border We Lie Beneath The Stars -`♡´- Border Tour


Rule 1: The Doctor lies.
Feb 23, 2025

Status: Wary, Watching

The next on her list was Shadowclan. It would mean a trek to Riverclan, but she would teach Asterpaw how to hunt rabbit on the way if she could. Even if they did not actually find any prey to bring back it would be good practice. Whispersong's face scrunches up as she picks up the scent of the thunderpath. She hated coming this way because of it. It was sour and strong and gave her a headache. It was annoying. "Shadowclan, this is. Run on the thunderpath, monsters do. Cross, do not." The last thing she needed is her apprentice bolting across and getting hit. She hated this vile place and the quicker they moved on the happier she'd be. A tail twisted in a fluttery circle behind her as her gaze swept the surrounding area for threats or monsters. "Here often, I do not come." No, she kept along the thunderpath a different way, closer to high-stones when she wandered. She rarely came this way unless it was for a border patrol.

Whispersong turned to Asterpaw, half-lidded eyes watching her. "Questions? Hmm?" She did not have much to say about this border. Perhaps they would encounter a Shadowclan patrol before they left, for now she would answer any questions Asterpaw had.

  • OOC: @Asterpaw
  • Whispersong - Blue Classic Tabby/Blue Chimera w/High White -`♡´- She/Her -`♡´- Windclan Moor Runner -`♡´- Penned by Snowy -`♡´- 54 moons
    -`♡´- Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting
    -`♡´- "Speech"
    -`♡´- Thoughts

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Another new face at the border—but she'd never have guessed this apprentice was related to the first two she'd met. This one shares long, gray-smeared fur, but her expression is bright, her steps peppy, and though her mentor seems to regard the Thunderpath itself warily enough, Marbleleaf hears no disparaging remarks. It's always nice when we can actually speak peacefully across our borders, she thinks ruefully. She'd been checking bushes for new beehives in pursuit of honey, but she gives her mission a break and waves her tail in greeting.

"Hi, there!" Marbleleaf's eyes flick from the pale, strange-speaking warrior to the smiling apprentice at her side. "Territory tour, huh? Bet your paws will be aching at the end of the day." She comes closer, sits just at the edge of the Thunderpath. "Cottonsprig would be happy to help you with that, though, I bet." She studies the pair and decides to introduce herself—there's no harm in the new apprentices getting to know the medicine cats from the other Clans, is there? "I'm Marbleleaf. I'm ShadowClan's medicine cat."

Marbleleaf is the ShadowClan medicine cat. She is thin, with a short fawn tabby pelt; the base color is a dull, almost-gray slate, and the whorling classic stripes are deeper shades of wet sand. She has white facial markings, chest, and paws, an angular face and build, and moss-colored eyes.

Lilacfur x Siltcloud / sibling to Sycamorebloom / mate to none / parent to none
mentored by Starlingheart / mentoring none
14 moons old as of 02/01/2025
penned by Marquette

Sharpshadow was getting pretty used to these things... mentor and apprentice pairs appearing at the Thunderpath to sightsee, essentially. The Thunderpath, pretty conveniently, is usually empty enough to give Sharpshadow the pleasure of hearing blatant insults fed to the minds of WhateverClan's youth, lucky her. (She wouldn't call it misinformation, really... StarClan would probably strike her down if she tried to claim ShadowClan wasn't dreary or nasty or whatever... And any self-respecting warrior would teach their apprentice to spare other clans their trust...) No, this is nothing new.

Uh... interesting spin on it this time around, though, is that this WindClan warrior is delivering her wisdom through poetry, or something? Not very good poetry, she might add. Sharpshadow can foresee a future where this molly had gotten a more... impatient apprentice (Singeglare-esque, maybe...) and they proceed to dart across the thunderpath before she can follow up on the word cross. If she were the paw in this situation, she'd have more questions about her mentor than ShadowClan, unfortunately. A feat, considering she didn't say very much about them at all... A part of him is glad he wouldn't be subjected to WindClan's propaganda today. Another part of him is pretty interested in how it'd sound coming from this warrior...

Sharpshadow would exchange a glance with Marbleleaf, if he can manage to catch their eye. Otherwise, he's let them give the greetings on both their behalves, with her friendly voice and friendlier face (the bar is kind of low)... His face pinches, seeing how close the medicine cat is willing to get to the border... To the chagrin of his inner coward, Sharpshadow joins her, fur on end. The stance he takes is a defensive one, paws splayed and eyes wary. He might be a few whiskers closer to Marbleleaf than he had to be... If she called him overbearing, he'd get it— but disagree, given ShadowClan's angelic luck...

He only introduces himself because he fears weird not doing it after Marbleleaf does... "Sharpshadow." It's a name WindClan probably could have guessed, even without such an... uh... scholarly mind. He doesn't have it in him to humor his label... He doesn't usually care for small talk, but he finds himself wanting to know what fantastic opinions this cat must have. It probably sounds like a question for the apprentice, but she looks at the warrior when she asks it. "So what territory is your favorite, huh? ...Besides yours, obviously." She tries, and fails, not to despair at the fact that he'd never answer with ShadowClan himself, even without the veto of such an answer.
At her imminent arrival to ShadowClan's border, Asterpaw would have been lying if she said she wasn't intrigued by the prospect of seeing this border with her own eyes. Well, this and RiverClan, if her mother's reaction to them long ago was anything to go by.

Once again, Whispersong informs her of the clan, and points out the Thunderpath to her. Her mentor advises her not to cross and Asterpaw nodded in consent, not that she could imagine wanting to cross it unless she had to. Once, she had been curious about the Thunderpath, now she looked at it with a disgusted look, not liking the strong smell that wafted off of it. There is a small lightness during this visit when the two ShadowClan cats arrive. The fawn tabby seems to be the friendlier of the two, but both are more civil than that one ThunderClan apprentice she and Whispersong had met. "Hello!" Asterpaw called back. Her eyes shifted to Marbleleaf and she nodded, showing she had listened to her suggestion of Cottonsprig treating her if her paws were too tired at the end of the day. "Cottonsprig's my aunt, I'm sure she wouldn't mind!" Asterpaw wasn't sure why she felt the need to blurt that across the Thunderpath but oh well. This time her gaze moves to Sharpshadow. "Hmmm, probably your clan so far," She responded with a giggle. "At least you've been all polite!"
  • Wow
it had only been a couple weeks since lostpaw herself had been at windclan's border to peruse in the typical mentor/apprentice sightseeing that she had seen a couple times since, and she's not altogether surprised to see a young apprentice around her age at the border today. it's a rather nicer pair than the last time an apprentice had come to their border, and she's pleased that no one will get their face clawed at today (hopefully).

she flicks her tail as she waves a quick hi to the other apprentice, preening slightly at the compliment to their territory. sure it wasn't the most traditionally impressive, but she's grown rather fond of the haunting yet comforting presence of their lands. "windclan's territory was quite nice too," she calls back with a smile. "i'm lostpaw!"

  • ooc. mentor tag @Amberhaze
  • LOSTPAW (she/her) is a six moon old shadowclan apprentice with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's and is being mentored by amberhaze.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.