WHERE IS MY MIND — skyclan patrol

❪ TAGS ❫ — Slate couldn't say that he knew much about SkyClan's oak-dwelling neighbors, even after moons of residing here. He knew damn well what WindClan's deal was — a bunch of blindly loyal soldiers who followed their crazed leader like a flock of sheep. They were on friendly terms with RiverClan, as well, but they'd been experiencing some trouble with ThunderClan over the River Rocks or whatever they were called. Slate couldn't imagine risking his hide for a pile of damn rocks, but they must have been important in some way.

Upon assigning patrols, Thistleback had warned the group to not "banter" with ThunderClan. The last time he checked, they hadn't been on bad terms with their neighbors — hell, didn't Blazestar have kids over there? Slate was missing something here, he was sure of it. "So... did somethin' happen last time or what?" The hulking feline grumbles to the nearest patrol member.

// @Howlpaw @Wolfthorn @Drizzlepaw @Johnny @Sootsprite.
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Johnny had not been a part of the patrol to the Thunderclan border last time, but it hadn't taken long for rumor to spread of what had gone down. It was a little concerning considering the oak dwellers were supposed to be among the more 'friendlier' faces Skyclan had to deal with, but then again, Thistleback had warned him not every cat was so open to having kittypets around.

Slates question would drew his gaze, but he returned his attention back to the triail ahead a moment later when he replied.

"From what I heard a few of the Thunderclan cats had some choice words about Skyclan the last time one of their patrols met ours." he replied as they padded along, purposefully keeping the details vague and his voice low so that the words remained for his cats only. He wasn't trying to starts more drama when he was clearly being trusted to not to.

He knew that Slate likely would have agreed with them about their views on kittypets, but that hardly bothered Johnny. He was long-used to the fact that he would never be seen as an equal to some cats, and he was content to watch them eat their own words in time.

No, it was the part about how easily skyclan could lose their territory to another group should one of them ever wants their land that had the bobtail hesitant to put the details into words. The last thing he wanted was to get the patrol all worked up over something that Thistleback clearly wanted buried.

( )
Between the other borders they shared, she much preferred the Skyclan border. Shadowclanners always spat names or just sat in the shadows and stared at the patrols...Riverclanner seemed to always be on the Sunningrocks, Windclanners usually attempted small talk but it was still weird feeling. Her experience with Skyclan was always decent, except for the border skirmish in the leaf bare. It had taken her awhile to not be as leery of them, but she knew their clans weren't on bad terms, so she had no problem being civil.

She emerged from the undergrowth with a patrol of her own. It seemed Skyclan was marking their side of the border, just like they were doing. "Hello Skyclan." she would greet, pausing to mark a nearby tree. She hadn't heard them talking about the last patrol that had come along. "I hope the prey is running well."

Had Owlear known of the SkyClanners' orders, he might have laughed. To think that they were at all bothered by banter was an amusing thought– he is a tom who leans towards kindness above all else, but testing one's wit against another clan's was hardly something worthy of warning, was it? To each their own, of course. Like Flamewhisker, Owlear does not mind this border. It's by far the most civil one these lands claim, and each patrol along them feels like a breath of fresh air. He can only hope that @STORMPAW feels the same, though he knows his apprentice's work ethic may make the long trek seem more boring than relaxing.

He perks up some at Flamewhisker's call across the border, pausing in rubbing his cheek along a nearby trunk in a rather comical gesture. He gently flicks his tail towards his apprentice, calling her closer to him. "Be civil, but not friendly," he reminds very softly. "Keep your eyes out for signs of danger." After RiverClan's trouble, they did not need more.

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"

Thunder...clan? He heard there was more than one but they all had these names then? What were the others called? He was sure someone had told him but he'd already forgotten. Honestly, Wolf was just surprised to be on a patrol at all given he still wasn't used to clan life, but he wasn't about to argue when he was assigned it and he limped along behind Slate with a begruding acceptance that this was just part of the new life he might be stuck in. He wasn't sure still, if he was being honest. Rush seemed pretty excited about it but he had his misgivings and he was wary of being around so many cats all at once but so far it seemed alright if not a bit stiflint. The raven-colored tom stopped when their patrol lead voiced his question and he said nothing, shrugging and chewing on his birch stick in silence because this was clearly for the SkyClanners that had been there longterm. He was too new to know about any weird conflict of animosity between these groups.
"ThunderClan huh, weather bad over here a lot maybe?" If SkyClan was SKY because they could climb then what gave a clan this name. "Ya'll roar like thunder? What's it mean...?" It was asked in a neutral but not necessarily friendly manner; he was never too good at small talk and despite his grin he never really came across very approachable at times.

With her recent visit to ThunderClan to confirm she was in fact alive it seemed as though Howlpaw had seen a lot of her former home in recent days. "What were they talking about?" Howlpaw asked, looking between Slate and Johnny. For the most part, ThunderClan and SkyClan were generally on good terms she wondered what had set them off on a recent patrol.

It isn't long before ThunderClan cats begin to appear and Howlpaw spots the familiar form of Flamewhisker and the less familiar form of Owlear. "Hi, Flamewhisker!" Howlpaw greets, strutting out alongside the rest of her clanmates. "Is the prey running well in ThunderClan?" She asks, answering the ginger tabbys question with another question.
RiverClan was by far the worst Clan in Stormpaw's eyes. The river-dwelling cats had been trying to take territory that ThunderClan claimed. Her fur would always bristle at the Sunningrocks border, but there was far less animosity for SkyClan. The young cat tended to learn by her elders—so with both Owlear and Flamewhisker's neutral tone, she too nodded and decided to pace confidently behind Owlear. The tricolor kitten rubbed her chin a few paw-lengths below Owlear's mark, purring loudly at her accomplishment.

Now face to face with the SkyClan cats, her nose wrinkled and she turned to the one who had asked a question about ThunderClan's name. Her tail bristled with uncertain judgment. The cat acted like he had never heard of ThunderClan before, which was a terrible thing! ThunderClan was the best Clan. Stormpaw had been born here, but she had never thought to ask why they had been named "thunder".

"It's because we are the boldest and bravest Clan in the forest." She defended proudly.

sootsprite | 35 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
The rotund molly follows along the patrol with only one ear on the conversation as sunshine gaze darts abut. SHe's been here for a short while now, a few moons, long enough to grow more comfortable with the clans strange customs. But this is her first border patrol where she has actually come face to face with cats of another clan. Eyes widen for a moment, an inquisitive smile upon her lips, and she waves her tail in greeting. Bright pearly whites flash as she speaks "Hello to you too then! Oh wow, the boldest and bravest you say? You must be mighty proud," her tone and words come across as genuine, but really she find those to be useless values.

Drizzlepaw doesn't say much on the patrol either, trying to stay on alert just in case. He wonders if they'll actually meet another patrol while they're on theirs, and sure enough, it doesn't take long before a few ThunderClan cats show up. At least it's (mostly) all amicable for the moment. He puts on a slight smile as there's banter between the two clans, hoping to not draw too much attention but also not come off as a threat.

To be honest, he often thought about why the clans had the names they did, though he's never asked outright. But at the answer of the name coming from them being bold and brave, he thinks about if he'd personally apply those words to thunder. Bold for sure, thunder was very loud. Brave though? Maybe...he'd have to get to know them better to discern that. Either way, he snorts at Sootsprite's comment. "They're good traits to have though, at least I think..." He nods his head.​
❪ TAGS ❫ — The Maine Coon gave a slight raise of his brows as he listened to Johnny's explanation. "Choice words", huh? Like what? Slate is nosy to know, despite his aversion to sticking his nose into business that wasn't his own, but once the ThunderClan patrol shows up it's too late to dive into the details.

He could practically feel his brain being bogged down with the typical ritual — greetings, polite conversation, talking the day away like there wasn't more stretch of border to be checked. Ugh. Slate simply wasn't much of a talker and preferred to get straight to business.

Narrowed eyes flitted toward the torbie apprentice for a moment, a distasteful frown quirking at the edges of his maw. They certainly had quite the egos on them, didn't they? How did ThunderClan come to claim such a title? WindClan was certainly bold, and as for bravery, Slate severely doubts that any of the other clans had been through anything like what SkyClan had in the past moon or so.

Slate has a sudden urge to retort something along the lines of "Have your bravest and boldest warriors rescued your own clanmates from a shelter?" but he ultimately decides against it. In all honesty, he didn't want to unravel that situation right then and there, for it also reminded Slate that he had been the rescued and not the rescuer. That was embarrassing as it was.

"Alright, less chit-chat and more marking, yeah?" The warrior grumbled as he finally broke away from the group to turn around and rub his cheek against the nearest tree. Why must they all insist on formalities every single patrol? Eye contact and a nod of acknowledgment worked just fine, in his own opinion. Less time wasted.