we're going nowhere fast ☁︎ gathering chatter

Head held high, Turtledove strides in behind her clanmates. She was a pro at gatherings. Snakeblink being a part of Lichenstar's council meant that she was allowed to frequent several gatherings during her moons as an apprentice. Now, though, she was a warrior and primed to show it off to those assembled. She watched Eveningpaw bounce off to talk to other apprentices and shook her head with a chuckle. Ah, silly apprentice stuff. She glided past them and straight on to the first warrior group she saw.

"Hello, fellow warriors!" She boomed with a grin. "I hope prey is running well?" Turtledove was doing her best Snakeblink at a gathering impression. She had been by his side soaking up what she could for 9 moons, and now it was time to put it to the test. She looked at the pair she approached and noted their scents. ThunderClan and WindClan. She thought for a moment of Braveheart and felt a shiver go along her spine. Was he here tonight? She could ask the ThunderClanner, but how would that make her seem if he wasn't here? Turtledove pressed that down in favor of smiling -probably too wide - at the pair in front of her.

  • ooc: she is doing her best and trying to make conversation with @WILDHEART and @dimmingsun by fully interrupting their convo :)
  • large stocky silver charcoal tabby she-cat with short tail and green eyes
    12 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual(?) ; currently not looking
    child of Pondstep and Shadoweye
    riverclan ; loyal to lichenstar
    easy to befriend ; trusts easily with a kind word
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed and encouraged!

interacting with @shalestorm //

she was free, and finally, she would return to normal warrior duties. unfortunately, it was the busy season. weaving the dens, hunting harder, boring stuff really. but tigerwing didnt lie when she said she missed it. she had been gone for moons, since dogs raided thunderclans territory, and a lot has happened. fortunately, plenty filled her in- mostly flamestar, whos orange pelt she broke away from to go mingle with others.

a grey and white pelt, smelling of pines and swamp that she could only place as shadowclan, approached the chocolate torbie. a wide grin spread across her scarred features, tucking in on herself a bit at the breeze that blew through. she was unfortunately not as covered as the other warrior, her fur missing in spots, and still trying to regain where it could.

"I cant wait for it to be over, already," tigerwing said with a shake of her head. "But yeah! Thunderclans doing great- and shadowclan?" She asked, green eyes glinting in realization. Did Chilledstar lead them, or did tragedy strike them over the moons as well? So many things had changed in thunderclan alone, but of other clans? She wouldn't know. "How are you guys fairing?"

"sign another deal" addict
bronzeshine | 30 moons | female| she/her | physically moderate | mentally hard | attack in underline
Bronzeshine wasn't overly thrilled about coming to the gathering. She never had been, but returning from being missing and coming back with a (so far disappointing) apprentice was certainly not what she would call a fun night. The other clans were tolerable at best. She wasn't going to say she had never had a pleasant conversation. She just also wasn't going to say she had thought about it much after the fact.

"Go meet some other apprentices, or something. I'll find you when the gathering is over," she mewed to Warblerpaw, giving him a nudge toward the center of the clearing. Her tail flicked behind her as she found herself a seat. Maybe this time I should... try... she thought, rather reluctantly. The chilled breeze ruffled her fur almost to say, 'gee, isn't this the best idea you've ever had,' and she nearly took the advice. Unfortunately ,probably for both of them, Salamandersnap became the victim of her effort.

"Uh, hi, I don't think we've talked before," she mewed, "I'm Bronzeshine,"

// brief interact with @Warblerpaw. and interacting with @SALAMANDERSNAP

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The gathering was fun last time, so Crabpaw trots eagerly beside his mentor as they enter the clearing tonight. Under the light of the full moon, the smattering of scales tucked into ginger-and-cream fur shines like the stars themselves. He looks good—perfect for a fun gathering where absolutely nothing will go wrong, surely.

Nearby, he spots his mother and Pinepaw, and they’re both talking to… some gray cat. A stranger to Crabpaw, but the stranger suddenly looks up and looks right at him, and the boy can’t just leave that alone. His curiosity has never been a bad thing before, so why should it be now? "I’m going over there—I promise I won’t get in trouble," he calls to Cicadaflight, not waiting for an answer before he’s rushing off. He doesn’t bother to slow his steps as he bounds over to his littermate and mother’s side, sliding to a stop just past them. Dirt sprays as he finally comes to a sharp stop, and he grins at the duo. "Hi Mama, hi Piney," he meows happily, before finally giving the stranger his attention.

The stranger smells like wet leaves, mostly. It’s kind of gross, and he wonders what clan she’s from—but then Pinepaw asks about the ThunderClanner and it becomes clear. If Pinepaw is right, then this is a ThunderClanner from the great journey that his mother had gone on, which means that she already knows Iciclefang. Without thinking he blurts out in his mother’s direction, "Are you friends with a ThunderClanner?" His tone isn’t accusatory, but it also isn’t particularly kind. In the moment, Crabpaw’s voice is full of flat curiosity, with no regard for how rude it may be.

  • ooc: talking to @STORMYWING @iciclefang @Pinepaw ⭒
  • 80686756_Bos6IC9xCplEpAA.png
  • CRABPAW 𓆝 he/him, apprentice of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 mentored by cicadaflight
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragpaw & pinepaw
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore