Winter Prompt Badge Claim ['23-'24]


Jul 14, 2022

RiverClan WINTER Prompt Event Badge Claim
If you completed all four of your winter prompts from THIS EVENT then post below with the following form to recieve your badge!

Character Name: Include the @
Link to Prompts: Include the prompts themselves listed with the links.

[b]Character Name:[/b] Include the @
[b]Link to Prompts:[/b] Include the prompts themselves listed with the links.

Please be patient and allow staff time to assign badges!

Character Name: @Moonpaw
Link to Prompts:
- [X] pigeon blue, "ritual", Nightfish
- [X]Moonpaw has been known to deliver flowers as symbols of her affections, her good will and hopeful nature. A clan-mate decides to return the favor but the meaning of their flower implies something far deeper than idle friendship! Does she tell them they've accidentally professed their love in the chosen petals or is she too embarrassed to correct them?
- [X]Undertaking new duties is daunting enough but with RiverClan's history for medicine cats and their untimely demises, it's no small wonder the elders gossip nervously about her 'cursed' promotion, unawares of her ears listening nearby.
- [X]Courage does not come easily- time and again Moonpaw has found strength in others to build her up but not this time. She encounters something frightening and is forced to muster up bravery all on her own.
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Character Name: @FOXTAIL
Link to Prompts:
- daffodil yellow, "dignity", Nettlepaw link
- The ice harbors a terror for Foxtail... he spots someone else testing their weight on it and panics! Don't stand on that! link
- RiverClan has been recovering but tensions between clan-mates are evidently still high- the apprentices have been bickering more than usual and Foxtail tries his best to teach them the value of life, to honor each other just like we honor our prey! link
- Trying to help some shivering bodies warm up, Foxtail suggests a group of RiverClanners race to the beech copse! Does he bribe participants with a prize? link
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Character Name: @DEACON
Link to Prompts:
- the reflective surface of copper, "absolute", Dewcloud -
- Clan life is different still, how is Thornmask adjusting, is there anything specifically they hate and will never get used to? -—-advice-pafp.11072/#post-71313
- The mountains were often covered in snow so the change in weather is nothing new to them, is Thornmask adaptable to this new climate? Did they ever struggle before? Are they more comfortable in such cold weather than not? -
- Overhearing an arguement between clanmates, Thornmask attempts to interject with perhaps not the best advice and ends up striking the ire of both; how do we solve this dillema? -
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Character Name: @Starlightpaw
Link to Prompts:
1. SHAPES IN THE SILENCE A cool sapphire blue, "whimsy", Dipperpaw.
2. DROWNING IN ANEMONE A fellow apprentice plays a prank on them and douses them in water while asleep with a dripping moss.
3. CRYSTALLINE Snow has began to form over branches and bushes making Starlightpaw's dark pelt stand out all the more.
4. LIKE MY SOUL Starlightpaw overhears two elders muttering of his name being a curse and the reason for RiverClan's recent struggles.
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Character Name: @FERNGILL
Link to Prompts:
- Seaglass green, "abandoned", Lakemoon \ WILL YOU RUN FOR THE SEA
- Named for his skills in swimming, an honor for a cat of the waterborn clan, but how does Ferngill handle the river at its worse - freezing and rushing rapids that threaten to sweep away even the strongest of swimmers. \ THERE GOES MY HERO
- Though the same age as his sister, Ferngill was held back while she achieved new heights - does he have any similars goals in mind for himself or is he content getting by and doing his best? Does Ferngill aspire to lead one day, does Ferngill consider medicine a possible path? What are his life goals? \ ODD MELANCHOLY FEELING
- The cats he journeyed with had never given him worry they might turn, but to find out WindClan is back to its usual violence and entitlement makes him wonder - are the cats he traveled with for so long in agreement with their clan or just as baffled as the rest of the forest? Maybe he should find out. \ PULL YOU FROM THE TIDE
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Character Name: @Asphodelpaw
Link to Prompts:
Ruthlessness is mercy || [the normally bitter apprentice takes comfort in the presence of some of the clan's drypaws.]
Reeks of false righteousness || [an order given to him seems arbitrary and he struggles with whether or not to obey it.]
you're not even great || [he notices something sharp dangling from the branches of the trees]
But mostly me || [a dark vanilla, "hover", Iciclefang]

Character Name: @Silverbreath
Link to Prompts:
Pass the brain cell || [ nevada gray, "pattern", Bubblepaw ]
When the sun loves the moon [Offering some cryptic reassurance to the wrong, grouchy clan-mate gets him chewed out!]
Dear Theadosia ||
Dos Oruguitas || [Silverbreath notices little icicles forming at the ends of his whiskers]
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Character Name: @DAWNSTORM
Link to Prompts:
- cardinal red, "routine", pikesplash [ X ]
- dawnstorm has always lingered in the shadow of his father... but when he notices a clan-mate bristling with anger after overhearing one of his father's "kindly" lectures, he's led to believe maybe this isn't normal. [ X ]
- integrating into the clan means learning new turns of phrase- what are some idioms or phrases that he's struggled to decipher? does he ask for a translation? [ X ]
- put out to hunt again, dawnstorm thinks back to a time when he was demanded to catch five fish before returning home, lest he disappoint his colony- his clan-mates have caught less than that but urge him the day is done and do not seem nearly so bothered by their smaller successes. [ X ]
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— " SITTING ON A SATELLITE " - tansy yellow, "ephemeral", smokestar
— " STRAWBERRY WINE " - riverclan has always been the clan most known for collecting its pretty trinkets, but gillsight comes across a veritable goldmine of sorts when he finds an odd two-leg thing with a crinkling exterior that looks like a shimmering stone! (rock candy)
— " TIME MOVED TOO FAST " - gillsight is one of riverclan's first cats to be named warriors from a young age, surely there are many apprentices who admire him and look to him for guidance. in fact, he catches a few staring at him with interest! how embarrassing!
— " HEAR IT IN THE SILENCE " - leafbare is hardly the time for taking mates or having families, but in a passing discussion someone asks gillsight what he'd look for in a partner. is he even interested at all?

— " MISS YOU LIKE A LITTLE KID " - gunmetal gray, "lackadaisical", cedarblaze
— " LIGHTSPEED INTERNET " - dewcloud has decided that clan names are boring anyways, why not assign everyone a loner name to fit them better instead? after all 'dew' was already perfect without the extra word!
— " SPINNING OUT WAITING FOR YOU " - a brisk walk turns disastrous when dewcloud's paw slips and they go tumbling across the ice, sliding to the center. are they able to get back to land? is it worth trying to stand when the ice may crack with the slightest weight?
— " BLURRING OUT MY PERIPHERY " - it's snowing often but today the clan awakens to find a light chilling drizzle instead, nothing like the warm spring rains that once brought dew comfort, in fact you could even say this does the opposite...
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Character Name:

DECEMBER TO REMEMBER : A sickly shade of yellow, "warmth", Willowroot
SEEING YOU IN EVERY SNOWFLAKE : What kind of romantic interest does Dipperpaw have? What is she looking for in a partner?
LOST MYSELF IN THE NIGHT : A night hunt reveals a star streaking across the sky, there is an old elder's tale that a falling star is a sign StarClan has cast someone out or a cat is being reborn into a newborn kitten.
WAITING FOR THE SKY TO CHANGE ME : Dipperpaw has a nightmare of being given a very subpar warrior name that does not suit her not speak of her skills.
Character Name: @Snakeblink
Link to Prompts: HEAR THE SNAKE CHARMER — cream, "fleeting", Aspenhaze
YOU CAN DISH IT OUT, BUT CAN YOU TAKE IT — Snakeblink is known for meddling in romantic affairs but he is not prepared to have that energy redirected back to him.
Exhaustion cannot be avoided with work forever... while waiting for a fish to catch, he accidentally falls asleep sitting up.
LURKING IN THE DARK — It isn't intentional this time but Snakeblink manages to scare the pelt off of a clan-mate who was busy daydreaming. Maybe learn to announce yourself better?
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Character Name: @willowroot
Link to Prompts: [x] "not everyone has the soft tongue needed for nurturing children- one warrior's words are particularly harsh and she jumps to remind them of their own fool-hardy youth."
[x] "willowroot's gentler nature is most known by riverclan's youngest generations- but when they openly defy her, risk themselves foolishly, her patience is worn too thin."
[x] "olive drab, "carve", crashingtide"
[x] in a winter past, willowroot suffered unfortunate luck with a leaf-bare litter. how does she feel, knowing someone else is traveling that same, dangerous path?"
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Character Name: @BEEPAW
Link to Prompts: - PODEROSO / basalt gray, "tendency", Apricotflower
- THE GIVING TREE / Beepaw is still a fairly young apprentice, despite the traumas that age her- she manages to catch a pretty impressively sized fish and decides to share it with one of her youngers the same way Cicadastar once did. A bite with a scale...
- I'M GONNA MAKE YOU KISS THE SKY TONIGHT / While trying to bring a gift to a friend, Beepaw slips in the snow and loses sight of her prize!
- GRINNING TEETH / Having a taste for battle, Beepaw is maybe a little overzealous with some border patrol banter.
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Character Name: @BITEPAW
Link to Prompts: YOU CAN KICK DIRT - Playing at what section of the river nears the camp's edges, he comes into contact with ice for the first time. Reckless and delighted by the way it shatters under-foot, he finds out quickly it is just as sharp as his claws at its fractured edges-- yeeowch!!
WINTERSPRING - It is no secret he butts heads with his den-mates, often resulting in expulsion from the nursery to 'cool off'. He takes this suggestion literally and jumps into a pile of snow only to realize it is much colder than anticipated.
GET SCHOOLED - Bitekit does not seem fond of rules, restriction, and law. He chooses to bother one of the warriors to complain of his impatience to be free and they explain a time without the clans, without order... Is the cost of 'freedom' still worth it when the price is laid out plainly?
ANTSY - claret violet, "contempt", Velvetpaw
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Character Name: @PIKESPLASH
Link to Prompts:
— [x] While trying to stay warm in the night, this silly tom cat accidentally cuddles up with one of his clan-mates! Hopefully his unconscious mind picked a forgiving snooze buddy.
— [x] With the winter approaching, Pikesplash decides now is a great time to check in on his friends and offer them some motivation for getting through the tough, colder months.
— [x] Sand dollar yellow, "nursery", Silverbreath
— [x] Pikesplash has a knack for choosing the worst moments to stick to his more pacifistic morals... but it seems he isn't the only one. For the first time in awhile, he finds someone to connect with on their more lenient nature!

Character Name: @SASHA
Link to Prompts: Include the prompts themselves listed with the links.
— [x] While out hunting Cedarblaze comes across a broken strap on the ground smelling of dog, it seems to be a collar and leash torn to pieces which means the beast is roaming free with no two-leg to control it.
— [x] Champagne rose, "semblance", Lilacbird
— [x] While musing to themself, Cedarblaze tries to come up with 'better' names for them and their fellow Colony cats. Surely they can do a much better job at it!
— [x] When an argument with a clanmate gets too heated, someone whispers a remark that 'of course the outsider' is the one to cause trouble.
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Character Name: @lichentail
Link to Prompts:
- smoke gray, "rabbit," Petalnose
answer: she thinks on WindClan, Sootstar, and tries to encourage petalnose that the two of them could TOTALLY catch a rabbit...

- Lichentail overhears a cat denouncing the value of birds, saying that no true RiverClan cat would choose to hunt them over other prey. Does she respond?
answer: she responds and suggests anyone that complains just uses it as an excuse for being a bad hunter

- In her own eyes, Lichentail has gone from a lead warrior scorned by her leader to the deputy of her Clan. Have her reflect upon her rise to power—what does she believe changed, if anything?
answer: her social skills have improved.. and self-reflection has become more important

- Lichentail is a socially reserved cat, but part of a Clan deputy's job is to be involved in the daily affairs of their Clanmates' lives. It is now up to them to know who despises who so they know who works well together. How does Lichentail acclimate to this part of her position?
here or here but the second wasn't intentional
answer: she chose a little bit of petty violence as a treat, generally tries to be more empathetic​
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Character Name: @robinpaw.
Links to Prompts:
- A rich burgundy, "respire", Brookpaw
- Robinpaw still wears her kittypet collar, but not for lack of trying - several attempts have been made to remove it and all failed. She can hear the murmurs, kittypet said like a curse, she has to do something about this thing until she can remove. Maybe there's a way to make it less noticable?
- Someone plays a cruel prank on her and she awakens to find several dead robin in her nest, the warriors look for the perpetrator to punish but she wonders who could have done this and why?
- Robinpaw watches the last leaf fall from a tree she has passed many times during her excursions outside of camp, it lands at her paws and tells her leafbare is here - how does she feel knowing the clan's struggles have only just begun, does she worry, does she wish she had remained a kittypet where it is warm and she is well fed, does she feel confident going forward?
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Character Name: @Mosspool
Link to Prompts: [x] A dull storm cloud gray, "monolith", Moonpaw
[x] An older warrior jokingly tells Mosspool to practice 'lightening up' and she takes it literally...
[x] During a sparring match she becomes to invested on victory she accidentally wounds her opponent (severity is up to you).
[x] Mosspool returns from the journey to her family alive, but Iciclefang and Ferngill are not so lucky. A nightmare swaps her place with theirs and she returns home to find her sibling Hazepaw/wish dead.
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