WHAT IS THE HEARTS DESIRE? 𓆩⟡𓆪 scorpionback

SCORPIONBACK x formally grave


meaning: scoprion ( scorp ) n. / a terrestrial arachnid with pincers similar to those of a lobster and a venomous sting at the end of its jointed tail, which it can hold curved over its back. | – SCORPION guess for his outward appearance?
— BACK n/a
opinion on name: feels very unsettled but proud of his name
nickname: none
gender: afab trans masc; mainly goes by HE / HIM pronouns but she/her is fine, accepts gendered terms, doesn't really care about what others refer to him as. very uncomfortable with it/its pronouns
orientation: bisexual, panromantic, monogamous
rank: warrior of windclan ; former rogue & barncat, former "kittypet"
beliefs: ???
affiliation: windclan ; rogue-born ; feels awkward in his own clan that houses him
age: created on 01.12.2024 at 19 moons / ages realistically every 12th on each month

last updated: 09.09.24 🦂 penned by calrue

  • tall, lanky dull black tom with piercing amber eyes.TOYHOUSE
    scorpionback is a tall and gangly being, with a sleek build and prominent shoulder blades. his fur is spiky and juts out in odd angles, giving him an overall sharp, angular but seemingly elegant appearance. his eyes are upturned and narrow, with dark amber iris' fit with perpetually slitted pupils and a dark glimmer. under his eyes are dark, heavily bruised eyebags as if he hasn't slept in weeks. his ears are long and pointed, stand tall against his head; they're tufted with long heavy strands of fur that hang down at all times. a tall, slim build and sharp angular features make for a quite domineering appearance.
    ↳ masking? / other genes

    demeanor: tba!

    mannerisms: his tail is always curled around or close to his paws. eyes seem to follow other's movements, even if they don't look like it. is capable of eerie stillness. resting bitch face, tries to emote positively but fails most of the time. always appears tired at all times. due to his height he walks in a slouch, head hung low. more often than not has to look down to meet other people's eyes.

    accessories: n/a


    ( + ) somewhat sane, creative, unpredictable, composed
    ( / ) strange, stubborn, loyal, adaptive, stares a lot
    ( - ) reserved, somewhat uncaring, aloof
    will fill this out when i have the time

    phobias: slight.. n/a​
  • strength ★★★★★☆
    stamina ★★★☆☆☆
    agility ★★★★★☆
    hunting ★★★★★★
    swimming ☆☆☆☆☆☆
    climbing ★★★☆☆☆
    grace ★★★★☆☆
    • currently padding after none
    — doesn't think he deserves a companion. though craves a relationship despite his... peculiar tastes, one built around trust with each other. someone who can go toe to toe with his strange personality.
    + skilled in stealth, hunting, balance
    - poor in swimming
    — peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
    — speech in #9a3b3b ; thoughts ; attacks only in UNDERLINE

    will start/end fights, show mercy, kill ; won’t attack kits, elders, flee ; might maim
    smells like raspberries & midnight rain
    sounds: very unmotivated, bored | vanitas from kingdom hearts ( subject to change )​

    ✦ scars/injuries: the most notable scar is across his throat in jagged lines, due to an accident when he was younger. has two scars on his back, that was from an alleyway scuffle.
  • LUCY xx PROWLER ; parents​
    — raised by both lucy and prowler
    — unknown big brother to none
    — mentoring none
    — shadowed by periwinklebreeze
    — Mate to none | Parent to none

    ADMIRES. n/a
    CLOSE FRIENDS. celandinepaw
    FRIENDS. n/a
    LIKES. periwinklebreeze (tolerates), sunstar, wolfsong
    DISLIKES. n/a
    NOTABLE ENEMIES. all of duskclan
    DESPISES. n/a

  • blah blah blah
  • ► Diablo - Simon Curtis
    ► Masquerade - Siouxxie
    ► I’m Only Joking - Kongos​

    faceclaims: vincent valentine [ final fantasy vii ], kuro [ servamp ] vanitas [ kingdom hearts ], tba!!
    ♡ his love language is quality time and words of affirmation.

    born in the autumn in a twoleg graveyard to a kittypet named lucy, and a rogue named prowler. grave was born. he was a freethinking young kitten in his early years, full of innocence and cared about others. after months of just the small family, they decided to move away from their graveyard home. months of traveling, the family came across a group, living in the alleyways. they decided to join. young grave had playmates in the small group, and played games that consisted of play-fighting and stealing toys from each other. soon enough grave had a growth spurt, in the cat equivalent of teen years, and decided a molly didn't fit him thus became a tom. months passed, consistent of going on trash raids and alleyway scuffles.

    - wanting to prove that he can handle himself, he decided to go off on a solo trash raid. grave was ambushed by two rogues. fighting back as best as he could, he held his own until he was eventually overwhelmed by their attacks. (48% of his scars are from this attack)
    - was driven out of the alleyway, escaping his attackers. hurting and not knowing where he was, he was taken in by an upwalker ( stayed until his wounds healed and left )
    - ended up not going back back to his group, not wanting to see his mother or father out of embarrassment and unknown to him a little sibling.
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text. "SPEECH"

  • ooc.
  • ( they come in creepin' ) 𓆩⟡𓆪 SCORPIONBACK. ╱ windclan warrior.
    trans masc ; HE / HIM, accepts gendered terms ; 24 MOONS OLD & AGES EVERY 12TH.
    — pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    — a tall, lanky shorthaired dull black feline with narrow dark amber eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 9a3b3b" ; attacks only
    — may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    — smells like raspberries & midnight rain
    ic opinions: he can be outright mean and rude,, </3
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

[box=55%][justify][font=georgia][size=11px][color=#BABABA]text. [color=#9A3B3B][b]"SPEECH"[/b][/color]
[TABS][TAB=໑⁺˖ ⸝⸝ CAUSE YOU'RE A NUTCASE] [color=#9a3b3b][b]ooc.[/color][/b] [/tab]
[tab=( ♰ )][quote][center][size=11px]temp ref[/size][img width=70%]https://64.media.tumblr.com/0cd8c92be926154a517dbbc7962a649b/5f92f0b59d4f15e5-03/s1280x1920/862df9266b0894928626ca5bf050db007ff7072f.pnj[/img][/center][/quote][/tab]
[tab=YOU'RE A FILTHY PIECE OF TRASH] [b][color=#9a3b3b](  [I]they come in creepin'[/I]  )[/color][/b] 𓆩⟡𓆪  [b][glow=#bcc8dd][color=#810000]S[/color][color=#7C0102]C[/color][color=#770304]O[/color][color=#720406]R[/color][color=#6D0608]P[/color][color=#68070A]I[/color][color=#64090C]O[/color][color=#58080A]N[/color][color=#4C0809]B[/color][color=#400707]A[/color][color=#340706]C[/color][color=#280705]K.[/color][/glow][/b] ╱ windclan [abbr=moor - runner ; ex-rouge & barncat]warrior.[/abbr]
— [abbr=afab]trans masc[/abbr] ; HE / HIM, accepts gendered terms ; 24 MOONS OLD & AGES EVERY 12TH.
— pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance 
— a tall, lanky shorthaired dull black feline with narrow dark amber eyes.
— [url=link][color=#000]battle notes[/color][/url] — [I]thoughts[/I] ; [b][color=#9A3B3B]"Speech[/color][/B][color=#9A3B3B], 9a3b3b"[/color] ; [u]attacks only[/u]
— may powerplay [abbr=biting, shoving, scratches etc.]minor harm[/abbr] ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted 
— smells like raspberries & midnight rain 
[quote][size=11px][u]ic opinions:[/u] he can be outright mean and rude,, </3[/size][/quote]
— all opinions are ic

→ [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/what-is-the-hearts-desire-%F0%93%86%A9%E2%9F%A1%F0%93%86%AA-grave.12922/post-82632][color=#18122B]biography[/color][/url] / @ on discord for plots
— penned by [b]calzone[/b]
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