WHAT HAS LONG ESCAPED US || caught in a snare


The moon and its blanket of stars hang heavy overhead, and Sunflowerpaw cannot sleep. They haven't been awake all night, but they're a light sleeper, and one of their Clanmates is snoring. They can't get back to sleep now; the night sky shines too bright, the snoring is too loud, and they miss sleeping alongside their brothers, when the three of them were small enough to share a nest. They've dragged their new open-sky nest as close as they can to the other two -- well, to Shadowpaw, mostly -- but it's still not the same.

Everything is changing, now that they're an apprentice. They have less time to spend with their siblings, now that all three are busy with training. It's just like with Vulturemask. And all the tentative near-friendships they'd made with their denmates -- left behind in the nursery, Sunflowerpaw ever the oldest, with few other kits being born in the thick of blizzard season. It makes them feel lonely.

Sunflowerpaw rises from their nest, looks to the too-bright sky.

They used to sneak out a lot, as a young kit, always eager to explore, searching for what lay beyond the barriers of the known world. They're allowed, now, to leave camp, though they have to be accompanied by their mentor.

Well, they're no stranger to breaking the rules.

Sunflowerpaw slips from their nest, soft and silent paws weaving a careful path through the sea of nests. They make their way out of camp, telling none that they are leaving, much less where they are going. Truthfully, they do not know themself. Perhaps they can bring back some of the excitement of kithood, of sneaking away to explore. They'll find their way back somehow.

Wild grasses brush against the apprentice's long fur as they wander aimlessly, pace unhurried. It's strange, seeing the rest of the territory at night. The wind still blows, yet there's an eerie stillness to the night that they feel more at home in than they would expect. The night sky bathes the landscape in dim light, colors diminished and familiar shapes made strange. Vulturemask enjoys the night, they know. They can understand why. Sunflowerpaw simply takes in the sights, no thought given to where they are headed.

It's a strange sight that eventually stops them, a glinting reflection like water on an object almost stick-shaped, if far too smooth and rounded at the top. It sticks from the ground, standing tall -- some kind of marker? But for what? They can't see anything of note around here... They approach the unusual marker, and --

With a snap, something encircles their paw, clamped like the jaws of a predator.

It's a twoleg trap, though the cat does not know it, intended for wandering foxes. This knowledge would do nothing to soothe the panic they now feel, tugging their forepaw frantically in attempted escape. They pull and pull and pull, but the trap will not let go; they try to turn, try to run, try to do anything they can to escape. It is no use. The small feline pulls and pulls so hard that the wire digs into their skin, a sharp pain blooming across the area it encircles. They barely feel it through the adrenaline. Sunflowerpaw's heart beats loud in their ears as they attempt futilely to free themself, twisting their paw at an awkward angle that causes a more present pain, throbbing rather than sharp and only abated by leaving it still and unweighted.

Shakily, Sunflowerpaw approaches the marker, putting as little weight on their ensnared paw as they can.

There's a line, they now notice, tracing from their paw to the marker. Weakly, they clutch their jaws around it, try to pull it out. It won't budge. They're too small, don't have the strength to free themself. They should call for help, but the truth they've refused to acknowledge has become unavoidable: Sunflowerpaw can barely make a sound, panicked as they are.

Their whole struggle was done in near silence but for their heaving, hyperventilated breaths. They cannot muster up more than a whine, as they search the empty dark for any sign of friendly cats. They need to call for help, they can't do this alone, yet try as they might, they cannot force a single word past the constriction in their throat. No one knows where they are, they don't even know where they are. The sun is rising, now. Will someone come looking?

Trapped and alone, paw twisted painfully, Sunflowerpaw crouches by the marker of their ensnarement and waits for someone, anyone, to come help.


  • // 50th post!! made it angsty whoops. pls don't feel intimidated by the length ^^;

    in case it was unclear, the reflective object is a metal stake, & while not stated, sunflower is currently near the barn​
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled61_20221226063745.png
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Family truly meant the world to Shadowpaw, and he truly felt as though he had a strong connection to both Sunflowerpaw and Goldenpaw. They stood as beacons of light in his life, and if anything bad happened to them he wasn't sure what he'd do. As long as they stuck close he was certain he would never have to worry. Keeping their nests close made him happy, but it also made it easier to notice when one was missing.

Like some primal instinct he found himself stirring awake only to find the neighbouring nest devoid of its usual resident. It prompted the black and white feline to sit up with a deepening sense of unease. Normally he'd just assume that his sibling had gone off to stretch their legs or had gone to make dirt, but something was making his fur prickle. No, he couldn't bring himself to ignore the situation so he decided to track down his wayward family member.

The youth kept his nose close to the ground as he chased the lingering remnants of his sibling's scent trail, but he was still young and inexperienced so the progression was slow and at times clumsy. But he was driven with no desire to give up now. Not when that uneasy feeling continued to make his fur prickle. The feeling only grew worse the further he went, and what unsettled him most was knowing that he was getting further and further from camp. From safety. But where was Sunflowerpaw?

Shadowpaw looked around himself as he searched for anything that would guide him, then he heard it, faint movement and uneasy breaths. He hurried towards it and he was rewarded for his persistence by the sight of his sibling, but something was wrong. What was the thing that was glinting next to them? Why was their paw held like that? The questions coursed through his head as he closed the distance with the intention of pressing his head to Sunflowerpaw's shoulder as a way to prove that he was truly there. "Sunflower, what happened? What is that thing? How did it get you?" The words rolled off his tongue like a waterfall, unfortunately he couldn't help it. "Wh-what do I do?"

Think! He could figure this out, he had to! Shadowpaw eyed the line that kept the other feline attached to the thing rooted in the ground. "Maybe I can pull it out... or dig it out. It reminds me of a deep rooted plant." The murmurings soon turned into action as he tried to pull on the marker, which of course failed to budge. So he switched to clawing at the ground around it with frantic desperation, but it would take time.

──⇌•〘 INFO He will blame himself for this later. He should have stressed the consequences of leaving camp far more than he had, should have anticipated that their curiosity would naturally lead them astray and tempered it as all skilled teachers do. While the lessons most strongly held are often those most painful, Wolfsong had not wanted Sunflowerpaw to understand the gravity of their disobedience like this.

But fate has chosen differently, and they are all helpless to swim in its current.

"You will be all right, Sunflowerpaw," Wolfsong reassures in a low, calming tone. He masks his own concern well, does not bear it in an agonied gaze or frenzied speech. He does not blame Shadowpaw for his panic; this is his family, and he is still a child. It is not yet his place to be the steady stone. "Shadowpaw, find Vulturemask. When you return, we can work at the jaws of this beast— we may be able to force them open and release their paw." Uprooting the tall, metallic stick might have to be their next option, if only to cart Sunflowerpaw back to safety. But the longer they remain caught, the more Wolfsong worries the lasting damage might worsen.



First to arrive on the scene is their brother Shadowpaw. Sunflowerpaw knows that they should feel relieved at the sight of him, yet this feeling is scarcely able to surface through the raging sea of fear that roils within them. Still, it is good to see a friendly face. Their eyes are glassy and unfocused as they stare at their sibling, trembling visibly. They do not move towards him -- their paw hurts too bad for them to risk walking, risk the wire pulling more than it already has. They hold it just barely off the ground and remain unmoving.

When he moves to press his head against their shoulder, it calms them slightly. It is a grounding feeling. Sunflowerpaw does not accept touch from many, but their brother is always an exception. They close their eyes, try to focus on the feeling of his fur against theirs rather than the pain that courses through their forepaw. His questions roll over them; they have no answers to give, throat as tight as the tendril wrapped around their leg. His fear bleeds into their own and the brief calm fades, returning in full as he pulls away. He tries to dislodge the marker, as they had, but it is no use. They watch mutely, feeling a soft sense of loss at the absence of pressure against their shoulder.

He moves to digging next. It's smart, they think. They'd help if they could.

Sunflowerpaw does not notice Wolfsong's presence until he speaks. Their head snaps over at his words. His arrival is more reassuring than their brother's; Wolfsong is a wise cat, they think, he'll know what to do. His words are soft and calm, and they are much needed. If he thinks they'll be alright then he must have some kind of plan, he must know how to get them out of this.

Shadowpaw is instructed to go fetch Vulturemask, and they let out a small, involuntary whine. It's childish, they know, it's better if more cats are here to help. Certainly they wish Vulturemask was here, as he's always looked out for them. Still though, they don't want their brother to leave.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled61_20221226063745.png

It was true. Vulturemask liked the night so he was often out strolling around while everyone else was back sleeping in their nests. It was the only time he could get some time to himself to be left alone with his thoughts. Only time he could run freely through the moors and go back to his roots as a hunter. It was not rare for him to end up close to the horseplace either. He was often here to search for herbs or if he wanted some time for himself. It was rare for anyone else to come this place but tonight was different.

Vulturemask had been walking aimlessly in the night when he had spotted a black figure rushed past his vision. He could tell it was a cat, that it was young and...it looked exactly like Shadowpaw. But that couldn't be true. No one should be out at this hour especially not an apprentice without their mentor. They know that. He had made sure to tell them!.

The medicine cat was of to follow after his disobident younger sibling ready to give them a scolding for this but as he finally caught up to them he was faced with a sight that left a knot in his stomach. Sunflowerpaw. They where stuck with metallic like jaws that was growing out of the earth, locked around one of his siblings paws!. Never had he seen a sight like this before, not knowing monsters like this even existed!. For a split second he looked paralyzed with fear, but then there was a swift inside of him and Vulturemask become as cold like a stone.

" No need to get me i'm here." i'm here. Vulturemask was quick to get himself closer, his voice remaining calm despite the situation. Vulturemask had no other choice but to remain calm for Sunflowerpaws sake to keep his focus on this horrifying problem. The rest he could think of later like why Sunflowerpaw was out here tonight. Had Wolfsong taken them out on a night hunt? so close to the horseplace?. He would flea them alive if that was true.

" Shadowpaw run and search for cobwebs,moss or even leaves would do!, anything you can find that you think can be useful to put pressure on Sunflowerpaws leg, Wolfsong you will have to work with me instead to bend this thing jaws open. " he would be quick to take charge while working out a plan quickly. In that moment Vulturemask did not looked like a horrified brother who was worried for his own kin blood, but a medicine cat who was trying to save his clanmate. In a time like this he had to put his own personal feelings and attachment aside. If he didn't do that he couldn't work with a clear head. So he had to shut them out to view Sunflowerpaw like nothing but any other of his clanmates.

He went to work quickly after that just passing Sunflowerpaw who he knew most be terrified right now but he couldn't offer comfort to them right now, he had to keep his head into the game to keep on reminding himself saving their leg and life was more importand right now when to embrace them. He couldn't even look at them afraid just their eyes would shake him to his core. Vulturemask bite at the predator like jaws as he tried to pull it towards him, hoping Wolfsong would try doing the same from his end.

Weaselclaw's aimless night hunting has led him to a gruesome scene. He can smell the sharp scent of feline blood, and dread clouds his mind -- had the rogue who'd killed Branchfall returned? He sees Shadowpaw, Vulturemask, and Wolfsong, all crouched over Sunflowerpaw. The pale feline is moving, alive, but they seem anchored to the earth somehow--

The lead warrior slows his gait as he approaches, a horrified expression crossing his face. Sunflowerpaw's hind leg has been clamped with something. Shiny, sharp jaws attached to no mouth, to no face, gripping their leg like some sort of eyeless fox.

"What is that?" He breathes, recoiling. He knows there's no time for anyone to answer his question -- the other cats are working to get Sunflowerpaw's leg free, both Vulturemask and Wolfsong attempting to pry the awful thing's jaws open. Weaselclaw lashes his tail and sets about trying to help Shadowpaw find something to put pressure on Sunflowerpaw's leg. He sets about scraping a stone free of its moss, but even as he does, his mind races. Another predator WindClan has to worry about!

──⇌•〘 INFO It's fortunate that Vulturemask arrives on his own— the more comforting faces Sunflowerpaw has, the less traumatic freeing them will be. Still, he knows that this will not be a clean, simple task; and though the spirits of his homeland do not watch over this place, he prays to them nonetheless. And prays to StarClan, even if they may reject him for never doing so before now.

"This will hurt," he tells Sunflowerpaw, holding their gaze with his own and steadying himself against the glassiness there. They are already in pain, he knows, but it will hurt more to draw the jaws open. "Sometimes we must hurt to heal, and one day, this will be a story you tell kits to keep them safe in their wanderings." That said, he joins Vulturemask in fitting his teeth around the cold arch of the contraption, one paw flat on the tether to try and keep it from shifting too much during their tugging.


Vulturemask is here. Vulturemask is here. Between him and Wolfsong, surely someone must know how to handle this. They try to find comfort in it. They need to be brave. Yet still, they feel small, feel scared and trapped. They just want this to be over.

Vulturemask's words are clipped and unemotional, and confusion and fear swirls within the kit's muddled thoughts. Why won't he look at them? They try to catch his eye, but he seems determined to avoid them. Is he mad? They know he warned them, told them not to sneak out. They feel a belated burst of shame for not heeding his words -- or anyone's, really, he wasn't the first to tell them not to sneak out.

Weaselclaw s only there for a moment, recoling in horror at the thing with ensnares them. It frightens them, that the lead warrior should be so clueless as this. But he's soon off with Shadowpaw to finds herbs, Vulturemask taking charge. The two remaining move to pull at the thing that's taken hold of their paw, this strange and silent silver predator that refuses to loosen its hold on them. As soon as Vulturemask starts pulling, they try to stifle a wince, the other side digging hard into their skin. Wolfsong's words break through the pain, though, the apprentice clinging to them, desperate for some balm for their racing heart.

It'll hurt, of course it'll hurt. It does, already, and they are not so naive as to think it will stop so suddenly. But... "Sometimes we must hurt to heal," he says, and they try to hold onto that. One day, he says, one day it'll be nothing but a story. They're getting out of this, they try to remind themself. They close their eyes, try to breathe. The pressure on their leg loosens, Wolfsong gripping the other side of the trap.

Sunflowerpaw's world narrows down to the sharp pain in their leg, the cold metal digging beneath the skin. Past the fear, past the thropping in their paw which cries for attention. They can feel the trap sliding slowly, slowly, scraping further against their already wounded paw. Their breaths come heavy, eyes scrunched shut. But finally, finally --

The jaws are pried just wide enough for them to escape, and they do not hesitate to do so.

The trap snaps back shut, a moment too late to recapture its prey

Sunflowerpaw jerks back, stumbling on shaky legs. Their paw is freed, but now the extent of its damage is all the more clear. It is twisted at an unnatural angle, a result of ill-advised escape attempts. Just above the joint lies a circle of the beast's tooth-marks, blood flowing more freely now that its grip has been broken. It mats their pale fur, dark colors glinting bright crimson in the dawning light.

Sunflowerpaw collapses to the ground, exhausted and bleeding. They're freed now, at least. They can leave it to the older cats to handle the rest. They're not sure how much longer they can remain conscious for, anyway.


  • // baby freed!!!! yipee​
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled61_20221226063745.png
  • Crying
Reactions: WOLFSONG

Help came in the form of Wolfsong, much to Shadowpaw's relief. Already he slowed in his frantic digging until he came to a stop entirely so he could focus on the older tom's words, his eyes already seeking the other's direction. But he gave clear hesitation over the idea of leaving his sibling's side in order to seek help. His gaze turned to that of Sunflowerpaw and he aimed to touch his nose to Sunflowerpaw's shoulder to help assure them. "I won't be gone for long. I'll get help."

Fortunately he wasn't needed for that in the end when Vulturemask arrived on the scene alongside Weaselclaw. "Vulturemask! Thank goodness you're here, Sun is-... cobweb, moss and leaves? Y-yeah, I can get that." So much for being able to stick by his sibling's side, but perhaps it was for the best that he wouldn't be present for the next bit. The apprentice hurried off into the undergrowth so he could gather the necessary items required by the medicine cat.

Shadowpaw soon enough made his return with cobwebs slathered thick around his tail tip and leaves clamped in his jaws. He hoped it would be enough. By great StarClan, he hoped it was enough! He gave a sharp chrrrp to announce his return to the scene, though as he drew closer he could finally smell the metallic tang of blood. Already his gut was doing flips as the fear set in. Setting the leaves down he then held his tail out in offering towards Vulturemask. "I got the cobwebs. D-did you get that thing off Sun's paw?" A quick glance assured him that his sibling was indeed free from the evil glinting thing. Just looking at it made him shudder.
