WHY DO I? ✘ gathering announcement

"...RiverClan, the gathering is tonight. Petalnose and Snakeblink will be remaining at camp to guard, Lichentail will accompany me as stand-in deputy for the time being." His lone orange eye scans the camp and he sighs, "...I do not want fighting at Fourtrees, WindClan will pay for their hubris but that is not the place to do so. We will be informing the clans of their treachery and warning them off and should they not heed this then there WILL be retaliation." He's tired still, he hopes its not so obvious but the wounds had mostly healed and he felt more pulled together than he was when he had dragged himself back into camp what felt like eons ago. His first taste of a leader's death and it had been the cold snuff of a flame and not the sort of violent and glorious fight he'd wanted. Just a slow trickle...
Smokestar shakes his head to draw back into focus and flicks his tail to the assembled flowers, stained berry piles and other assorted bits and baubles, "Once, some time ago, we came together and prepared for the gathering with a bit of a show. The apprentices gathered all this and those attending are welcome to wear what they'd like as a show of unity. That we have not been taken down despite the blows..." He remembers a shining cicada shell perched atop a sloped skull, a thread of orange and red petals woven into his own fur and tail - he'd felt ridiculous, but he'd watched his clan come together and had found himself drawn to spotted fur and eyes that could freeze you in a second of a glance. The dark tom swallows the lump forming in his throat, "...the cats attending are encouraged to bring their apprentices. Iciclefang-" He'd show off his new lead warrior, of course, "Hazecloud, Pikeplash, Lakemoon, Nightfish, Rookfang...our new warriors."
And a brief pause before he smiled, "Bubblepaw, Aspenhaze is being left to guard camp but if you would like to attend you may, I know you haven't had the chance yet."

  • Gathering Cats -
    @lichentail ( @DIPPERPAW & @brookpaw ) & @iciclefang (@CICADAPAW ) & @hazecloud & @PIKESPLASH ( @Nettlepaw- ) & @Lakemoon . ( @BRISTLEPAW ) & @Nightfish ( @carawaypaw ) & @ROOKFANG ( @Bumblepaw ) & @bubblepaw & @FERNPAW & @Mosspaw & Petalpaw too (for flavor text.)

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.



If Pikesplash was going, so was he, Nettlepaw decides boldly. His first gathering, and it was sure to be a juicy one. WindClan would have to endure several scathing comments after the foul stunt they had pulled at Highstones, and every bitter insult flung their way would be deserved. The boy doesn't understand why they don't just kill Sootstar already and be done with all this. Perhaps her deputy was just as bad? It occurs to Nettlepaw that he doesn't actually know much of anything about WindClan's deputy. Perhaps cutting the head off the snake wouldn't be enough...

But despite the apprentice's concerns, he does feel rather excited by the idea of going to his first gathering, and having his name announced as a new apprentice of RiverClan. He just hopes he doesn't get lost with all the new smells mingling together. Finding Pikesplash by scent, Nettlepaw makes his way to his mentor's side. As for decorating his fur... he might pluck a few nice smelling petals from the pile on his way out.
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Hard to pretend it doesn't feel like walking on air to be finally free of the shackles of a mistake made moons ago. As much as she wished to grieve with Smokestar on the loss of his mate, the absence of such an overwhelming, watchful presence is nothing short of a relief. Everything feels like it's falling into place at last... like she does not have to hide between reed-cast shadows in her own home, slowly but surely RiverClan was finding a way to survive and adapt under new leadership. It was different, it made her skin tingle sometimes at the sheer endlessness of their possibilities... change was not always a welcome guest and most of it had been painful. Giving the fur at her chest a few passive licks, the tangles prove a new frustration to focus on instead.

They had to look better than just good if they wanted to teach the other clans that RiverClan could not be pushed around- they may've been one of the first to succumb to the rogue threat but she'd rather drag herself across the sun-kissed, searing sand than let that be their legacy. He speaks a warning that they ought to keep their claws to themselves, withhold barbed tongues; it seems stupid, to hold back when something so incredibly heinous was happening but then... maybe under the watchful gaze of StarClan, they might be blessed for their "charity" to not run WindClan out of the plains entirely. It'd sure be a lot easier with the coordinated help of the four other clans, whose medicine cats were under threat just as well.

It should be a delight then, to take this time before the Gathering to fuss over one another, share tongues, reconnect with their roots as a clan rather than individuals united under an mottled banner. The apprentices had done well to gather as much as they had, especially in the department of flowers when so many had already begun to die with the falling of the leaves. Stretching out her forelimbs and scratching at the dirt for a little extra grip, Lichentail arched her spine with a small hmm.

She was one of the few in RiverClan that had the skills (and desire) to catch birds regularly... and there was no finer moment than now to adorn their new leader as a show of affection and fealty. A pair of small, black feathers she'd plucked from an unlucky fledgling, held gently between teeth to prevent snapping the hollow spines. "I know they'll just blend in with your fur but..." She lifts a paw, carefully pulling aside a tuft of fur to better secure it there near @Smokestar 's chest, "Maybe this way... your feet will feel lighter tonight." It would be his first time there as a king recognized under StarClan.... he needed all the help he could get to pull the weight of those he'd lost along behind him.

Her lips thin in a small smile before she turns to leave him, knowing there are others far closer than her that had moments to share with him- besides... "There you are," she purrs, eyes squinting shut as @hazecloud practically floats into the crowd like a foggy morning.​

The Gathering. Cicadapaw has been to one before, but it's a vague memory. He'd been just out of the nursery, small and adrift in a crowd of bodies and sounds as Cicadastar wound his way to his worn spot on the rock above them all. Never again will he see his father there, framed by moonlight and royalty; instead, it'll be Smokestar. Still his father, but....he can't replace the memory of a mottled bottlebrush tail and a soothingly accented voice. That WindClan, responsible for his father's return oozing blood and stardust, will be attending is no additional balm to the soul. He has not forgotten that return dredged in claret; it brings anger, at WindClan for what they'd done, at his father for going alone, at StarClan for not stopping it all. A headache looms in the hollows of his temples and he inhales deep, exhales, tries to choke the fury.

Cicadapaw does not feel particularly drawn to the decorations piled for the beautification of the attendees. He has none of his father's looks to complement, and none of his showmanship to boot; he doesn't want to stand out in the crowd of dark pelts. Perhaps Iciclefang, pretty (by his amateur estimation) as clear ice, will choose to adorn herself with some of the trinkets. It seems less than likely, though, given his mentor's no-nonsense attitude towards that sort of thing—more likely to utilize them is Beepaw, ever drawn to beauty. His sister sees beauty everywhere, in places he suspects he never will, and she'll be toted alongside Smokestar for many Gatherings to come.

"Are you gonna wear that....stuff?" He whispers to @iciclefang once his father has finished announcing the attendees and cats begin to primp. Distracted, he watches with sunken eyes as Lichentail tucks small black feathers in the fur of his father's chest. Cicadapaw's gaze stutters back to his mentor, wondering and waiting. He certainly won't be partaking in the fussing over oneself, unless she wants him to for some StarClan-forsaken reason. He thinks Iciclefang has enough sense, though, to realize that no amount of petals and berry juice can pretty up her apprentice's unsightly mug. The apprentice adds, almost conversationally, "My sister probably will."


  • 5mGwJgx.png
    cicadapaw ; apprentice of riverclan
    x. he/him ; 5 moons ; tags
    x. unsightly black-and-white tom with heterochromatic amber and blue eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. son of smokestar and cicadastar ; brother to beepaw and starlightpaw. apprenticed to iciclefang.


It felt like seasons passed since the last time they had settled under a cool night sky like this. The moonlight was like a passing chill as silky gray fur trotted through with fresh glittering specks to decorate her fur. The shine of scales caught within the mollys coat glowed in ivory and beryl hues. The air had become too cold for the comfort of fireflies, but she wondered if the glittering accessories came close to their own buzzing rays.

Hazecloud felt surrounded by an aura of elegance, hoping to distract from the newly dressed scars that jarred in comparison to the rest of her soft appearance. While names were called to attend she heard her own among the others and she felt excitement bloom beneath her pelt. She wondered if her friends from the journey would be there as well, hesitant to consider still approaching those from WindClan. So much time spent ensuring they all survived together, even the last stretch of their travels saved by the moorland cats but it was truly all for naught. Nothing could abstain the mad queen from inflicting her aimless wrath.

"Hey you." Hazecloud purred loudly as she brushed her muzzle against the Lead. "I couldn't find a cardinal feather, so I tried to make one..." A large swan feather was in her possession, stained unevenly with the few reddish berries she could find out in the wilted plains.
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Reactions: lichenstar
Today was the gathering. He was nervous without a doubt, his frame trembling. No one knew what Windclan was going to do. Whether or not they would arrive was on everyone's mind. Smokestar calls to them and states that the camp will be protected by Petalnose and Snakeblink. Instantly he is reassured. With those two looking out after camp, they would be safe. While Snakeblink may not be the best fighter he is better at protecting the hearts and minds of those within the clan. They were a nice balance. Lichentail is called to be Riverclan's stand-in deputy and he couldn't be happier. He remembered the time when she was reprimanded and it seemed like she proved herself enough for Smokethroat to trust her to be second in command. The silver tom looks for the she-cat in question and offers her a beaming smile along with a mouthed 'congrats Lichen.'

Smokestar then informs them of their goal at the gather and what he expects from each and everyone of them. No fighting is to take place and to spread news of what Windclan has done. It sounds easy, but gatherings were always a mystery. No one knew what would unfold, but he hoped whoever went would be able to carry out this task. Green hues trail to the pile a black tail has pointed to. Before he can even question the reason, an answer is given. He can't help himself. He's smiling from ear to ear. It has been so long since they've come together like this. When was the last time they showed off. The previous gathering he went to they hadn't done this. Oooo, so many pretty feathers. Ahhh it's been so long, I've got a spring in my step again! Amidst the unease, there is comfort. He is fully prepared to help those going to show off and prove to the other clans that they have entered not only a new era, but they were not weak.

H-huh?! I... I'm going? The shock on his face must be amusing to Smokestar or maybe even tiresome. However, Smokestar would see his troubled expression turn into pure joy before he nodded. Excitement filled the air and he found himself looking through the pile for some feathers along with other things he found suitable for some of those attending He hoped none of them would be too upset at him. Moving his picks aside, so no one could take them he scans around for the attendees. Nettlepaw is ever the go getter is the first cat to approach him. Of course, there is no decorations littering his fur. He can't help but chuff, "Nettlepaw we need to look our best. I can help you if you'd like after I'm done myself. I do have something to give you right now." Shuffling could be heard as Pikesplash looked through his assortment before finding just what he was looking for. Here it is. He pushes forward a brown feather with a white base. "R-remember you asked me about them. Well, uhm... This is a goose feather. I won't touch you, but I would like it if you wore it Nettlepaw. Oh and don't forget to roll around in some fish scales. W-we have to look extra glossy."

On that note he would pad over to an open fish scale supply and roll around a good amount to look glossier than usual. Once done, he would make his way back to Nettlepaw and groom himself painstakingly, taking extra care with his long tail. Looking at his pile he felt only a twinge of guilt in taking an abundance of duck feathers. What did he plan to do with these feathers? He would part the fur on his chest to arrange these feathers to mimic the chest feathers he'd seen on owls. The brown and blue feathers with a white tip and base sticking out nicely. Maybe it was more effort than it was worth, but come on! It's been awhile since we've done this. Pleased with his chest covered in layers of duck feathers, he was unsure what to do with his tail. I think more feathers is overkill at this point. Maybe flowers and some petals? Blue would look nice! Rummaging through his pile he found an assortment of blue flowers and did his best to pick some petals. To top off his look he would throw a few petals on his tail, back, and then his head. I think that's good enough?

Unfortunately he sees that Lichentail is busy with Hazecloud and he doesn't want to interrupt them just yet. Cicadapaw is busy talking to Iciclefang. However, he isn't super close to them he's not sure they would be happy, especially Cicadapaw. This leaves Smokestar. Shoot. He's already trembling like a leaf. I haven't even talked to him yet. Out of panic he looks for Snakeblink. No! We want to change. Tearing his gaze from the tom, he forces himself to approach Smokestar with trembling limbs. The leader is already sporting two black feathers, but he hopes Smokestar isn't too upset with him offering two light brown plume feathers with red tips. Yes, he is trembling out of nervousness, yet he is able to look Smokestar in the eyes for once.

it's honestly quite astonishing that with trembling paws he carefully pulls aside chest fur in order to place the feathers beside black ones to make them stand out. Once he is done he averts his eyes from the new leader. Not wanting to be met with anger. "F-f-for new beginnings, and uhm... resilience." He promptly dips his head in respect before hurridely returning to his apprentice who he hopes has at the very brought some items to decorate himself with. Anything to distract himself from Smokestar.
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Bubblepaw all but jumps for joy when Smokestar announces that she will be permitted to attend the gathering though Aspenhaze stays behind to guard camp. It's her first gathering ever! She has dreamed of this moment since she can remember, though she assumed she might have to wait until her full name would be given. Bubblepaw enjoyed giving others trinkets, gifts, and plumes to wear and bring along to the gathering, and she'd imagined many times what she would get glammed up in when it was her turn. But before she can get that ball rolling, Bubblepaw wants to propose something to the RiverClan leader.

"Um... Smokestar," all of a sudden the apprentice is full of apprehension as she approaches the black tomcat. Though he is tough and fearsome- something that no one in their right mind could contest- he's been nothing but kind to Bubblepaw. She holds out a pawful of silver scales towards Smokestar, but finds it hard to meet his gaze. "If you wanted... I wanted to give you these to wear tonight. They're silver scales... They remind me of the stars," Bubblepaw shifts her weight nervously as the words come out stilted and rushed. He's already been given apparel by two of the others there, but she hopes he will find the meaningfulness in the star-silver scales in the same way Bubblepaw has.

After her offering to Smokestar, Bubblepaw would dip her head respectfully almost as if curtsying to the leader before moving to join her clanmates by where the majority of the scales were for rolling and glittering themselves up. She hopes to find something flashy that might stand out in her coat.
✦ ★ ✦
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Reactions: lichenstar

-ˋˏ ˎˊ- her first gathering as a real apprentice of a real clan, and better yet she got to experience it alongside her sibling. carawaypaw was electric, legs jittery as excitement flowed through her veins. she wondered if she would see anyone recognizable tonight, if some of the kits from her time in shadowclan would be able to make an appearance. they had played a gathering then, she had even garnered some of their support. even if it was just a game, it had done wonders for her ego.

better yet, a pile of pretty things laid on the ground for their taking. a pile of shiny scales, flowers and feathers. carawaypaw waited until smokestar was finished speaking and cats began to decorate themselves and their new leader to move to the pile of scales. swiftly, she rolled in it dousing her fur in it's silvery sheen. arawaypaw moved quickly to the other pile, she glanced across it, eyes falling onto a pair of lotus flowers. they were a stark white, small, recently flowered. with a grin, she captured them gently in her teeth by the stems and trotted over to @Bumblepaw.

"wanna match with me?" she asked almost giddily, but barely gave her littermate time to confirm or deny before she extended her neck to tuck the stem into the dark fur under their ear. the tabby steps back to admire her work, motioning to the other flower now set on the ground. "help me out, yeah?"

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Love
When Smokestar began his announcement of who would go to the gathering, Moonpaw excitedly moved forward and listened, her head nodding as each cat's name was listed off and a small flicker of relief came through her as she realized her name wasn't mentioned. She had enjoyed the gathering she had gone to when she was first apprenticed and then she had been excited for the future when she could go once more, but now she didn't want to go. Tensions would be high with WindClan and the quiet apprentice didn't want to potentially look into the face of the friendlier WindClanners that she had spoken to when they had been within ShadowClan's territory and have to wonder if their kindness was just a trick.

She watched as others moved forward, placing feathers and scales into their new leader's fur and Moonpaw soon found herself moving then too, quickly running off to her nest to grab flowers she had found growing by the water's edge recently before coming back, long stems covered in blooming red cardinals soon placed at Smokestar's paws before the apprentice offered the other her own small grin. "I want you to have these, too." She'd state, pushing them forward slightly, and if given the go-ahead she'd put them carefully in his tail. Red for his recent victory over WindClan, for strength of a leader, and for protection while he led the clan for the first time as leader to fourtrees.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
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Reactions: lichenstar


A goose feather. Nettlepaw doesn't complain. In fact, he quite likes the idea of decorating his pelt, in a show of solidarity with RiverClan. It was almost as if they'd be showing off to WindClan, a clear gesture of strength despite their attempt on Smokestar's life. He says nothing, but he nods toward Pikesplash, taking the offered feather before placing it at the base of his thick, feathery tail. Other cats were already getting to work in decorating themselves or each other. Even Pikesplash had wandered off to roll in the shimmering scales nearby. Nettlepaw can't help but imagine that they must look similar to StarClan cats, glittering as they all would be.

Quietly weaving around his fellow RiverClanners, Nettlepaw makes his way to the scale pile to shiny up his own fur. He can't see himself, but he presumes he must look pretty shiny, along with the rest of the crowd. Many, including Pikesplash, offer some objects to Smokestar. Nettlepaw doesn't, though. He wouldn't even know what to give. For now, he hangs back, grooming his own fur as best he can. Though Pikesplash had offered help, it seems the apprentice wouldn't need any. Ears twitch as he hears Carawaypaw's voice, but Nettlepaw decides he doesn't want to be in a foul mood right now, so he pointedly ignores the other apprentice as she chatters with Bumblepaw. When his mentor returns to the blind youth's side, he will find that his apprentice is both well groomed and well decorated, the goose feather sitting nicely at the base of his tail.
die with memories , not dreams .
He wasn’t amongst the ones to attend the gathering, but Dawnstorm was curious about the assortment of miscellaneous items that’d been gathered. His helm tilted, blinking at the sight of cats tangling small objects into another one’s fur, purring and speaking in solemn tones. He couldn’t help but look for Cedar or Frond, standing to his full height on tippy toes which wasn’t needed, but he felt like a small child looking for his parents. Oh, right. He had a father somewhere and a mother who looked at him with such disgust that she had refused to name him. But she was dead and so were his older siblings. His fault. His father had told them, sneering at a small-minded child with such viscousness that Kaede had feared for his life.

Not anymore.

His was father’s great accomplishment, or well—Dawnstorm frowned. Was that normal? He thought so, but watching his clanmates mingle brought a wave of some kind of emotion that he couldn’t pinpoint. Maybe he was getting sick? “Oh.” He patted his chest fluff with a questioning blink of his dual-toned optics.

He still couldn’t wrap his head around everything. Clancats were weird, but nice, something he had been trying to say but never found the right way of saying it. Giving them random gifts wasn’t a wonderful plan, but Kaede never had a good way with words or anything that had anything social in the word. “Good luck?” He uttered, confused. Did they need luck? Smokestar had mentioned announcing WindClan’s treachery which didn’t settle well with the tom. Was it safe? He frowned, glancing over at his Ripply Colony family.
thought speech
Upon arrival, her face soured with upset at the mention of Highstone's. News of Smokestar's assault had infuriated the small apprentice. Their throat had even closed with emotions and her pelt bristled from fury when she'd gotten the word. Thankfully, Starclan had other plans in mind for them and Smokestar was here and thriving. Knowing they were going to be okay filled the new apprentice with hope. Her knowledge of the entire ordeal was still rather naive, but she knew pride was the only way to describe her fluxing thoughts. Their new leader had already been through so much and almost met certain death, yet he still stood in front of them like a pillar. With or without his nine lives, the tom seemed to persevere with the ferocity of a hundred. At least that's what most of the Queen's told her in the aftermath of the battle.

As he spoke her head shot up at the mention of the gathering and gifts. Joy quickly blocked out the gloom as news of her attendance hit Bumblepaw's tall ears. My first gathering! Smokestar was here, and her family was happy and healthy. For a moment, she felt like things might go right. Even in the event of a confrontation, there was no way Windclan would be right in this matter. It was wrong. Letting the angry feelings pass, the piles of decoration tempted her. At the end of the spiel, she rushed to the pile and immediately picked through. Rolling herself first in scales and neatly picked the prettiest of blue and white petals to decorate her tail. Now her dark pelt glimmered like the night sky and her long feathery tail flowed with matching petals. Once she placed the final petal, a gorgeous pile of bug parts called her name.

Finding her earlier contribution, Bumblepaw grinned widely as she observed the shimmer of the translucent accessory. Gently scooping up two wings with her mouth and turning to find a particular Tom. However, she was instead greeted with the bedazzled complexion of Carawaypaw. Surprise lit up her gaze as something pushed through her coat and snuggly atop her shoulder. Glancing down, she spotted the beautiful white petals of the Lily. Awe-struck and grateful, her tail waved giddily. With a mouthful of delicate items, she could not meow, but her eyes squinted from happiness. Her previous idea was tossed as she reached around the other she-cat and aimed to tuck one wing into the base of her tail. Attempting to show her thankfulness in the gesture alone. In silent acknowledgment, she aimed to brush alongside her sister before bounding off to their goal. Time to apologize. Determination fueled her steps while the last wing stayed put.

Spotting Nettlepaw tucked to the back and adorned in a brown feather, her heart rate settled, knowing they would be alone. Trying to make her presence known, she put a bit more weight into each step and grunted aloud. Once she arrived, Bumblepaw set the wing down in front of them so she could speak. Gently talking, with a notable shyness in her tone. "Hey, Nettlepaw." Holding her breath a moment longer, she prepared mentally before continuing. "I'm sorry for walking off a few days ago and avoiding you." Gazing at his usual unimpressed expression back to the ground.

She winced at the poor wording as her nerves bundled tighter. "I-It's not because we aren't cool or anything. When we were sparring, I should've paid better attention. I didn't want to tell you to stop either when we should have so it's my fault." Her voice jumped with nervous laughter as she realized the spiel had exceeded what was socially acceptable. Shaking it off, the ebony molly blubbers out her nagging thoughts. "I got you a dragonfly wing as a peace offering, and I think it would look nice on you." Alas, her rambling fizzled to silence as she waited for what was bound to come. Swallowing harshly while her eyes anxiously fixated on the wing between their paws.
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Reactions: lichenstar
Iciclefang had hoped she’d be called to attend this Gathering; the tortoiseshell she-cat blinks with pleasure as Smokestar calls her name. She rises to her paws, leaning over to give her shoulder a thorough, nipping lick before she smooth the fur back into place. The other cats flock to the piles of decorations the apprentices had gathered prior to the meeting, but she deftly ignores them—or she would have, if her apprentice hadn’t approached, a question on the tip of his tongue.

She looks at him, a cool smile just slightly creasing her muzzle. “I have never been one to put things in my fur. Today will be no different.” She had always been smooth-pelted, muscular, and otter-sleek, with good proportions and strong features. Her apprentice, on the other hand, is like an insect larvae half-molted from its shell. Perhaps he feels awkward adorning such large ears with petals or wings, Iciclefang muses.

She suppresses a dry chuckle as he remarks that his sister will likely bedeck her pelt. “Oh, I imagine both of my brothers will be doing it, too.” She shrugs. “My pelt looks fine the way it is. But there’s no shame in indulging, if that’s what you want to do. The rest of the Clan loves to do it.

, ”


As he picks at his fur in relative silence, the boy is surprised to hear the foot-falls of another approaching his position. By scent, he knows it isn't Pikesplash, but rather, a different RiverClanner entirely. Someone unexpected, perhaps. The boy's sightless eyes flicker across Bumblepaw's form as they approach, placing something upon the ground between their paws. Nettlepaw sniffs, but can't make out what it might be.

As the other apprentice speaks, an ear flicks in acknowledgement, though the boy finds himself unsure of how to reply. He doesn't think his failure in their spar was her fault. He clearly needed to learn how to adapt in combat, given his lack of sight.

Still, a part of him appreciates the apology, not because he blamed Bumblepaw, but because it was a gesture rarely extended to the young mink tom. Most of his days were spent training, trying to hunt, trying to fight, trying to succeed. The few times he chattered with other apprentices, it was almost always negative. Particularly if Carawaypaw happened to be nearby to sour the boy's mood.

This small gesture of friendliness, of peace, made the headstrong tom feel a bit warmer inside, though. He offers Bumblepaw the barest wisp of a smile, something rarely seen upon Nettlepaw's stoic features.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault that happened. I was just... really focused on practice, that's all." He admits with a quiet purr. "Besides, I didn't get hurt or anything." Nettlepaw assures them. He sniffs at the dragonfly wing, acknowledging the gift with a swish of his thickly furred tail. "Thank you." The youth offers in a tone that was a bit unusually gentle for Nettlepaw.

"Where do you think it would look best?" He inquires, trying to picture where to put the wing. It is then that he realizes that he has nothing to give Bumblepaw in return. He supposes those who offered gifts rarely did so as a trade, but still, Nettlepaw feels a bit of a pang at the thought. I'll find her something later, he thinks to himself after a moment. A returning gesture of friendship, and they could wear it to the next gathering, if they wanted.
𓆝 . ° ✦ If Nightfish has come to enjoy the Gatherings, it’s mostly because of this little ritual of theirs beforehand. He is a little vain — most river cats are, he’s found, since they are so well-built and sleek-pelted thanks to their diet (the one advantage of living around so much water) — so it stands to reason he would like decorating himself before joining the other clans under the moonlight.

And he does share what he has, though he’s rarely been on the receiving end of the dotting attention currently aimed at their new leader: he, huh, he tends to react unpredictably to others sneaking objects into his fur. Often brutally. He’s working on it. In the meantime, he’s taken care of himself, rolling in the glittering fishscales piled up in a corner of camp so his dark pelt sparkles like tiny stars under the stark moon-high luminescence; and now he takes his turn offering some of it to Smoky-star. That’ll show the rest of them that their leader isn’t to be trifled with.

“Yeah, we’ll need luck alright,” he huffs at Dawn’s hesitant well-wishes. “I can’t help with that, but I—” he stops with his pawful of scales when he sees that one bubbly apprentice offering Smoke the same. “Well, I also have scales. If anyone wants some for their pelt,” he finishes, disgruntled.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.

-ˋˏ ˎˊ- bumblepaw could not speak, mouth too full of decoration to utter anything. the frail wing of a dragonfly was tucked gently into her tail in return, but her appreciative grin did not last for long.

bumblepaw sped off towards nettlepaw... nettlepaw? her sibling offered him a twin wing, he regarded them with a warmth that she didn't even believe he was capable of. happiness fizzled and faded, carawaypaw barely withheld a gasp. were they friends? her chest moved quickly, surely not, surely her eyes deceived her as they flicked rapidly between the two apprentices. this had to be one of his schemes, a long-winded plot to ruin her life. sharply, she turned away stalking off to the river's bank where she would linger until they all left.

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Others swarm Smokestar after she steps away, coming from even the youngest of their number. Hazecloud had already stolen her attention, unaware to the parade of decor that would be adorned upon him until they were prepared to leave-- She displays a hand-crafted gift, one improvised but its purpose understood all the same. Pressing her nose quickly to the other molly's cheek, it is a brief show of affection but one easily enough mistaken for friendliness (hopefully) before admiring the feather more intensely.

Dyed.. not unalike the stone she'd rescued from Otterpaw. "A cardinal huh," she responds with a softened gaze, "I don't think anyone will be able to miss it." It was more important than just a piece of decor amongst fur- the meaning, the intent... a public admission. Another confirmation Lichentail had been denied years prior...

A reassurance desperately needed.

"I'll try not to embarrass you then..." It is... mostly a joke, some of it anxiety. It felt weird not to comment on how the moon's soft rays made her look almost wisp-like in appearance... but she wasn't a girl that loved commentary on her appearance (she'd learned that the hard way- a cuffed ear not soon to be forgotten). But stars... it was hard to deny. "You look like a ghost," is what comes out instead... meaning to be a compliment except for that it... isn't one by anyone else's standards.​