
Halfsun padded quickly through the wet forest, shaking droplets from her whiskers as the first splashes of rain struck her pelt. The sky had been brooding all day, and now, finally, the storm had decided to break. Figures, she thinks dryly. She had given Lavenderpaw a break after a whole day of training, but had decided to still go out herself and the weather had turned on her.

She flicked her tail, glancing at Screechstorm as they moved through the thickening rain. He didn't seem too bothered—then again, he rarely did. A gust of wind rattled the branches above them, sending a fresh spray of water straight into her face. She gave a sharp shake of her head, muttering under her breath. "Of course." It was almost impressive how nature always found new ways to test her patience.

The rain quickly went from annoying to relentless, soaking straight through her fur until she could feel the weight of it clinging to her. Alright, that's enough of that. She picked up her pace, ears flattening against the rising wind. The tunnel beneath the Thunderpath wasn't far, and it would be better than standing around getting drenched.

"Let's take cover in the tunnel," she called over the storm, not waiting for an argument as she veered toward the familiar path. The ground was slick beneath her paws, mud pulling at her steps, but soon enough, the dark entrance loomed ahead. She ducked inside without hesitation, giving a sharp shake to rid herself of some of the water clinging to her

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    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter


Under graying clouds, Halfsun's stride is brisk; rushed, like she has places to be and under rainclouds is not it. How he got stuck being paired with her — how he got stuck following after her — Screechstorm doesn't know, but long limbs allow him to keep up with her pace as the storm begins to break.

A quiet drizzle. Screechstorm doesn't mind it, at first. It's... peaceful, hardly something to whine over. And then it's not, and it turns into something loud: his mother's farewell song shouted in mockery. The wind picks up, and the rain falls quicker than the tortoiseshell's stride. Halfsun makes it a race, and Screechstorm's paws are quick to follow, drenched fur clinging to his form. He isn't one to want to stay within the camp's confines, but perhaps it's time to call it a day on their efforts.

" Let's head back, " the dark tom calls over the storm's gusts at the same time the younger warrior calls to him. He frowns at their opposition, opening his mouth to protest. They'd be better off back home, or something of the like. But Screechstorm isn't able to let out a single word of his argument before the molly turns, and he is left to follow once more.

Mud squelches beneath his paws as her chosen destination comes into view. In disdain, Screechstorm takes a moment to stare up at it — dreary and dark, worse than home — before letting out a huff, and ducking under the entrance. He is greeted with a downpour, a cascade of water thrown onto his already-soaked fur. Screechstorm's frown only grows as his two-toned gaze narrows in on Halfsun.

" Thanks, " he mutters, tail lashing behind him in annoyance before he attempts to shake out his own fur, " I really needed that. The rain wasn't enough. " Maybe he should've just turned back without her. He peers outside, whiskers twitching at the torrential wall blocking them in.

" Doesn't look like it's letting up. We're stuck. " And it's Halfsun's fault. His flame-splotched form turns to look at the molly. " Now what? "

Screechstorm is a lithe, scruffy-furred tom, who appears almost as a shadow, save for red tabby markings appearing as light filtering through branches and the scars at his sides. His eyes, each a different shade of green, carry a mischievous glint — often in tandem with his crooked grin.

- Forestshade x ???⋅ Single
- Sibling to Briarthorn, Sweetpaw †
- Mentored by Chilledstar † ⋅ Mentor to no one
- Penned by Abri

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