n o s t a l g i a ༄
Jun 14, 2024
The greenleaf breeze, usually as soft as his mother's long - forgotten paw, has turned vicious today—it howls through the trees, making a haunting sound as if the ghosts of warriors past sweep between the trunks they once roamed. It sends Coltkit's floppy ears swinging every which way and sets the dark tufts of fur that drape over his nose to whipping the space between them. The sky remains dayglow - blue and unsullied by the grim promise of storms, though, and so the boy is not to be deterred from his self - imposed mission.

The vibrant sky and the breaking open of closed petals to breathe perfume has beckoned forth a wide array of butterflies despite the day's ferocious winds. Rich orange and velveteen black, brilliant purple - edged blue, white so pure it seems to glow—these colors and more paint the low parts of camp, where the bugs frantically flutter around bushes that spill over with blossoms.

Coltkit drops to a crouch, bunching his white - dipped haunches in a passable, if paling, imitation of what he's seen the apprentices showing off to each other around camp. His half - moon eyes are firmly fixed on a butterfly with wings carpeted a vibrant magenta, as stately as crushed - velvet robes, his heavy tail wagging behind him and stirring up small powder - puffs of dust. This is the perfect opportunity to prove himself to be a real ThunderClanner, like Howlingstar 'n Roeflame 'n Twi! Speaking of the tabby - marbled kit, he imagines presenting his friend with the cool colors of the wings, and his small maw curves into a childish smile.

He springs, putting his namesake disproportionate limbs to use, and snares the butterfly handily in one paw—it'd be surprising if he didn't, given the excessive size of the white mitten. The boy swoops cleanly earthward from his sky - reaching leap, landing in a plume of dust quickly whipped away by the wind. When he raises his paw slowly, pink tongue poking between outsize milk - fangs, his tail begins to wag anew in a puppyish display as he examines the semi - crushed butterfly, its wings retaining their brilliant hue.

" Caught one! " he proclaims triumphantly to nobody in particular. He kind of hopes someone's watching, though, so they can see just how much of a real ThunderClanner he is! Scooping his victim clumsily into one big paw, he squints, searching for the familiar visage of Twilightkit. He thinks the other kit would, like, really, hopefully, maybe, like it!


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Amidst the horror, the fear and the tension… at least there were moments like this. Softly rounded eyes watch as Coltkit prepares himself to catch a nearby butterfly, and when he does- Roeflame finds herself pleasantly surprised at the ease in which the young tom captures his target.
It was strange, she could practically taste the earthy scent of a routine border patrol, feel her muscles bunch and relax in the way the kits just had… and it feels as though Roeflame is stepping back into a completely different life. Surely it was impossible, to say that motherhood had created two separate versions of herself- how would they mesh when it was no longer Roeflame’s responsibility to keep an eye on the clans kits, as she does now?
As frantic as the rosetted tabby has been to be freed from the kitten-filled den, it was now nearly bittersweet. Not quite, but nearly. Her new nest still came with an achingly familiar black pelt to nestle into. “Well would you look at that!” Roeflame chimes when he presents his catch to the public with a triumphant grin, “Flamewhisker and I are going to have to look out if you keep that up.” The Lead Warrior grins, tipping her muzzle towards the only slightly squashed critter.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Splashes of colour flitting through the segmented, leaf-litter light ... little fragments of reverie daring to encroach reality ... yes, butterflies were ethereal things. Thundergleam often saw them as dream-faring beings, will-o-the-wisps that would guide you, meandering, toward your glowing purpose. When they blurred into the tangible plane, they were lovely, lovely things- those wing-beats, blurred, would transfix anyone. And as with dreams ... the butterflies often lit your destiny in menagerie shades. This one, a bright magenta!

Beneath the crush of Coltkit's paw, the butterfly twitched- his eyes gleamed iwth accomplishment, and- oh, you could not help but smile! Thundergleam cast a glance toward Roeflame, agreement flitting a fond smile across pale lips. "Certainly - I can see your destiny illuminated, thanks to this creature. You have a bright future as a hunter," she congratulated, a purr brushing downy through silken tones. Crimson pupils fluttered down to the little creature, mostly pinned beneath an eager paw. "Though, Coltkit ... you should show it mercy, one way or anothe." Be it squashing it or setting it free, if indeed paperweight wings could take flight again...
penned by pin ☾
⊱⊰ The warriors and apprentices are all on edge, and the dreadful feeling has finally begun to spread to the nursery as well. Hardly a day goes by that Hopekit doesn’t feel sick to his stomach, his gut twisting and roiling with the knowledge that any one of his kin could be next. And Gentlestorm has all but abandoned the clan when they need him the most—surely that RiverClan banshee-cat doesn’t need his training that badly. Not when ThunderClanners are being murdered for the whole clan to see. Roeflame could be next, Bravepaw could be next—even Coalkit could be next. The thought of losing any one of his family makes the normally-reserved boy want to burst out into tears, but he manages to keep his worries tucked away deep down. For now.

Instead of bawling and whining about terrible things happening to his family, Hopekit chooses to focus on good things that are going on around camp. Such as… Coltkit, catching a butterfly in his big, apprentice-sized paws. The younger kit seems excited by his catch, proud of it, and the two warriors nearby are quick to indulge him in his triumph. A small smile tugs at the corner of Hopekit’s mouth, and at last he stalks over to stand beside his cinnamon-dusted mother as she praises the kit and jokingly mentions that she and Flamewhisker will have to look out. The idea of Coltkit threatening the clan’s greatest warriors is laughable, but still Hopekit wonders… will those hooves attached to Coltkit’s legs get even larger as he grows? If they do, then the kit might truly threaten to steal the deputy’s position right out from under her. He snorts when Thundergleam suggests showing the creature mercy, and pipes up, "What do you plan on… doing with it?"

  • ooc:
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore