camp who you gonna call? || PROMPT

〕"What is wrong with them?" The silent whisper would carefully fall from her tongue as the patrol huddled underneath a bush for safety. A hunting patrol gone wrong. Unfortunately they would have to accept the loss, and wait until the strange looking twolegs were long gone before trying to hunt here again. Their shrieks and stomps would surely have scared anything alive far back into their burrows by now. The leader's pelt prickled with annoyance, but she continued to watch them with curiosity. Her muscles remained tense, ready to retreat at the drop off a leaf, but the twolegs hadn't noticed they were there yet. The tallest of the three seemed to be half twoleg, half dog. It had the paws of a twoleg, but its face was furry and had teeth. Was this some sort of new wolf that they needed to watch out for? That was the one she kept her attention on, but it never seemed to have caught their scent. Perhaps the stupidity of the twoleg had dulled out the nose of a canine. Regardless, this could potentially be a threat, and they would need to watch this area on patrols for awhile just to make sure this thing was gone for good. "Lets head back."

There had been many other twoleg kits besides the wolf. One had a large white cobweb looking object draped over it so only its back paws were exposed. Another had wings branching off of its legs, like a giant butterfly. When they returned, she would ensure no patrols were to stray to close to the eastern border...probably not until the next morning. The last thing they needed was a run in with a bunch of feral, mutated twoleg kits. "What do you think happened to them?" the leader would ask as the patrol padded through the camp's tunnel. She knew nothing about twolegs, but if their kits were anything like clan kits, they didn't seem to be angry. She had seen angry twolegs before...these ones were different. "We'll be lucky if we can hunt there tomorrow with all their racket..."

  • ooc. for context, the humans mentioned in flame's post were dressed up as a werewolf, a ghost, and butterfly. There were lots of children so other costumes would have been seen!
    @SPIDERPAW @ADDERSNAP @mottledpaw
    Prompt is Costumes
  • FLAMESTAR —— leader of thunderclan , mentoring merlinpaw . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 38 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 89001237_0hDtHJbdRu9KEv8.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
oversized ears would find themselves pinned flat against his skull, attenuated frame pressing close against the chilled undergrowth as he bares witness to the strange half-twoleg, half-monster hybrids that decided to make this particular section of the thunderclan's territory their temporary stomping grounds. funnily enough, this would be spiderpaw's first ever encounter with actual twolegs and by bewildered and mortified expression he wore, it's clear he doesn't like what he sees at all. who in the world was gonna tell them that twolegs were actually a mishmash of different monsterous features?!

spiderpaw was beyond thankful that these mutants lacked any good senses for they marched on by the patrol, oblivious to their current position. when flamestar suggested they head back, the gangly apprentice couldn't help but nod in quick succession, paws tapping nervously against the dirt as they wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"ma–maybe they were cur—cursed?" replied spiderpaw, finally allowing himself to relax tensed muscles when the group finally reached the gorse tunnel that led into camp. "do tw–twolegs usually lo–look like that . . .?" he asks with a quiet swallow, what would happen if those things strayed further inwards and stumbled upon thunderclan? the possible scenarios that rushed through his head made the beanstalk shudder with unease.

' maybe deerpaw would be interested in hearing about the mutated twoleg kits, he likes the spooky stuff right. . .? '

  • ooc.
  • 1ucymTo.png
  • ⋆˖⁺‧₊ SPIDERPAW —— thunderclan apprentice , mentored by wildheart. littermate to myrtlepaw
    ⊰∙∘ demiboy / he / they / 07 moons, ages every 9th.
    ⊰∙∘ unknown orientation, still working it out. / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    ⊰∙∘ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    ⊰∙∘ "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character

    ⊰∙∘ penned by cobatic
    ⊰∙∘ biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse


Oh, beasts? Thundergleam's eyes shot wide- she wandered close,hearing the buzz of conversation- the word curse that whispered through Spiderpaw's voice. Wandering creatures, Twolegs that looked like cursed beings. Yes, yes, yes- it rang a bell, certainly. And that bell's noise grew and grew until it became a mighty death knell- its noise rattles her brain, bruised it against her skull. Quickened heart-rate, quickened pace- oh, she hurried!

"I believe we must beware," Thundergleam whispered, voice like the beginning gusts of a storm. Pink eyes widened with a great graveness, warning lying in every inch. She could not be so foolish to have forgotten, no - it was a dream that, at the time, seemed so uneventful, but now... the threads made a loming cobweb, didn't they? Oh, StarClan and their trickling answers, like cold water runnign a gentle line down her neck.

"Mere nights ago I had dreams of tall shadows, slender as trees ... they stretched their limbs over Snakerocks, and eclipsed it." Into another plane she gazed for a moment, the memory perfectly painted in her mind's eye. "Perhaps it was a warning to ensure these, these ... strange Twoleg beasts do not encroach... unless, they were already near Snakerocks?" Fear took hold, for a moment- oh, had she failed? In silence, in foolishly deeming something meaningless, had she doomed the Clan she was ordained to save?
penned by pin ☾
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·

Her pelt practically bristles at the sight of these freakish things... Mottledpaw watches them with a sort of disgusted interest, reminded of the blood Skyclaw loathed so much that ran in her veins too. That of kittypets... those that might cuddle up to these twisted abominations at night and actually enjoy them. It disgusts her, so much it makes her skin crawl... makes her blood simmer like it needs to escape by association.

Her gaze turns towards Flamestar as she creeps back, beckoning them all to abandon their hunt until further notice. She can't help but grow frustrated, having been eager to skitter away from Stormywing long enough not to feel her stare gouged into her back. Fine.... Dejectedly, she wanders after her patrol with ears flicking at their idle conversation. "They're probably just... typical Twoleg freaks.... Maybe they're diseased?"

Like... Dumb Kit Flu or something...?

Thundergleam speaks in weird riddles again, earning the irritation of the dappled she-cat. Why did she always insist on being some omen-reader? That was Gentlestorm's job, whether she liked it or not. "Yeah right Thunderbeam," she dismisses flippantly, not even bothering to get her name right (a bad behavior from her kithood). "They're lucky if they've got two braincells to rub together... much less coordinate stealing territory from us."

Stormywing stares after the retreating twolegs, her nose wrinkled in disgust. "They look even more ridiculous than usual." Her eyes flick over to Flamestar and the others, trying to gauge their reactions before following them back to camp. Stormywing's tail flicks in annoyance as they make their way through the bramble entrance, though a small smirk creeps onto her face. "You're right. Maybe they are cursed." She gives Spiderpaw a playful nudge with her paw, trying to ease the tension. It gives her an idea for another spooky story to tell later. but she can't help but roll her eyes lightheartedly at Thundergleam's ominous tone as her friend approaches.

"Honestly, who cares what they're doing as long as they stay out of our way." She lifts her chin, confident as ever, though her fur is still bristling slightly from the eerie encounter. "Twolegs are dumb, but even they know better than to stick around for long. If they want to scare off the prey, fine - just means we'll have to work harder tomorrow."

Her eyes do narrow at her apprentice briefly as she shows blatant disrespect, however. "Thundergleam," She corrects sharply, her ears angling forward. "That's a morning changing nests for the elders for you, missy," She chides with a shake of her head. Where does she get that sort of attitude? Her mother, probably.
  • Angry
Reactions: mottledmoon
-ˋˏ ༻☾༺ ˎˊ-​

It's one of very few blessings Thrashkit has been afforded in life that he has yet to see twolegs yet. The tales she hears about them paint them to either oafish or brutes, all carrying an undercurrent of a volatile theme. There's talk of twolegs today as well it seems, with Flamestar's patrol walking through the tunnel of camp. Curses... Diseases... Warnings... It makes them stand a little straighter as they approach but does not hide the tremble of her maw. Twolegs are an unknown, they're terrifying, maybe scarier than his mothers stories about ThunderClan. They could just.... change shape?

"What.... do we do if they were near Snakerocks" he tries to hide a shake in his voice, masking it behind a kittenish growl. Trying to show irritation instead, though he finds himself interested in hearing more about what Thundergleam has to say. What insight does she hold, would she know what to do? Would her dreams? With a swish of a puffy tail he decides out of the group gathered that she is the safest one to be near (though Flamestar is a close contender).

"Will they eat us?" narrowed eyes blow wide at the realisation, maybe it may be seen as ridiculous but for someone who has only heard monstrous tales this was a very real possibility. Before wild imaginations can drag him to another thing to have nightmares over Mottledpaw stumbles over Thundergleam's name. She is swiftly corrected and punished for such transgressions and he can only glower at Stormywing, assuming that this was an innocent mistake why would she be punished for it? It instills his resistance for the change of names, the idea of being punished for simply getting it wrong is cemented in their mentality.

    any pronouns, 5 moons
    A black smoke with abnormally bright amber eyes and a habit of crouching while they walk.
    Bayinghound x Duke | Littermates with Howlkit & Yippingkit
    Due to her circumstances surrounding it's life she will be confrontational in the majority of their interactions { will start fights | will not end fights | will not run away and might be merciful }
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·

Mottledpaw is certain she is going to blow up before she ever graduates. Stormywing hovers over her like a plague rat hungry to bite her any chance it gets and her frustration only proves to compound as the silvery molly quip a quick correction... and an immediate punishment. "You can't be serious! I didn't even do anything," she argues, voice rising with her frustration. She looks to Flamestar, incredulous, as if to say YOU did this to me! Because it was her bat-brained idea to make this crazy she-cat her mentor.

"UUUUGGGHH.." Her exasperation leaves her in a drawn out, dramatic sigh, shooting the golden-eyed warrior a glower made of glass shard.

Thrashkit is the only thing that saves Stormywing from a full-blown meltdown to be thrown at her paws, a sharp jade gaze snapping to the curious child with a sort of half-disgusted disinterest. When did they show up? The kit doesn't look too pleased with her mentor either, which only emboldens and warms the burning coals of the fire in her chest. You'll have to drag me by my tail, Stormysing!

"Nahhh, don't even worry about it kid," she reassures Thrashkit, having decided him to be an ally. She tries to step closer, standing beside a kid that may damn well outgrow her soon despite their disparity in age, "They don't really eat cats but... if they tried I could keep ya safe."

Softsight had seen Twoleg kits before, in all their gangly and horrific glory. If the adult Twolegs were enough to send prey into hiding for days following their invasion of hunting grounds, then the effect that their kits had was twofold; they were more loud, more rough in movement, and Softsight, for one, found them as unappealing as the next.

"If they were destined to be near Snakerocks, perhaps we let them." Softsight sighed, glancing over at Thundergleam as the she-cat rambled on in another mystical tirade that she claimed to have seen. "Let the adders get them. I'm sure they haven't a single thought about the dangers of traipsing around there." She shook her head - did she really want the Twoleg kits to be hurt by the adders? They were just kits, after all, strange and obnoxious as they were. Perhaps she was too harsh in her judgments.

The patrol did not hold her father, so no immediate interest caught Twilightkit. Her tail sweeps around her hindlegs as she mindlessly grooms her chest fur, watching that of her siblings wrestle mere mouselengths away. Controlling she is, attempting to keep them corralled to her view. But then the patrol bickers about curses and beasts, and whines about lost prey and soon after punishments - and oh, even she is not immune to the draw of a story.

She shoots her siblings a quick look, her tail thwapping the ground to ensure that even Stormkit knows of her leave, before she trots away from them. A sleek, elegant walk towards the group, she pauses beside Thrashkit with a cursory look over the group. Her gaze pauses with Mottledpaw's tantrum, a silent, We're kin...? mumbled in her thoughts. Twilightkit tries to envision Bayingkit in the apprentice's position, and then maybe Stormkit, and it makes sense... kind of.

Her attention returns to the patrol and at its head, Flamestar. "What did you see?" she requests of the leader, scrutiny clear in her gaze as she waits for the other to tell the story. Clearly it was enough to rattle or frustrate a whole patrol's worth of cats... so of course the child remains in her quiet curiosity.​
Padding after the patrol through the entrance to the camp, Tybalt had watched the twoleg kits with little more than mild intrigue. He had seen kits like this in his own kithood in the twolegplace, and while he had initially been frightened by their bizarre appearances, his parents had seemingly been unbothered. "They won't hurt us," he rumbled reassuringly. "I saw them like this a few times in leaf-fall growing up in twolegplace. My parents said they do it every year. Their kits put on a bunch of weird looking pelts and run around being loud and obnoxious. It might scare the prey, but it'll all come off eventually and they'll go back to looking their usual brand of weird."

He shrugged his shoulders, unbothered. "I don't think they're sick or cursed or anything," he said. "It's just a bunch of kits playing some silly twoleg kit game. It won't last. I just hope they leave before the adders get them. They'll scare off enough prey just being their normal level of noisy."
ooc: small mentions of emetophobia in the third paragraph + mobile!

A hunting patrol with Flamestar as the lead. The pride that surged through Addersnap was surely unhealthy; it warmed his blood, a gluttonous grin showcasing the ego that was infecting him. Had Flamestar chosen him specifically, for reasons unknown to him? Did she see his potential, the confident stride that seemed to grip him each time he took a paw-step through camp? Surely that's why he had been chosen, to ensure a bountiful hunt for her patrol. Nodding his head to himself, the young warrior quickly allowed his gaze to dart between the patrol in hopes that no one had seen the display of his thoughts becoming visual. Yes, that was exactly the reason why she picked him. He had to believe it.

But the screams of twoleg kits, the deep rumbles and grumbles of older twolegs made his ears pin back in a sharp inhale of worry. The boy felt the hackles on his shoulders and back raise, his chocolate tail slowly tucking between his legs as he cowered in the grass below. The grating sound of their menacing voics horrified Addersnap to the core -- he hadn't even seen what the creatures even looked like yet. How could he be so afraid of something that he hadn't seen before?

Breathing quick and uneven, chocolate and white paws inch forward across sodden soil, hovering as though such small movement could be heard by such moronic animals. He dared to stick his head into the brush, barely visible to whatever surrounded him in order to observe his surroundings. It was there that he saw the hairless beasts, eyes sunken in and front limbs dangling awkwardly by their sides... disgusting. Mutated, horrid abominations. Addersnap felt sick, the contents of his stomach twisting and churning as he fought to keep it down. Those were... twolegs? Ugh. And they could mix with wolves? A chill slithered down his spine as he was pulled back into the depths of his mind, fighting to keep afloat of the crashing waves of nerves around him. Was his worst fear possibly even more horrible than he could have ever dreamt?

Flamestar's hushed command to fall back brought warmth through his pelt, ears flattening instead to show the relief that now held onto his mind. A nod of the head and they were off, then padding through gorse tunnel with quickened pace and a flurry of whispers. Addersnap walked among them in contemplative silence, his mind spinning and reeling in turmoil from the sight they had just witnessed. Were they in danger? Should he tell everyone to prepare for the battle of their lives, to defend ThunderClan with all their might? However, his patrol-mates seemed to think differently than him, murmuring questions and solutions to what exactly they had seen. The tabby lashed his tail, eyes narrowed to hide the fear that lay in them. "Wha' 'f they come fo' us? Do ya think the-ese mu'ated twolegs're any… s'ronger?" Though the things did not pick up their scent and seemed to have high stupidity, he could not doubt their strength.

He hadn't realized that Thundergleam raised the same question, and Addersnap peered his way over in the albino feline's direction. Though he thought her quite odd, weird, and just rather avoid her at any cost — at least she had the same sense of worry he carried. But perhaps Spiderpaw was right, they may just be cursed. Now he knew to not get on StarClan's bad side. Wrinkling his nose at Thundergleam's prochecy however, the boy rolled his eyes before looking to Thrashkit with a disapproving frown plastered on his face. "How can ya be so sure? I hav'n't hearda one not eatin' someone." He wasn't trying to scare the kit, he just didn't understand how Mottledpaw could make such an assumption without proof.

Ignoring Twilightkit's question to Flamestar since it wasn't directed to him, yellow hues twitch towards Stagstrike's direction with a small hum of recognition. "Mmm, Lea'husk ta-old me 'bout 'hat. Interestin'." Addersnap mumbled the last word under his breath, gaze cast to the ground as he stepped back once again from the crowd. That was enough of the limelight for one day.
Tigerwing had entered camp moments before- enough time for her to get to the freshkill pile. Two pudgy mice, whose coats as brown as the dirt the scurried across, dangled from her jaws as suddenly a patrol entered. Flamestar was at the head, speaking of twolegs being weird, and others from the patrol agreeing, theories rumbling about between them. Finally, she would set the mice down, (to the side where kits could reach them), and approach the group.

Her orange and chocolate face tilted, eyebrows furrowing. "I saw nothing like that when i wandered their thunderpaths..." she murmured, concern high in her voice. green eyes dropped to her paws, as if searching for answers that the ground would tell her, frowning. so many weird things were happening lately, pumpkins with flames inside of them, cats carved into its walls- now mutated twolegs, whose pelts were covered and split into odd animals- she felt almost queasy as she muddled with the idea that they were unsafe from their grabby hands.

Maybe Tigerwing could scout further, than- only to protect her clanmates from the harm she had come to endure- until Tybalt spoke up about how it was a silly game and her features would rest slightly. But that didn't mean she wouldn't check it out further- tomorrow. "Can- I come with you tomorrow to observe if theyve gone or stayed?" Tigerwing asks Flamestar, hesistance encroaching on her voice. "Maybe they leave behind that sticky stuff-" she adds with a shrug. "Theyre very messy," she adds, in her own opinion. "If they left anything for prey to be curious about, they could wander back to eat the scraps once and if the twolegs are gone."