WHERE I CAN'T FOLLOW 𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 sangriapaw

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 It hasn't slipped Hollypaw's notice that she's been seeing a lot less of a certain friend lately. "Sangriapaw, Sangriapaw," singsongs the woody-coated molly, cheerful chirrups summoning the other's attention. "My dearest friend!" Just like Ricekit, and Candorpaw, and Lionpaw... Oh, Hollypaw has so many friends it makes her head all dizzy! But right now, Sangriapaw is the dearest. He bats wide eyes at the other, keeping the whiny tone from his voice quite nobly. "Are you... going? The sun hasn't set!" She glances up as if to ensure, and yes - it still creeps across the sky, not yet touching the horizon.

Her focus returns to Sangriapaw. It makes her sad, not being able to put their nests next to each other, but at the least she's supposed to be able to spend the whole day with her. "I was just about to - um." What would make her stay? He blinks. "Practice my pounces -" he declares, proud and jubilant. "- and I need a pouncing partner! You wouldn't miss it, would you?" He smiles at her, leaning forward expectantly.

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  • HOLLYPAW ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, six moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionpaw & candorpaw, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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The day's not even over yet, but the girl is ready to go home. She wants some more time to say hi to her friends at the twolegplace before she has to go inside when the sun finally sets—she doesn't have very many friends in SkyClan, and she doesn't wanna keep seeing Daisypaw and Figfeather training and being all happy together. Lately, being in SkyClan stinks. She just wants to go home.

As she's preparing to leave, a familiar, friendly voice chimes out a call of her name. Hollypaw! She whirls around to face the younger apprentice, smiling despite herself. She's always happy to see her friend, even when she's not happy because of other things. Hollypaw calls her his dearest friend, and that—that makes her really happy. At least she has him here to hang out with… even if it makes her kinda sad, watching Candorpaw and Fluffypaw put their nests by each other when Sangriapaw doesn't even have a nest to put by Hollypaw's. But—that doesn't matter, does it? She and Hollypaw are friends no matter what happens! She feels a little guilty for wanting to leave so soon, so in response to the younger cat's questions she says, "Well, I guess I don't have to go yet. I'd never miss practicing with you, ever!" It's not quite a promise, but she's determined to see it through.

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  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Something eases in Hollypaw's chest when Sangriapaw affirms that she is staying. It is nice to keep her even for just a moment longer. Seeing her leave earlier and earlier makes him worry sometimes... What if one day, she doesn't come back? He is loathe to think of such things. "Of course not! Never, never!" Her voice is a smiling chirp, shaking her head pointedly at her reassurance. He can only hope that it holds true. Luckily, he has always been a hopeful sort of cat.

Now he has to make good on his part of it... An overactive mind moves fast, coming up with a worthy sort of training. She bounds further into camp, away from the gaping maw of its entrance. She needs to keep Sangriapaw far from there. "Come, this way! I found a nice wide open spot," she babbles out a suitable explanation, bouncing forwards and shooting a few glances back to ensure the other follows. Once she's deemed them far enough, she stomps a paw down and turns on her heels, meeting her friend with a wide smile. "Here! Now, try to run and I'll pounce on you! Like a big mouse..." She settles down into a crouch to demonstrate, then bounces back up. "And then we can switch! Sounds fun, right pouncing partner?"

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / he, kit of skyclan, six moons.
    a fluffy tom with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionpaw & candorpaw, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Thankfully, her dappled friend doesn't seem to linger on the matter of her leaving for long. Sangriapaw's smile remains firmly rooted onto her muzzle and her tail flickers happily—Hollypaw always puts her in a good mood, even when she's not super happy to begin with! So she follows after the younger apprentice when he rushes off, the waving of Hollypaw's striped tail holding her attention as he leads her in the opposite direction than she'd been heading. The girl doesn't take notice of it, though, too distracted by her excitement to play with her friend. Then Hollypaw whirls around with a dramatic stomp, and Sangriapaw also comes to a fast stop, paws skidding slightly over the dirt. A glance around confirms that this is a good spot to practice, with no clanmates or obstacles in the way.

"Okay, what do I do?" She asks, and is swiftly answered as Hollypaw begins to explain their pouncing practice. It sounds a lot like a silly game for kits, but it's her friend's idea, so she wouldn't dare say anything like that. The younger SkyClanner demonstrates how she'll pounce and hunt Sangriapaw like a mouse, and the girl giggles. It sounds fun, even if it's a bit kittish. "Yeah," she confirms with a nod, bouncing up and down on her paws. "Okay, catch me… NOW!" In time with her shout, Sangriapaw darts off to run in a wide circle, inviting the other to pounce after her.

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore