As she expected, Ashpaw took advantage of her vulnerable state and jumped on her, claws raking across her face. She felt the flesh tear, the blood spill and stain the water. She was mad, now. She should never have shown mercy to this apprentice. For all she knew, the pitiful cry she let out in the beginning was just a trick. She would not be fooled a second time, and a second time was sure to come if Riverclan was so adamant on keeping rocks they couldn't defend.

Letting her wrath take over, she shoved Ashpaw off of her and got to her feet. Soaking wet with blood and water, she raised one of her large paws and swung at Ashpaw's head in a hefty blow, one that if she had her claws out would certainly ruin the girls face.... But she held back. She struck with claws sheathed, with enough to surely knock her away at least a couple tail lengths.

"Never take your eyes off your opponent." She hissed.

True to her advice, her bright yellow eyes looked to Cicadastar. Howlingstar's death had not been lost on her, she could hear the panicked cries of her clanmates. Her enemy had sounded a retreat, but she doubted Cicadastar would just leave her. She glared at him with fury.

"What's it gonna be?" She growled. She toyed with the idea of ripping into him, stealing a life from him as revenge for Howlingstar's lost life. But she waited... She waited to see if the Riverclan leader would retreat, or try to kill her in one last effort.

@ashpaw! @CICADASTAR

It's so quick — one moment she's turning, preparing to retreat, and the next Badgerstrike is rearing back up, landing another solid blow.

Guard down, Ashpaw can't manage to dodge this time. She isn't ready — the ThunderClanner's hit takes her clean out, sending her tumbling back into the water. And that'd be fine, she can swim even a little dazed, but —

Well, it's either shit luck or good aim. Her head collides with a rock as she goes down, and that's one hit too many for her too-rattled brain; Ashpaw barely has time to think Iciclepaw's name before she's out like a light, darkness swallowing her vision.

She floats up in the shallows a few tail-lengths away, current tugging at her limp body.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • SHORT POST SORRY she's totes KO'd and drowning now. icy better hurry...... .. >:)

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY
  • Crying
Reactions: willowroot
Chaos surrounds them. Howlingstar itches to help them, to aid her clanmates as they're pulled into the river and pinned. She wants to comfort her kin, who surround her limp form with tears and rage. Racconstripe stands protectively over her, Moonpaw and Burnpaw crouching nearby as they watch in fear. She can see Lakemoon just a little ways away, reluctant to come close but watching in horror and the tabby wishes she could speak to her, say she forgives her for leaving and fighting against her family, that she still loves her no matter her clan, but still the body below her remains dead. She finally looks to Berryheart, sitting next to her body and assuring them she'd be returning soon. And for a moment, as she stares sadly at him, she swears he looks back at her, his expression calm yet solemn.

Her ghostly spirit looks up as the RiverClanners call a retreat. Like eels, they slip into the rushing waters and the woman feels immense relief. We've won. Sunningrocks would be theirs. They finally owned every bit of the oak forest, just as they always should have, and hopefully the prey that dwells there will finally help her clan come back from the hunger they've been suffering from for so long.

With a sigh, she is pulled back to her body, her throat repaired with nothing but a scar beneath fur to show for it. Her lungs inflate with air as her heart begins to pound once more. Green eyes blink open, taking a moment to focus before they flick to the medicine cat's face. She's breathing hard as she catches her breath, but she is still able to offer him a small smile. You were right. I came back.
  • Love

he dodges quickly, missing her heavy blow once again. snakeblink calls a retreat and he snarls as ashpaw takes the reigns, whips his head around to find the source of the voice — his friend. his dear friend, in that moment he could have torn his throat out, thrashed it around in his maw until it were nothing but blood and bone chip, “ what? “ loud, bitter. it’s incredulous, almost unintelligible with fury dripping from strange, sloping vocals. in the haze he can see warriors skittering back, others still enthralled in the fight. through the blur of war he even smells a skyclanner, hears them speak amongst the thrall of growls and hisses, but the words are lost on him, “ where is the rest of your patrol, where — ? “ where were the skyclanners? his vision catches on his warriors, tired, fighting, already - wounded bodies flaying open again.

lilybloom was bleeding heavily, eye missing and — and —

his chest drops, red behind his vision suddenly too much, mind whirring and blood pulsing in thin, membrane - laden ears. the shrieking, lakemoon’s furious yowls, already mourning despite the way they ushered away in retreat. it’s too familiar, the gaping wound. stricken over the face, gouged and blushing red. the infection that had followed — be can nearly smell it, heady and thick with sickness. it sticks to his nostrils, bites it’s way down his throat and settles heavy in his stomach. it churns, rolling nausea, but badgerstrike is already up again, and his attention turns to her. ashpaw is on the ground, but he has no time, “riverclan, let them have their stolen land! fall back for now — we will not be injured long, but they will forever be weak and cowardly!

howlingstar’s death is not missed on him either, but he does not comment on it. she got what she deserved, painted these rocks with her blood, but it was only temporary. as temporary as the hold he had over his land, nursing on its bounties while they were weak. but the river was giving, now. newleaf was singing, they were thriving. he aims to lunge directly at @Badgerstrike ‘s face, aiming for the eyes — if he missed, he hopes the scrabbling away will send her deep into the waters and whisked away downstream, landing in the depths himself to swim towards the other side, we will return. i hope that life was worth it.i will be back for another.

/ riverclan OUT we took the L
last attack : 6

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


Cicadastar answers her. He attacks, as she expected him too, he didn't seem the type to just run without a parting gift. It brought her so much glee, that she had the chance to rip one of his lives away as her own parting gift. She was going to rip him apart. She wouldn't feel bad afterwards either. With Ashpaw, she would have felt a little remorse. A life for a life, a debt will be repaid.

He launched at her and she prepared to meet him, rearing up to catch him with both front paws. A move she thought nothing of, at first, but when a sharp pain shot through the hind leg that Ashpaw had bitten before, she faltered, leaving herself vulnerable to his attack. All in the span of a split second things had changed for her. She was not one to succumb to pain easily, but the sharp pain that flared in her leg when she put weight on it caught her off guard, and she was about to pay the price.

His claws met with her eye and the following burst of sheer agony that erupted from her face blinded her both figuratively and literally. She couldn't see straight, half her face was streaming with blood, and the yowl she let out almost didn't sound feline.

That was it.

She whirled around with another unsettling screech. "I'LL TEAR INTO YOU UNTIL YOU'RE NOTHING BUT PULP!! I'LL RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB SO THAT THEY HAVE TO PIECE YOU BACK TOGETHER AMONG THE STARS!!!!!" She shrieked in full, raw, uncontrolled rage. He escaped her.

An eye for an eye, it seemed.

She was beginning to feel dizzy, and while she would love to stay and kill someone, she had to get treated right away. With angry, heavy steps, she walked over to the rest of her clan.
Before she can reach her sister, Iciclepaw catches a flash of sun-colored fur. Ashpaw. She turns, seeing too-late the heavy blow a ThunderClan warrior deals to her. She lands hard, head striking a protruding river stone with an audible thud, sick-sounding.

She lets out a hiss of alarm, seeing the ginger tabby sink below the waves. "Ashpaw!" Her paws leave the surface of the riverbank, body swift despite her exhaustion. She hits the water almost explosively -- it waves out around her from the impact. The tortoiseshell uses powerful legs to thrust herself close to where Ashpaw bobs gently in the shallows.

"Ashpaw!" A gasp this time, a realization that she may have been too late. She surges forward again, swinging her hind legs in tandem with the paddling of her forepaws. She nears Ashpaw, just close enough for her to sink her teeth into the girl's scruff.

Iciclepaw, with relief, finds footing under the river. Ashpaw was not too far out for her to bring to the riverbank. She does not know if she'd have been able to swim a length with her waterlogged, deadweight body clutched in her jaws.

With rough, jerky movements, Iciclepaw brings Ashpaw to the shore. "She's swallowed the water," she says, her voice uncharacteristically high-pitched and brittle. She scoops her paws around Ashpaw's middle, hoping to prop her on her stomach with jostling movements. It's the only way she can think to get the she-cat to spit the water out.

They look damn ragged. Like they had no business perchin' where they did and bearing their fangs for a piece of land they weren't using. A matter of pride is all is. It's respectable to a point, isn't it? Would be, were it not for t he rest of what he spits. Wolfwind listens with a grimace already set and stance held firm. Fish-brained– he misses the entire point. How can they be nothing more than their dogs to him, when they snapped up the lives of ThunderClan's leader, and nearly many more? Why should ThunderClan have to a suffer for a problem that was not there's. A problem that should've been RiverClans. Resources, resources. He hadn't the resources to defend his territory then, but suddenly he did now?

"Fox heart," the growl is barely bitten beneath her threads. When the first set of jaws go flying, so does she.

She is a whirlwind between it all– shifting in and out as she had done for the very mutts that started they mess. Strategy, certainly (Oh, but she's afraid. Afraid to leave a clanmate alone for all-too-long. Afraid to snap too hard at a foe and leave them bleeding of life.) She weaves between the crowd, makes a pattern of it. One-too-many times she catches a glimpse of silver fur, and she prays to the starts that it isn't Lakemoon. Not by my choice, she had said. Was the same true, this time?

Wolfwind halts in her tracks as pine-scent suddenly floods her senses. They are not so far from their SkyClan neighbors, but can she blame it on the breeze when the scent moves like a living thing? Her gaze locks onto the sandy tom new to the fray, now slashing. "SkyClan–?," she ears a bite in her hind leg for her ignorance, and with a gasp, brings herself back into the moment, lashing out to wrench herself free.

It's too much, so suddenly. There's flame in the water. Her sister– it had to be her, it had to be– she's screaming. She sees Howlingstar, jaws locked around her throat–

Jaws locked around her throat–

"HOWLINGSTAR!" And Wolfwind surges forward, her throat straining with anguished cry that slips from her. Suddenly she's clumsy, suddenly the way her whole body stings couldn't matter less. They're all there for once. For the first time in– how long?

She's stupid enough to try talking to a corpse. "You said–" she's choking on her own spit, claws ripe at the ground as she comes beside her kin. "You said..." A warbling note. And Berryheart is as he always is, and Wolfwind can't understand. She knows, oh, she knows; but she doesn't want to see it again, she doesn't know if she could stand to. "You won't... You won't."

She wasn't going anywhere, and Wolfwind will keep fighting for her while she can. It's all a blur until the last of them are slinking away. Her body is wearing as they turn to swim like otters. She can hear Badgerstrike's scream, can see the specks of RiverClanners pulling each other onto shore...

They've won.