WE TURN OUR HEARTS TO THE STARS - medicine cat meeting

Another half moon another meeting. Before leaving ShadowClan's camp she had tilted her head upwards to look at the sky, had wondered if StarClan had any words to share with her this time around. Would she see her brother, her mother, or even her father in her dreams? It is a selfish desire but she wants them to come to her, to tell her that they missed her as much as she misses them, even the father she had never had the chance to know. She lets out a heavy sigh and sets out, knowing that at these meetings, what waited for her was drama and thinly veiled insults hurled from the mouth of SkyClan's strange Medicine Cat, usually directed towards the WindClan one, who she was supposed to dislike but couldn't bring herself to. They were all medicine cat's after all, all fighting the same fight why shouldn't they want to help one another?

Still, she goes. She makes her way out of the swamp, across the moors, and to the hills that wait beyond. What would happen if she kept going, she wonders. Though she knows she would never abandon her clan she entertains the idea for a moment. Perhaps if she ran Granitepaw would come with her. They could keep one another safe, start their own clan somewhere away from all the drama. He would be Granitestar and she could be his faithful medicine cat.

It was just a silly daydream. 'Time to wake up Starlingheart' she thinks to herself softly as she enters the cave. If anyone is already there she would offer them a friendly yet hesitant smile before taking a seat, snow tipped tail curling to rest on top of her paws as she looks down on them.

When everyone has gathered does she dare to look up again, finding enough bravery to speak, for once. "I-" she starts and then stops, clearing her throat and settling her thoughts "Duh-does anyone does anyone kn-know know how to treat uh bro-broken buh-buh-b-bones?" she asks, her voice hesitant and soft. "I-I have a uh a cat" she is careful not to say friend, though her mind supplies it in place of cat "He uh-he-he br-broke his t-t-tail Ive put it- put it between two sticks and uh I uh I wrapped it in cobwebs bu-but I'm not sure wha-what else to do" if there even was anything else to be done. She had also given him painkillers, kept him comfortable.


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beesong looks forward to the half-moon meetings less and less. since the beginning, the meetings seemed to be plagued by petty drama that leaves the cinnamon tabby feeling drained of everything by the time he departs from mothermouth. the tension that crackles in the confinement of the cavern has only intensified since sootstar had loosened the chains around her new medicine cat and allowed him to attend; but not without a guard who had no place invading the sanctity of the medicine cats' gatherings.

truthfully, beesong fears falling asleep in the presence of vulturemask and his warden. with riverclan and windclan on the cusp of war, he wouldn't put it past sootstar to order her puppets to kill him while in the vulnerability of slumber. after all, riverclan would be at a major disadvantage without a trained medicine cat, wouldn't they?

the only thing that keeps the scarred feline in attendance is the quest for the knowledge shared between the healers. they do not know everything, and they fear the possibility of a clanmate suffering because they didn't have an understanding of how to treat them.

so they guide ravenpaw down the dark tunnel that leads to the moonstone, muttering a brisk greeting to those already gathered as they step into the dazzling light. it's strange to not have gloompaw at their side anymore, and they feel her absence in their aching chest. but they couldn't waste time dwelling on the past when they have the future to worry about. "this is ravenpaw, my new apprentice." beesong gestures towards the shadow of a tom with a jerk of their muzzle. they do not speak on the topic further. if ravenpaw wants to introduce himself more thoroughly, he can do so.

he pads over to sit near dawnglare, while making sure that vulturemask and his guard remain in his field of vision at all times.

starlingheart stutters a question; does anyone know how to treat broken bones? one curled ear flicks in her direction, but beesong remains silent. a broken bone is outside of his level of expertise... though, how the accident-prone riverclan has managed to avoid breaking any bones so far is perhaps the eighth wonder of the world. he hums thoughtfully, glancing around at the others to see if any of them had an answer. this would be useful information for the future.
Always accustomed to being out of his element, nothing could have prepared him for the sight he would see tonight. Ravenpaw followed behind in Beesong's steps, using his scent and the brush of fur to guide him down the dark tunnel. Ravenpaw's heart thudded in his chest, feeling suffocated by the close walls and the damp smell of the cave. He felt a burst of relief when it opened up again. Pupils slitted as the dazzling light from the Moonstone overwhelmed his senses and for a moment Ravenpaw felt very small against the vastness of the world and knowledge that lay beyond him.

The night-pelted apprentice was now a more silvery gray with the way the light touched his fur. He shook out his head, the fur along his spine bristling as he continued to stare at the Moonstone. For a long time, it was worth his attention far more than the other medicine cats—cats he knew only in brief mention or glance at Gatherings. Cats he would likely know more now.

He dipped his narrow head at the introduction, reminded of Darterwing's look of betrayal when Beesong made him apprentice. He had not wanted to hurt her, but he wanted this more than what a warrior's life could offer. He pushed her and Dovepaw out of his mind. Why couldn't they be happy for him? In the back of his mind, he wondered why hadn't StarClan predicted this, sent a sign to Beesong instead, irrefutable proof? No, he was here on his own merit. He had paws on his own destiny. He would not let them take that way from him.

Ravenpaw exhaled shakily, saying nothing more to introduce himself as he stuck by Beesong's other side near where he chose to sit next to Dawnglare. Perhaps he would learn how to mend broken bones.


A new face, among them. Berryheart had taken rank beside Pebbles, returning the young she-cat's greeting as she had entered. A piece of the night wandered in, eyes aglow with the sight of the moonstone- as if midnight in the form of a feline had split through the stone and sat at Bear-tail's side. So many students lost, ascended... when he was to pick, he would pick well. And he would strive to survive until they were fully trained. At the very least, he had not to worry for his exile. His own mother would never dare.

He offered RiverClan's newest student a nod- crooked lips upturned in the subtlest of smiles, a polite greeting into what would be rather an overwhelming world for the young tom. Though watchful of Eyeteeth's guard, Berryheart found himself relaxing a little more as the figure beside him spoke up, asking specifically for advice. This moon, he had little to offer- especially regarding what Pebbles sought.

Slowly, he shook his head- and Bear-tail's silence betrayed their own answer. "Sorry," he murmured, again dipping his head. Inadequacy was a frustrating reality tonight... but he would wager at least one of them had a clue. Who knew what Eyeteeth had learned, or indeed Peepers and Sootypaws. Their minds may be the key to the Shadowclanner's conundrum.

This night was more pleasant then the last journey had been because this time Wolfsong was accompany him which was a far better company then he would say to the majority of his clanmates. He would even have been more willing to converse and even ask how Sunflowerpaw's training was going...how they where doing after their leg injure. Any info or details the lead warrior would give him Vulturemask would take a mental note of. The walk had been lovely...but now it had to end as they arrived. Vulturemask stopt at the entrance as he gave a flink of his tail to signal for Wolfsong to stop. " I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait outside. If you hear me screaming...that will be the signal to come rushing in to save me." he glanced back over at his shoulder, the tiniest of a smirk present to signal he had been joking. HIs smirk died just as quick it had been present though and with those words the medicine cat stept inside the dark cave to wander through the tunnel until he arrived to the meeting place. Some of them already was there before he even had arrived. Vulturemask never had a rush to get himself here that was for sure.

Finding the only company he actually liked out of all of them Vulturemask made himself over to sit closer to the other ebony medicine cat then he did to any of the others. He would greet Starlingheart first with a nod of his head before he would acknowledge the others with the same nod. No words of greeting needed. This would be his second time joining one of these meetings and although the first one had gone through smoothly enough he suppose despite having to endure through some of their remarks Vulturemask had done little to entertain any of them in return. He was not here to play kit games after all.

Beesong was not alone this time as she too had taken on an apprentice just like Dawnglare had with Fireflypaw. One had to follow the lead. it made him wonder who would be the next. Vulturemask had no intention to pick an apprentice of his own unless starclan told him to do so. As long he was the sole cat with medical knowledge his own place in the clan was more secured...not as easily to replace. " Welcome...chosen one." he would be the first to openly welcome the new trainer to a spot among them. His gaze was glowing from the otherside of the moonstone he sat to stare at the new starclan subject but his gaze would not linger long on them as his attention would drift over to Starlingheart who had a question to them all. Broken bones...shame he couldn't do much there despite having had three patients with injured paws.

He listened carefully to what the shadowclans medicine cat had to say though, something among her own words he caught up on. Two sticks to bend to the leg?. Aha...he had only used one stick. What useful information. For sure he would have to try that next time. " Tell your patient to not move their tail until you give the permission to do so. I would keep them in the den for at least two weeks time. Change often the cobwebs...and if they feel uncomfortable use moss to place it under the two sticks to not leave bruises marks on the tail. If they're in alot of pain give them something for it to make it more bearable. He had no clue how useful this would be for Starlingheart but since nobody else had anything to share to help their coworker out Vulturemask could at least give something from his own experience when being faced to deal with this on his own. All his patients had recoverd fine with his treatment so he surely couldn't be all wrong about this.


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──⇌•〘 INFO His wounds are unbothered by the trek here, for which Wolfsong is grateful, and for all that many think Vulturemask is an odd creature, he's an integral member of the clan. He's also dear to Wolfsong's apprentice, and their mutual care for Sunflowerpaw has laid common ground between them. Further still, he's intrigued by the work of the clans' healers; they have a knowledge kept rigorously between themselves, and he's always been the most curious about well-kept secrets.

He grins, lopsided, a rasping chuckle low in his throat. "In that case, I will do my best not to fall asleep," he says with a wink, or as much of a wink as a cat with one eye can manage.

Vulturemask leaves him behind, and Wolfsong settles in, watchful of their surroundings. All these valuable cats routinely in one place, and yet WindClan alone sees the value of a guard. True, it is not solely to protect Vulturemask, but are they truly believed to be so essential none would harm them? Is StarClan's wrath so powerful?