sensitive topics WHY WOULD YOU GO WITHOUT ME? // lone kitten

Feb 26, 2024
Leafbare was upon the land, with Newleaf coming around the corner. If the sharp chill in the air isn't enough to show for it, snowflakes becoming a frequent visitor. A black and orange tabby tortie molly, slithered under the cover of the frosty undergrowth of the vast forest. Long since passed over the scent marker, and the cloudy sky beginning to dim into pastel hues of orange, yellows and reds.

No matter. She was where she wanted to be. Clasped in her jaws was a tiny ball of pitch black, splashes of orange and bits of white. A mini her but mild in color. Lulled by the gentle swing by its scruff, the kitten was sleeping as his mother moved under logs and pass bushes. The mother, slowed her steps to a halt narrowing her eyes as she studied her surroundings before leaning down to plant her son underneath some frost covered brambles. The queen nudged her son with her nose- scarcely checking over her slowly waking son. "Wait here." the molly softly commanded. Quite unexpected, to her equally dark and orange fur one would expect her sound stern and cold with a pelt like hers. The kittens eyes blinked up at his mother, nodding at her words as his paws touched the snow. "Yes, mother.." the kitten mumbled a reply. The molly let out a soft chuckle, at her son's bored sounding reply before leaning down to rub her cheek against her kit. "I'll be back soon, just stay here in the meantime." Her last time unfortunately... She lifted herself up from her still sleepy kitten, perking her dark ears up as she stepped away from the snow-covered bramble bush. She turned her body around and went back the way she came, pausing to glance back at her son.. her heart shattered in chest at what she was doing. Leaving her kitten in the wide world with no warm motherly protection. She lets out a sigh, heavy eyebags showing under her eyes as she waved her plumed tail 'goodbye' to her kit. One last look then she disappeared into the forest.

The kitten waited.

And waited.

He waited some more....

Coming back to the land of the living, having fallen asleep several times, warmed only by his long fur and the shelter of the twisting brambles overhead. Startled awake by the sounds of the woodland creatures and faint howls, he snapped his eyes open and lifted his head from his curled up form. He unwind his body, to shuffle forwards to peek out the bramble bush. His mother had not returned to him. He was used to this by now, him and his littermates were all bundled together as they all waited for their mother to return carrying prey or gifts. But... this is the longest time she's been away, his littermates too.. He doesn't like this. Not one bit.

The kitten took his first trembling steps out of the safety out of his bramble bush and into the forest. "Mother?" came a word, a whisper from the kitten as he stepped into her footprints. He hopped the next one. And so one by one, he crouched and hopped into each of his mother's footprint. His little mind wondered with questions of where is she? could be having trouble finding prey? what if she got lost? or.. o-or if she doesn't like me anymore?... No. He shook his head from that last thought, not wanting to start crying like a little baby he's a big cat! he's b-brave! The little tortie kitten ventured from his temporary hiding spot, to hop in his quickly fading mother's footprints. After a while he paused, lifting his head to look around. He's utterly lost. He hears creaking of branches and nearby rodent chatter, black and dark ginger coat prickling with panic. He shivers slightly, as he turned his little body scrabbling to any nearby shelter to hide in. He shouldn't never left his bramble bush. "Mama!" He mews in a panic, calling out to his mother, one he could not smell or see. He eventually scrambled blindly to large, hulking tree with stretching branches. All he could see is a big hollow, so quickly scrabbles inside of it. He halts inside it. He then turned his body around, as he looked out in the vast forest. Dark kitten spine arching slightly as he pinned his ears back with wide eyes flicking back and forth. He doesn't wanna be here! He wants to go home!

  • ooc: scared little baby left in thunderclan land. hiding in the great sycamore :3 this is open to anyone!
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( erm.. i don't get it ) UNNAMED : loner kitten
    — cismale ; HE / HIM ; currently 2 moons
    ☾ undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a LH black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ff7844"
    — smells of fresh caramelized apples, spiced herbs & damp earth musk

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
as of late, leafhusk didn’t enjoy leaving camp. predators lurked every corner, it had taken forever to get the scent of the discarded deer from her nostrils. unfortunately, she couldn’t afford to become agoraphobic. if there’s no patrols, then thunderclan can’t keep track of the animals taking shelter in their territory. soft, careful paws guide her across the undergrowth. a loud, shrill squeak of a kitten makes her head turn.

"what was that?" a confused frown tugs at her lips, briefly turning to her clanmates to see if any of them had heard it.

her head lifts up, tasting the air to pick up scents she couldn’t recognize. she begins to follow the trail, pushing past the foliage until the familiar tree comes in view. the form of the scared, shaking kitten is hard to miss, and the molly’s heart twists. how many is this now, three? she makes a mental note to check for stray bodies if it’s not risky.

"um… hey, kid." why couldn’t someone good with kits find this one? "are you cold? where’s your mama?" leafhusk hesitantly approaches, keeping her voice soft, trying to mimic queens she’s seen before.​
He flinches, at the unfamiliar scent of a cat. That's not mama. Hazel eyes flicker up at the fawn colored stranger, he remembers what mother told him to not speak to any strangers. He bites at his bottom lip, some kitten teeth poking out of his mouth. His body shivers as he squeaks out shaky words at the stranger. "M-mother told me to s-stay under a spiky bush, so she c-could... um.." He trails off from his sentence, pausing abruptly.

The little tortie doesn't know where his mother went, she never told him. He's cold. He wants to get out of this scary, loud forest, and go back to his comfortable home. But he can't, he was told to stay here. He lifts his head up from his arching postion at the back of the hollow tree. Nervous, he shuffles his paws to emerge from the darkened hole keeping his head down as he came forth towards the longhaired molly. His eyes glacne up from his hunched over form to study the light brown molly. She looks like mama, but not. Colors all wrong. He looks back down at his dark paws, shuffling them in the cold ground below. As he waits for the adult to answer. He's not in trouble.... is he?

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( erm.. i don't get it ) UNNAMED : loner kitten
    — amab ; HE / HIM ; currently 2 moons
    ☾ undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a LH black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ff7844"
    — smells of fresh caramelized apples, spiced herbs & damp earth musk

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
// throwing stormy into this one cuz howling is already in the two others LOL but I'll bring her in when they return to camp!

Stormywing looks to Leafhusk in confusion. She'd been too caught up in the scent of a vole to notice the crying that her clanmate apparently heard. "What was what?" She asks, but the other she-cat is already off, pushing through foliage until they get to the Great Sycamore. The tabby narrows her eyes in curiosity, showing reluctance but ultimately following close behind her. They get to the clearing and she scans the area for any trace of the wolves, ears pinned and tail lashing, before she looks over at Leafhusk.

A...kit? Stormywing's brow raises as she approaches right behind the other warrior, gawking. "This is, like, the third one to be dumped here!" She exclaims, forgetting to keep her voice down. Staring down at the kit, she frowns and shakes her head. What kind of queen does that? Defaulting to the older, more experienced warrior, she looks to Leafhusk for direction.

One kit dumped at their border within the moon was not out of the norms, ThunderClan was a group of cats that anyone might want to be a part of. The prey was rich, the cats noble and strong, he can see why a loner would look at them and, wishing for a better life for their children, would leave their kits upon their borders. Two was a coincidence. But three? "This is getting ridiculous, the forest is not safe right now" he says, voice low, his sun colored eyes never leaving the third kit to be left waiting in the brush. Like prey delivered right to the wolves den.

He shakes his head "We'll talk about it later, for now we should take this kit back to camp with us and report to Howlingstar" he has no doubt his grandmother will allow him to stay. "Hey, kid, it's alright. We're going to take you to our home so you can be safe and warm, and then we'll look for your mama okay?" His words are meant to be comforting and nothing more. They could look, but Burnstorm doubts they would find any trace of the she-cat who left him here.

// Apprentice tag @badgerpaw

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
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the poor kit looks like it’s about to implode from fear. leafhusk would feel bad if her attention wasn’t partially focused on the wolves patrolling about. she’s thankful burnstorm spoke up first, and she nods in agreement. another careful step towards the child, since it looks like he’s somewhat comfortable about her presence. too bad she lacks the mother’s instinct.

"you can’t stay out here, it’s not safe. but don’t worry, we’ll take care of you. the walks not long, but, if you’re tired, i could carry you." the colorpoint mews, flicking her tail against the ground for the kid to follow.​
More strangers approach him and this nice adult, their voices sound strange and their scents overwhelm him. Flinching a little, he looks up at the adults emerging behind the fawn molly. He crouches down, ears still flatted against his skull as they ask questions toward him. He tries not to be overwhelmed but he can't help it! He's terrified! He's of course seen other strays in passing but not so much, minding their own business. He squeaks, as he lets hazel eyes flick up at the loud sounding tabby standing next to the nice fawn colored one.

The kitten looks lifts his head, ears still flatted against his head as he looks up at a large cat who asked him a question. "H-huh?... Safe? W-warm? O-o-okay" he stumbles over his words, turning his gaze to the stranger. He shivers as he felt a breeze hit his pelt, his bottom lip wobbles as he felt so overwhelmed now that he wants to cry. He doesn't know anyone here! Eventually after a moment of silence, he creeps forward feeling his paws and legs grow numb to the cold. He shuffles to the nice brown-furred molly that talked to him earlier. "M'c-cold, carry pah-please.." he whispers in a broken mew. He reaches to the molly's brown colored paw to press his body against it. He flicks an ear as he heard the nice adult say he she could carry him, he thinks it over in his little noggin. Before he looks up at her, eyes blinking slowly with a shaky nod of his head. He doesn't wanna stay here for any longer.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( erm.. i don't get it ) UNNAMED : loner kitten
    — amab ; HE / HIM ; currently 2 moons
    ☾ undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a LH black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ff7844"
    — smells of fresh caramelized apples, spiced herbs & damp earth musk

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone