( ) Hailstorm finds himself in the crowd with the rest of his clanmates and can't help but feel a grin as he watches as Marigoldkit and Tigerkit recieve their apprentice ceremonies and their mentors. Batwing being one of them and if the tom catches his usual warm gaze, he dips his head to his friend in congratulations before focusing on what Howlingstar has to say. Gingerpaw got reassigned and the mention of sickness makes his smile falter in the slightest as he holds his breath, he can't help but worry for Thunderclan even if Berryheart found the cure. He hopes that nobody else falls sick but that is uncertain to say the least, the word of a new law being added to the code makes his long ears perk up and he nods. He had no objections to it, it was right and he knew that he would make sure that elders, kits, and queens were to be fed first. Three new warriors join their ranks and Hailstorm joins along "Evergreenbloom! Barleysight! Sandthorn!"
It feels like a very long time coming, being up here to receive his apprentice name. At least, it felt like a long time for someone as young as him. Despite his impatience, he held out long enough, and the day has arrived! He sits close to the front of the crowd, trying his best to appear bigger than he is, fur puffed up. He eagerly awaits for his name to be called, wondering who his mentor will be.

Tigerkit is called up first, and is apprenticed to Batwing. He gives a small smile to the other new apprentice, and then turns his attention back to Howlingstar as his turn arrives. The leader decides to give him Oakfang, a warrior that he isn't very knowledgeable about. But if he is calm and loyal like she has describes, maybe they would make a good pair. Even so, Marigoldkit looks for him in the crowd, and gives him a dutiful nod as he touches noses with him. "Let's do our best."

Marigoldpaw gives Tigerpaw a cheer right back, "Tigerpaw!" He then settles momentarily to listen to the rest of the meeting. Three warriors are named on top of the two of them, and he's quick to join the roaring crowd. "Evergreenbloom! Barleysight! Sandthorn!" After that, the meeting goes on as normal, talking about Yellowcough as he expected. He hopes he doesn't fall ill now that he has more freedom, but he's glad there's a known cure now. Then the conversation moves to talk of another rule that is to be added to the code, where the weaker cats need to be fed before the others. He supposes it makes sense, but hopefully he never feels the need to have a's not like he's going to try and contend the code, though. His thoughts are then on finding a spot in the apprentice den for himself as the meeting is adjourned.

Little Wolf cheers along with the rest of her clanmates, her voice calling out the names of the new apprentices, the new warriors. They would need as many paws as possible for the days to come, she knows. More and more cats were getting sick which meant less capable hunters to put prey on the pile. They would need to work twice as hard as usual in order to keep everything running smoothly. She knows, too, that her brother must be feeling some sort of pressure and she makes a mental note to check in on him later, maybe bring him some prey and see if there was anything else she could do for him and then later perhaps she and Cobwebtail could go hunting together. Maybe Hailstorm could join them too...

She had been at the gathering when the new code was announced so it did not come as too much of a surprise when she hears it again. She agrees with it as much as she did when it was proposed. What had not made sense was the cat who had brought it into existence. The last thing she had expected out of the RiverClan leaders jaws was that. Still, she nods and accepts the new code as law.
Pride swelled in her chest as the bouncing duo of kits claimed their apprenticeships. It was always a fun occasion, and she eagerly called out their names.

Amid the sobering reality of what the clans were facing, it was a welcome respite to hear good news. Inhaling pleasantly, she peered back up to Howlingstar, listening intently as the new warriors received their own naming ceremonies.

Nostalgia tugged at her as she recalled the day she was rid of her loner name and became Honeydapple alongside her love. Sighing dreamily, she watched and joyously yowled along to their new names.

While the crowd settled, she suspected the leader would transition into a more serious part of the meeting. Just as expected, it happened, and grief etched its way onto her aging muzzle. May they rest easy. She allowed the words to linger in her mind before tuning into the new law.

Her maw settled into a surprised, circular shape. The new law was something she could fully support. Kits and elders were vulnerable, and they all needed to back up one another. Firmly, she nodded solemnly, and prepared herself for the challenging road ahead.