private wild berry fever // thistlepaw

Jul 19, 2024
The moss she grabs is brittle - dry and falling apart before she can fully claw it from the rotting stump. The chill has wasted it away, she finds, and pathetically she does not continue the effort. Instead, Bunnypaw leans back onto her haunches and looks about the patrol around her.

Her brother is nearby; the tom has grown hateful, both inwards and outwards, but he's... family. She trusts him. She followed him and many others onto RiverClan territory, for StarClan's sake, despite the many discomforts and fears it wrought through her mind. Her mind wanders over his paws, wondering if he has any better luck with gathering bedding material. Is it another night on decaying leaves? At least it masks their scent in the morning, she supposes.

"Any luck?" she calls to him quietly, ears folding back for a moment before standing once again.

[ rolled a 5 for materials :,) @THISTLEPAW ! ]​


The frosted moors are uncomfortable to the touch. At times, he fears he might slip and make a fool of himself in front of his clanmates, in front of his family. His claws unsheathe when he feels his steps faltering, seeking stabilization ( it has been like this for him, for a while now, hasn't it? Claws serving as support. . . )

The apprentice watches his sister carefully, sharply; some predator might show at any moment, and he needs to be there to protect her, to save her ( different from how he'd failed to save their mother ). Any luck? Bunnypaw calls, and he snaps out of his thoughts. "No," His reply is low as he pads up beside her, his whole demeanor softening. "How are you?"

  • ooc. — rolled a 4 :dead:

  • LH Seal-point with low white

  • 86158482_6L3qEoeoEdg2JY4.png
    THISTLEPAW he / him apprentice of windclan
    son of Rattleheart x Venomstrike, brother to Bunnypaw, Crunchykit, Breezepaw and Splinterpaw.
    Lissom seal-point prickly-furred feline with white markings on his face, chest, belly, paws and tail. His tail is long and has a tufted tip.
    "speech" thoughts

No. Bunnypaw sports a pout as the negative reaches her ears. It turns out there's no comfort in not being alone; they may be failures together, but that means they're failing twice as hard in suddenly the worst season to do so. She almost doesn't hear his softer tone pitching, the blood rushing in her ears as she thinks of the ridicule (that, admittedly, never comes. Sedgepounce always says another day. And Scorchstar never plagues them in inquiries or disappointment either.)

"Huh?" she speaks, looking back to him with the same suddenness he afforded her a moment ago. "Oh. I'm... I'm fine. It just... kinda sucks to be useless," she mutters shortly after, ears pinning back as she looks back to her paws. She realizes how pathetic her words are and is quick to shift the subject further, stumbling over her own words. "How's it with Gravelsnap? I heard his apprentices are - er, pretty well trained." Thriftfeather had been one of them. She wonders if this bothers him.​