WindClan's Bouquet Event!

Jan 4, 2023
"love is the flower you've got to let grow."

  • Welcome to Windclan's new event to celebrate surviving through leaf-bare and making it to new-leaf! Now you get to build a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers!! This is a prompt and point based event. If you have any questions that cannot be answered by the FAQ below, just let one of us on the HP team know!
  • How do I participate? ❀
    This event will begin March 2nd. Participants will use the form below to enter their characters, and starting March 8th, the HP team will begin to reach out to participants with their assigned flower and beginning prompt! Please note that you can still submit a form after March 8th!
    What do I do after I get my flower? ❀
    Reach out to your Clanmates! The goal of the game is to broaden your bouquet. Use your prompt as a starting point and have fun collecting new flowers! Once you have multiple flowers, you can then begin to share those, too!
    How do I get new flowers? ❀
    In two ways!
    - One way will be to participate in open threads, where someone is offering their flower! The original poster will get a pick of the replies for what flower they want, but the responders will obtain the original poster's flower!
    - Another way is to participate in a private thread with another, where you will "swap" flowers - keeping your own but still gaining an additional one!
    All in all, you will never lose flowers. Your bouquet will only grow larger!
    I've collected a few flowers, what now? ❀
    Every three subsequent flowers earn you a new prompt - for clarity's sake, at 4, 7, 10, and 13! Reach out to the HP team for your new prompt. Additionally, if you manage to collect all 15 flowers for your bouquet, the HP team will cook up a fun personal prompt JUST for your character!
    How are the prompts decided? ❀
    The HP team has a shared document - every flower corresponds with a unique prompt! Prompts are not necessary to progress in this event. They are simply guides to help one another out!
    How do I know a flower is being offered? ❀
    We are asking every participating thread to be new leaf themed or prompt related, as well as to have a flower (❁❀✿✾✽) somewhere in the title. We also ask for a clear OOC note of which flower is being offered!
    Is there a prize or badge for this event? ❀
    This event is purely for fun and to encourage plotting between everyone!​
  • Code:
    [B]Character Name:[/B]
    [b]Discord Channel Name:[/b] If you are not Clan's Discord, leave blank! We will contact you on site!
    [B]What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?:[/b]
    [B]Character Name:[/b]
    Flower - Link to Thread
    Flower - Link to Thread
  • ✾ DAFFODIL - Laurelpaw
    ✾ DOGROSE - Foxglare
    ✾ FOXGLOVE - Vulturepaw, Scorchstar
    ✾ GORSE - Celandinepaw
    ✾ HEATHER - Bluefrost
    ✾ HYDRANGEA - Windykit
    ✾ LAVENDER - Comfreypaw
    ✾ LILY OF THE VALLEY - Silkpaw
    ✾ NIGHTSHADE - Thriftfeather, Sootpaw
    ✾ ORCHID - Stoatpaw
    ✾ PEONY - Tinytail, Cottonsprig
    ✾ POPPY - Sedgepounce, Whispersong
    ✾ SNAPDRAGON - Brackenscar
    ✾ SUNFLOWER - Deerpetal, Mallowtail
    ✾ TULIP - Antkit
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Character Name: cottonsprig
Discord Channel Name: #🌿you-know-like-nya (my cringe is keeping up with me)
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: cottie is looking forward to the warmer weather and far less frostbite! she wants to enjoy the new leaf growth with her friends and family before it gets too hot in greenleaf ♡
Character Name: deerpetal
Discord Channel Name: #solaires-sanctuary
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: funny enough, the flowers!! his most special memories all involve flowers in some way. he's also looking forward to being able to properly feed his clan again <3
Character Name: Stoatpaw
Discord Channel Name: Stoats-Shinies
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: Being able to enjoy warm nights under the stars and in the cool grass, along with seeing all the new plants and animals!
Character Name: Antkit
Discord Channel Name: #Jays-jams
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: Antkit has never seen new-leaf before but I think he's definitely looking forward to the warmer weather!
Character Name: Mallowtail
Discord Channel Name: yeomnas-yacht
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: mallow looks forward to seeing everything that new leaf brings from the blossoming of flowers, return of birds and other hibernating wildlife and more as hopefully better comes with the season.
Character Name: Brackenscar
Discord Channel Name: Juices-jamboree
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: To see the bugs come back in abundance and to finally not deal with the snow anymore
Character Name: Sootkit
Discord Channel Name: #noors-nook
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: Sootkit is most looking forward to her impending apprentice ceremony, and with this being her first new-leaf, getting to see all the blooming flowers/ moorland greenery she's heard about :)
Character Name: laurelpaw
Discord Channel Name: #vespers-village
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: laurel is looking forward to finally becoming a warrior this season, and gaining the freedoms that that entails (although she's NOT looking forward to having to have her ceremony without rowan </3); she's also happy that there's no more snow, and that they'll have more prey and herbs
Character Name: Whispersong
Discord Channel Name: #snowys-ski-park
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: The warmth and lack of snow. It's easier to wander when her paws don't freeze to the ground

Character Name: Tinytail
Discord Channel Name: #snowys-ski-park
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: The ground no longer being frozen. It's easier to dig when its not frozen after all.
Character Name: sedgepounce
Discord Channel Name: cattus-bellum
What is your character looking forward to in New Leaf?: the fair weather, the flowers blooming, and the confidence that the hardships of leafbare are over!