it was an awkward affair, the preparation. there was no body to lie. but she tries to imagine that doesn’t mean he can’t rest in peace anyway ; even as gentlestorm offers she and her family the honors of setting his final rest up, the tortoiseshell isn’t sure if it mattered. no body meant nothing to layer with lavender and mint, nothing to lick clean and tuck stiffening limbs into something like sleep, nothing to cry into until the sun rose over the trees. her family doesn’t get that luxury. she doesnt get a final rest with him, nor her father, nor her siblings. there are only scraps left, and lingering glances from clanmates tell that it is a bit much, the tufted lichen before them. she supposed he, of all cats, knew that torment. wolves had ended him, every bit of him. extinguished the sun, sated the inferno that had built the kindling for her flame. every bit of her is haunted, now ; the morning bleeds over her pelt now, vibrant shades of orange ribboning cruelly up her arms, across squared features, the dark of her lower body melding her into shadows as if death had mistaken her for him and had begun to pull her into the dark. a ghost, she feels like. a ghost and it’s bedeviled, all at once.

red sullies the sky overhead in blistering sunset and the bloodied ground suddenly becomes only a dappled thing, a grey and darker grey painted light over where kittens would one day play. one day soon, too. roeflame would have her kittens and they would trample little paws over the place her father had bled his last. would she be able to visit them still? was she selfish enough for it to matter? her best friend is never far from her now, even in her state ; but freckleflame scratches her grief close to her heart, tucks it inside and circles it like a mother herself. these decisions felt too big for her, suddenly — as if she were a kit again. she wanted to go to her father, but only rabbitnose was here now, and the alabaster tom was lost enough in his grief. they’d collected the moss together, melded it into a nest to stare at until warriors began to pad away for the night, tired and traumatized into their own nests. sunfreckles lie still in the warriors den alongside them, still smelling of his life and fur more than anything else did. left for her father ( and her, selfishly ), to lie in and pretend the scent would not gradually fade, as all things did.

yet there are only flowers in this moss nest. the queens had seen that it was a beautiful thing, rosy and blooming with life. roeflame had done her best with the touches, had done everything as gently as she could ; freckleflame had sat quietly to the side as she, flamewhisker and moonwhisper had woven stems through stems. even the latter of them delicate about it, mottled paws careful with amaryllian petals — but all that red was still red. it burns in a way he did not, not anymore, and she couldn’t bare carry his light now. she is greyed, vapored but when she blinks, she is back, sitting close to where an empty nest lies cold and unused before them. the mourning doves cry ( a sign, she thinks. she hears it in his voice. newleaf is here. he did like doves, didn’t he? ) her mouth opens, closes, opens again. a sound like a long, hoarse croak comes out instead and embarrassment flattens her ears, tucking her chin down into the fluff of her chest for a beat. she’d say to compose herself, but she’d never been compared before. there was no way she’d start now.

“ my dad.. “ she starts, and it’s poor, because her voice wobbles and suddenly, she doesn’t know where to go from there. she wants to say it again — my dad. again, and again, and again until he’s tangible again. she wanted to sit and cry and mewl until her dad came back, because he always had, all her life. if her eyes ever misted, he was there. before she’d so much as opened her eyes, he’d been there. she’d never had to stamp her feet and sob the way mousenose had ( it seemed like such a long time ago now, when that had angered her. childish, competitive anger. their fathers had always loved them, though. both of them, through their own troubles and more. ) a pregnant pause is interrupted by her own wet sniff, and the stick of her mouth tells her to keep going. so she does. she’d only ever been good at running her mouth, and sunfreckle would hate to see them mopeing around like they were. so she continues through hard, rasping tones, green eyes blearily turned towards the scarlet sky, “ my dad meant everything to me. i dunno what else t’ say aside from that, he just.. was. he was like th’ sun. we always joked that his name suited him best of all, but it really did — ‘s like a big light went out, isn’t it? “ a humorless laugh, an ugly, wet sniff that tells of worn sinuses and tears long cries. her teeth grit against it, head coming to hang between her shoulders, murmuring a final, “ i pray th’ stars understand what they have.. and i hope they still let him shine th’ brightest. “

because he had to be a hero. he just had to. it’s a sharp edge in her mind, but she doesn’t hold it. her bristle deflates quick as it comes, body worn and aching from the stress they’d been under. from the running, the scavenging, the rebuilding. it hadn’t even been a full day. still, the molly forces herself into a hobble forward, towards the empty space where she should lie. the moss finds her paws and she can barely feel it, yet she finds her way to her belly anyway. it’s cold. she wonders if it would have been colder with him here, his body cooling beneath the stars, but she can’t see him that way. she could never picture him cold, “ it’s not fair. “ a whisper. a mantra. to lie awake at night and repeat, mouth over, and over, and over again. freckleflame lowers her head, presses her nose to the flowers that bloom scarlet red and pretends it’s fur, “ it’s just not fair. “ wobblier, breaking. she whispers it until the moss is damp beneath her maw, closes her eyes tight when her family inevitably comes to join her.

she doesn’t know when she falls silent but she does in time, closing her eyes against the dimming night. little wolf would guide him, she hoped, into the glazed night and she hopes he is happy. she hopes dovekit and sweetkit and softkit run about her black paws, weave their way against him in ways the living could not.. maybe even mossypaw and rainbowpaw were there, too. maybe he would be okay, even if this was never how it was supposed to be. all she could do was hope.

  • i. tagging @Rabbitnose and @GENTLESTORM < 3 and queens @ROEFLAME . @Flamewhisker @Moonwhisper

  • 74358446_5A10PH5FEpmGJJY.png

    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    grieving. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ From the dim cover of the warrior's den, Badgerstripe watches.

She sits idly by as warriors, Sunfreckle's family, gathers his moss together - grief-stricken. She watches the cats come and go, offering mournful words to the family he left behind; as queens wove their flowers into the nest that was once his. Petals of red that she finds to be only a painstaking reminder of his sacrifice, the pain he endured for the safety of his coming grandchildren. A sacrifice that could not.. should not have happened, if only for.. her.

Freckleflame begins her speech, to which Badgerstripe listens from her distance, yet as the lump in her throat grows and threatens to burst through tears with sorrow and deep regret, she finds it harder and harder to hear her trembling voice. It's just not fair. "It's not fair," Badgerstripe had thought just earlier that fateful night, the night she forsake her duties for her own childish whims. It was not fair, she felt, that she must.. sit still for a few hours, when the whole world awaits her. It would not have ran from her; the world would have been there tomorrow. But now, for Sunfreckle.. it would not.

If only she knew, then, that her actions would finally have consequences. She was a sheltered kitten, spoiled, thought she held the world in her paws - never before had her carelessness costed so great a price, so never would she have considered it, even when her friends pleaded her so. Badgerstripe didn't believe it at first, the news that cats have died for her night of freedom. Even death itself seemed unreal to her, something she had been lucky to never experience in her closest relations. Inconsequential.. until she saw the blood, the scraps, not as much as a body left behind by the hungry wolves for his children and mate to say their goodbye to, one last time. All this death, destruction.. the guilt her friends felt, the pain her Clanmates felt, the new members that StarClan would receive that night. It all went back to Badgerstripe, and her decisions. It was all her fault.

Was it.. worth it?

Badgerstripe swallows hard and casts her gaze to the sky, the stars dim in the transition between night and day. One of those stars would shine brighter that night as Sunfreckle is granted passage through StarClan's gates. The other cats may have began to offer their words to the cold space where Sunfreckle's body, groomed and adorned with lavender and mint, should have been placed - but the voices are drowned and muffled through Badgerstripe's ears.

She felt out of place - to pay her respects, as she owed Sunfreckle as the indirect cause of his death; or to leave them be, as she owed his family for tearing from them a piece of their love and souls. She didn't deserve to be here, sharing in their mourn and listening to their grief, after what she did. Equally, she did not deserve to retire to her nest and sleep in peace, to pretend away the pain that countless others felt for her own sake. StarClan, what am I meant to do? Badgerstripe thought, staring holes into the dark sky above. I am.. I am sorry. But she did not deserve their forgiveness.

  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It hurts to be at this vigil. He can't even see Sunfreckle's face one last time. Can't see him at all one last time. All he has are memories, and those eventually blur and fade with time. It's not fair. He sits here beside Freckleflame, gaze dull and hollow, tears soundlessly streaming from his eyes as he looks upon the flowers the queens wove.

It's not fair. Just days before Sunfreckle had died, Rabbitnose had woven flowers into his fur. They had gone to bed together, nestled in each others embrace.

And now he'll never know that warmth and love again. He'll be cold and alone every night.

His daughter speaks and his tears continue to fall, even as he closes his eyes. Sunfreckle was the sun. Warm and loving and fierce. He feels too choked and tired to speak, but he has to. He has to say goodbye to the only love he'll ever have. No one will take Sunfreckle's place in his heart.

"My love, when we first met, we were both scared and alone. Fate drew us together somehow, of all the cats we could have met, we met each other. We helped each other survive...." He began speaking, voice broken from his earlier crying. "Do you remember the night I told you I loved you? The way the setting sun set your fur ablaze as I looked into those beautiful green eyes and told you how I felt.... And when you agreed to become my mate, my heart reached higher than the clouds in the sky." He fights to keep his composure with a wavering voice and a pained smile.

"I promised to be by your side no matter what... That I'd always be there to protect you." He begins to tremble. He failed that promise.

"And then when we joined Thunderclan, you...You went through the most amazing transformation. You grew, you learned to hunt and fight, we had several wonderful children together...."He squeezes his eyes shut and chokes. "I'm so proud of you, you know? you came so far...Grew so much..."

And I only stayed the same.

"You were a light in everyone's life here. We were all blessed to have you in our lives..... To have you as my mate...." He feels his composure crumbling by the second. His eyes are sore from crying and yet, he cant will them to stop. "You're a hero, Sunfreckle. You saved... So many lives with your sacrifice....Your bravery will never be forgotten."

He can't speak anymore. He lets himself cry, lurching forward to bow his head and let his sobs and tears flow freely. He'll never be okay again. Nothing will ever be okay again. Not with the passage of time, not with any amount of support. Rabbitnose's smile is gone.
  • Crying
Reactions: Flamestar
. ° ✦ It feels wrong not to see him. As though he were in a peaceful sleep masked with sweet scented herbs, as Oakfang had been or Berryheart. He heard this was how Acornwish had looked, too. Just a stain on the forest floor with nothing to collect home. He wondered if they would have any troubles finding StarClan. He never heard of a vigil being done like this before; would a cat need to be buried proper in order to find StarClan? Would their ancestors be able to still find their soul?

It scares him, not knowing.

Freckleflame and Rabbitnose speak with shaky voices and it's a shock they can say a single word. They were far stronger than how Bravepaw felt in this moment. He was only an apprentice, not even that some days, he doubted any words he could offer on Sunfreckle's memory would be but a tiny shadow in comparison to his kin.

Rabbitnose can hardly support himself after his heartfelt eulogy, one he perhaps never expected to give and Bravepaw moved forward to wrap the pale tom into his own embrace. He hated to see them all sad, he hated that Sunfreckle had to be brave. "'M sorry about your papa... I miss him too." His voice is muffles as his snout pushed itself into Rabbitnose's neck, but his eyes have turned onto Freckleflame.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes.
Softpaw had never known Sunfreckle particularly well, certainly not as Rabbitnose and Freckleflame had in their own familial way - but that didn't mean she didn't still share in the grief that a Clanmate had been killed, and not even a body was left to be buried in honor. It wasn't the first time that Softpaw had experienced another's death, but it felt like this was the first time where a death had impacted her - Sunfreckle had gone into the fight to save the Clan from wolves, and Softpaw could say that she owed him her life.

Where she had felt fear like no other when the wolves had attacked, now she felt an overwhelming sadness tugging at her heart and her eyes, threatening to let tears fall; but she didn't feel as though her tears were meant to be shed, not when Sunfreckle's own family was mourning his passing. She sniffed, holding back tears, and respectfully approached the memorial.

"Thank you," she murmured, and looked to Freckleflame and Rabbitnose. "I'm so sorry."

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The exhaustion was nearly unbearable, and the ticked queen had seen the lingering glances as she had been given a taste of her former duties, ordering clanmates around to pick flowers of all things, maneuvering herself around camp to gather her fellow queens, twine, what ever materials she could think of.
Yes, Roeflame felt as though she could sleep for a moon, but the queens had a responsibility on this night, and even with no body to dress with fragrances blooms, the stars would be damned if they didn’t do something.
She cannot remember how the idea came to be, it was all a blur… but nonetheless, swollen cream paws were put to work, intricately weaving verdant stems together, crowding vivid blossoms to give an illusion of fullness. Those stems are secured into plush moss, the palette a reflection of Sunfreckles warmth in the reds, yellows, and saturated pinks, and Roeflame is able to feel her friends ghostly stare throughout the entire process.
When their work is placed in a fitting place in camp, Roeflame takes a heavy step back, unable to hold the hefty sigh that prys her maw apart- no, there was no amount of petals that could soften this tragedy.
The rosetted molly hadn’t meant to become a burr, clasped to Freckleflame’s side so stubbornly, but being away from her best friend during this moment felt all too wrong, especially when many of her other support systems were experiencing the broad-shouldered mollys own agony. Perhaps Roeflame could blame the blossomings of maternal instincts or whatever, but no amount of side-glances could make the warrior retreat back to the nursery, not until Freckleflame would finally depart to feel her grief in the solitude of the warriors own nest- then… then, Roeflame decides, she would take that as her cue to let her friend breathe.
So, by a brindled flank the smaller she-cat stays, watching with bleary optics as the sun bleeds blood-orange in the sky, trickling through the tree-tops.
All so red, everything was all so red.
There’s a noise from beside the queen, a shredded vocal singing a haunting melody, and it’s Freckleflame.
Roeflame shifts, keeping a steady celadon gaze on the others body language.
My dad… she begins, and the tremble on Freckleflames normally jovial tongue throws a wrench in Roeflame’s abdomen. It feels wrong to see her like this, and Roeflame resents the feeling as soon as it snakes up her spine.
Still, she listens intently, distant sage pools dancing along the outline of the nest she and the other queens had forged in place of Sunfreckles body.
Rabbitnose speaks, his voice holding the same splintering as Freckleflames.
Half-mindedly, Roeflame lets herself attempt to lean softly against Freckleflame’s shoulder. What the other made with her grief was not up to Roeflame, and the rosetted queen had to remind herself to be okay with that, to be a silent support.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ Quiet is what she is in this very moment. Her eyes shinning with the threat of tears that she doesn't let fall to the ground. Of course she wants to cry, she wants to let out soft gentle sobs but she keeps herself still. Like a rock. Something that won't falter even now. But it feels wrong also not to shed at least a singular tear for someone who is lost. For someone whose spirit has left such an enormous gap within the camp of Thunderclan. A shuddering soft breath leaves her and she looks at Freckleflame and Rabbitnose. Their pain is obvious and she wonders then at why she can't seem to understand it too well. Perhaps because she is but an outsider looking into their world. They had a parent and he was ripped away from them much too soon. Slowly she shakes her head and allows a frown to pull across her white stained muzzle. Yeah. She can only hope that time will heal the wounds that this has left on them and she feels sorry. She really does. It's heartwrenching to watch her clanmates like this and so she merely looks down to her paws after a moment. Everyone is saying their piece, words of remembrance and also of love. How the light of the sun has finally dimmed and gone out. She agrees, it isn't fair, not in the slightest.

Not for it to have happened the way that it did. To have to see it happen like that. Her ears pull back but she keeps silent with her head bowed and finally Dust prays to Starclan that they welcome him with open paws. That they keep him safe till his family joins him one day.

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ There was no amount of flowers in the forest that could ever replace her best friend. She had tried to stay strong while she weaved flowers into the nest that sat in the center of them...but every now and then tears streamed down her face. Her legs hadn't felt this weak since she had said goodbye to Little Wolf. Not once in her life had she ever imagined a time without her best friend. Just a couple days prior, they had spent time together talking about names for her unborn kits. It still seemed unreal...him being gone. She knew he was...the memory of his death still replayed over and over in her mind. Perhaps it was because of the absence of his body. But they wouldn't not have a vigil for him...he had saved countless lives...he was a hero.

She had sent some of her clanmates on a mission to find Marigold flowers. Other flowers were fine, but there had to be Marigolds in this nest. Those were his favorite, she could remember him telling her that. As she placed the last Marigold in, she slumped backwards into a defeated sit. The nest was beautiful, but the heavy weight that filled the air was not.

Freckleflame's wobbly, heavy voice caused more tears to stream down her cheeks. She wanted nothing more than to sit beside Sunfreckle's daughter, to wrap her paw around her and take all of her pain away. She would take all of their pain away, from all of their kits, from Rabbitnose...if only she could. She listens quietly as each of her clanmate's took their turns speaking, sharing their thanks to the red furred tom. Her lip quivered as Rabbitnose spoke, trying to hold in the waterfall that desperately begged to come out. She took in a deep breath, but no amount of deep breathing could possibly help right now.

Green eyes turn to Freckleflame and their other kits, to Rabbitnose. "Sunfreckle was so special." she began, the lump in her throat making it difficult to breathe. "I remember when he found out he was carrying you....I remember how his eyes ignited with the warmth of the sun when each of you were born. He loved you all so, so much." she stopped, a sharp exhale hitching in her throat as she temporarily lost control of her hold. "Rabbitnose...y-you and your kits were his ev-everything. He had the heart of a hero...and he was the best friend I could've asked for..." She trailed off as the weight was too much. There was no keeping her composure anymore...

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 30 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.