pafp WEASEL CHAOS || stoat

Jan 5, 2023




WindClan seemed to be in high spirits again, which was bound to mean great things for the group as a whole. On that particular afternoon, Tigerfrost had been chosen to lead a hunting patrol. He takes his group toward the sun-warmed pool, as the day had grown hot, and there was little shade to be found on the windswept fields. Perhaps local prey would take some time to get a drink as the afternoon pressed on. He walks through blooming wildflowers, and the bees that dart between the petals. Above their heads, the sun is blistering, and there's not a cloud in sight across the blue skies. The Lead Warrior is about to motion for the rest of his patrol to spread out and start hunting, when he spots something strange bouncing through the tall grass. Eyes narrow as he sniffs the air. It's not a rabbit, or a hare. It's smaller, slender, and it seems to be staring him down.

Tigerfrost supposes food is food, and so he launches himself toward the animal. The critter evades his paws, though, dances out of reach and snaps it's teeth as if in challenge. It was none other than a stoat, and it dives into a small burrow, likely carved by a hare, and re-emerges several tail-lengths away, still with that challenging look upon it's face. Tigerfrost lunges at it again, and off it goes, disappearing into the burrow to once again reappear from a different exit. No doubt the thing was mocking him. Perhaps the patrol could work together to rid the moor of this weasel.


venomthroat | 27 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
Though venomthroat is usually well composed when on patrol, taking their duties seriously and putting in endless effort, the black furred feline cannot help but pause at the sight set before them - giving a quiet rumbling laugh as their brother is forced to dart back and forth after the cunning creature. Amusement and mirth glimmer in dark eyes, and they perhaps stand back a bit longer than necessary, simply enjoying the sight. "...need some help with that?" they offer light-heartedly, though their sleek and muscular figure is already dropping down into a crouch, sights lock onto where they anticipate it to pop up next - though, who knows how many burrow holes may lie around here, so they don't expect to be right.

Gravelsnap has never seen a stoat before. It doesn’t look particularly intimidating, but he knows well that even the creatures one least expects can be dangerous. Especially for a cat who doesn’t know exactly what they’re dealing with. So the young warrior hangs back, watching the older tom lunge after the slender, slinky animal. The fur along his spine bristles as Tigerfrost lunges after the creature, and it disappears into a tunnel too small for most moor runners to fit into.

"How will we get rid of it when it can go into the tunnels?" He grits his teeth in frustration, glancing between Tigerfrost and Venomthroat. The older warriors both seem to know what they’re doing; he’ll just have to follow their lead in this fight. Because—they are going to fight it, right? It’s just going to steal their prey otherwise, isn’t it? They have to kill it before it takes any prey of theirs—or worse, hurts one of their clanmates.