- Aug 9, 2022
- 343
- 133
- 43

"One o'them is a big brown bloke with lotta white spots. That one's gray and white like Sootstar!" Even though the blind tom couldn't see him do it, Dandelion still pointed with his tail and quick gestures with his head as he rattled of his descriptions, figuring that Inky might appreciate knowing what their weird new neighbors looked like. "There's a solid black one I think wayyyyy in the back but ah...ah can't tell from 'ere. And a white one and 'nother brown one that got even more spots-like about as many spots as there be stars..."He imagined there were more horses nearby that he hadn't spotted yet, far off in the distance or ambling around the treeline where they blended in. Dandelion chewed his wheat stick with a thoughtful wrinkle of his nose, hoping these things didn't come too close to the camp and start raising a ruckus after they just figured out dens and sleeping arrangements. "Think we oughta call these things something other than...just 'orse?" Maybe it was his whimsy speaking, but descritpions were real mouthy and if they had to keep track of these things maybe they should call them something more individual or even numbers or...heck, he didn't know. This was all too much for him to process.
OOC: Let @Inkylotus post first please! :3