- Feb 12, 2025
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As the patrol slinks towards the tender wound that is the ThunderClan border, Velvetdusk occupies himself with watching the world around him. It's a long walk, longer still with the prospect of the forest Clan waiting at its end; why not busy himself? The marsh really is quite beautiful when you know where to look. Cold, cloudy leaf-bare light illuminates copses of reeds that nod as he passes, sloping roots of pines, shining pools of algae-glutted water.
The latest of these last is actually occupied by something other than skittering frogs or cloudy-eyed toads. " Hm? " Velvetdusk ventures closer—the patrol's stopped for a moment anyways, presumably in the interest of a drink of water. He peers into the pool, met by beady eyes and a scraping noise as one of the creatures lurking within drags itself slowly out, trailing rivulets of murky water onto a flat rock.
" Oh, look, turtles, " he remarks to nobody in particular, his split muzzle creasing into a small smile as he watches a couple more of the stalwart animals scuttling about the shallows of the pool. Hardy little creatures, they are, and therefore very reminiscent of his Clan, he thinks. Shifting between water and land, persisting despite the odds. His dark eyes turn up at the bottoms in unexpected delight. " They're such clever little creatures. "
The latest of these last is actually occupied by something other than skittering frogs or cloudy-eyed toads. " Hm? " Velvetdusk ventures closer—the patrol's stopped for a moment anyways, presumably in the interest of a drink of water. He peers into the pool, met by beady eyes and a scraping noise as one of the creatures lurking within drags itself slowly out, trailing rivulets of murky water onto a flat rock.
" Oh, look, turtles, " he remarks to nobody in particular, his split muzzle creasing into a small smile as he watches a couple more of the stalwart animals scuttling about the shallows of the pool. Hardy little creatures, they are, and therefore very reminiscent of his Clan, he thinks. Shifting between water and land, persisting despite the odds. His dark eyes turn up at the bottoms in unexpected delight. " They're such clever little creatures. "
SicklexIsabela/ younger brother toSebastian
mentored by Doveswoop / mentoring n/a
15 moons old as of 2/1/2025penned by dejavu