private WHEN I WANTED SUNSHINE [ redheart ] I GOT RAIN

The ashen moor was quiet, beyond the whipping noise of wind, the howl of a brother lost. Rivewhisper sat out here alone- she had moved from her nest some time ago. Sitting at the edge of camp, ears pricked to be wary of predators but a glassy and far-off look in her eyes. Too many thoughts shifted and churned. Nearly too many to recount- the burning of the moor, which was one so full of life, humming with insects and the dip and wave of pollenated flowers. The loss of... the loss of Bearflight, having been burnt by the same thing that ripped away the moors.

And further before that. She had grown up in a time of civil war, her stomach and faced stained with that painful reminder. Even now, stretching her body too far with the scar on her belly still made it ache. Rivewhisper was, of course, thankful for still being alive- but in the quiet of the night when she couldn't sleep, when all she could see was her brother and fire and ash and Sunstar didn't make it leaving the mouths of those not even related to him? She was painfully distraught.

Ears twitched at the sound of paw steps, blue owl-eyes unlocking with that of the moors to see who approached. Quietly did she lift a paw, trying to wipe free tears that had been slowly falling. She couldn't be seen like that- she was royal-blooded now, descended from an ice-mountain king.

  • Sad
Reactions: REDHEART
The moors were always quiet, but since the fires, it felt deafening. Charred grasses and dirt had been upturned into dried nothingness. Heavy-lidded green eyes peered up as the sky was swallowed by the darkness of night. Redheart waited a touch longer before his restlessness took hold.

Alright. Alright.

Dragging himself to all fours, the ruddy warrior slowly walked through camp. Despite all the chaos just a pawful of sunrises ago, Windclan was already on its way to rebuilding. It was impressive—something he'd been in awe of since early kithood. Memories of peeking outside as Venomstrike would leave, catching small moments of the warriors rebuilding, talking, and working out daily plans, left little Redkit's eyes wide with wonder and eagerness to be grown.

How silly. Even after massive tragedies or the fears of apprenticeship that made his back scars ache. Just before the fires grew closer, his mind had raced with thoughts of indecision. Yet, through it all, he was still here, still awed and forever appreciative of the strength his clanmates could have.

Such absent musings were cut short as the glimmer of a familiar frame captured his attention. Just in the corner of his vision, he focused on a canvas of braided markings.


Brilliant in the soft white and the faded lights. Redheart's blood pressure rose into rhythmic thumps in his tufted ears.

I should congratulate her!

Eagerly, his pace picked up, a bright smile plastered on the fellow Windclanner's muzzle. However, when she turned to face him and he saw that she was—crying? His paws halted to a dead stop for a few beats. Redheart stared in silence stunned by the tears that fell from Riverwhisper's chin. As they plummeted to the ashen earth, the world clicked into place. It shouldn't have come as such a surprise and a part of him felt ashamed to have not noticed.

Alas, his brain kicked back into gear, and he moved with intent. Brows knitting together with worry, he hesitated to close the gap. His larger frame shuffled to the side of the chocolate molly. The desire to tuck her into his chest and hide them both from every bad thing in the world was overwhelming. Rather than cave to his own needs, the tom stayed mindful.

"I'm here." They whispered in a softened voice, inching closer until they were only a breath away.

Redheart's nose aimed to nudge her paw away. Leaning back to level his friend with a caring expression, his words were equally as mindful and gentle. "Please." Turning his tufted body to face her, he opened a space as a silent offering. "Tell me your sorrows and what I can do to ease them."

He hated seeing her cry, and as the tendrils dripped past Rivewhisper's bright blue eyes, the tabbies heart shook. All of her misery and the absence of Bearflight were as evident as the sun on an early morning. He knew deep down there would never be an answer, but he would do everything he could to dampen the pain.


  • 9OYSQUJ.png
    redkit, redpaw, redheart
    maine coon/somali mix, lh red ticked tabby
    amab, cis male, he/him, 11 moons
    ex-kittypet, moor runner of windclan, mentor to TBD
    pansexual/romantic, single, crushing on rivewhisper
    G1, adopted by venomstrike + rattleheart
    "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    peaceful and healing powerplay accepted
    penned by tasmagoric, tags, heartchart, art
  • xq9zeQM.png






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Redheart's expression fell and all she wanted to do was apologize. She wanted to put that smile back upon his face, but he didn't hesitate. Well, maybe for a second, but in the scrambled brain of the emotional warrior, she didn't notice. He grew closer, concern all over his features, and for a moment Rivewhisper considered slipping away into the night. A terrifying moment of escape was offered in his movements. He was always, always, so considerate.

A raw noise left the warrior as her paw was gently pushed free from her face. Red-rimmed blues lifted to that of his emeralds, vision searching for a moment. She only hesitated half a second before she fell into him, ears flattened against her skull as she leaned into his strength and warmth. She devoured what was extended and curled in against him, sobs muffled in his fur. She hadn't allowed herself to cry since her brother's death, since her parents screamed their pains to Starclan, since Featherspine stopped being herself, since Sunlitwing was able to accomplish her dream of becoming a warrior.

The tabby stayed like that for minutes, the moon gliding overhead, showering both of them in the embrace of light. Shaking shoulders slowly stilled, head slowly pulling back with a mixture of sheepish guilt and pain still writ upon reddened features. "I'm.. I'm sorry." She whispered, a voice crack following- her throat cleared as sharp blues shifted away. "It's just... been a lot." She remarked. Haunted eyes focused on the ashed moor again, breathing still hiccupping here and there.

Her mouthn opened, closed, then opened again. "Be- his death... Dad's paw. The fire. Our home." Rivewhisper's head shook gently. "Was the fire punishment for our trespasses against Sootstar? Did I lose my brother because we did what was right?" Her question was small- such worries were deeply unlike Rivewhisper. Sunlitwing knew this side of her now, the one that worried and was hidden behind a rageful mask. She wasn't sure if Redheart knew of it, but she.. she could trust him. She could.
Redheart remained rooted in place, his chest heavy with the weight of Rivewhisper's sorrow. There seemed to be no air left to spare as she fell into him, and he caught her with ease, wrapping his tail around her in a small offering of comfort.

The warmth of her tears soaked into his fur, but he didn't dare move first, burying his nose into the top of Rivewhisper's head.

Holding her close, they rode the tremors of every sob, relieved as each quake slowly subsided. Tender minutes stretched into eternity beneath the moon's gentle glow. Only when Rivewhisper pulled away did the quiet moment conclude, his throat constricting at the sight of her tear-stained face and reddened eyes, her cheek tufts frazzled into streaks. He had never known the loss of a sibling or what misery it brought.

A twinge of fear stabbed at his sides at the mere idea that Rattleheart's kits could face a similar fate.

If he could, Redheart would go back in time to stop it all from happening. He would uproot all of her anguish and bury it within himself if it meant she could find peace. If only the world could work that way. "You have nothing to apologize for." They murmured softly, his voice a gentle reassurance. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed. You've been through so much in such a short amount of time." Every cat was getting a vicious dose of ruthlessness, yet Sunstar and his lineage seemed to be bearing the brunt of it.

Listening intently as Rivewhisper poured out her misery, Redheart's brows furrowed with empathy. Each word she spoke echoed with the pain of loss and uncertainty, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He wished he had the answers to her questions, but all he could offer was his presence and understanding.

"No, Rivewhisper." He replied firmly, meeting her gaze with unwavering conviction. "You didn't lose your brother because of anything you did. The fire, Sootstar, our home... None of it was your fault. Sometimes, the world around us is out of our control." It was a brutal fact of Windclan's bloody history and two-legs senseless decisions.

His heart clenched with the weight of his own memories, the scars of the recent past still fresh in their mind. But in that moment, all that mattered was being there for Rivewhisper, offering her the solace she so desperately needed.

"You're not alone." The feathery-furred tom whispered, a caring smile shyly forming on his muzzle. "If you're okay with it - i'd like to stay by your side. I know we can get through this together." He would be there for his friend no matter what.

Even if the future was uncertain and their clan left to rebuild from ashes. Redheart had to believe it. If not for himself then for Rivewhisper.

  • 9OYSQUJ.png
    redkit, redpaw, redheart
    maine coon/somali mix, lh red ticked tabby
    amab, cis male, he/him, 11 moons
    ex-kittypet, moor runner of windclan, mentor to TBD
    pansexual/romantic, single, crushing on rivewhisper
    G1, adopted by venomstrike + rattleheart
    "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    peaceful and healing powerplay accepted
    penned by tasmagoric, tags, heartchart, art
  • xq9zeQM.png






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Redheart was.. warm. His nose pressed against her head gave a sense of calm to the raging sea of emotion. His words were just as grounding- a soothe to the ache of her heart. Her apology wasn't needed, but it felt right- she had only leaned against him. What had she given in return? A soft breath left her when she had finished speaking, another sniffle as he started to speak.

No, Rivewhisper.

Blue eyes turned to him, as sharp as an owl's. It was not in any aggressive or defensive manner, but one of slight surprise at his firm tone. She inhaled quietly and nodded in agreement as he banished the thoughts that had slowly begun to overcome her. He was right, after all- there was no way to have controlled the fire, to save her brother, once it had happened. That realization alone caused another tiny sob, but her paw was reaching up to clear her eyes of tears once more.

Her gaze fled back towards him as he offered perhaps what she had been seeking. Rivewhisper hadn't tried to wake anyone, but she couldn't stand to be alone anymore. She nodded quietly, and moved again. Her shoulder lowered to press against his own, leaning back into him candidly. "Yes. I'm okay with it. " She paused. "Please.. don't go. Just a few more minutes." She asked softly, her eyes still shiny with tears.

Was she uncertain about this? Maybe. But the strange twist of nervousness in her belly was just as surprising as how the overwhelming grief waned in his presence. Ears twitched gently as she relaxed into him.
  • "speech"
  • RIVEWHISPER she/her, moor runner of windclan, eleven moons.
    LH broken braided chocolate tabby with high white and piercing blue eyes. scars stretch over her left eye and across her stomach. graceful, sleek, average height. built for running and stamina
    mentored by snakehiss / sunstar / / mentoring no one
    small romantic interest in redheart / / sibling to featherspine ; sunlitwing ; bearflight ; singedpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
