tracking with some ideas for now!

design, chocolate or black tabby can't tell when my screen is so dark lol with high white and bright green eyes.
— dream prefix? other starclan prefixes? mtf trans woman.
— devout starclan worshipper and strict follower of her mother. loves her family and is very, very proud. though she is empathetic and kind, this is reserved solely for her clanmates. outside of windclan, she is at best blandly dismissive.
— potentially small enough to be a tunneler? but i also want her to be a skilled fighter and good at things aboveground... hm
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➸ name meaning?
Azaleas symbolize beauty and femininity.
➸ previous names?
➸ age?
2 moons
➸ position in clan?

➸ gender/sexuality?

➸ relationship status?


➸ Census description
A delicate looking blue molly with low white and amber eyes.

➸ long desc
Silken blue fur flows in the night breeze as the deceptively fragile seeming molly strides on soundless snow white legs and paws. Her eyes, a deep sunset amber color, stare into the distance with little emotion. Her white splashed head held high, ears pointed tall. Her tail, bushy and flowing, stands tall behind her.
➸ scars/injuries


Azaleakit is quiet. Her expression is one of disinterest, rarely changing. The most you'll get from her is a raised brow or a frown, sometimes even a smile. She doesn't emote heavily unless something big has happened. Her voice is soft, and she often rgards her family as "Brother" or "Sister" not usually using their names.

Azaleakit wants nothing more than to impress her parents and live up to everyone's lofty expectations. She runs herself ragged trying to do so. Failure is not an option, and if she does fail, she will apologize deeply. Not out of fear, but because it was obviously a skill issue on her part. She WILL be good enough. That is a threat and a promise.

Azaleakit is no coward. Threaten her or her clan, and you've made an enemy for life. She is cold, cruel, and vindictive. She wants to crush her enemies beneath her paws and leave them broken.

This extends to clanmates who gets on her bad side by doubting her abilities, questioning her loyalty, and judging her for her failures. This includes mentors. She will topple her opposers by any means necessary. The only differences is she can't kill her clanmates.

She is always listening, always watching. She WILL snitch on you if you say or do something suspicious.

Her faith in Starclan is strong, and she often sits outside at night, far from everyone else, and just talks to the stars.
➸ alignment
Chaotic Nuetral
➸ any mental illnesses etc

➸ easy to form friendships.....FOR NOW
➸ hard to form romantic relationships
➸ mate of? crushing on?

➸ parent to?
➸ child of?
Sootstar and Weaselclaw
➸ sibling to?

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general info —— ☀.°✧
rabbitkit rabbitpaw rabbitjump
— windclan kit
— cisfemale | she/her
— questioning bisexual
2 moons old
ages on the 14th.

✧°.☀ —— fun facts and other bits

facts, important details, other tidbits

physical details ——— ☀.°✧

with a rather bulky, fluffy body, rabbit's fur is silky to the touch and always well-groomed. specks of white litter her cheeks similarly to freckles, also dotting her body in random places. her eyes are bright blue, like cool waters that shine under moonlight. her cheek fluff is so dense that it adds bounce to her face as she walks, something she's quite fond of. the bushiness of her tail reminds one of a rabbit's tail.
smells of heather & dandelions
wears a yellow flower tucked behind her right ear.
carries solid, dilute.

✧°.☀ ——— personality

at first glance, rabbit can come off as quite a sassy girl. she shows no shame in the fact that she has no filter, and openly speaks her mind even if it tends to annoy specific people. some might say she enjoys it, making others feel on-edge around her. she acts like a spoiled brat as a child, desperately vying for everyone's attention and abhorring the idea of not having the spotlight. she believes she's a gift from starclan, high and mighty and obnoxious at times. being moorland born, she's rather cocky about the fact that she was born to be a moor runner like her father. she prides herself on the fact that her parents run windclan, almost to the point that she uses that to take advantage of others and strike fear into them, specifically kids her age. despite all of this, she tends to take criticism harshly and easily gets her feelings hurt. she's easy to taunt into a fight, and she fights dirty- her aim is to win, no matter what. if that takes her manipulating a fight to do so, she'll do it. she's impulsive, rash, and rushes into things without thinking first. this can make her a liability, especially to her mentor.
myers-briggs here
other personality notes here for later
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It's TIMEEEE!!!!!

Thank you all so much for applying. I know everyone says this in every litter adopt ever but genuinely seeing all this interest in Weasel x Soot's kids has warmed our hearts. We've had so much fun reading all your applications, it is clear you all put tons of time, thought, and effort into them. We fell in love with ALL of them... In fact, I loved all of them so much I several times contemplated dropping my own slot in the litter just so we could pick just one more. But I really need someone to replace Soot, whose still in this family tree, when her story is over

So without further ado, below are the Weaselclaw and Sootstar kits who will be born this Valentines day!

✨Moorkit played by @willie
✨Adderkit played by @Nazali
✨Cottonkit played by @nya
anddd as already mentioned;
✨Bluekit played by @Marquette
✨to-be-icly named by Weaselclaw kit played by @ava

(you will all be added to our discord family chat!!) Welcome ALL to WindClan!! You're on board for a crazy ride

Again, thank you all so much! If anyone has any questions at all on what factors we took into consideration when choosing these applications certainly reach out to Marq or I :D
Congrats to everyone! Lovely apps and well-deserved <3
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