WHERE DID IT ALL GO &. patrols

"come on. time for patrols."

chilledstar stands outside of their den, trying their hardest to ignore the aching pain in their shoulder. they stand to be emotionless, tail twitching back and forth here.

"betonyfrost. take snowypaw, onyxpaw, and ashenfall. your patrol is today. crush as many eggs as you can."

their nose twitches before their ears pushed back.

"swansong. lead maggotfur opossumpaw and laurelpaw. you will go tomorrow."

who else could go? they think they will send one more patrol. that's all that's really needed.

"I will take the last patrol. mirepurr, hemlocknose, briarpaw, screechpaw and lividpaw. you're with me. we will be going tomorrow night. everyone else, keep the frogs out of camp. if you go out on any patrols and see too many frogs, you know what to do. kill them. send them over the border to thunderclan and windclan. whatever you need to do to get the numbers down."

they speak dully before twitching their ears one last time. and with that done, they simply walk back into their den.

// @Swansong @betonyfrost @snowypaw @ONYXPAW @ASHENFALL @Maggotfur. @Opossumpaw @Laurelpaw. @MIREPURR @HEMLOCKNOSE @Briarpaw. @LIVIDPAW

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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maggotfur 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
By this point, in all honesty, even Maggotfur has grown tired of the frogs and their spawn. Sure, she absolutely adored the abundance of food - had even gorged herself upon one too many of the slimy creatures, ending up with aching and overstuffed belly more often than not. But the noise. The danger. Enough was enough. The silver-pelted molly finds herself nodding along to chilledstars words - cold blue gaze flicking at each name mentioned beside her own. It's hard to hide the look of distaste that crosses her features - swansong is yyounger than her, yet assigned lead... whatever. It hardly matters, and in truth she'd rather listen to someone nearer her age than some stupid warrior who thought that being closer to death made them wiser. She settles for simply humming her acknowledgement, turning to return to her business - she won't be out until tomorrow, so she'll do her best to rest up today.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆  More patrols to tear apart their plentiful food sources, rid the marsh of its bounty. Swansong accepts it with ease. She has long since accepted the harshness of her home, the feeling of a belly never full. It is less easy to settle into familiarity with swarming, slimy creatures taking over every inch of their home. Even worse is the idea of bears, foxes, dogs; despite herself, she still holds fear for the sort of end that comes with monstrous, gnashing teeth.

Swansong's name is called for a patrol. Routine, of course. But no, she is not to be sent on a patrol - she is to lead. She blinks up at her leader for a moment, uncomprehending. She has only just been granted her name. It feels like too much responsibility... But she is not one to disobey. Swansong merely nods at the call, face blank. At least she has the whole day to prepare.

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  • SWANSONG ⋆⁺₊ ⁺₊⋆ she / they, warrior of shadowclan, thirteen moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogmaw, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Chilledstar wastes no time. Mirepurr knows when to expect either their leader or deputy by the roots of the big oak tree, their presence commanding attention. At least this remains stable amongst all the things that change, all the time, without warning; there are always patrols to be had.

This time there's more at stake than simply watching the borders or trying to fill hungry bellies. Mirepurr's stomach twists with the mention of the frogs now, so sick of them and the dangers they pose. The easy start to newleaf feels like forever away, back when they all believed the abundance to be a blessing from StarClan itself.

Oh, how wrong they all were.

"Ready when you are," they say just to say something, wishing to fill the blank space left between orders and breaths.

✧ . Now that he’s out of the medicine den, Screechpaw supposes he should’ve known it wouldn’t be long before his name was called again to be on a patrol. While something that would’ve been exciting a moon ago — stars, even mere days ago — is hardly something that brightens his gaze through the cloud of grief hung over him. Still he finds himself grateful to get a chance to move his legs further than the edge of camp. He looks toward Briarpaw at the sound of their names called in succession, before looking to Chilledstar, giving his mentor a nod in acknowledgement. “ Okay. “ ​
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    SCREECHPAW AMAB. He / Him. Apprentice of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    ✧ . Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ✧ . Mentored by Chilledstar
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

With all the predators that were out and about, the idea of venturing into the forest should scare her. it should deter her from ever wanting to step foot out of the safety of the camp and if she is being honest, it does. But Starlingheart recognizes something that needs to be done. The frogs had left them very little herbs. Everyday, she watched as her stores dwindled and every day she wanted to cry, scream, destroy what little she had left in the same manner her aunt had once done. This was not a productive use of her time though. What would be productive, however, would be going out to the territory to look for what little remained. So to Chilledstar she goes.

She waits patiently for them to finish patrol assignments before she speaks. "Ch-Chilledstar, if I may, I'd like- I'd like to take a herb patrol out. Could you assign me a couple of cats?" She does not want an escort, but she recognizes the importance of having one.

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    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training