Prey was scarce and so she found herself traveling farther than she would have expected in order to try and find something for the clan. No way was she getting anywhere near the river, considering she can't swim. She's nearing the twoleg camp, but before she can reach it, she comes across a strong scent. Ain't a mouse. It isn't moving either, but it certainly is peculiar enough that she is drawn to it. Throwing caution to the wind she follows the scent. At the end of it is a strange object along with some bits of something. Clearly it is not an animal so she paws at it so she can bring the remains closer to her nose to try and distinguish the scent. It only takes a few moments before the answer hits her in the face. Dog. Her head whips around, as if the creature would leap out of shadows and maul her. Luckily that is not the case but she most warn her clanmates. The last thing she wants is to lure the dog back to camp or have anyone hurt.

Paws thump as she races through the forest to find anyone nearby. She thanks her luck when she runs into a clanmates and comes to a sudden halt, spraying her poor clanmate in debris. "Don't come this way. There's a dog around. Tell everyone to be on guard. I'm going to stay here, on lookout." It doesn't occur to her that it is foolish in her clanmates eyes that she would willingly stay here on her own despite the fact that there is a dog loose. Or maybe they are a bit angry at her ordering them around as if she had the authority to do so. In anycase, Cedarblaze would turn and face the direction of the twoleg camp. I know you're here somewhere.
  • feel free to be the clanmate she ordered around or walk into the situation!
  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
Goldenpaw peered out from behind the warrior she was following as they were given the command by Cedarblaze. Her pupils blew wide, crawling up the clear blue of her eyes. She puffed her chest out, but the bravery was lost as her fur stood on its edges. Would she be able to see a dog today? The creatures were not any tangible threat to her right now. Slobbering, jagged-toothed canines were more like a scary story told to her by protective queens, who wouldn't dare let a kit sneak out of camp and meet that fate.

Even she knew that staying around would lead to trouble. As Cedarblaze talked out her plan, she scrambled forwards, staring up at the brown tabby. "What?!" she cried. "S- Cedarblaze! It's too dangerous here, we have to all go right now." The apprentice scampered around, nose angled towards the ground as she tried to memorize the faint scent of canine. Silverbreath had not yet been able to show her that scent, but she knew it was a crucial one to keep in mind, in case she smelled it close to camp.

Nose wrinkling, Goldenpaw marched back over, emphasizing once more, "Can you come back to camp with us? Please?"
i know you can make it righta


Ferngill's eye shot wide as Cedarblaze streaked toward him, raving about a dog- he glanced down to Goldenpaw for a second, his first instinct being to usher her back to camp as quickly as possible. He knew all-too-intimately how reckless some apprentices could be, if they thought they had something to prove... the scar on his face proved it. Never, under his watch, would anyone throw themselves into the jaws of a beast with some twisted idea of bravery...

That extended to Cedarblaze too, though. Yeah, he'd not long graduated from being a much-too-old apprentice, but... Ferngill's duty was to RiverClan, to his fellow warriors, and- well, how could he just let Cedarblaze throw herself in front of something? Sit guard alone, and act as bait? "No, no- not by yourself. Goldenpaw's right." It was too dangerous. What good would it do sending someone out here alone? "Listen, we need to find Smokestar or Lichentail, and warn them- you'll get yourself hurt out here by yourself. It's- isn't it best to get together a patrol?"

It was difficult for him to command her- better to make a suggestion. Hopefully, StarClan willing, she would listen to him.
penned by pin
"Whaddya mean what? Get going there's a dog." Despite the fact that Goldenpaw bore a new name she was still Goldie in Sasha's eyes. This meant that the apprentice was someone who she needed to protect. Had they been in the colony she would give her life to ensure that Goldie survived. She's not stupid. I know it's dangerous. Her amber eyes narrow as she shakes her head. She's a warrior and while she doesn't understand what it means to be one quite yet, what she knows is this. She will protect her clanmates in any way she can. Ferngill might think her actions are done based with a twisted idea of bravery, but to her they are done out of duty.

However, Goldenpaw is adamant. She wants her to return to camp with her and the others. Before she can hiss rejection towards the notion, Ferngill has his own opinions. She can't help but scowl at the both of them, "You're not gonna let me do this, aren'tcha?" Annoying all of you. Ugh, the longer we stay out here, well I don't want to find out. Cedarblaze doesn't hide her disapproval shooting them both glares before adding "Fine. Let's go. If that's what it'll take for you both to leave." Then, she pads towards camp expecting them to follow.

To be honest she doesn't quite see why they needed to find Smokestar or Lichentail specifically. They could have dealt with it themselves, but Goldenpaw is not someone she is willing to take that chance on. If there were other warriors around she would've been more adamant on staying. They could figure out a plan of attack and drive it out without the help of Lichentail or Smokestar. Why's everything so complicated?! Riverclanners sure are weird.

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots