when the sky falls [hawk attack]

Jul 20, 2022


It was a busy day in Windclan, and the camp was bustling with activity as patrol leaders rallied their clanmates together. He wasn't sure he'd seen so much activity in one day like this before since joining the group, and he was a little uneasy over what all the sudden activity was over. Hyacinth was off chasing a fox while Weasel and Bright lead groups to check out twoleg things that had found their way to the moors.

As for Dusk, he'd be leading a patrol to investigate another potential threat; the cause of all the dead rabbits that mornings hunting patrol had come across. No scent of any predator they could make heads or tails of, and he wasn't happy to be leading Melonpaw, Rosepaw, and Jaypaw into it- or Dandelionpaw, who'd insisted it would be safer to collect herbs this way if so much was going on in the hills. And the younger tom wasn't wrong, but still. He told himself it was necessary, that he apprentices couldn't be sheltered forever and that they needed the chance to not only use their skills but gain real-life experience with things like this. But he was going to feel horrible if anything bad came to pass.

"I want everyone on high alert- keep your eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble. We aren't sure what's been killing these rabbits and I don't want it sneaking up behind anyone while we're out there." he said, moving to stand by Rosepaw. He'd be keeping them well within sight during this outing, though if there was one thing he could count on them for it was to not do anything outwardly stupid. Rosepaw was cautious and mindful, two traits he hoped would serve them well today.

@ROSEPAW @Dandelionpaw @melonpaw @JAYPAW @MALLOWLARK @POLLENFUR @ivoryflight. @KESTRELTALON

windclan warrior - male - 18 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
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A heavy cloud was hanging over Rosepaw's head that day. Everything that had happend lately had taken a tool over him, his family in particular. Rosepaw had still not been given a chance to try to speak with Leechpaw after everyhting that had happend. His brothers harsh words still lingering over his head of being unworthy, and the looks his parents had been given to him after objecting for his friendship to contunie on with Leechpaw. Who's side are you on?. Wherever he went could feel his family's glare on his back. Thier judgement, and he started to feel all of the pressure on his shoulders. Everything just seemed to be going wrong lately for him, whatever he did he could never please his parents, and he was unable to stop his brothers behavior, every decision he made only seemed to make things worse. He felt cornerd with no way out.

Rosepaw stood behind his mentor Duskfire, staying silent as the deputy gave out the orders to all of the patrols to investigate this unkown prey threat they yet didn't know what it was about. It was something about this that made him feel uneasy, like something wasn't right. In truth he didn't wanted to leave camp today. But when he turned his head around briefly to look after his parents to seek for some hopeless comfort from them he found them with that look. Don' t embarass us today. It made his stomach knot itself up and he quickly glanced down at his paws again, swollowing nervousely. He was not allowed to run from this, to hide inside his nest. So he left alongside with his mentor and the rest who had been assigned for this patrol to found out what had happend with the rabbits.

Sometime later Rosepaw was walking behind the others as his anxiety grow unable to get ride of this feeling that something horrible was gonna happen but he didn't trust his own instincts. It was probably nothing just his own anxiety mixed with paranoia. With the lack of sleep he had been having lately his judgement was far from trusting. He would stick close to Duskfire to use him as comfort. Flickering his ears as the deputy spoke Rosepaw would perk his ears up even more as he listened carefully around his surrendings. He needed to focus...to block out the sounds of his own beating heart. Shaking his head slightly to himself the apprentice started to look around to try to concentrate on the mission today. But in reality he wished he could just go back home...


Nodding at Duskfire's instructions, she too found herself feeling somewhat anxious about what they may find on the patrol. If it were dangerous, why would Duskfire allow himself to lead apprentices into it? On the other paw, she knew that they would need the experience should they ever have to step paw into battle one day. Attempting to brush her tail against Rosepaw's back she would pause beside him momentarily before moving towards the front of the patrol with Duskfire. "Do we have any idea what it could be? I know we know something about shadows Dandy said. Perhaps something to do with Shadowclan?" While she felt silly even suggesting that Shadowclan was the culprit, she knew they'd have to actually smell them to make sure of that. "Well we'd have to actually smell them or we'd have seen them by now right?"

Duskfire had seemed apprehensive to let him come but frankly he was safer with a group of cats than grabbing one single individual one to escort him out into the territory for herb gathering and perhaps yes, he was also a little curious as to what was going on with their rabbits.
He would have been a fool to not be thinking about the StarClan vision during this entire excursion. Something was messing with their rabbits and he wondered if perhaps the vision was merely warning them of this threat to their prey only, encouraging them to go out and face it with claws and teeth and drive it back but another part of him remembered the way a shadow had descended down upon himself; with no fear of the predator cat as if he were prey in its own eyes. Something that could fly that could threaten one of them-he was still mulling it over in his head. Most birds he had seen were all too small to be an issue and the bigger ones he was familiar with were flightless hens or lazy cranes; nothing of interest.

He'd wanted to come inpart to maybe get a better grasp of what he was warned about, but also they really did need more Comfrey and it happened to grow in pretty large patches nearby the rabbit burrows. The sepia point gave a cheerful bounce of a step so he could stroll alongside Rosepaw-opposite of Ivoryflight, a friendly lean inward to the other apprentice as they went on their way. "Ye wanna help me pick some flowers for Honeytwist along with what ah gotta grab for the den?" It wouldn't hurt to tuck a few pretty flowers in with his herb stock and perhaps it would give his cinnamon mentor a little something nice to brighten her day; she had been so terribly gloomy lately and he couldn't blame her for it one bit.

As the cream tabby began asking questions he could only offer an apologetic smile in response to it, "Wish I knew more-just keep an eye for anything we don't recognize?"

Something about the situation gives Pollenfur a catastrophic feeling. The rabbit carcasses with the strange scent all over them, the way the creatures had been torn asunder with their glazed-over eyes staring terror-stricken into the blue sky - what predator hunts this way? In all her years, she's yet to see it, and she's thoroughly disturbed.

Like the other warriors, she loathes to bring Melonpaw along. The fragile she-cat pushes herself too hard, too far, and she can't imagine what she'd tell Honeytwist is something were to happen to her. The chocolate calico finds herself walking close to her apprentice, tail touching the cinnamon she-cat's flank at all times.

"I already see plenty I don't recognize, and that's the problem," she murmurs in response to Dandelionpaw. She flicks an ear, glancing at Ivoryflight and Duskfire. "What say you, Duskfire? Are we any closer to figuring this thing out? I've seen foxes, badgers, and dogs leave their prey before, but never this many, not in this state. It's so strange. Not like any hunter I've ever seen." Her frown is contemplative. The moors are home to many killers, but why is it she can't place this one?


It seems even the happiest of days have something dark to them.

What once was a joyous occasion - a plethora of rabbits for WindClan to feast on - was now tense, air thick with concern and uncertainty. Rabbits were being killed, but not by WindClan. No, something else was in the moorlands. Something else, Chickenscratch feared, far more dangerous than what WindClan could handle.

But, that's absurd, right? Surely WindClan could figure out just how to stop whatever it is that's killing their rabbits? That's taking their feasts away from them?

Chickenscratch hopes so.

She walks alongside the rest of the patrol, yellow-green eyes scanning the surrounding area. She'd be lying, if she said she wasn't nervous, if she wasn't mere moments away from running away, if something were to jump out at them. But, she was chosen to be on this patrol, so on this patrol, Chickenscratch will be.

"Maybe it's SkyClan?" the fawn-furred feline offers towards Ivoryflight's ShadowClan-based theory. SkyClan had been giving them trouble as of late. So, maybe the shadow meant the broken relationship between the two clans?

"Or twolegs?" Chickenscratch adds as an afterthought, "Twolegs hunt too. Though... They usually bring their prey back with them." She can remember the twolegs from the barn bringing all sorts of prey back with them - big prey, usually; things that Chickenscratch couldn't dream of catching by herself.

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There was something... fascinating happening here. Something enthralling- so, with apprentice at his tail, Mallowlark could not possibly be expected to let an opportunity to look into it pass him by. Solemnity thrummed about them, quiet hum in the beat of bug-wing that the ivory tom hardly noted. There was no reason to be afraid- they'd not seen anything yet save for a few corpses, and once you saw one you'd seen them all. Sure, it was odd they were just being left out here, torn up into ribbons- not the pretty, gossamer kind- but there was no reason to believe it was borne of cruelty.

"Y'know," Tailed upon the end of Chickenscratch's thought, his grin brightened in an ill-formed attempt to be reassuring. Wider, right? And thus grew his eyes and smile, unmoving, staring down like looming shadow. "Sometimes things do just die. Nothing to worry about," and it was well-intentioned, though perhaps naive. Really, illnesses did not tear things up... but, who knew, he was no medic! Perhaps there was some new disease about that forced your ribs through your chest, inverting you, ripping strips of skin right off? What a catastrophe that would be! He could hardly contain his snicker- though, with a swallowed strangling choke, he managed.
Kestreltalon stalked near the back of the procession, doing her best to ignore her clanmates. Her good eye swept the moors around them, scanning for anything dangerous. As much as she didn't like Duskfire, she agreed with his words. Caution was key here. There were very few things that could be responsible for this, and none of them were to be trifled with lightly.

Her anxiety was, perhaps, intensified by her hindered sight. Every time she turned her head, she became even more acutely aware of her new blind spot. It made the moors feel larger than they ever had. A feeling that she wasn't all that fond of, given the current threat.

At Mallowlark's words, her tail flicked, and she finally chimed in. "Thinking like that is a good way to get yourself killed." She snapped at him, still searching the horizon for anything notable. For once, she actually wished she was back in camp. It wasn't safe, but it was better than this. "Now can all of you stop yapping? Maybe if you stop talking about what this thing might be, we can finally find it and actually figure that out."


When the group had finally come together, Duskfire led them out onto the moors and away from camp. It didn't take them all that long to come across their first piece of evidence; a rabbit corpse that was little more than fur scraps and bones. No scent of dog or cat or anything suspicious lay int he air around it, just the usual smells of earth, grass, and prey. Maybe it smelled a bit like some birds had been in the area, but he'd never seen a sparrow or rock dove kill a rabbit before.

"I've honestly got no idea. I've never met an animal that kills without leaving a scent behind. There's not even any teeth marks in the bones, just these light scrapes." he replied as he investigated the kill. "And this isn't that old either. There should be signs of a struggle or chase, but it's like it just died where it was standing. Only, why would so many rabbits be dying in place all at once?"

It left more questions than it answered, and as the tom stood pondering the options, the first shadow fell across them.

OOC- okay guys, go crazy! Feel free to have your character be attacked by one of the hawks the patrol has gained the attention of :D

windclan warrior - male - 18 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
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He listened to the others talk, curious and somewhat amused at the suggestions; primarily Mallowlarks. It occurred to him that if they were planning any kind of stealth objective they had all but failed it at this point and he glanced around in idle disbelief. There was nothing particularly notable around them except the the light blue of the comfrey patch he had known was here and was adamant on gathering up. With a smile the sepia point broke away from the gathered cats, "There's that herb I came for! Rosepaw, look-there's wild flowers too! Ye think Honey-"
A shadow darted across him and briefly blocked the sun and he felt as if his blood had turned into ice water in that one split second of darkness. Without hesitation Dandelionpaw looked up, what he had at first thought were small birds flocking around against the sun drenched sky were actually larger ones in the distance, well above the cloud line and spiraling in a predatory circle before growing ever bigger to announce their approach.
"The shadows..." He murmured quietly before breaking out in a panicked yowl, "It's BIRDS! Them shadows are big BIRDS! LOOK-" The rest of his frantic declaration was cut off by a strangled, horrified cry of alarm as one of said birds dropped into a dive and slammed down onto him midrun back to the others; he was buried under the rapid flapping of feathers and sharp talons, felt them digging into his back searching for purchase before finally piercing soft brown fur and skin to gain a proper grip of the flailing and screaming apprentice. He felt himself raise up, momentarily relieved at the idea of the lack of weight on his back signifying rescue but it was instead the bird beating its wings into the ground to try and lift him up.
For a terrifying second he was fully off the ground, brown-dipped paws kicking and clawing as he tried to cling to the grass itself to keep him grounded, shredding it all to pieces in the process, "HELP!"

Unlike her mentor, Melonpaw is absolutely stoked to have been chosen along with Pollen to go on the trip. What would be cooler than fighting off the mysterious killer that had been murdering their rabbits?! Melonpaw made a mental note to tell mama all about her trip with Pollenfur when she came back- Melon knows that hearing about what she did during the day and about miss Pollen made her happy.

Everything happens so fast, they arrive somewhere, Duskfire speaks and the Dandelion turns to ask Rosepaw something about Honey, which causes her own head to turn. Darkness, Dandelion was embraced in darkness and angry feathers and Melons own tiny body lurches forth to help him. He's mamas apprentice, and mama cares a lot about him, so Melon has to help! "Get off of him, you ugly things!" claws unsheathe as she aims to bat at the hawk holding Dandy, trying to get any claw marks on it that she could.

She makes a mistake, something that costs her dearly. She was one of mamas smallest children, born with a frail body from two incompatible breeds. She has never faulted mama, she loves her and thats all she can think about as she falters. Theres a hawk heading straight for her and it latches on. Shes barely any weight to it as he latches on, her own scream splitting the air as she does her best to scramble away. Melon wasn't fast enough. Its like lightning the way the pain sears through her body and shes in shock as shes lifted from the ground.

Pollen looks so small, her heart roars in her ears. Would she help her? How was she gonna get down? Was she really going to become food for these things? "Pollen!" she squeaks, she wants down, shes not- shes not ready to die!

Melon finally snaps her head around and bites hard in to a flapping wing, kitten teeth sharp- theres a screech from both of them, one of pain, one of fear as talons release the kid. Shes plummeting through the air for what feels like hours and she lands with a sickening crunch. Shes silent at first, lying there, its shock, adrenaline that fuels her movement to get up and only then does a scream from agony leaves her. Tears, oh my Stars it hurt so bad, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt- "Pollen!" she screams her name this time, she can't move, it hurts, eyes roll back in to her head as she writhes on the ground. Its the worse pain she has ever felt, fire and brimstone, shes convinced shes gonna die. Fresh tears roll down cinnamon splattered cheeks and all she wants to do is curl up besides Pollen and never leave. "Mama, mama, mama..." she cries for her, wants the comfort from her mother and shes vaguely aware that its slurred as can be.

Melonpaw just wants her mom.
It happens before she can blink, it seems. Dandelionpaw is chatting to Rosepaw about herbs, Melopaw is skipping beside her. Kestreltalon complains bitterly behind them. It's an explosion of bloodcurdling screams, the shriek of a hawk, feathers falling around them in a maelstrom of chaos.

Pollenfur freezes in place for a moment, watching helplessly as Dandelionpaw is lifted into the air by the bird's talons. The claws on the creature's lower half grip him around the spine, and the powerful wings beat until they're both lifted halfway into the sky. "No!" She cries, adrenaline kicking in. But before she can take action, little Melonpaw leaps first, her own claws extended so she can bat at the hawk holding Dandelionpaw.

Pollenfur wants to scream at her to stop, to get down, to run back to camp, to hide, but Melonpaw is darkened by the impressive wingshadow of another hawk. Its beady eyes glint with sunlight as it descends upon the young girl, grips her with its claws, and begins to take flight.

"MELONPAW!" She can see the cinnamon tortoiseshell snap her head around to tear at the bird, and with a sickening thud, she falls and hits the earth. There's a crack, and Pollenfur gives a furious yowl. She sprints to check on Melonpaw, but the same bird that had dropped her has come to make good on its attempt at her life.

Pollenfur gets in front of the hawk, her claws extended and her amber eyes burning with fury. "Stay back, you disgusting beast!" Her voice is a volcanic screech. She and the hawk meet one another in a fluster of feathers and fur, and she can feel her claws tear into the meat and muscle of its wings.

However, in retaliation, there's an acute pain at her shoulder blade where the bird pecks her, grips the flesh there, and pulls back to tear. The flesh and fur part, and she slides backwards, blood a scarlet fountain from the wound in her neck. The hawk is wounded, screaming, struggling to take flight again and unable to, but very much alive, very angry.

Pollenfur's eyes are clouding with her pain, but she limps to Melonpaw and begins to cry silently. The little she-cat's crying for her mother. For Honeytwist. "Oh, StarClan, I'm so sorry," she says, and her vision doubles. "I've failed you both."

The bird flaps its wings behind her, preparing to attack again, but Pollenfur does not know if she can fight.

TLDR pollenfur is dive bombed by the bird that dropped melonpaw and was coming to pick her back up. she injures the hawk but it is alive. the hawk has torn pollenfur's flesh between her shoulder blade and her head/neck area and she is bleeding profusely.


// TW for brief description of gore in the second last paragraph!

The tail on his back startled Rosepaw but as soon he saw who it was he gave a weak smile, understanding the message Ivoryflight had tried to send. Soon after Dandelionpaw was at his side asking him if he wanted to accompany them in seek of flowers. The idea was a great distraction from his anxiety, and so the flowerboy would nod his head along with agreement. " I would love too." he spoke softly as a feather, and while he let the others handle the talking about the prey problem he would follow with Dandelionpaw and for a moment he thought everything would be okay....

Rosepaw had been ready to answer Dandelionpaw as his eyes briefly had shined up when he spoted the wild flowers not far away when a shadow fell over them. Dandelionpaw noticed it first, and Rosepaw perked his ears up when the medicine cat apprentice suddenly left his side to hurry himself back to the group. He was unable to understand what Dandelionpaw had been trying to say not understanding where the panic had come from. He stood still where Dandelionpaw had left him when Rosepaw wittness with his own eyes when the big bird dived down from the ground and grapt Dandelionpaw.

His eyes grow wide, and everything ended up into chaos. Rosepaw was frozen into the dirt he stood on watching with horror as his clanmates tried to save Dandelionpaw. Melonpaw got knocked to the ground, injured badly and Pollenfur did her best to fight the hawk away before rushing over to her apprentice side, still with the hawk coming in close. Rosepaw knew he should be doing something, anything really to help his clanmates out. But he couldn't move. He was to scared.

" I know you couldn't do it!. You're to much of a scary-rabbit!."

It was all in his head, but one of his brothers inner voice spoke up, the oldest of them all. Rowanpaw. It was a echo of his cruel voice to remind him of how much of a coward he was, not being good at anything beside freezing, to watch, always watch and never do anything useful. Rosepaw realised in that very moment that if he didn't do anything now he never would change...and once he got back home he would be faced with disappointment and cold glares once more. If he didn't do anything right here and now the cats he cared about here would get hurt, maybe even killed. He couldn't live with himself if he just stood here watching as his clanmate got hurt!. He had to move, he just had to. Move already!.

And suddenly he was in motion running straight towards his clanmates who needed help on his way to help them but....

an second hawk dived down from the sky aiming its talons right at Rosepaw.

He was a easy target since he was so small. Rosepaw noticed the shadow that fell over his form and while still running his head lifted itself up towards the sky and with panic horrow saw the talons coming right towards him. Rosepaw tried to get away, to dodge himself out of the way mid air but talons still reached him, and a cry of pain escaped out from the rosetted apprentice as he got defeated to the ground with the hawks talons digged into each side of his shoulders. The hawk took out it's wings again and Rosepaw knew what the bird was trying to do, so he did the only thing he had learned what to do in a situation like this, fight for his life.

He struggled underneath the hawk to make it harder for them to take flight, and he clawed wildly at them while biting into one of its talons. That most have angered because the hawk answerd to it and they did so by using thier beak to bite back at them throwing Rosepaw into anymore distress as he got nasty wounds on his face until he suddenly felt an unbearable pain in one of his eyes. Rosepaw yowled loudly as the hawk had punctured thier eye with thier beak to pull it out from thier eye-socket.

The pain was to overwhelming for Rosepaw to handle so the blackness kicked in and he fainted in the middle of the gruesome maiming.

// and Rose is out <33 he will be unconscious for the rest of the thread so feel free to powerplay

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Shadows roll in over them all too quickly.

Chickenscratch can feel the fear bubbling up within her at the sight of the darkened moors before them, at the sudden gusts of wind above them. She's ready to turn and run, to get as far away from the patrol as she can and never learn what had arrived above them, but, she isn't quick enough before the shadow-borne arrivals strike the patrol.


The feathered creatures swoop down, talons sharp and ready to kill. It's the youngest they seem to snatch up first, to Chickenscratch's horror - Dandelionpaw being their first target, screams of help following. Melonpaw being scooped up by avian feet, an escape that ends in a large drop, a snapping sound. And Rosepaw, with injuries so gruesome that Chickenscratch fears the apprentice's life had been stolen by the sky-dwellers.

Chickenscratch wants to run, but she knows she must defend her patrol. She must defend her clan.

"Go away!" she shouts, leaping up towards one of the hawks as it swoops towards her. Paws swipe at the air, claws unsheathed - an attempt to bat the hawk out of the air. Her attempt only half works - the hawk's flight path only partially interrupted. It flies forward, as if it's flying away, and for a moment, Chickenscratch feels a sense of pride. She'd done it! She'd helped save the patrol!

Oh, how she was wrong.

Little does the cream-furred warrior know, as her yellowy-green eyes scan the area for the next reachable hawk, that the previous one hadn't flown away. That it was merely turning around to strike again.

As she locks in on her next target, as she takes a step forward, that's when she learns. A sharp, blinding pain fills her shoulders, as muscle is punctured by talons, as it feels like all the air within her is unattainable as her screams for help fill the moors. The hawk's trying to pick her up, an attempt that ultimately fails - the feathered fiend flying back, talons still in her skin. The pain drags down her back, and Chickenscratch isn't sure for how long, but knows it feels like an eternity before talons unlatch themselves from her form.

The she-cat stumbles forward as warmth trickles down her shoulders - she needed... she needed to help everyone else! She needed to protect them! She takes a second step forward, but the pain is unbearable. Her paws can't take the weight of the pain in her shoulders, can't stabilize her quick enough before her legs give out, before she ultimately hits the ground.

StarClan, save us.

// tldr: chickenscratch has puncture wounds on her shoulders that slice down to her mid to lower back, is bleeding, and has collapsed because of it​
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Rapid, rapid- recently Mallowlark had very well experienced how quickly things could change. The flip of a perspective- a feeling, from politeness to enchantment. What a large patrol, so soon shattered- the world had cruelty in its talons, and had descended upon them like fragments of the night, a breakaway from the sky. Feathers, flurried- yowls for help- it was panic-inducing, suffocation, brought his breath stuttered and thick from his throat. He could not help it, the laughter- there was nothing funny here, save for the creeping nervousness, the adrenaline. Was that what brought forth shuddering giggles? Unnatural, uncouth that he should be laughing now. Yet it rippled, rippled, rippled-

Bowled over by no doing other than his own, the peals screeched from his throat, rising cackles. What would they do- what could you do when the sky itself was attacking? In a blue of beak, talon, wing, he finally surmised what it was that they were. Birds, vicious and bloodthirsty as canines, hungry for flesh- or maybe just destruction. Were they merely harbingers of injury- senseless, evil things?

Oh, if only he had time to ponder- the descent was quick, as was the sting. Across his underside did grasping talons snag, snow suddenly splashed with claret cleave. He howled with laughter or pain, he could not tell the difference. How funny, that all he could think to do was make his hulking form as small as possible. Low, they needed to get low- but he couldn't tell them, the choking giggled now painful in his chest. Was he bleeding? Woven into fluffy white, berry-red; that scarlet blinding of pain. Horrible, so horrible that all he could do was laugh.


One minute he was playing detective with a pile of bones and scrap fur, and the next everything was going wrong. Dandelionpaws sudden yelling about birds was quick to garner the toms attention, but before he could fully turn toward them, a dark shadow fell and suddenly Dandelion was yanked away, clawing at the grass as a massive bird tried to carry him away.

There were too many emotions in that initial moment to name them all, but the most prevailant were shock, fear, and a desperate need to help the screaming boy. But shrieks of alarm and pain were springing up all around him in that moment, and green eyes widened in horror to realize that Melonpaw, Rosepaw, Mallow, Chickenscratch, and many of the others were also under attack. Claws dug into the ground. Why weren't there more of him? He couldn't help them all.

"Ivoryflight, Kestraltalon, help Dandelionpaw!" he ordered, the pair the only ones aside from himself that weren't currently being attacked. Pollenfur was already going for Melonpaw, and Duskfire had his own apprentice to look after. "Everyone else, group up so you can protect each other- head for the tunnel over that hill and take cover in it!"

Rosepaw was fighting as fiercely as Dusk had ever seen, and Dusk felt pride for the small tomcat explode in his chest despite the circumstance. Rosepaw would not let himself go easily, and it gave the Deputy the time he needed to race over and join the fight, reaching the youth just as they passed out. With a furious screech he slammed into the bird, teeth digging into one of its flailing wings as he clung to the massive, feathered limb.

The only thing he could think of to make it let go of his bleeding and now unconcious apprentice was to make it hurt, make it angry, and so he began to shred into the wing he was holding onto, scoring deep clawmarks and gouges in it and drawing blood with everything he had. Luckily his plan seemed to work. Feathers flying, blood staining his claws and the air filled with angry yowling and pained avian shrieks, the hawk forgot all about Rosepaw in favor of trying to defend and avenge itself from Duskfire instead. Their bodys thrashed and rolled violently across the grasses, the hawk flapping with its free wing as it clawed and snapped its beak at anything it could reach, but Duskfire kept his hold on it. Pulsing with adreniline, he bit and battered it with his hind claws, ignoring the pain where its talons caught on his hip and or where its beak snapped at the back of his neck and shoulders.

It all happened in a matter of moments, but Dusk felt as if he'd been fighting for hours by the time he finally ripped himself away from the bird. It flailed about in the grass with flapping wings as it righted itself, feathers ruffled, covered in blood, and just missing in some place, but it slowly managed to lift off, gliding low as it tried to get back in the air for a better attacking point.

Covered in blood, heart pounding in his chest, he ran over to his bleeding apprentice and felt his heart drop when he surveyed the damage. Come on Dusk, you've gotta compartmentalize this shit right now. You can fall apart later. he told himself, stepping over the younger cat to shield them as his gaze went back to the rest of his patrol. Somewhere out on the moors were the rest of the windclanners as well. Had he sent them to their deaths? Bitterly he thought of Inky and his claws bit into the earth.

Gripping Rosepaw by the scruff, he'd begin to drag them over toward whatever cats had begun grouping up like he'd told them too. These birds didn't seem to be hunting together, more like they all just happened to be here at the same time. The cats would have a better chance of protecting each other if they stayed close in a mass of claws and teeth rather than spread out.

windclan warrior - male - 18 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

Chaos. Her world would be ripped apart within a matter of heartbeats, leaving the warrior feeling helpless. Alongside her clanmates, the horror of realizing that she couldn't save everyone tugged at every nerve in her body. More than anything she wanted to be in each place at once. Knowing how unrealistic it would be for her to take down a hawk alone, she felt out of place. Detached. Almost as if she were looking down at herself from the view of Starclan themselves.

WHY? Why would you do this to us? You're supposed to help us! Why would you allow this to happen to us?

Were they being punished? Subjected to torture for some wrongdoing? The screaming around her, and the chills that ran down her spine were almost more than she could handle. Within a matter of moments, she'd have to come to a decision. While she couldn't help everyone, she could help Dandelionpaw as instructed. Surely, that could be a good place for her to start. Eyes locking onto her target, Ivoryflight would race towards the hawk, intending to barrel into it and knock the apprentice free. "Leave him alone!" Screeching, the molly would become a ball of hissing, snapping, and wildly clawing fur. If she was lucky, she'd grab a chunk of the hawk, and bring it to the ground with her, granting Dandelionpaw enough time to escape.

Unfortunately enough for the feline, Ivoryflight's luck seemed to have run out. The bellowing of the hawk had attracted the attention of its flock, sending an additional hawk or two (she was unable to tell really at this point) in her direction. Now having an additional hawk after her, Ivoryflight would be unable to reasonably fight back. With two hawks attacking her, the pain would rush through her, more than likely alerting the camp to her downfall.

Honeytwist would definitely have her work cut out for her. By the time a clanmate was able to assist or an opening was granted for Ivoryflight to run away, she'd be the victim of several new scars, across her shoulder, flank, and nose. While on the minor side of injuries of her clanmates, her shoulder was ripped open enough to cause enough issues for a solid moon at least. Collapsed on a heap on the ground, it was all she could do to protect her belly and neck, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

Dandelionpaw screamed and her gaze snapped to him. Her eyes widened at what she saw. Claws, digging into him and pulling him off the ground, into the air. Looking higher, she saw them all. The massive birds who were the culprit of the crimes they had been investigating. Her ears flattened against her head in fear. They were swarming above her, attacking her clanmates with sharp talons, attacking the kid who had put himself between her and the Windclan leader than patched her up after. She heard Duskfire call out for her to help him, watched Ivoryflight jump into the fray.

Then she turned and tried to run.

He deserved her help, he did, and guilt tore her heart at what she knew what she would do. She was no fighter, and she was not going to die here. Kestreltalon was going to race across the moors until all this faded from sight. Until her legs were sore and her lungs burned with effort. These disgusting creatures weren't going to catch her.

A shadow fell over her. At the first prick of talons on her skin she dropped all her weight onto the ground, not letting them pick her up. She flailed wildly, swinging her limbs about in a fearful panic. "Stupid bird-brain!" she hissed, though her terror burned in her every word. "Get off me, get off me!"

The talons dug in in spite of her and she screamed. Long scars were torn into her sides and it hurt worse than she could imagine. Her efforts, thankfully, did keep her on the ground.

Everything that happened was so fast, he almost dreamt he was imagining it all; that he was once more back in that starry field surrounded by plump rabbits and shrouded in darkness. Dandelionpaw's claws tore the earth in a desperate attempt to pull himself out from under the hawk, felt the talons digging into his back so deeply it was a wonder he wasn't in a pool of his own blood for he felt as if they had puncture through him all the way. His voice broke off into horrified yowls as both Melonpaw and Rosepaw attempted to help him one after another only for the flock of vicious avians to descend down upon them all and reap chaos; tossing the tortie's poor battered form to the side like discarded prey and sending the red tabby tumbling motionless and he feared the worst as he twisted around, trying to sink his claws and teeth into the bird as best he could to be free of it. It was only the final push, a flash of claws overheard and cream tabby fur, that finally had him able to break away and he clung fast to Ivoryflight's side, bristling and swinging a paw out to try and ward off any further attacks as the hawks continued their merciless assault.
Duskfire's voice had risen above the clamor, a demand to retreat and calling for the cream warrior and Kestreltalon to help save him and while he was pressed against the folded ear molly he only spotted the other out of the corner of his eye; a blur racing across the grass and away from them and he felt his stomach tighten in unease. It was deserved, after all, how could he have expected help from the blinded she-cat when he had done nothing to prevent what happened to her; an eye for an eye. That was how it was in WindClan it seemed.
This is what WindClan deserved.