed from his pelt, even if they're convinced there's a phantom stench. Instead there's the undeniable smell of pine and Twolegplace, the trademarks of a daylight warrior. He's pretty sure the lowest ranking clans in his mind would be RiverClan followed by ShadowClan, bold claims that maybe the majority of his clanmates wouldn't agree with. ThunderClan's leader is at the border, while they're confused as to why Edenberry didn't explain that Orangestar has been overthrown he keeps it to himself. "Hello... Flamestar" he offers the leader a timid but well meaning smile another star name, it's seemingly commonplace. He heard about her before but didn't pay much mind when his priority had always been safe passage to SkyClan's border.

A hind paw grazes the snow covered grown underneath, the very border that he stood at again now. But this time from the side of the pine dwellers, it's oddly nostalgic even if the time hadn't stretched that far. The look he gives his mentor is alarmed, a passive pleading stare for them to not leave him, even if he's with Figfeather and the others. Yet they depart, in the wake of his anxiety his ear twitches at a decisive snort from the apprentice by the leaders side. "Yeah, Mizzlepaw, named after my other parent I think" As much as he would love to bristle at Bayingpaw's tone he's always been a follower of killing others with kindness. That false pliability kept him alive in the scrublands, so one apprentice on a clan border feels much less intimidating. "What's your name?" He vies for an opening, a crack in resolve that he can wedge himself into. Another name to remember, since Edenberry hadn't introduced him to her.

Thankfully his mentor, his parent, returns and they bring Twitchstar in tow. For some reason he's upholding this facade, there's a contemplative flick of his tail but they don't speak up about it. He assumes that the overthrower must also believe in the pretend to be weak mentality, or he's actually weak... either way is fine with Mizzlepaw.

  • MIZZLEPAW he/they, SkyClan apprentice, 8 moons.
    A small scrap of white and black fur with tireless energy.
    Son of Edenberry and Rumblerain || Brother to Berrypaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted || underline and tag when attacking
    speech is #dbcbed
    penned by Juice || ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
He sits quietly beside Flamestar while awaiting for a SkyClan patrol to arrive. He is tense, visibly so - but if asked he would say it is because of Leafhusk's disappearance. His paws shuffle awkwardly as the pine-dwellers approach, and one of them speaks of fetching Orangestar or Twitchbolt. It is nerve-racking to be here under so many eyes, even if they aren't directed at him.

"Bayingpaw," He rasps to Flamestar's apprentice with a sharp look. Hoping Berrypaw doesn't join in on his sister's shenanigans. Enemy Clan or not, Bayingpaw should at least respect their Lead Warriors; though he figures Flamestar herself would speak to her apprentice, and so decides not to intervene more than he already has.

Twitchbolt always lives true to his name: a fidgety mess, eyes blown wide and fur ruffled like he's been struck by lightning. Orangestar won't be joining us. Is the first thing he says. Haunted might be more accurate to describe the Deputy, and he wonders if something has happened to make him appear so tired. Worry about ThunderClan first!

He sneaks a glance at the red tabby beside him, wondering if he should speak or wait for her to talk. Roaringsun takes a deep breath, fluffed-out tail curling around his body. ". . .One of our warriors is missing." He comments, amber eyes locked on Twitchbolt - not accusatory, but so the deputy can see the worry reflected in sunspark gaze. The warrior leaves it at that, letting Flamestar explain further.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤunsure of sexuality, single ; crushing on hawkspine
ㅤ17 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 14th of the month
ㅤwarrior of thunderclan
npc x npcㅤ/ㅤnpc siblings
ㅤmentoring Berrypawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Copperfang and Leafhusk
"speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
ㅤpenned by nocthymiaㅤ/ㅤmessage hypmic on discord for plots!
lion-like in stature, roaringsun is characterized by his golden fur, cream 'mane' and strong legs. long-furred with longer strands on his cheeks, one cannot tell he once was a soft-born kittypet before joining thunderclan as an apprentice.

ooc: @Berrypaw.

Fluffypaw has just finished a hunting session with her mentor; there is the faint smell of sweat and hard work to her, and a gleam of tired satisfaction in her green eyes. She carries a robin, fooled by the warmth of the day, of the bastardization of newleaf. Part of her pities it for its foolishness; another part of her is just relieved to have managed to catch something today. It's warm, and solid, and it fills her mouth with musk and feathers, and she knows Ramkit and Lambkit will be happy to tear it to shreds.

She's just about to head back to camp when Twitchstar's hurried gait streaks past them. Wide green eyes flick curiously to her mentor. What's the rush? She flicks her tail, setting the bit of prey onto the ground and scraping forest floor refuse to cover its scent. "Is something happening on the ThunderClan border?" Fluffypaw waits for Greeneyes, but she's a touch impatient. Their leader had looked frazzled… though, she supposes that isn't anything new.

Fluffypaw follows the trail Twitchbolt had taken, her ears flicking with surprise to see their visitor is Flamestar herself. She sits with quiet patience, as does the big golden-furred warrior at her side, but the apprentice who flanks her is a ragged, dark-pelted thing, snarly and openly hostile. The tortoiseshell-splashed she-cat grimaces, wondering if Mizzlepaw will take offense to the girl's tone… to her relief, the ebony-streaked tomcat takes her sharp remarks in stride. She half-wonders if his sister would have flung herself into the rude ThunderClanner… Maybe it's better Berrypaw isn't here, too.

She listens quietly to the ThunderClanners' explanation, a look of concern creasing her features. "One of our warriors is missing." Fluffypaw exhales, shaking her head. "Oh, no! I'm so sorry. But, well… we haven't seen any ThunderClanners, have we?" She flicks a cautious gaze to Twitchstar and Figfeather, wondering if there is something more to the story. Why would ThunderClan come to SkyClan to find a Clanmate who had vanished?

mentor tag @GREENEYES
Fluffypaw is a SkyClan apprentice. She is slightly smaller than the average cat, but her thick, puffy pelt somewhat makes up for her size. Her fur is mainly solid-appearing cream, broken up by swirls of chocolate and amber. The tip of her tail, the center of her face, and her paws are white. Fluffypaw's eyes are a round, innocent jade-green.

Dandelionwish x Butterflytuft / sibling to Weedwish, Daisydrop, Budpaw / mate to none / mother to none
mentored by Greeneyes / mentoring none
15 moons old as of 02/08/2025
penned by Marquette

"We'll find her." The tabby's voice is quiet as she touches her tail to the younger warrior's side. He was noticeably tense, no doubt from the worry of what had become of his mentor. She was worried too, but she needed to be strong, to have faith that Starclan would lead Leafhusk home like it had lead Thundergleam to Howlingstar. The first Skyclanner to arrive introduced them to their kit, Mizzlepaw, before turning to go retrieve Orangestar or Twitchbolt. "Thank you." She would respond to the warrior, dipping her head politely.

As she watched Edenberry become out of sight, her gaze turned to the apprentice that was with them on the border. He smiled timidly at them, and she responded with a warm smile of her own. She opens her jaws to ask how his training was going, but before she could ask, a snort sounds from beside her. The leader flicks her ear, and a golden figure catches her eye. She knew the lead warrior well, both from the journey and from reports of trespassing...but that wasn't why she was here today. "Figfeather." She greets, dipping her muzzle again politely. The lead warrior asks why they are here, and before she can speak, her apprentice answers for her. Roaringsun is quick to scold her, but Flamestar doesn't say anything besides an obvious throat clearing. The stern glance she gives her apprentice says plenty, and by the way Bayingpaw immediately pinned her ears back, she had been expecting the glare. "Figfeather is a lead warrior of Skyclan...and regardless if she is from another clan or not, you will respect her." Her words are firm, leaving no room for argument.

"Orangestar won't be joining us,"

She turned to face Twitchbolt, concern washing over her gaze. "I do hope all is well...but that is alright." The deputy was in charge of patrols regardless, and he could always pass the message to her. She nods after Roaringsun's words, glancing to the figure of the newest Skyclanner that arrived along the border. She claimed they hadn't seen any Thunderclanners, but she hadn't expected they would yet. Still, her gaze darkens, and she returns her attention to the deputy. "Our lead warrior, Leafhusk was captured by twolegs. We found the scent before coming here...but it was too late, the twoleg was already gone." Flamestar took in a deep breath, and let out a cloud of air. "We were wondering if your Daylight warriors could keep an eye out for her when they are in the Twolegplace."


afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, widowed, formerly taken by flycatcher
41 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 20th of the month
leader of thunderclan since september 2024
lily x storm ㅤ/ㅤ mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, ravenblaze, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
ㅤmentoring bayingpawㅤ / ㅤmentored: cloudyfur, acornwish, merlinpath
will start fights, will end fights, will kill

longhaired red classic tabby with green eyes, and low white. she has a shredded right ear, and has many scars that are visible in windy conditions.
  • Nervous
Reactions: bayingpaw

The tabby ThunderClan apprentice enforces they were waiting for Twitchbolt or Orangestar, her voice slow as if Figfeather would be unable to understand.

Figfeather narrows her brow though before she can correct the apprentice Flamestar does it for her, explaining that Figfeather was a lead warrior. Even better, actually! She opens her mouth to correct but Twitchstar makes an appearance before she can do so. He doesn't correct the ThunderClan patrol on his name nor Orangestar's, Figfeather is observant enough to notice. She wonders why, but figures that meant she should go along with it to.

ThunderClan reveals they're missing one of their lead warriors, Leafhusk, captured by Twolegs. Fluffypaw, as empathetic as her mother, apologizes and regretfully informs Flamestar they've not seen any ThunderClan warriors. Figfeather nods in confirmation.

"I'm sure they can keep an eye out." Figfeather meows with a glance in Twitchstar's direction. The odds of any cat finding Leafhusk was slim, this she was sure he knew, too. Once captured by Twolegs most cats never were able to make it back to the forest. Only StarClan would know where Leafhusk was now.


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
deputy of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.

Status: Observing

Blizzard listened as Figfeather described the weather to him. He pauses mid-step at her sudden stop, head twitching as he heard someone running off from the encounter. Unfamiliar scents reached him, oak twined in them, Thunderclan then. What did they want? He lingered near the back of the patrol just listening. Not being a full warrior yet he felt that he shouldn't engage.

'Our lead warrior, Leafhusk was captured by twolegs,' So they are looking for a kidnapper. He hummed in thought as he pictured the twoleg place, the paths and locations that he knew by scent and memory. She could be anywhere, trying to find her in a place like that? For someone with no idea where to start? Impossible. He frowned in sympathy for the oak dwellers. The only consolation is that she most likely wasn't dead, so there was always a chance… no matter how small… stars willing anyway.

  • OOC:
  • Blizzard - Male Silver Tabby Maine Coon with pale blind blue eyes and a scar across his nose. ☼ He/Him ☼ Skyclan Shadow/Apprentice ☼ Penned by Snowy ☼ 50 moons
    ❄ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting


Curious Skyclanners flanked him; Twitchstar was glad at least that they all seemed to figure his lack of correction was something intentional. Attention stayed firmly (well, firmly as he could physically seem) upon Flamestar and the warrior attending her... he spoke the first words, after scolding his apprentice. Mizzlepaw seemed innocent to it, at least... at the very least, he hoped a ThunderClan warrior should be able to stop an apprentice starting a fight while coming to their borders to ask them for aid.

Well wishes sent Orangestar's way earned the dip of Twitchstar's head, but very little more than that. No, they just... couldn't spend their leader and deputy at every tiny border disturbance, that was a well-enough excuse. One of our warriors is missing— for a moment Twitchstar struggled to understand what exactly SkyClan could do about that until Flamestar elaborated, captured by Twolegs. Understanding clicked into place, as did the bramble-furred tom's teeth fasten and grind a little.

"News... news will travel quickly, if she's there. B-but... I'll tell them." Twitchstar's teeth chattered. "I j-just hope this isn't the beginning of another epidemic..." his breath dropped into a tense whisper, wide eyes staring into void for a few long moments. No, no— he wouldn't be able to bear it again, he was sure. An eyelid twitched into a wink, before his attention snapped full-focussed upon Flamestar.

"I hope... I hope she shows up. We won't keep her, if she does."