sensitive topics WHO AMONG US WOULD DIE TONIGHT [❄️] rogue attack (event phase II)


Sep 17, 2024

cw: violence

A sleek-scaled trout flops on the riverside at his paws. With a sense of smug satisfaction, Hemlockshine bends to deliver the killing bite. Fish blood coats his tongue, making his mouth water. He can't wait to get back to camp and tuck into a good meal with Pikemaw or one of his siblings. The dark-furred tom grips it in his jaws and straightens, turning to acknowledge the set of paw-steps behind him.

It isn't his Clanmates who stare back at him, but a trio of strangers - rogues. On RiverClan territory. Hemlockshine flexes his claws. How he wishes he could spend time teaching them a lesson they won't forget, or might not even live to learn, but their eyes are fixed on his catch and oh, that won't do. He tosses the fish down between his paws and takes a swipe at the nearest one. The blow misses, merely ruffling the vagabond's whiskers. Cursing inwardly, Hemlockshine raises his voice to call the alarm - "Rogues! I need backup!"

One abruptly lurches for him, and Hemlockshine is too slow to prevent a shove to his chest. The fish is swiped out from underneath him by a deft paw. "Too slow, fish-breath," the rogue taunts, and Hemlockshine sees red. A yowl of pain fills his ears, and blood floods his mouth as he lunges and sinks his teeth into the rogue's jowls. With a jerk of his head, his fangs rip deep furrows through the flesh, pulling up red, bloody tatters. The tom was rather plain anyway. If anything, Hemlockshine would consider the scar this will leave an improvement to make his face a little less boring.

  • three rogues are ganging up on hemlockshine and will end up making off with his fish :(
    @owlpaw. apprentice tag
  • HEMLOCKSHINE he/him, warrior of riverclan, twenty-two moons
    a tall, lithe black smoke tom with blue eyes and low white. he is cold, composed, and willing to resort to manipulation to get what he wants. he is incredibly vain, to the point that anyone who mars his pretty face is in for a world of pain. please note that hemlockshine will be prone to saying and doing awful things that i, as his roleplayer, do not condone. all of his opinions are ic only.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.


Snakeblink's hunt does not last long: Hemlockshine's call pulls him away from his fruitless attempt at finding a trail as surely as if his clanmate had bodily come to drag him this way by his scruff.

Frost glitters in his wake as he skids through the foliage, claws unsheathed at the attackers even as questions burst through his mind. Rogues? Here, again? How bold. And in this season-- Stars, they do not need more obstacles on their way to leafbare--

His back round and his short fur stands on ends as he bares his teeth at the rogues, not attacking yet, hoping his presence will suffice to make them rethink their brazen attack. Hemlockshine does not seem wounded yet, but the rogues are not small fry and Snakeblink would rather not fight, not today.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • rolled a 4,,,
  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 57 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

While the Sunningrocks battle might have been victorious, Eveningpaw does not feel the effects of true triumph, not when the sacrifices had been too great to make it matter. It is that mellowness that keeps her spirits at bay, lowering her mood so that she is more reminiscent of a grumpy otter, slinking along the hunting patrol. The world keeps on turning. There is food to be caught, and even if that concept normally only serves to frustrate her, she is grateful for the distraction this time around.

Or so she would think, if she could spot the tell-tale signs of a fish. Eveningpaw's whiskers twitch indignation; maybe they're all frozen now, floating along the surface of the water someplace else. Or maybe RiverClan's luck has run out... regardless of how much it had been to begin with. If you were to ask Eveningpaw now, she would deem it to be a huge total of absolute zero.

Her attention shifts to Hemlockshine's call, surprised to find an entire trio of rogues instead of the usual one or two. Anger at the well-hidden fish transforms into anger at the sheer audacity, and Eveningpaw stomps towards her Clanmate's general direction to answer his cries for backup, only to be halted by Snakeblink's indifference. The lead warrior takes up an intimidating stance — one that Eveningpaw attempts to copy to the best of her abilities — but that seems to be just that.

"We aren't attacking?" she asks, disbelief ringing clearly through her tone. Eager eyes move between Snakeblink and Hazecloud, hoping to receive the answer she seeks from either one of them. "They stole Hemlockshine's catch!"


Rolled 0; failure.
Weary is the Clan that has to make it through leaf-bare... so, all of them. RiverClan is fairing pretty well all things considered, at least, so that's good, and Merlinpaw had decided to tag along with an extra hunting patrol or two. What he wasn't expecting to have to deal with right now was rogues competing for the same fish they were. The rivers were normally plentiful even in the cold moons, why couldn't those damn cats just fish further down stream?

Snakeblink and Eveningpaw both heed Hemlockshine's call for help but neither attack just yet. Part of Merlinpaw wonders if they should follow their lead and not attack too... but would it be smart to leave Hemlockshine completely on his own to deal with the rogues? Sepia eyes catch movement in the water, and despite the rogues, Merlinpaw will not pass the opportunity to catch something for their clan. They swipe the fish from the river easily, but one of the rogues seizes the opportunity to launch himself over and try and steal it. And, oh, isn't that annoying?

"Thanks for the kind offer," the rogue teases, and Merlinpaw hisses, his hackles raised as he springs forward. It's a little reckless, maybe, but this rogue seems to be nothing more than hot air, and as the apprentice makes a swipe for his face, catching his muzzle with claws sharp as thorns, the rogue hisses in pain and drops Merlinpaw's fish, that they snatch back and toss to where Snakeblink and Eveningpaw still hunch hidden, turning back to face the rogue.

"That fish belongs to RiverClan," they snarl, voice just this side of monotone, "find your own river, thief."

  • ooc - roll: nat 20 !! prey size: 12 - medium 2 points

    @STREAMSONG - mentor tag

  • #6360c4

  • (img) Merlinpaw * they/him* 10 moons
    mentored by Streamsong
    short furred blue classic tabby w/ low white; brown eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
feel the rain on your skin

his head craned slightly, mismatched eyes narrowing at the ripples of that water as the bright sun basked over them... But there was no warmth in this sun despite being brighter. His mouth let out a soft breath of heavy fog, patient.

Suddenly a paw darted, claws hooking onto a fish and flinging it out of the river. A quick finishing blow, and the apprentice would find himself with a decent sized fish, a glint of achievement in his eyes.

Rogues! I need backup!

Oh? The mighty never scared, might I say, stuttering fur of Hemlockshine needed backup? He could roll his eyes, but instead- with snakeblink present, and not one but three rogues facing his mentor he took a sharp inhale.

The large form of the apprentice charged forward, leaving his fish behind as he slammed his paws down on one of the rogues, dazing the other slightly before using a shoulder to grapple around its head and push the rogue with him into the river.

Splashing and grunts, before finally the rogue was giving in gasping and begging for a breath of air. If only, if only he didn't show mercy. For as the rogue turned off, he grabbed owlpaws fish with him.

"Oh YOU-" he snapped his jaws taught, angry, before turning onto the others that Eveningpaw and snakeblink were fighting.

  • Screenshot-20241011-104907-2-removebg-preview-1.png

    Riverclan Apprentice | Mentored by: Hemlockshine
    Gender: amab, he/him
    Personality: Little Brother Vibes, Hides pain with humor, Competitive, Loyal, Confused easy, Not the smartest tool in the shed.
    Physical: Easy | Mentally: Medium
    May start a fight | will not flee | will show mercy
    Peaceful power play allowed!

    Penned by Deidre
Tarantulamask arrives at the commotion with a steady stride, mismatched eyes scanning the chaos ahead. Hemlockshine's yowls echo, mingling with the snarls and splashes of combat. The sight of rogues on RiverClan soil sharpens his senses, his mind dissecting the scene with cold precision. He steps forward, keeping low, muscles coiled like a river otter ready to strike. His voice is low as he murmurs, "Bold of you to trespass here." The rogue nearest to him turns, a sneer twisting his scarred muzzle. "And bold of you to think you can stop us," the tom spits, lunging for Tarantulamask.

The RiverClan warrior twists with fluid grace, narrowly avoiding the rogue's claws. His counterstrike is sharp and deliberate, aiming for the soft flesh of the rogue's side. His claws rake through fur and skin, drawing a pained hiss from his opponent. Tarantulamask's mismatched gaze stays fixed, unblinking, as he assesses his enemy's faltering movements. The rogue lunges again, more desperate this time, and Tarantulamask lets him close the distance. He ducks low, pivoting to throw the tom off balance. The rogue stumbles, and Tarantulamask doesn't waste the opportunity. He slams his shoulder into the intruder's side, sending him sprawling onto the frost-hardened ground.

The rogue scrambles to his paws, fury in his eyes, but Tarantulamask is already on him. His strikes are calculated, each one targeting a weak spot—his flank, his hind legs, his exposed belly. The rogue fights back viciously, but his movements grow sluggish as blood stains the ground. Tarantulamask's precision leaves no room for retaliation. With one final blow, he hooks his claws into the rogue's neck and slams him into the ground, hard enough to knock the fight out of him. The rogue coughs, blood flecking his lips, and Tarantulamask steps back, letting him crawl away with his tail tucked between his legs. "Leave. Now," he says, voice icy.

The rogue staggers to his paws and flees, limping after another of his fleeing companions. Tarantulamask stands tall, blood dripping from his claws. His expression is unreadable, his breath steady despite the exertion.

[ rolled a 6! no prey </3 rolled a 17 for how he does in the fight though so he got to be cool ]​
() a low growl rumbles from the tabby tom as he stalks up to his sister's side, ember eyes glaring balefully at the rogues. their blatant trespass sends fire into the young man's heart, and his fur stands on end, tail kinked over his back. his large frame tenses, muscles rippling beneath blue dappled fur. pebbletail is not here to play, and he makes that blatantly clear. hemlockshine lunges for the one that has stolen his catch, and merlinpaw does the same. owlpaw tussles with another, who snatches a fish from his grasp. "foxhearts," pebbletail hisses. eveningpaw gasps with indignation, snakeblink fluffing up his fur and growling. "i think we are now, eve," peb tells his sister, and crashes into battle.

the rogue that makes its way off with owlpaw's fish does not have long before the blue tom is tumbling into the fray. "thief!" he rumbles, claws sinking into the slick pelt, teeth grasping for skin and muscle. the rogue shrieks, but holds on to the fish, battering with large paws. pebbletail feels one smack hard into his face, knocking him away. the rogue scrambles up, bleeding heavily but still fish laden, and runs after its companions. curling a paw across his muzzle, the new warrior sneers and turns back to the patrol.

  • // late reply, so no rolls :( " #848DAE"
  • 89442467_tOIzd3yHU0nBWAA.png
    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebbletail's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.